Search Results for 'funley'

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  • #4103

    “Give that to me, Funley. You can’t go rifling through my trash can. How many times have I told you? It’s practically stealing.” Ed made a grab for the piece of paper in Funley’s grasp but she held it at arm’s length.

    “I think not, Mr Steam. Not until you have explained this!” She shook the piece of paper in her hand.

    Duncan leaned forward and regarded it quizzically. “It looks like a recipe for bone broth.”

    “Oh what!” said Funley. “Damn it! there must have been another reboot.”


    “You!”, said Jeremy Duncan Jasper before jumping on the woman. “You stole my cat! What have you done to Max ?”
    “I don’t have your cat”, said Funley loudly. She was trying to protect her face as an instinctive reaction and pushed on the ground with her feet. The chair had little wheels which allowed her to escape the man’s grasp, but it bumped on Ed’s desk. She was cornered. She jumped out of the chair and ran behind Ed’s desk followed closely by an angry Jeremy.

    “I assume you already know each others”, said Ed, tugging at his mustache casually.

    “Of course I know her”, said Jeremy in a short breath. He showed his fist angrily. “She was supposedly from the hygiene inspection bureau when I worked at the veterinarian clinic. She stole my cat!”

    “I don’t have your cat”, repeated Funley.

    “What have you done with him old crone ? You gave me all those papers to read and sign and when I came back you were gone… with Max.”

    “Tsk tsk”, said Ed. “We have more important matters to attend to.” He lifted his hand to prevent any objection. “You may or may not have noticed, but I have and that’s the more important. Reality has been rebooting repeatedly, and each time people… or animals”, he said looking at Jeremy, “are disappearing.”

    “You see”, said Funley, “I don’t have your cat.” Jasper snorted and showed his teeth.

    “We need to do something”, concluded Ed.

    “Excuse me”, said Duncan, “but what does that have to do with us ? I’m just a bank employee.”

    “A bank employee, who was a veterinarian, a plumber, a taxi driver, a tech guy at the phone company… and more importantly a map dancer. I need a team of gifted people to maximize our chances of survival.”

    Funley raised an eyebrow. “Mr Steam, à propos”, she said brandishing the paper she had found in the trash can.


    Funley sniffed loudly as she unhurriedly emptied the trash can in Ed Steam’s office, pausing to read any interesting correspondence which may have wound up there. Looking over towards Ed and finding that his attention was still fixed on the computer monitor, she followed her sniff up with a small snort and then a throat clearing noise. When her sniffs and snorts didn’t capture Ed’s attention, she proceeded to blow her nose explosively.

    This did the trick. Ed jumped and looked at Funley in alarm.

    “Whatever is the matter, Funley? Are you ill?”

    “Sorry, didn’t mean to disturb you,” apologised Finnley, pulling up a chair in front of Ed’s desk and seating herself comfortably on it.

    “Actually, if you are not too busy, there is a small problem I’ve been wanting to speak with you about. I promised I would untangle the threads for you however the entanglement situation is worse than I could have imagined in my wildest dreams. Or nightmares for that matter. I don’t know who has been doing the record keeping — although I would hazard a guess at Evangeline — but the cross referencing, where it exists, is appalling and … “

    A tap on the door and the new employee, Duncan Minestrone, popped his head into the office. “You wanted to see me, Mr Steam?” he asked.

    Funley glanced towards the door in exasperation at the interruption and then her expression changed to one of horror.

    Jasper Grok!” she gasped. “What are you doing here?”


    Evangeline gaped at Funley, who was sitting on Ed’s knee trying to wipe his brow with the bottom of her apron while he was trying to eat his buns.

    “The crumbs are all over your thighs, Funley,” Evangeline retorted, “Are those blue bits varicose veins?”

    This scene is getting ridiculous, she thought, and started to cackle at the absurdity.

    Stung at the cackling, Funley whispered fiercely to Ed, “Sack the impertinent wench, give her the boot!”

    “He’ll never settle down with the likes of you, Funley,” responded Evangeline, in a desperate attempt to validate the contribution to the furtherance of the plot with a flimsy attempt at continuity.

    “Poor show!” retorted the erstwhile cleaner. “Increasingly rubbish!”

    She had a point.

    Or did she?


    “Clean up the bun crumbs, Evangeline,” said Funley.


    “Well, that does it. I am withdrawing my resignation,” said Evangeline.
    “Too late,” replied Funley. “But you can have my cleaning job if you want. You’ll have to mind your nails.”


    “There was one other thing, Your Majesty…”

    Finnley, what on earth is the matter with you?” Interrupted Liz.

    “Well, that’s what I’m trying to tell you. I’m going to a party in another story tonight, it’s Funley’s leaving do over on the Cakltown thread. It’s a fancy dress party. The theme is Hierarchy, and I’m practicing groveling.”

    “But it’s not your night off! You can’t go!”

    But it was too late. Finnley had already thread jumped.

    She’ll never be any good at groveling, that one. Far too big for her boots, sniffed Liz.


    But he was not speechless for long.

    “Or was he?” asked an irritating voice from seemingly nowhere.

    Because as luck would have it, Funley the cleaner popped her head in the door to see if the bin needed emptying and overheard Evangeline’s ill-timed and thoughtless words.

    Snooty tart and what a bloody mess there will be to clean up tonight after the party.

    “Don’t worry, Mr Steam, I will untangle this tangled web of threads for you! And I can mop your sweaty brow,” she added sarcastically, rolling her eyes at Evangeline.

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