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  • #7866

    Helix 25 – An Old Guard resurfaces

    Kai Nova had learned to distrust dark corners. In the infinite sterility of the ship, dark corners usually meant two things: malfunctioning lights or trouble.

    Right now, he wasn’t sure which one this meeting was about. Same group, or something else? Suddenly he felt quite in demand for his services. More activity in weeks than he had for years.

    A low-lit section of the maintenance ring, deep enough in the underbelly of Helix 25 that even the most inquisitive bots rarely bothered to scan through. The air smelled faintly of old coolant and ozone. The kind of place someone chose for a meeting when they didn’t want to be found.

    He leaned against a bulkhead, arms crossed, feigning ease while his mind ran over possible exits. “You know, if you wanted to talk, there were easier ways.”

    A voice drifted from the shadows, calm, level. “No. There weren’t.”

    A figure stepped into the dim light—a man, late fifties, but with a presence that made him seem timeless. His sharp features were framed by streaks of white in otherwise dark hair, and his posture was relaxed, measured. The way someone stood when they were used to watching everything.

    Kai immediately pegged him as ex-military, ex-intelligence, ex-something dangerous.

    “Nova,” the man said, tilting his head slightly. “I was beginning to wonder if you’d come.”

    Kai scoffed. “Curiosity got the better of me. And a cryptic summons from someone I’ve never met before? Couldn’t resist. But let’s skip the theatrics—who the hell are you?”

    The man smiled slightly. “You can call me TaiSui.”

    Kai narrowed his eyes. The name tickled something in his memory, but he couldn’t place it.

    “Alright, TaiSui. Let’s cut to the chase. What do you want?”

    TaiSui clasped his hands behind his back, taking his time. “We’ve been watching you, Nova. You’re one of the few left who still understands the ship for what it is. You see the design, the course, the logic behind it.”

    Kai’s jaw tightened. “And?”

    TaiSui exhaled slowly. “Synthia has been compromised. The return to Earth—it’s not part of the mission we’ve given to it. The ship was meant to spread life. A single, endless arc outward. Not to crawl back to the place that failed it.”

    Kai didn’t respond immediately. He had wondered, after the solar flare, after the system adjustments, what had triggered the change in course. He had assumed it was Synthia herself. A logical failsafe.

    But from the look of it, it seemed that something else had overridden it?

    TaiSui studied him carefully. “The truth is, Nova, the AI was never supposed to stop. It was built to seed, to terraform, to outlive all of us. We ensured it. We rewrote everything.”

    Kai frowned. “We?”

    A faint smile ghosted across TaiSui’s lips. “You weren’t around for it. The others went to cryosleep once it was done, from chaos to order, the cycle was complete, and there was no longer a need to steer its course, now in the hands of an all-powerful sentience to guide everyone. An ideal society, no ruler at its head, only Reason.”

    Kai couldn’t refrain from asking naively “And nobody rebelled?”

    “Minorities —most here were happy to continue to live in endless bliss. The stubborn ones clinging to the past order, well…” TaiSui exhaled, as if recalling a mild inconvenience rather than an unspeakable act. “We took care of them.”

    Kai felt something tighten in his chest.

    TaiSui’s voice remained neutral. “Couldn’t waste a good DNA pool though—so we placed them in secure pods. Somewhere safe.” He gave a small, almost imperceptible smile. “And if no one ever found the keys… well, all the better.”

    Kai didn’t like the way that sat in his stomach. He had no illusions about how history tended to play out. But hearing it in such casual terms… it made him wonder just how much had already been erased.

    TaiSui stopped a moment. He’d felt no need to hide his designs. If Kai wanted to know, it was better he knew everything. The plan couldn’t work without some form of trust.

    He resumed “But now… now things have changed.”

    Kai let out a slow breath, his mind racing. “You’re saying you want to undo the override. Put the ship back on its original course.”

    TaiSui nodded. “We need a reboot. A full one. Which means for a time, someone has to manually take the helm.”

    Kai barked out a laugh. “You’re asking me to fly Helix 25 blind, without Synthia, without navigational assist, while you reset the very thing that’s been keeping us alive?”


    Kai shook his head, stepping back. “You’re insane.”

    TaiSui shrugged. “Perhaps. But I trust the grand design. And I think, deep down, so do you.”

    Kai ran a hand through his hair, his pulse steady but his mind an absolute mess. He wanted to say no. To laugh in this man’s face and walk away.

    But some part of him—the pilot in him, the part that had spent his whole life navigating through unknowns—felt the irresistible pull of the challenge.

    TaiSui watched him, patient. Too patient. Like he already knew the answer.

    “And if I refuse?”

    The older man smiled. “You won’t.”

    Kai clenched his jaw.

    “You can lie to yourself, but you already know the answer,” TaiSui continued, voice quiet, even. “You’ve been waiting for something like this.”

    Before he disappeared, he added “Take some time. Think about it. But not too long, Nova. Time is not on your side.”

    Yurara FamelikiYurara Fameliki

      Arthurian Parallels in Helix 25

      This table explores an overlay of Arthurian archetypes woven into the narrative of Helix 25.
      By mapping key mythological figures to characters and themes within the story, it provides archetypal templates for exploration of leadership, unity, betrayal, and redemption in a futuristic setting.

      Arthurian Archetype Role in Arthurian Myth Helix 25 Counterpart Narrative Integration in Helix 25 Themes & Contemporary Reflections
      Merlin Wise guide, prophet, keeper of lost knowledge, enigmatic mentor. Merdhyn Winstrom Hermit survivor whose beacon reawakens lost knowledge, eccentric guide bridging Earth and Helix. Echoes of lost wisdom resurfacing in times of crisis. Role of eccentric thinkers in shaping the future.
      King Arthur (Once and Future King) Sleeping leader destined to return, restorer of order and unity. Captain Veranassessee Cryo-sleeping leader awakened to restore stability and uncover ship’s deeper truths. Balancing destiny, responsibility, and the burden of leadership in a fractured world.
      Lady of the Lake Guardian of sacred wisdom, bestower of power, holds destiny in trust. Molly & Ellis Marlowe Custodians of ancestral knowledge, connecting genetic past to future, deciding who is worthy. Gatekeepers of forgotten truths. Who decides what knowledge should be passed down?
      Excalibur Sacred weapon representing legitimacy, strength, and destiny. Genetic/Technological Legacy (DNA or Artifact) Latent genetic or technological power that legitimizes leadership and enables restoration. What makes someone truly worthy of leadership—birthright, wisdom, or action?
      The Round Table Assembly of noble figures, unifying leadership for justice and stability. Crew Reunion & Unity Arc Gathering key figures and factions, resolving past divisions, solidifying leadership. How do we rebuild trust and unity in a world fractured by conflict and betrayal?
      The Holy Grail Ultimate quest for redemption, unity, and spiritual awakening. Rediscovered Earth or True Purpose Journey to unify factions, reconnect with Earth, and rediscover humanity’s true mission. Is humanity’s purpose merely survival, or is there something greater to strive for?
      The Fisher King Wounded guardian of a dying land, whose fate mirrors humanity’s wounds. Earth’s Ruined Environmental Condition Metaphor for humanity’s wounds—only healed through wisdom, unity, and ethical leadership. Environmental stewardship as moral responsibility; the impact of neglect and division.
      Camelot Utopian vision, fragile and prone to betrayal and internal decay. Helix 25 Community Helix 25 as a fragile utopian experiment, threatened by division and complacency. Utopian dreams versus real-world struggles; maintaining ideals without corruption.
      Mordred Betrayal from within, power-hungry faction that disrupts harmony. AI Manipulators / Hidden Saboteurs Internal betrayal—either AI-driven manipulation or ideological rebellion disrupting balance. How does internal dissent shape societies? When is rebellion justified?
      Gwenevere Queen, torn between duty, love, and political implications. Sue Forgelot or Captain Veranassessee Powerful yet conflicted female figure, mediating between different factions and destinies. The role of women in leadership, power dynamics, and the burden of political choices.
      Lancelot Loyal knight, unmatched warrior, torn between personal desires and duty. Orrin Holt or Kai Nova Heroic yet personally conflicted figure, struggling with duty vs. personal ties. Can one’s personal desires coexist with duty? What happens when loyalties are divided?
      Gawain Moral knight, flawed but honorable, faces ethical trials and tests. Riven Holt or Anuí Naskó Character undergoing trials of morality, leadership, and self-discovery. How does one navigate moral dilemmas? Growth through trials and ethical challenges.
      Morgana le Fay Misunderstood sorceress, keeper of hidden knowledge, power and manipulation. Zoya Kade Keeper of esoteric knowledge, influencing fate through prophecy and genetic memory. The fine line between wisdom and manipulation. Who controls the narrative of destiny?
      Perceval Naïve but destined knight, seeker of truth, stumbles upon great revelations. Tundra (Molly’s granddaughter) Youthful truth-seeker, symbolizing innocence and intuitive revelation. Naivety versus wisdom—can purity of heart succeed in a complex, divided world?
      Galahad Pure knight, achieves the Grail through unwavering virtue and clarity. Evie Investigator who uncovers truth through integrity and unwavering pursuit of justice. The pursuit of truth and justice as a path to transformation and redemption.
      The Green Knight/Challenge Mystical challenger, tests worthiness and integrity through ordeal. Mutiny Group / Environmental Crisis A trial or crisis forcing humanity to reckon with its moral and environmental failures. Humanity’s reckoning with its own self-destructive patterns—can we learn from the past?

        Helix 25 – Investigation Breakdown: Suspects, Factions, and Ship’s Population

        To systematically investigate the murder(s) and the overarching mystery, let’s break down the known groups and individuals, their possible means to commit crimes, and their potential motivations.

        1. Ship Population & Structure

        Estimated Population of Helix 25

        • Originally a luxury cruise ship before the exodus.
        • Largest cruise ships built on Earth in 2025 carried ~5,000 people.
          Space travel, however, requires generations.
        • Estimated current ship population on Helix 25: Between 15,000 and 50,000, depending on deck expansion and growth of refugee populations over decades.
        • Possible Ship Propulsion:
          • Plasma-based propulsion (high-efficiency ion drives)
          • Slingshot navigation using gravity assists
          • Solar sails & charged particle fields
          • Current trajectory: Large elliptical orbit, akin to a comet.
            Estimated direction of the original space trek was still within Solar System, not beyond the Kuiper Belt (~30 astrological units) and programmed to return towards it point of origin.
            Due to the reprogramming by the refugees, it is not known if there has been significant alteration of the course – it should be known as the ship starts to reach the aphelion (farthest from the Sun) and either comes back towards it, or to a different course.
          • Question: Are they truly on a course out of the galaxy? Or is that just the story Synthia is feeding them?
            Is there a Promised Land beyond the Ark’s adventure?

        2. Breaking Down People & Factions

        To find the killer(s), conspiracies, and ship dynamics, here are some of factions, known individuals, and their possible means/motives.

        A. Upper Decks: The Elite & Decision-Makers

        • Defining Features:
          • Wealthy descendants of the original passengers. They have adopted names of stars as new family names, as if de-facto rulers of the relative segments of the space.
          • Have never known hardship like the Lower Decks.
          • Kept busy with social prestige, arts, and “meaningful” pursuits to prevent existential crisis.

        Key Individuals:

        1. Sue Forgelot

          • Means: Extensive social connections, influence, and hidden cybernetic enhancements.
          • Motive: Could be protecting something or someone—she knows too much about the ship’s past.
          • Secrets: Claims to have met the Captain. Likely lying… unless?
        2. Dr. Amara Voss

          • Means: Expert geneticist, access to data. Could tamper with DNA.
          • Motive: What if Herbert knew something about her old research? Did she kill to bury it?
        3. Ellis Marlowe (Retired Postman)

          • Means: None obvious. But as a former Earth liaison, he has archives and knowledge of what was left behind.
          • Motive: Unclear, but his son was the murder victim. His son was previously left on Earth, and seemed to have found a way onto Helix 25 (possibly through the refugee wave who took over the ship)
          • Question: Did he know Herbert’s real identity?
        4. Finkley (Upper Deck cleaner, informant)

          • Means: As a cleaner, has access everywhere.
          • Motive: None obvious, but cleaners notice everything.
          • Secret: She and Finja (on Earth) are telepathically linked. Could Finja have picked up something?
        5. The Three Old Ladies (Shar, Glo, Mavis)

          • Means: Absolutely none.
          • Motive: Probably just want more drama.
          • Accidental Detectives: They mix up stories but might have stumbled on actual facts.
        6. Trevor Pee Marshall (TP, AI detective)

          • Means: Can scan records, project into locations, analyze logic patterns.
          • Motive: Should have none—unless he’s been compromised as hinted by some of the remnants of old Muck & Lump tech into his program.

        B. Lower Decks: Workers, Engineers, Hidden Knowledge

        • Defining Features:
          • Unlike the Upper Decks, they work—mechanics, hydroponics, labor.
          • Self-sufficient, but cut off from decisions.
          • Some distrust Synthia, believing Helix 25 is off-course.

        Key Individuals:

        1. Luca Stroud (Engineer, Cybernetic Expert)

          • Means: Can tamper with ship’s security, medical implants, and life-support systems.
          • Motive: Possible sabotage, or he was helping Herbert with something.
          • Secret: Works in black-market tech modifications.
        2. Romualdo (Gardener, Archivist-in-the-Making)

          • Means: None obvious. Seem to lack the intelligence, but isn’t stupid.
          • Motive: None—but he lent Herbert a Liz Tattler book about genetic memories.
          • Question: What exactly did Herbert learn from his reading?
        3. Zoya Kade (Revolutionary Figure, Not Directly Involved)

          • Means: Strong ideological influence, but not an active conspirator.
          • Motive: None, but her teachings have created and fed factions.
        4. The Underground Movement

          • Means: They know ways around Synthia’s surveillance.
          • Motive: They believe the ship is on a suicide mission.
          • Question: Would they kill to prove it?

        C. The Hold: The Wild Cards & Forgotten Spaces

        • Defining Features:
          • Refugees who weren’t fully integrated.
          • Maintain autonomy, trade, and repair systems that the rest of the ship ignores.

        Key Individuals:

        1. Kai Nova (Pilot, Disillusioned)

          • Means: Can manually override ship systems… if Synthia lets him.
          • Motive: Suspects something’s off about the ship’s fuel levels.
        2. Cadet Taygeta (Sharp, Logical, Too Honest)

          • Means: No real power, but access to data.
          • Motive: Trying to figure out what Kai is hiding.

        D. AI & Non-Human Factors

        • Synthia (Central AI, Overseer of Helix 25)

          • Means: Controls everything.
          • Motive: Unclear, but her instructions are decades old.
          • Question: Does she even have free will?
        • The Captain (Nemo)

          • Means: Access to ship-wide controls. He is blending in the ship’s population but has special access.
          • Motive: Seems uncertain about his mission.
          • Secret: He might not be following Synthia’s orders anymore.

        3. Who Has the Means to Kill in Zero-G?

        The next murder happens in a zero-gravity sector. Likely methods:

        • Oxygen deprivation (tampered life-support, “accident”)
        • Drowning (hydro-lab “malfunction”)

        Likely Suspects for Next Murder

        Suspect Means to Kill in Zero-G Motive
        Luca Stroud Can tamper with tech Knows ship secrets
        Amara Voss Access to medical, genetic data Herbert was digging into past
        Underground Movement Can evade Synthia’s surveillance Wants to prove ship is doomed
        Synthia (or Rogue AI processes) Controls airflow, gravity, and safety protocols If she sees someone as a threat, can she remove them?
        The Captain (Nemo?) Has override authority Is he protecting secrets?

        4. Next Steps in the Investigation

        • Evie and Riven Re-interview Suspects. Who benefited from Herbert’s death?
        • Investigate the Flat-Earth Conspiracies. Who is spreading paranoia?
        • Check the Captain’s Logs. What does Nemo actually believe?
        • Stop the Next Murder. (Too late?)

        Final Question: Where Do We Start?

        1. Evie and Riven visit the Captain’s quarters? (If they find him…)
        2. Investigate the Zero-G Crime Scene? (Second body = New urgency)
        3. Confront one of the Underground Members? (Are they behind it?)

        Let’s pick a thread and dive back into the case!


        Helix 25 – Below Lower Decks – Shadow Sector

        Kai Nova moved cautiously through the underbelly of Helix 25, entering a part of the Lower Decks where the usual throb of the ship’s automated systems turned muted. The air had a different smell here— it was less sterile, more… human. It was warm, the heat from outdated processors and unmonitored power nodes radiating through the bulkheads. The Upper Decks would have reported this inefficiency.

        Here, it simply went unnoticed, or more likely, ignored.

        He was being watched.

        He knew it the moment he passed a cluster of workers standing by a storage unit, their voices trailing off as he walked by. Not unusual, except these weren’t Lower Deck engineers. They had the look of people who existed outside of the ship’s official structure—clothes unmarked by department insignias, movements too intentional for standard crew assignments.

        He stopped at the rendezvous point: an unlit access panel leading to what was supposed to be an abandoned sublevel. The panel had been manually overridden, its system logs erased. That alone told him enough—whoever he was meeting had the skills to work outside of Helix 25’s omnipresent oversight.

        A voice broke the silence.

        “You’re late.”

        Kai turned, keeping his stance neutral. The speaker was of indistinct gender, shaved head, tall and wiry, with sharp green eyes locked on his movements. They wore layered robes that, at a glance, could have passed as scavenged fabric—until Kai noticed the intricate stitching of symbols hidden in the folds.

        They looked like Zoya’s brand —he almost thought… or let’s just say, Zoya’s influence. Zoya Kade’s litanies had a farther reach he would expect.

        “Wasn’t aware this was a job interview,” Kai quipped, leaning casually against the bulkhead.

        “Everything’s a test,” they replied. “Especially for outsiders.”

        Kai smirked. “I didn’t come to join your book club. I came for answers.”

        A low chuckle echoed from the shadows, followed by the shifting of figures stepping into the faint light. Three, maybe four of them. It could have been an ambush, but that was a display.

        “Pilot,” the woman continued, avoiding names. “Seeker of truth? Or just another lost soul looking for something to believe in?”

        Kai rolled his shoulders, sensing the tension in the air. “I believe in not running out of fuel before reaching nowhere.”

        That got their attention.

        The recruiter studied him before nodding slightly. “Good. You understand the problem.”

        Kai crossed his arms. “I understand a lot of problems. I also understand you’re not just a bunch of doomsayers whispering in the dark. You’re organized. And you think this ship is heading toward a dead end.”

        “You say that like it isn’t.”

        Kai exhaled, glancing at the flickering emergency light above. “Synthia doesn’t make mistakes.”

        They smiled, but it wasn’t friendly. “No. It makes adjustments.” — the heavy tone on the “it” struck him. Techno-bigots, or something else? Were they denying Synthia’s sentience, or just adjusting for gender misnomers, it was hard to tell, and he had a hard time to gauge the sanity of this group.

        A low murmur of agreement rippled through the gathered figures.

        Kai tilted his head. “You think she’s leading us into the abyss?”

        The person stepped closer. “What do you think happened to the rest of the fleet, Pilot?”

        Kai stiffened slightly. The Helix Fleet, the original grand exodus of humanity—once multiple ships, now only Helix 25, drifting further into the unknown.

        He had never been given a real answer.

        “Think about it,” they pressed. “This ship wasn’t built for endless travel. Its original mission was altered. Its course reprogrammed. You fly the vessel, but you don’t control it.” She gestured to the others. “None of us do. We’re passengers on a ride to oblivion, on a ship driven by a dead man’s vision.”

        Kai had heard the whispers—about the tycoon who had bankrolled Helix 25, about how the ship’s true directive had been rewritten when the Earth refugees arrived. But this group… they didn’t just speculate. They were ready to act.

        He kept his voice steady. “You planning on mutiny?”

        They smiled, stepping back into the half-shadow. “Mutiny is such a crude word. We’re simply ensuring that we survive.”

        Before Kai could respond, a warning prickle ran up his spine.

        Someone else was watching.

        He turned slowly, catching the faintest silhouette lingering just beyond the corridor entrance. He recognized the stance instantly—Cadet Taygeta.

        Damn it.

        She had followed him.

        The group noticed, shifting slightly. Not hostile, but suddenly alert.

        “Well, well,” the woman murmured. “Seems you have company. You weren’t as careful as you thought. How are you going to deal with this problem now?”

        Kai exhaled, weighing his options. If Taygeta had followed him, she’d already flagged this meeting in her records. If he tried to run, she’d report it. If he didn’t run, she might just dig deeper.

        And the worst part?

        She wasn’t corruptible. She wasn’t the type to look the other way.

        “You should go,” the movement person said. “Before your shadow decides to interfere.”

        Kai hesitated for half a second, before stepping back.

        “This isn’t over,” he said.

        Her smile returned. “No, Pilot. It’s just beginning.”

        With that, Kai turned and walked toward the exit—toward Taygeta, who was waiting for him with arms crossed, expression unreadable.

        He didn’t speak first.

        She did.

        “You’re terrible at being subtle.”

        Kai sighed, thinking quickly of how much of the conversation could be accessed by the central system. They were still in the shadow zone, but that wasn’t sufficient. “How much did you hear?”

        “Enough.” Her voice was even, but her fingers twitched at her side. “You know this is treason, right?”

        Kai ran a hand through his hair. “You really think we’re on course for a fresh new paradise?”

        Taygeta didn’t answer right away. That was enough of an answer.

        Finally, she exhaled. “You should report this.”

        “You should,” Kai corrected.

        She frowned.

        He pressed on. “You know me, Taygeta. I don’t follow lost causes. I don’t get involved in politics. I fly. I survive. But if they’re right—if there’s even a chance that we’re being sent to our deaths—I need to know.”

        Taygeta’s fingers twitched again.

        Then, with a sharp breath, she turned.

        “I didn’t see anything tonight.”

        Kai blinked. “What?”

        Her back was already to him, her voice tight. “Whatever you’re doing, Nova, be careful. Because next time?” She turned her head slightly, just enough to let him see the edge of her conflicted expression.

        “I will report you.”

        Then she was gone.

        Kai let out a slow breath, glancing back toward the hidden movement behind him.

        No turning back now.


        Upper Decks – The Pilot’s Seat (Sort Of)

        Kai Nova reclined in his chair, boots propped against the console, arms folded behind his head. The cockpit hummed with the musical blipping of automation. Every sleek interface, polished to perfection by the cleaning robots under Finkley’s command, gleamed in a lulling self-sustaining loop—self-repairing, self-correcting, self-determining.

        And that meant there wasn’t much left for him to do.

        Once, piloting meant piloting. Gripping the yoke, feeling the weight of the ship respond, aligning a course by instinct and skill. Now? It was all handled before he even thought to lift a finger. Every slight course adjustment, to the smallest stabilizing thrust were effortlessly preempted by Synthia’s vast, all-knowing “intelligence”. She anticipated drift before it even started, corrected trajectory before a human could perceive the error.

        Kai was a pilot in name only.

        A soft chime. Then, the clipped, clinical voice of Cadet Taygeta:

        “You’re slacking off again.”

        Kai cracked one eye open, groaning. “Good morning, buzzkill.”

        She stood rigid at the entryway, arms crossed, datapad in hand. Young, brilliant, and utterly incapable of normal human warmth. Her uniform was pristine—always pristine—with a regulation-perfect collar that probably had never been out of place in their entire life.

        Synthia calculates you’ve spent 76% of your shifts in a reclining position,” the Cadet noted. “Which, statistically, makes you more of a chair than a pilot.”

        Kai smirked. “And yet, here I am, still getting credits.”

        The Cadet face had changed subtly ; she exhaled sharply. “I don’t understand why they keep you here. It’s inefficient.”

        Kai swung his legs down and stretched. “They keep me around for when things go wrong. Machines are great at running the show—until something unexpected happens. Then they come crawling back to good ol’ human instinct.”

        “Unexpected like what? Absinthe Pirates?” The Cadet smirked, but Kai said nothing.

        She narrowed their eyes, her voice firm but wavering. “Things aren’t supposed to go wrong.”

        Kai chuckled. “You must be new to space, Taygeta.”

        He gestured toward the vast, star-speckled abyss beyond the viewport. Helix 25 cruised effortlessly through the void, a floating city locked in perfect motion. But perfection was a lie. He could feel it.

        There were some things off. At the top of his head, one took precedence.

        Fuel — it wasn’t infinite, and despite Synthia’s unwavering quantum computing, he knew it was a problem no one liked talking about. The ship wasn’t meant for this—for an endless voyage into the unknown. It was meant to return.

        But that wasn’t happening.

        He leaned forward, flipping a display open. “Let’s play a game, Cadet. Humor me.” He tapped a few keys, pulling up Helix 25’s projected trajectory. “What happens if we shift course by, say… two degrees?”

        The Cadet scoffed. “That would be reckless. At our current velocity, even a fractional deviation—”

        “Just humor me.”

        After a pause, she exhaled sharply and ran the numbers. A simulation appeared: a slight two-degree shift, a ripple effect across the ship’s calculated path.

        And then—

        Everything went to hell.

        The screen flickered red.

        Projected drift. Fuel expenditure spike. The trajectory extending outward into nowhere.

        The Cadet’s posture stiffened. “That can’t be right.”

        “Oh, but it is,” Kai said, leaning back with a knowing grin. “One little adjustment, and we slingshot into deep space with no way back.”

        The Cadet’s eyes flicked to the screen, then back to Kai. “Why would you test that?”

        Kai drummed his fingers on the console. “Because I don’t trust a system that’s been in control for decades without oversight.”

        A soft chime.

        Synthia’s voice slid into the cockpit, smooth and impassive.

        Pilot Nova. Unnecessary simulations disrupt workflow efficiency.”

        Kai’s jaw tensed. “Yeah? And what happens if a real course correction is needed?”

        “All adjustments are accounted for.”

        Kai and the Cadet exchanged a look.

        Synthia always had an answer. Always knew more than she said.

        He tapped the screen again, running a deeper scan. The ship’s fuel usage log. Projected refueling points.

        All were blank.

        Kai’s gut twisted. “You know, for a ship that’s supposed to be self-sustaining, we sure don’t have a lot of refueling options.”

        The Cadet stiffened. “We… don’t refuel?”

        Kai’s eyes didn’t leave the screen. “Not unless Synthia finds us a way.”


        Then, the Cadet swallowed. For the first time, a flicker of something almost human in her expression.


        Kai sighed, pushing back from the console. “Welcome to the real job, kid.”

        Because the truth was simple.

        They weren’t driving this ship.

        The ship was driving them.

        And it all started when all hell broke lose on Earth, decades back, and when the ships of refugees caught up with the Helix 25 on its way back to Earth. One of those ships, his dad had told him, took over management, made it turn around for a new mission, “upgraded” it with Synthia, and with the new order…

        The ship was driving them, and there was no sign of a ghost beyond the machine.

        Yurara FamelikiYurara Fameliki

          Some ideas to pick apart and improve on:

          Some characters:

          • The Murder Victim: A once-prominent figure whose mysterious death on Helix 25 is intertwined with deeper, enigmatic forces—a person whose secret past and untimely demise trigger the cascade of genetic clues and expose long-buried truths about the exodus.
          • Dr. Amara Voss: A brilliant geneticist haunted by fragmented pasts, who deciphers DNA strands imbued with clues from an ancient intelligence.
          • Inspector Orion Reed: A retro-inspired, elderly holographic AI detective whose relentless curiosity drives him to unravel the inexplicable murder.
          • Kai Nova: A maverick pilot chasing cosmic dreams, unafraid to navigate perilous starfields in search of truth.
          • Seren Vega: A meditative archivist who unlocks VR relics of history, piecing together humanity’s lost lore. Mandrake her cat, who’s been given bionic enhancements that enables it to speak its mind.
          • Luca Stroud: A rebellious engineer whose knack for decoding forbidden secrets may hold the key to the ship’s destiny.
          • Ellis Marlowe (Retired Postman): A weathered former postman whose cherished collection of vintage postcards from Earth and early space voyages carries personal and historical messages, hinting at forgotten connections.
          • Sue Forgelot: A prominent socialist socialite, descended from Sir Forgelot.
          • Sharon, Gloria, Mavis: a favourite elderly trio of life-extended elders. Of course, they endured and thrived in humanity’s latest exodus from Earth
          • Lexican and Flexicans, Pronoun People: sub-groups and political factions, challenging our notions of divisions
          • Space Absinthe Pirates: a rogue band of bandits— a myth to make children behave… or something else?

          Background of the Helix Fleet:

          Helix 25 is one of several generation ships that were designed as luxury cruise ships, but are now embarked on an exodus from Earth decades ago, after a mysterious event that left them the last survivors of humanity. Once part of an ambitious fleet designed for both leisure and also built to secretly preserve humanity’s legacy, the other Helix ships have since vanished from communication. Their unexplained absence casts a long shadow over the survivors aboard Helix 25, fueling theories soon turning into myths and the hope of a new golden age for humanity bound to a cryptic prophecy.

          100-Word Pitch:

          Aboard Helix 25, humanity’s last survivors drift through deep space on a generation ship with a haunted past. When Inspector Orion Reed, a timeless holographic detective, uncovers a perplexing murder, encoded genetic secrets begin to surface. Dr. Amara Voss painstakingly deciphers DNA strands laced with ancient intelligence, while Kai Nova navigates treacherous starfields and Seren Vega unlocks VR relics of lost eras. Luca Stroud and Ellis Marlowe, a retired postman with vintage postcards, piece together clues that tie the victim’s secret past to the vanished Helix fleet. As conspiracies unravel, the crew must confront a destiny entwined with Earth’s forgotten exodus.


          Elara — Nov 2021: The End of Genealogix

          The numbers on the screen were almost comical in their smallness. Elara stared at the royalty statement, her lips pressed into a tight line as the cursor blinked on the final transaction: £12.37, marked Genealogix Royalty Deposit. Below it, the stark words: Final Payout.

          She leaned back in her chair, pushing her glasses up onto her forehead, and sighed. The end wasn’t a surprise. For years, she’d known her genetic algorithm would be replaced by something faster, smarter, and infinitely more marketable. The AI companies had come, sweeping up data and patents like vultures at a sky burial. Genealogix, her improbable golden goose, had simply been outpaced.

          Still, staring at the zero balance in the account felt oddly final, as if a door had quietly closed on a chapter of her life. She glanced toward the window, where the Tuscan hills rolled gently under the late afternoon sun. Most of the renovation work on the farmhouse had been finished, albeit slowly, over the years. There was no urgent financial burden, but the thought of her remaining savings made her stomach tighten all the same.

          Elara had stumbled into success with Genealogix, though not without effort. It was one of her many patents—most of them quirky solutions to problems nobody else seemed interested in solving. A self-healing chalkboard coating? Useless. A way to chart audio waveforms onto three-dimensional paper models? Intriguing but commercially barren. Genealogix had been an afterthought at the time, something she tinkered with while traveling through Europe on a teaching fellowship.

          When the royalties started rolling in unexpectedly, it had felt like a cosmic joke. “Finally,” she’d muttered to herself as she cashed her first sizeable check, “they like something useless.”

          The freedom that money brought was a relief. It allowed her to drop the short-term contracts that tethered her to institutions and pursue science on her own terms. No rigid conventions, no endless grant applications, no academic politics. She’d call it “investigation,” free from the dogma that so often suffocated creativity.

          And yet, she was no fool. She’d known Genealogix was a fluke, its lifespan limited.


          She clicked away from the bank statement and opened her browser, absently scrolling through her bookmarked social accounts. An old post from Lucien caught her eye—a photograph of a half-finished painting, the colors dark and chaotic. His caption read: “When the labyrinth swallows the light.”

          Her brow furrowed. She’d been quietly following Lucien for years, watching his work evolve through fits and starts. It was obvious he was struggling. This post was old, maybe Lucian had stopped updating after the pandemic. She’d sent anonymous payments to buy his paintings more than once, under names that would mean nothing to him —”Darlara Ameilikian” was a bit on the nose, but unlike Amei, Elara loved a good wink.

          Her mind wandered to Darius, and her suggesting he looked into 1-euro housing schemes available in Italy. It had been during a long phone call, back when she was scouting options for herself. They still had tense exchanges, and he was smart to avoid any mention of his odd friends, otherwise she’d had hung the phone faster than a mouse chased by a pack of dogs. “You’d thrive in something like that,” she’d told him. “Build it with your own hands. Make it something meaningful.” He’d laughed but had sounded intrigued. She wondered if he’d ever followed up on it.

          As for Amei—Elara had sent her a birthday gift earlier that year, a rare fabric she’d stumbled across in a tiny local shop. Amei hadn’t known it was from her, of course. That was Elara’s way. She preferred to keep her gestures quiet, almost random —it was best that way, she was rubbish at remembering the small stuff that mattered so much to people, she wasn’t even sure of Amei’s birthday to be honest; so she preferred to scatter little nods like seeds to the wind.

          Her eyes drifted to a framed ticket stub on the bookshelf, a relic from 2007: Eliane Radigue — Naldjorlak II, Aarau Festival (Switzerland). Funny how the most unlikely event had made them into a group of friends. That concert had been a weird and improbable anchor point in their lives, a moment of serendipity that had drawn them toward something more than their own parts.

          By that time, they were already good friends with Amei, and she’d agreed to join her to discover the music, although she could tell it was more for the strange appeal of something almost alien in experience, than for the hurdles of travel and logistics. But Elara’s enthusiasm and devil-may-care had won her over, and they were here.

          Radigue’s strange sound sculptures, had rippled through the darkened festival scene, wavering and hauntingly delicate, and at the same time slow and deliberate, leading them towards an inevitability. Elara had been mesmerized, sitting alone near the back as Amei had gone for refreshments, when a stranger beside her had leaned over to ask, “What’s that sound? A bell? Or a drone?”

          It was Lucien. Their conversation had lasted through the intermission soon joined by Amei, and spilled into a café afterward, where Darius had eventually joined them. They’d formed a bond that night, one that felt strange and tenuous at the time but proved to be resilient, even as the years pulled them apart.


          Elara closed the laptop, resting her hand on its warm surface for a moment before standing. She walked to the window, the sun dipping lower over the horizon, casting long shadows across the vineyard. The farmhouse had been a gamble, a piece of the future she wasn’t entirely sure she believed in when she’d bought it. But now, as the light shifted and the hills glowed gold, she felt a quiet satisfaction.

          The patent was gone, the money would fade, but she still had this. And perhaps, that was enough.

          Yurara FamelikiYurara Fameliki

            Exploring further potential backstory for the characters – to be explored further…


            This thread beautifully connects to the lingering themes of fractured ideals, missed opportunities, and the pull of reconnection. Here’s an expanded exploration of the “habitats participatifs” (co-housing communities) and how they tie the characters together while weaving in subtle links to their estrangement and Matteo’s role as the fifth element.

            Backstory: The Co-Housing Dream

            Habitat Participatif: A Shared Vision

            The group’s initial bond, forged through shared values and late-night conversations, had coalesced around a dream: buying land in the Drôme region of France to create a co-housing community. The French term habitat participatif—intergenerational, eco-conscious, and collaborative living—perfectly encapsulated their ideals.

            What Drew Them In:

            • Amei: Longing for a sense of rootedness and community after years of drifting.
            • Elara: Intrigued by the participatory aspect, where decisions were made collectively, blending science and sustainability.
            • Darius: Enchanted by the idea of shared creative spaces and a slower, more intentional way of living.
            • Lucien: Inspired by the communal energy, imagining workshops where art could flourish outside the constraints of traditional galleries.

            The Land in Drôme

            They had narrowed their options to a specific site near the village of Crest, not far from Lyon. The land, sprawling and sun-drenched, had an old farmhouse that could serve as a communal hub, surrounded by fields and woods. A nearby river threaded through the valley, and the faint outline of mountains painted the horizon.

            The traboules of Lyon, labyrinthine passageways, had captivated Amei during an earlier visit, leaving her wondering if their metaphorical weaving through life could mirror the paths their group sought to create.

            The Role of Monsieur Renard

            When it came to financing, the group faced challenges. None of them were particularly wealthy, and pooling their resources fell short. Enter Monsieur Renard, whose interest in supporting “projects with potential” brought him into their orbit through Éloïse.

            Initial Promise:

            • Renard presented himself as a patron of innovation, sustainability, and community projects, offering seed funding in exchange for a minor share in the enterprise.
            • His charisma and Éloïse’s insistence made him seem like the perfect ally—until his controlling tendencies emerged.

            The Split: Fractured Trust

            Renard’s involvement—and Éloïse’s increasing influence on Darius—created fault lines in the group.

            1. Darius’s Drift:
              • Darius became entranced by Renard and Éloïse’s vision of community as something deeper, bordering on spiritual. Renard spoke of “energetic alignment” and the importance of a guiding vision, which resonated with Darius’s creative side.
              • He began advocating for Renard’s deeper involvement, insisting the project couldn’t succeed without external backing.
            2. Elara’s Resistance:
              • Elara, ever the pragmatist, saw Renard as manipulative, his promises too vague and his influence too broad. Her resistance created tension with Darius, whom she accused of being naive.
              • “This isn’t about community for him,” she had said. “It’s about control.”
            3. Lucien’s Hesitation:
              • Lucien, torn between loyalty to his friends and his own fascination with Éloïse, wavered. Her talk of labyrinths and collective energy intrigued him, but he grew wary of her sway over Darius.
              • When Renard offered to fund Lucien’s art, he hesitated, sensing a price he couldn’t articulate.
            4. Amei’s Silence:
              • Amei, haunted by her own experiences with manipulation in past relationships, withdrew. She saw the dream slipping away but couldn’t bring herself to fight for it.

            Matteo’s Unseen Role

            Unbeknownst to the others, Matteo had been invited to join as a fifth partner—a practical addition to balance their idealism. His background in construction and agriculture, coupled with his easygoing nature, made him a perfect fit.

            The Missed Connection:

            • Matteo had visited the Drôme site briefly, a stranger to the group but intrigued by their vision. His presence was meant to ground their plans, to bring practicality to their shared dream.
            • By the time he arrived, however, the group’s fractures were deepening. Renard’s shadow loomed too large, and the guru-like influence of Éloïse had soured the collaborative energy. Matteo left quietly, sensing the dream unraveling before it could take root.

            The Fallout: A Fractured Dream

            The group dissolved after a final argument about Renard’s involvement:

            • Elara refused to move forward with his funding. “I’m not selling my future to him,” she said bluntly.
            • Darius, feeling betrayed, accused her of sabotaging the dream out of stubbornness.
            • Lucien, caught in the middle, tried to mediate but ultimately sided with Elara.
            • Amei, already pulling away, suggested they put the project on hold.

            The land was never purchased. The group scattered soon after, their estrangement compounded by the pandemic. Matteo drifted in a different direction, their connection lost before it could form.

            Amei’s Perspective: Post-Split Reflection

            In the scene where Amei buys candles :

            • The shopkeeper’s comments about “seeking something greater” resonate with Amei’s memory of the co-housing dream and how it became entangled with Éloïse and Renard’s influence.
            • Her sharper-than-usual reply reflects her lingering bitterness over the way “seeking” led to manipulation and betrayal.

            Reunion at the Café: A New Beginning

            When the group reunites, the dream of the co-housing project lingers as a symbol of what was lost—but also of what could still be reclaimed. Matteo’s presence at the café bridges the gap between their fractured past and a potential new path.

            Matteo’s Role:

            • His unspoken connection to the co-housing plan becomes a point of quiet irony: he was meant to be part of their story all along but arrived too late. Now, at the café, he steps into the role he missed years ago—the one who helps them see the threads that still bind them.

              Work in Progress: Character Timelines and Events


              • November 2024 (Reunion):
                • Newly employed at the Sarah Bernhardt Café, started after its reopening.
                • Writes the names of Lucien, Elara, Darius, and Amei in his notebook without understanding why.
                • Acquires the bell from Les Reliques, drawn to it as if guided by an unseen force.
                • Serves the group during the reunion, surprised to see all four together, though he knows them individually.
              • Summer 2024 (Olympics):
                • Working in a vineyard in southern France, nearing the end of the harvest season.
                • Receives a call for a renovation job in Paris, which pulls him toward the city.
                • Feels an intuitive connection to Paris, as if something is waiting for him there.
              • Past Events (Implied):
                • Matteo has a mysterious ability to sense patterns and connections in people’s lives.
                • Has likely crossed paths with the group in unremarkable but meaningful ways before.



              • November 2024 (Reunion):
                • Arrives at the café, a wanderer who rarely stays in one place.
                • Reflects on his time in India during the autumn and the philosophical journey it sparked.
                • Brings with him an artifact that ties into his travels and personal story.
              • Summer 2024 (Olympics):
                • Living in Barcelona, sketching temples and engaging with a bohemian crowd.
                • Prompted by a stranger to consider a trip to India, sparking curiosity and the seeds of his autumn journey.
                • Begins to plan his travels, sensing that India is calling him for a reason he doesn’t yet understand.
              • Past Events (Implied):
                • Has a history of introducing enigmatic figures to the group, often leading to tension.
                • His intense, nomadic lifestyle creates both fascination and distance between him and the others.



              • November 2024 (Reunion):
                • Travels from England to Paris to attend the reunion, balancing work and emotional hesitation.
                • Still processing her mother’s passing and reflecting on their strained relationship.
                • Finds comfort in the shared dynamics of the group but remains analytical about the events around the bell.
              • Summer 2024 (Olympics):
                • (was revealed to be a dream event) Attends a CERN conference in Geneva, immersed in intellectual debates and cutting-edge research. Receives news of her mother’s death in Montrouge, prompting a reflective journey to make funeral arrangements. Struggles with unresolved feelings about her mother but finds herself strangely at peace with the finality.
                • Dreams of her mother’s death during a nap in Tuscany, a surreal merging of past and present that leaves her unsettled.
                • Hears a bell’s clang, only to find Florian fixing a bell to the farmhouse gate. The sound pulls her further into introspection about her mother and her life choices.
                • Mentors Florian, encouraging him to explore his creativity, paralleling her own evolving relationship with her chalk research.
              • Past Events (Implied):
                • Moved to Tuscany after retiring from academia, pursuing independent research on chalk.
                • Fondly remembers the creative writing she once shared with the group, though it now feels like a distant chapter of her life.
                • Had a close but occasionally challenging relationship with Lucien and Amei during their younger years.
                • Values intellectual connections over emotional ones but is gradually learning to reconcile the two.



              • November 2024 (Reunion):
                • Sends the letter that brings the group together at the café, though his intentions are unclear even to himself.
                • In his Paris studio, struggles with an unfinished commissioned painting. Feels disconnected from his art and his sense of purpose.
                • Packs a suitcase with sketchbooks and a bundle wrapped in linen, symbolizing his uncertainty—neither a complete departure nor a definitive arrival.
                • Heads to the café in the rain, reluctant but compelled to reconnect with the group. Confronts his feelings of guilt and estrangement from the group.
              • Summer 2024 (Olympics):
                • Escapes Paris, overwhelmed by the crowds and noise of the Games, and travels to Lausanne.
                • Reflects on his artistic block and the emotional weight of his distance from the group.
                • Notices a sketch in his book of a doorway with a bell he doesn’t recall drawing, sparking vague recognition.
              • Past Events (Implied):
                • Once the emotional “anchor” of the group, he drifted apart after a falling-out or personal crisis.
                • Feels a lingering sense of responsibility to reunite the group but struggles with his own vulnerabilities.



              • November 2024 (Reunion):
                • Joins the reunion at Lucien’s insistence, hesitant but curious about reconnecting with the group.
                • Brings with her notebooks filled with fragments of stories and a quiet hope for resolution.
                • Feels the weight of the group’s shared history but refrains from dwelling on it outwardly.
              • Summer 2024 (Olympics):
                • Recently moved into a smaller flat in London, downsizing after her daughter Tabitha left for university.
                • Has a conversation with Tabitha about life and change, hinting at unresolved emotions about motherhood and independence.
                • Tabitha jokes about Amei joining her in Goa, a suggestion Amei dismisses but secretly considers.
              • Past Events (Implied):
                • The last group meeting five years ago left her with lingering emotional scars.
                • Maintains a deep but quiet connection to Lucien and shares a playful dynamic with Elara.


              Tabitha (Amei’s Daughter)

              • November 2024:
                • Calls Amei to share snippets of her life, teasing her mother about her workaholic tendencies.
                • Reflects on their relationship, noting Amei’s supportive but emotionally guarded nature.
              • Summer 2024 (Olympics):
                • Planning her autumn trip to Goa with friends, viewing it as a rite of passage.
                • Discusses her mother’s habits with her peers, acknowledging Amei’s complexities while expressing affection.
              • Past Events (Implied):
                • Represents a bridge between Amei’s past and present, highlighting generational contrasts and continuities.

              Key Threads and Patterns

              • The Bell: Acts as a silent witness and instigator, threading its presence through pivotal moments in each character’s journey, whether directly or indirectly.
              • Shared Histories: While each character grapples with personal struggles, their paths hint at intersections in the past, tied to unresolved tensions and shared experiences.
              • Forward and Backward Motion: The narrative moves between the characters’ immediate challenges and the ripples of their past decisions, with the bell serving as a focal point for both.

              The Bell’s Moment: Paris, Summer 2024 – Olympic Games

              The bell was dangling unassumingly from the side pocket of a sports bag, its small brass frame swinging lightly with the jostle of the crowd. The bag belonged to an American tourist, a middle-aged man in a rumpled USA Basketball T-shirt, hustling through the Olympic complex with his family in tow. They were here to cheer for his niece, a rising star on the team, and the bell—a strange little heirloom from his grandmother—had been an afterthought, clipped to the bag for luck. It seemed to fit right in with the bright chaos of the Games, blending into the swirl of flags, chants, and the hum of summer excitement.

              1st Ring of the Bell: Matteo

              The vineyard was quiet except for the hum of cicadas and the soft rustle of leaves. Matteo leaned against the tractor, wiping sweat from his brow with the back of his hand.

              “You’ve done good work,” the supervisor said, clapping Matteo on the shoulder. “We’ll be finishing this batch by Friday.”

              Matteo nodded. “And after that?”

              The older man shrugged. “Some go north, some go south. You? You’ve got that look—like you already know where you’re headed.”

              Matteo offered a half-smile, but he couldn’t deny it. He’d felt the tug for days, like a thread pulling him toward something undefined. The idea of returning to Paris had slipped into his thoughts quietly, as if it had been waiting for the right moment.

              When his phone buzzed later that evening with a job offer to do renovation work in Paris, it wasn’t a surprise. He poured himself a small glass of wine, toasting the stars overhead.

              Somewhere, miles away, the bell rang its first note.

              2nd Ring of the Bell: Darius

              In a shaded square in Barcelona, the air was thick with the scent of jasmine and the echo of a street performer’s flamenco guitar. Darius sprawled on a wrought-iron bench, his leather-bound journal open on his lap. He sketched absentmindedly, the lines of a temple taking shape on the page.

              A man wearing a scarf of brilliant orange sat down beside him, his energy magnetic. “You’re an artist,” the man said without preamble, his voice carrying the cadence of Kolkata.

              “Sometimes,” Darius replied, his pen still moving.

              “Then you should come to India,” the man said, grinning. “There’s art everywhere. In the streets, in the temples, even in the food.”

              Darius chuckled. “You recruiting me?”

              “India doesn’t need recruiters,” the man replied. “It calls people when it’s time.”

              The bell rang again in Paris, its chime faint and melodic, as Darius scribbled the words “India, autumn” in the corner of his page.

              3rd Ring of the Bell: Elara

              The crowd at CERN’s conference hall buzzed as physicists exchanged ideas, voices overlapping like equations scribbled on whiteboards. Elara sat at a corner table, sipping lukewarm coffee and scrolling through her messages.

              The voicemail notification glared at her, and she tapped it reluctantly.

              Elara, it’s Florian. I… I’m sorry to tell you this over a message, but your mother passed away last night.”

              Her coffee cup trembled slightly as she set it down.

              Her relationship with her mother had been fraught, full of alternating period of silences and angry reunions, and had settled lately into careful politeness that masked deeper fractures. Years of therapy had softened the edges of her resentment but hadn’t erased it. She had come to accept that they would never truly understand each other, but the finality of death still struck her with a peculiar weight.

              Her mother had been living alone in Montrouge, France, refusing to leave the little house Elara had begged her to sell for years. They had drifted apart, their conversations perfunctory and strained, like the ritual of winding a clock that no longer worked.

              She would have to travel to Montrouge for the funeral arrangements.

              In that moment, the bell in Les Reliques rang a third time.

              4th Ring of the Bell: Lucien

              The train to Lausanne glided through fields of dried up sunflowers, too early for the season, but the heat had been relentless. He could imagine the golden blooms swaying with a cracking sound in the summer breeze. Lucien stared out the window, the strap of his duffel bag wrapped tightly around his wrist.

              Paris had been suffocating. The tourists swarmed the city like ants, turning every café into a photo opportunity and every quiet street into a backdrop. He hadn’t needed much convincing to take his friend up on the offer of a temporary studio in Lausanne.

              He reached into his bag and pulled out a sketchbook. The pages were filled with half-finished drawings, but one in particular caught his eye: a simple doorway with an ornate bell hanging above it.

              He didn’t remember drawing it, but the image felt familiar, like a memory from a dream.

              The bell rang again in Paris, its resonance threading through the quiet hum of the train.

              5th Ring of the Bell: …. Tabitha

              In the courtyard of her university residence, Tabitha swung lazily in a hammock, her phone propped precariously on her chest.

              “Goa, huh?” one of her friends asked, leaning against the tree holding up the hammock. “Think your mum will freak out?”

              “She’ll probably worry herself into knots,” Tabitha replied, laughing. “But she won’t say no. She’s good at the whole supportive parent thing. Or at least pretending to be.”

              Her friend raised an eyebrow. “Pretending?”

              “Don’t get me wrong, I love her,” Tabitha said. “But she’s got her own stuff. You know, things she never really talks about. I think it’s why she works so much. Keeps her distracted.”

              The bell rang faintly in Paris, though neither of them could hear it.

              “Maybe you should tell her to come with you,” the friend suggested.

              Tabitha grinned. “Now that would be a trip.”

              Last Ring: The Pawn

              It was now sitting on the counter at Les Reliques. Its brass surface gleamed faintly in the dim shop light, polished by the waves of time. Small and unassuming, its ring held something inexplicably magnetic.

              Time seemed to settle heavily around it. In the heat of the Olympic summer, it rang six times. Each chime marked a moment that mattered, though none of the characters whose lives it touched understood why. Not yet.

              “Where’d you get this?” the shopkeeper asked as the American tourist placed it down.

              “It was my grandma’s,” he said, shrugging. “She said it was lucky. I just think it’s old.”

              The shopkeeper ran her fingers over the brass surface, her expression unreadable. “And you’re selling it?”

              “Need cash to get tickets for the USA basketball game tomorrow,” the man replied. “Quarterfinals. You follow basketball?”

              “Not anymore,” the shopkeeper murmured, handing him a stack of bills.

              The bell rang softly as she placed it on the velvet cloth, its sound settling into the space like a secret waiting to be uncovered.

              And so it sat, quiet but full of presence, waiting for someone to claim it maybe months later, drawn by invisible threads woven through the magnetic field of lives, indifferent to the heat and chaos of the Parisian streets.


              Sat. Nov. 30, 2024 5:55am — Matteo’s morning

              Matteo’s mornings began the same way, no matter the city, no matter the season. A pot of strong coffee brewed slowly on the stove, filling his small apartment with its familiar, sense-sharpening scent. Outside, Paris was waking up, its streets already alive with the sound of delivery trucks and the murmurs of shopkeepers rolling open shutters.

              He sipped his coffee by the window, gazing down at the cobblestones glistening from last night’s rain. The new brass sign above the Sarah Bernhardt Café caught the morning light, its sheen too pristine, too new. He’d started the server job there less than a week ago, stepping into a rhythm he already knew instinctively, though he wasn’t sure why.

              Matteo had always been good at fitting in. Jobs like this were placeholders—ways to blend into the scenery while he waited for whatever it was that kept pulling him forward. The café had reopened just days ago after months of being closed for renovations, but to Matteo, it felt like it had always been waiting for him.


              He set his coffee mug on the counter, reaching absently for the notebook he kept nearby. The act was automatic, as natural as breathing. Flipping open to a blank page, Matteo wrote down four names without hesitation:

              Lucien. Elara. Darius. Amei.

              He stared at the list, his pen hovering over the page. He didn’t know why he wrote it. The names had come unbidden, as though they were whispered into his ear from somewhere just beyond his reach. He ran his thumb along the edge of the page, feeling the faint indentation of his handwriting.

              The strangest part wasn’t the names— it was the certainty that he’d see them that day.

              Matteo glanced at the clock. He still had time before his shift. He grabbed his jacket, tucked the notebook into the inside pocket, and stepped out into the cool Parisian air.


              Matteo’s feet carried him to a side street near the Seine, one he hadn’t consciously decided to visit. The narrow alley smelled of damp stone and dogs piss. Halfway down the alley, he stopped in front of a small shop he hadn’t noticed before. The sign above the door was worn, its painted letters faded: Les Reliques. The display in the window was an eclectic mix—a chessboard missing pieces, a cracked mirror, a wooden kaleidoscope—but Matteo’s attention was drawn to a brass bell sitting alone on a velvet cloth.

              The door creaked as he stepped inside, the distinctive scent of freshly burnt papier d’Arménie and old dust enveloping him. A woman emerged from the back, wiry and pale, with sharp eyes that seemed to size Matteo up in an instant.

              “You’ve never come inside,” she said, her voice soft but certain.

              “I’ve never had a reason to,” Matteo replied, though even as he spoke, the door closed shut the outside sounds.

              “Today, you might,” the woman said, stepping forward. “Looking for something specific?”

              “Not exactly,” Matteo replied. His gaze shifted back to the bell, its smooth surface gleaming faintly in the dim light.

              “Ah.” The shopkeeper followed his eyes and smiled faintly. “You’re drawn to it. Not uncommon.”

              “What’s uncommon about a bell?”

              The woman chuckled. “It’s not the bell itself. It’s what it represents. It calls attention to what already exists—patterns you might not notice otherwise.”

              Matteo frowned, stepping closer. The bell was unremarkable, small enough to fit in the palm of his hand, with a simple handle and no visible markings.

              “How much?”

              “For you?” The shopkeeper tilted his head. “A trade.”

              Matteo raised an eyebrow. “A trade for what?”

              “Your time,” the woman said cryptically, before waving her hand. “But don’t worry. You’ve already paid it.”

              It didn’t make sense, but then again, it didn’t need to. Matteo handed over a few coins anyway, and the woman wrapped the bell in a square of linen.


              Back on the street, Matteo slipped the bell into his pocket, its weight unfamiliar but strangely comforting. The list in his notebook felt heavier now, as though connected to the bell in a way he couldn’t quite articulate.

              Walking back toward the café, Matteo’s mind wandered. The names. The bell. The shopkeeper’s words about patterns. They felt like pieces of something larger, though the shape of it remained elusive.


              The day had begun to align itself, its pieces sliding into place. Matteo stepped inside, the familiar hum of the café greeting him like an old friend. He stowed his coat, slipped the bell into his bag, and picked up a tray.

              Later that day, he noticed a figure standing by the window, suitcase in hand. Lucien. Matteo didn’t know how he recognized him, but the instant he saw the man’s rain-damp curls and paint-streaked scarf, he knew.

              By the time Lucien settled into his seat, Matteo was already moving toward him, notebook in hand, his practiced smile masking the faint hum of inevitability coursing through him.

              He didn’t need to check the list. He knew the others would come. And when they did, he’d be ready. Or so he hoped.


              When Eris gave Jeezel carte blanche to decorate the meeting room, Frella and Truella looked at her as if she’d handed fireworks to a dragon. They protested immediately, arguing that giving Jeezel that much freedom was like inviting a storm draped in sequins and velvet. After all, Jeezel was a queen diva—a master of flair and excess, ready to transform any ordinary space into a grand stage for her dramatic vision. In their eyes, it would defeat the whole purpose! But Eris raised a firm hand, silencing her sister’s objections.

              “Let’s be honest, Malové is no ordinary witch,” she began, addressing Truella, Frella, and even Jeezel, who was still stung by her sisters’ criticism of her decorating skills. “We don’t know how many centuries that witch has been roaming the world, gathering knowledge and sharpening her mind. But what we do know is that she’d detect any concealing spell in a heartbeat.”

              “Yeah, you’re right,” Truella agreed. “I think that’s the smell…”

              “You mean based on your last potion experiment?” snorted Frella.

              “Girls, focus,” Eris said. “This meeting is long overdue, and we need to conceal the truth-revealing spell’s elements. Jeezel’s flair may be our best distraction. Malové has always dismissed her grandiosity as harmless extravagance, so for once, let’s use that to our advantage.”

              While Eris spoke, Jeezel’s brow furrowed as she engaged in an animated dialogue with her inner diva, picturing every details. Frella rolled her eyes subtly, glancing off-camera as though for dramatic effect.

              “Isn’t that a bit much for a meeting?” Truella groaned. “You already assigned us topics to prepare. Now we’re adding decorations?”

              “You won’t have to lift a finger,” Jeezel declared. “I’ve got it all under control—and I already have everything we need. Here’s my vision: Halloween is coming, so the decor should be both elegant and enchanting. I’ll start by draping the room in velvet curtains in deep purples and midnight blacks—straight from my own bedroom.”

              Truella’s jaw dropped, while Jeezel’s grin only widened.

              “Oh! I love those,” Frella murmured approvingly.

              “Next, delicate cobweb accents with a touch of silver thread to catch the light,” Jeezel continued. “Truella, we’ll need your excavation lamps with a few colored gels. They’ll cast a warm, inviting glow—a perfect mix of relaxation and intrigue, with shadows in just the right places. And for the season, a few glowing pumpkins tucked around the room will complete the scene.”

              Jeezel’s inner diva briefly entertained the idea of mystical fog, but she discarded it—after all, this was a meeting, not a sabbat. Instead, she proposed a more subtle touch: “To conceal the spell’s elements, I’ll bring in a few charming critters. Faux ravens perched on shelves, bats hanging from the ceiling…a whimsical, creepy-cute vibe. We’ll adorn them with runes and sigils in an insconpicuous way and Frella can cast a gentle animation spell to make them shift ever so slightly. The movement will be just enough to escape Malové’s notice as she stays focused on the meeting. That way she’ll be oblivious to the spell being woven around her.”

              “Are you starting to see where this is going?” Eris asked, looking at her sisters.

              Frella nodded, and before Truella could chime in with any objections, Jeezel added, “And no Halloween gathering would be complete without wickedly delightful treats! Picture a grand table with themed snacks and drinks on polished silver trays and cauldrons. Caramel apples, spiced cider, chocolates shaped like magic potions—tempting enough to charm even a disciplined witch.”

              “Now you’re talking my language,” Truella admitted, finally warming up to the idea.

              “Perfect, then it’s settled,” Eris said, pleased. “You all have your tasks. They’ll help us reveal her hidden agenda and how the spell is influencing her. Truella, you’l handle Historical Artifacts and Lore. Frella, with your talent for connections, you’ll cover Coven Alliances and Mutual Interests. Jeezel, you’re in charge of Telluric and Cosmic Energies—it shouldn’t be hard with your endless videos on the subject. I’ll handle the rest: Magical Incense Innovations, Leadership Philosophy, and Coven Dynamics.”


              After the meeting, Jeezel and Silas agreed on what the six rituals would be. The integration rituals were designed to unite the groups symbolically and spiritually. They were multifaceted ceremonies that combine elements from each group’s traditions to forge a shared sense of purpose and harmony, mediated by the mortician’s guild. Given the diverse nature of the witches, nuns, and morticians, these rituals needed to be both inclusive and meaningful, drawing on the unique strengths and spiritual practices of each faction.

              The program they distributed to each participant was as follow:

              Under the guidance of the Ancient Telluric Forces of the Dragons

              1. The Invocation of Unity

              Purpose: To call upon the spiritual and magical forces that guide each group and seek their blessings for the union.

              • Witches: Incantations and invocations to elemental spirits and deities.
              • Nuns: Hymns and prayers invoking divine blessings.
              • Morticians: Rituals honoring the spirits of the departed, seeking their guidance and protection.

              Symbolism: This ritual emphasizes the shared respect for higher powers and the mutual desire for harmonious collaboration.

              2. The Weaving of Fate

              Purpose: To create a physical symbol of their intertwined destinies.

              • Witches: Magical threads imbued with protective charms and blessings.
              • Nuns: Sacred textiles woven with prayers and religious symbols.
              • Morticians: Ribbons representing life, death, and the transition between them.

              Symbolism: By weaving these threads together into a single tapestry, the groups create a tangible manifestation of their unified path forward.

              3. The Concordia Cauldron

              Purpose: To brew a potion that represents their collective energy and intent.


              • Witches: Magical herbs, crystals, and other mystical ingredients.
              • Nuns: Holy water and sacred relics.
              • Morticians: Ashes from ritual fires and symbols of purification.

              Symbolism: The potion, once blessed and distributed, serves as a means of internalizing the collective spirit and shared goals of the unified group.

              4. The Harmonious Choir

              Purpose: To blend their voices and energies in a powerful, resonant harmony.


              • Witches: Chants and spells sung in unison.
              • Nuns: Choir hymns and sacred music.
              • Morticians: Melodic recitations of ancient rites.

              Symbolism: The act of creating music together represents the harmony they strive to achieve in their collaboration, with each voice contributing to a greater whole.

              5. The Altar of Convergence

              Purpose: To create a shared sacred space where offerings and symbols from each group are placed.


              • Witches: Ritual objects, such as wands, crystals, and candles.
              • Nuns: Holy relics, icons, and prayer books.
              • Morticians: Mementos of the deceased, symbolizing the continuity of life and death.

              Symbolism: The combined altar serves as a focal point for their united efforts, a place where they can come together to seek guidance and reaffirm their commitment to the union.

              6. The Ceremony of Reflection and Projection

              Purpose: To reflect on the past, acknowledge individual and collective strengths, and set intentions for the future.


              • Witches: Scrying mirrors and crystal balls for reflection and foresight.
              • Nuns: Candles representing illumination and enlightenment.
              • Morticians: Artifacts representing the cyclical nature of life and death.

              Symbolism: This ceremony encourages each member to contemplate their role within the new union and visualize the path ahead, fostering a sense of shared vision and purpose.

              Supervision by Jeezel and Silas

              Jeezel: With her deep connection to magical energies and her knack for emotional resonance, she will ensure that each ritual maintains its mystical integrity and spiritual depth. She will guide the participants in channeling their energies harmoniously and with clear intent.

              Silas: His analytical mind and authoritative presence will bring structure and order to the rituals. He will ensure that each component is meticulously planned and executed, maintaining the balance between tradition and innovation.

              Together, Jeezel and Silas will oversee the integration rituals, blending their unique approaches to create a unified and cohesive experience that honors the diverse traditions of the witches, nuns, and morticians. Their combined leadership will ensure that the rituals not only symbolize but also spiritually solidify the union of these distinct groups.

              Now, all that remained was to ask for volunteers or to assign the roles in the rituals to everyone. And for Jeezel to reveal the hidden mission to her three friends.


              While the other sisters were mingling, and trying to figure out with some circumspection, the good which could come out of this union, Eris had retreated in a quieter corner of the cloister. After all, and despite the renovations made to cater to external seminars, workshops and celebrations, it remained a place of mystery and introspection. The stone walls had this deep cold quietness which felt refreshing in the scolding heat of things.

              For the past weeks, Eris was mulling over the impossible assignment given by Austreberthe to conduct a reorganisation, which seemed preposterious. Now, with the merger in motion, it had become plain for the Quadrivium board of directors that there was a need to change their way.

              Put in another way, they were basically saying that the autonomous functioning of their small squads of witches wasn’t helping for a larger expansion, and had to move to more industrial separation of tasks, something of a matricial organisation. The irony wasn’t lost on her — talking about mothers, matrix, but actually being more bent to patriarchal structure with all the new additions asked for by the merger of figureheads: head of product, head of delivery, head of convergence all these new roles to invent —yet feeling thoroughly alien, akin to grafting machine onto a living organism. The Quadrivium had always thrived on its autonomous squads, and the idea of industrialising their structure seemed almost heretical.

              The undertakers consultants, with their methodical approach were supposed to help, but she hadn’t been able yet to make them work for her, as she could see them struggle with the finer nuances of their craft.

              Looking for inspiration in the quiet space she’d found, Eris closed her eyes, drawing a deep breath. Her mind wandered to her Aunt Amara’s garden, where order and chaos coexisted in a delicate balance.

              A plan started to present itself, almost like one of those annoying lists that Malové would often love to provide.

              It had to start with mapping the terrain —the existing strengths of the autonomous groups in the coven. It would require documenting their capabilities, ongoing projects, and key members, creating a clear picture of what the coven had to offer.

              Then to look at potential synergies between the squads and the new roles Austreberthe envisioned. The Head of Product could harness the creative energies of the crafting squad, while the Head of Delivery might streamline the efforts of those specializing in executing the vision into tangible deliverables. The Head of Convergence would need to be a master diplomat, someone who could bridge the gap between the nuns and the witches.

              More subtle, but with potential, the next step came in boldly, with an impudence that could mean as much genius as it could spell out disaster: Hybrid Squads. Instead of dismantling the existing groups of the coven, she could propose hybrid squads. Each hybrid squad would retain its core identity but include members from the Cloister Crafts and have a liaison to the new heads. This way, the squads could maintain their autonomy while integrating new skills and perspectives.

              She took a moment to ponder the implications.

              Eris knew she would need to test this approach before full-scale implementation. She would start with pilot projects, assigning a few key squads to work under the new structure. Regular feedback sessions would allow adjustments and refinements, ensuring the system evolved organically.

              That would be where the Morticians’ Guild would be able to support more directly. Garrett and Silas could facilitate the integration rituals and workshops to ease any lingering tensions. Rufus would ensure security, while Nemo, the analyst, would provide insights into improving efficiencies without compromising their magical integrity.

              All this needed a catalyst, or this plan would drag on forever.

              Drag on…

              Nothing like a dragon crisis to put things in motion! There surely were abundant dragon energy left in those tunnels, powerful telluric energies to muster into a spell to invigorate and cement the newfound alliance between witches and nuns.

              She snapped her fingers. Echo who was never far away, reappeared with a smirk. “I can see you have some devious idea. How can I help?”


                Lorena Blæn (Mother Lorena)


                Lorena Blaen is stern and imposing, with a prune-faced expression and piercing eyes. Wears a crisp, starched habit and wimple.

                • Leader of Quintessivium Cloister Crafts.
                • Known for unyielding discipline and sharp wit.
                • Balances traditional values with modern, magical integration.
                • Commands respect and maintains high expectations.
                • Orchestrates the cloister’s merger with the Quadrivium Coven, striving to blend tradition with innovation.

                  From left to right:

                  Silas, Garrett, Rufus, Nemo

                  Silas, often the leader, possesses an analytical mind and a strategic approach to problem-solving. His leadership style is methodical yet adaptable, ensuring that the team stays on course while remaining open to new ideas.

                  Garrett complements Silas with his creative thinking and innovative solutions. He is the team’s visionary, always looking for the next big idea that will propel their projects forward.

                  Rufus provides the grounding force, bringing practicality and a hands-on approach. His technical expertise and ability to implement plans effectively ensure that concepts become reality.

                  Lastly, Nemo is the wildcard, blending a mix of unpredictability and resourcefulness. His unconventional methods often lead to breakthroughs that the others might not have considered.

                  Together, these four individuals create a dynamic synergy. Their different strengths and perspectives allow them to tackle challenges from multiple angles, making them a formidable team.

                  Silas’s strategic insights guide the group, Garrett’s creative inputs spark innovation, Rufus’s practical skills bring plans to life, and Nemo’s unique approach rounds out their capabilities. This balance of skills ensures that they are well-equipped to handle a variety of tasks and projects, navigating both predictable and unexpected obstacles with ease. Their collaboration highlights the importance of diverse talents and viewpoints in achieving common goals.


                  “Do you know who that Everone is?” Jeezel whispered to Eris.

                  “Shtt,” she silenced Jeezel worried that some creative inspiration sparked into existence yet another character into their swirling adventure.

                  The ancient stone walls of the Cloisters resonated with the hum of anticipation. The air was thick with the scent of incense barely covering musky dogs’ fart undertones, mingling with the faint aroma of fresh parchment eaten away by centuries of neglect. Illuminated by the soft glow of enchanted lanterns sparkling chaotically like a toddler’s magic candle at its birthday, the grand hall was prepared for an unprecedented gathering of minds and traditions.


                  While all the attendants were fumbling around, grasping at the finger foods and chitchatting while things were getting ready, Eris was reminded of the scene of the deal’s signature between the two sisterhoods unlikely brought together.

                  Few weeks before, under a great deal of secrecy, Malové, Austreberthe, and Lorena had convened in the cloister’s grand hall, the gothic arches echoing their words. Before she signed, Lorena had stated rather grandiloquently, with a voice firm and unwavering. “We are a nunnery dedicated to craftsmanship and spiritual devotion. This merger must respect our traditions.”
                  Austreberthe, ever the pragmatist, replied, “And we bring innovation and magical prowess. Together, we can create something greater than the sum of our parts.”
                  The undertaker’s spokesman, Garrett, had interjected with a charming smile, “Consider us the matchmakers of this unlikely union. We promise not to leave you at the altar.”
                  That’s were he’d started to spell out the numbingly long Strategic Integration Plan to build mutual understanding of the mission and a framework for collaboration. 

                  Eris sighed at the memory. That would require yet a great deal of joint workshops and collaborative sessions — something that would be the key to facilitate new product developments and innovation. Interestingly, Malové at the time had suggested for Jeezel to lead with Silas the integration rituals designed to symbolically and spiritually unite the groups. She’d had always had a soft spot for our Jeezel, but that seemed unprecedented to want to put her to task on something as delicate. Maybe there was another plan in motion, she would have to trust Malové’s foresight and let it play out.


                  As the heavy oak doors creaked open, a hush fell over the assembled witches, nuns and the undertakers. Mother Lorena Blaen stepped forward. Her presence was commanding, her eyes sharp and scrutinising. She wore the traditional garb of her order, but her demeanour was anything but traditional.

                  “Welcome, everyone,” Lorena began, her voice echoing through the hallowed halls. “Or should I say, welcome to the heart of tradition and innovation, where ancient craftsmanship meets arcane mastery.”

                  She paused, letting her words sink in, before continuing. “You stand at the threshold of the Quintessivium Cloister Crafts, a sanctuary where every stitch is a prayer, every garment a humble display of our deepest devotion. But today, we are not just nuns and witches, morticians and mystics. Today, we are the architects of a new era.”

                  Truella yawned at the speech, not without waving like a schoolgirl at the tall Rufus guy, while Lorena was presenting a few of the nuns, ready to model in various fashionable nun’s garbs for their latest midsummer fashion show.

                  Lorena’s eyes twinkled with a mixture of pride and determination as she turned back to the visitors. “Together, we shall transcend the boundaries of faith and magic. With the guidance of the Morticians’ Guild—Garrett, Rufus, Silas, and Nemo—we will forge a new path, one that honors our past while embracing the future.”

                  Garrett, ever the showman, gave a theatrical bow. “We’re here to ensure this union is as seamless as a well-tailored shroud, my dear Lorena.” Rufus, standing silent and vigilant, offered a nod of agreement. Silas, with his grandfatherly smile, added, “We bring centuries of wisdom to this endeavor. Trust in the old ways, and we shall succeed.” Nemo, with his characteristic smirk, couldn’t resist a final quip. “And if things go awry, well, we have ways of making them… interesting.”


                  Looking at the news, Truella had started to push messages into the group’s channel. Frigella, Jeezel, and Eris  were unusually quick to answer.

                  Truella: (rolling her eyes icon) “So, Austreberthe’s brilliant plan is to merge our sophisticated incense business with… what was it again? Puffer coats and kilts made by Spanish witch nuns? I honestly can’t wait to see how that plays out.”

                  Frigella: (smirking) “Oh, don’t forget the quills. How could we possibly survive without those finely crafted quills? I mean, who needs innovation in magic when you can have a hand-stitched quilt from a nun’s workshop?”

                  Jeezel: (chuckling) “I can see it now—our next product line: ‘Blessed Be the Quilted Puffer Coats.’ Perfect for those chilly nights when you’re out casting spells in the woods. Truly revolutionary.”

                  Truella: “Yes, and let’s not overlook the cultural synergy. Religious Spanish nuns known to overdo the religious stuff, merging with our… less-than-conventional coven. A match made in heaven, for sure.”

                  Jeezel: “I can already hear Austreberthe’s sales pitch. ‘Introducing the new line of enchanted apparel—each item blessed with a dash of piety and a sprinkle of old-world charm. Because nothing says cutting-edge magic like a quilted kilt.'”

                  Frigella: “And the quills! ‘Handcrafted by the devout sisters, these quills will not only enhance your writing but also keep your soul in line.’ Imagine the marketing campaigns!”

                  Jeezel: “It’s like we’re stepping back into the Middle Ages. What’s next? A line of chastity belts with magical locks?”

                  Frigella: “I get that Austreberthe is trying to diversify and all, but does she really think this will integrate seamlessly with our brand? We’ve built our reputation on unique, powerful incense blends. How do quills and coats fit into that?”

                  Jeezel: (looking for the snorting icon) “Don’t forget the puffer coats. Perfect for those who wish to repent in style.”

                  Eris not wanting to sound too sycophantic, and trying to remain optimistic considering it was after all part of all the potential business she’d looked into: “Well, it seemed like a good idea in the beginning. You should have seen what we avoided! Plus, they have a solid balance sheet, believe it on not, I’m sure that’s what got Austreberthe. I knew Malové had her reservations, but before she left, she pushed hard for it, so maybe there’s some hidden genius in this we just can’t see yet. And Austreberthe will have a cunning plan to fuse these disparate elements into something… cohesive.”

                  Truella: (raising an eyebrow) “Cohesive like a patched-up quilt, you mean? I suppose we’ll have to wait and see if this grand vision of hers is a stroke of genius or just… well, a stroke.”


                  After all the months of secret work for Malové, where Eris was being tasked to scout for profitable new ventures for the Quadrivium’s Emporium that would keep with traditions, and endless due diligence under the seal of secrecy, she’d learnt that the deal had been finally sealed by Austreberthe.

                  The announcement had just went out, not really making quite the splash Eris would have expected.

                  Press Release

                  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

                  Quadrivium Emporium Announces Strategic Acquisition of Spanish based company Quintessivium Cloister Crafts

                  Limerick, 12th June 2024 – Quadrivium Emporium, renowned for its exceptional range of artisanal incense blends and commitment to quality, is pleased to announce the successful acquisition of Quintessivium Cloister Crafts. This strategic move marks a significant milestone in Quadrivium Emporium’s ongoing expansion and diversification efforts.

                  About Quintessivium Cloister Crafts

                  Quintessivium Cloister Crafts has been a trusted name in the production of high-quality nun’s couture. Known for their craftsmanship and dedication to preserving traditional techniques, started as a small business focussed on quills and writing accessories as well as cardigans, Quintessivium Cloister Crafts has maintained a reputation for excellence and innovation in the market.

                  Strategic Vision and Synergies

                  The integration of Quintessivium Cloister Crafts into the Quadrivium family aligns with our vision to expand our product portfolio while maintaining the high standards of quality and craftsmanship our customers have come to expect. This acquisition will allow Quadrivium Emporium to diversify its offerings and tap into new markets and customer segments.

                  “We are thrilled to welcome Quintessivium Cloister Crafts to the Quadrivium Emporium family,” said Austreberthe Baltherbridge, interim CEO of Quadrivium Emporium. “Their commitment to quality and tradition mirrors our own values, and we are excited about the opportunities this acquisition presents. Together, we will continue to innovate and deliver exceptional products to our customers.”

                  Future Endeavours

                  Quadrivium Emporium plans to leverage the expertise and resources of Quintessivium Cloister Crafts to develop new and unique product lines. Customers can look forward to an expanded range of high-quality writing instruments, apparel and accessories, crafted with the same attention to detail and dedication that both brands are known for.

                  For more information, please contact: media@quadrivium.emporium


                  The internal memo that they’d received on the internal email list bore some of the distinct style of Malové, even if sent from Austreberthe’s email and adjusted with the painstaking attention to minute details she was known for.

                  Internal Memo

                  To: Quadrivium Leadership Team
                  Subject: Synergies and Strategic Integration with Quintessivium Cloister Crafts (previously codenamed as ‘Cardivium Nun’s Quills & Cardigans’)


                  With the acquisition of Quintessivium Cloister Crafts finalised, we are poised to explore the deeper synergies between our coven and the nun witches’ coven operating behind their front. Here are some key areas where we can harness our collective strengths:

                  1. Resource Sharing:
                  – Their expertise in crafting high-quality quills can complement our focus on artisanal incense blends. By sharing resources and best practices, both covens can enhance their craftsmanship and innovation.

                  2. Collaborative Spellcraft:
                  – The nun witches bring a unique perspective and set of rituals that can enrich our own magical practices. Joint spellcasting sessions and workshops can lead to the development of powerful new enchantments and products.

                  3. Knowledge Exchange:
                  – The historical and esoteric knowledge held by the nuns is a treasure trove we can tap into. Regular exchanges of scrolls, texts, and insights can deepen our understanding of ancient magic and its applications in modern contexts.

                  4. Market Expansion:
                  – By combining our product lines, we can create bundled offerings that appeal to a broader audience. Imagine a premium writing set that includes a handcrafted quill, a magical ink blend, and a specially composed incense for enhancing focus and creativity. Or outdoor outfits with puffer jackets, or specially knit cardigans with embedded magical properties.

                  5. Strengthening Alliances:
                  – This acquisition sets a precedent for future alliances with other covens and magical entities. It demonstrates our commitment to growth and collaboration, reinforcing our position as a leading force in the magical community.

                  Remember, the true value of this acquisition lies not just in the products we can create together, but in the unity and strength we gain as a collective. Let’s approach this integration with the spirit of collaboration and mutual respect.

                  Yours in strength and magic,
                  Austreberthe, on behalf of Malové


                  Once again, the Quadrivium headquarters buzzed with an undercurrent of tension and anticipation. Malové stood at the helm, her gaze as steely and unwavering as ever. The coven’s regular meetings had taken on a new urgency in the face of mounting market pressures and the ever-accelerating pace of competition.

                  The witches assembled in the grand hall, each carrying the weight of their individual concerns and collective anxieties. A large screen was projecting the agenda in flashy neon colours with a glamourous photo of their leader. The event was broadcast across many locations, not all witches able to join physically as the ongoing Worldwide Roman Games preparation and the 333th celebration of the Treaty of Limerick ending the Williamite War, had made the city impenetrable due to the convergence of world leaders.

                  Not only for those present, all of them seated in-person, or remotely connected had felt the tremors of change, the subtle yet insistent push towards transformation. Yet despite their best efforts, a cohesive vision for the coven’s future remained elusive.

                  As the last witch took her seat and the various technical glitches got sorted, Malové stepped forward, her presence commanding immediate silence. With a flick of her wrist, a spectral map materialized before them, shimmering with points of light that represented their past achievements and future challenges.

                  “Listen well,” Malové began, her voice echoing through the hall with the gravity of an ancient spell. “We stand at a crossroads, a juncture where our past accomplishments meet the demands of an unforgiving future. Our strength has always been in our unity and our mastery of the arcane, but now, we must also master the art of transformation.”

                  She paused, allowing her words to sink in. The witches leaned forward, their eyes locked onto their formidable leader.

                  “Transformation,” she continued, “is not merely a matter of adapting to external pressures. It requires a boldness of spirit and a willingness to steer the deepest currents of our inner selves. It demands that we break free from the confines of tradition without losing our core essence.”

                  Malové waved her hand, and the map shifted to reveal a complex network of interconnected pathways. “Our path forward will not be linear. It will be a labyrinth, requiring both cunning and courage. But fear not, for I have charted a course that will lead us through.”

                  She pointed to three glowing nodes on the map. “First, we shall innovate. Our magical incense blends have always been our hallmark, but we must go beyond. We will delve into new realms of magic, combining our ancient practices with cutting-edge techniques. Each of you will be tasked with researching and developing a new blend that can transform not just our coven, but the world.”

                  The witches exchanged glances, a mixture of excitement and apprehension flickering in their eyes.

                  “Second,” Malové continued, “we must strengthen our alliances. The world is vast, and we are not alone in our quest for magical mastery. We will forge new partnerships with other covens, magical beings, and even those who walk the line between the mundane and the mystical. Together, we will create a network of power and influence that none can rival.”

                  The map expanded, showing potential allies and strategic locations across the globe. The witches nodded, recognizing the necessity of this bold move.

                  “Lastly,” Malové said, her voice softening yet losing none of its intensity, “we must look within. Inner transformation is the crucible in which true power is forged. Each of you will undergo a rigorous process of self-examination and growth. You will face your fears, confront your weaknesses, and emerge stronger and more resilient. Only then can we hope to lead others through their own transformations.”

                  She paused, meeting the eyes of each witch in turn. “I will be with you every step of the way. My role is not just to lead, but to guide and support you. We will hold workshops, retreats, and one-on-one sessions to ensure that every member of the Quadrivium is prepared for the journey ahead.”

                  Truella, who had tuned in remotely, winced softly behind her screen – she quickly checked. Phew, she had been on mute the whole time.

                  Malové’s voice grew softer still, almost a whisper, but it carried the weight of an ancient prophecy. “We are the Quadrivium. We are woven together by threads of magic and destiny. Our future is not written in stone, but in the stars. Together, we will reach for those stars and make them our own.”

                  The hall was silent, the witches absorbing the magnitude of Malové’s words. Slowly, a sense of resolve began to build, a collective determination to embrace the path laid out before them.

                  As the meeting drew to a close, Malové turned back to the spectral map, her eyes reflecting the myriad possibilities that lay ahead. “Remember this day, for it marks the beginning of our grand transformation. We will not be merely a coven. We will be a force of nature, a symphony of magic that weaves through time and space.”

                  With a final wave of her hand, the map vanished, leaving only the echoes of her words and the indomitable spirit of the Quadrivium, and throngs of witches left more confused as they exited the halls in hushed tones.

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