Marvin Scrozzezi

    Type: person

    A somewhat famous movie maker, whose refusal to be pegged down to a particular style, has landed him a variety of somewhat off the beaten track scripts…

    While his directing skills know no pair, his Achilles heel is finding proper titles…

    Some of his known bodies of works:

    • The Return of the Avenging Dame Zombie of the Lake
    • T’Eggy Gets a Good Rodgering*
      T’Eggy Finds a Big Butternut Squash* (possible working titles, for a movie adapted from a Liz Tattler’s best seller)
    • Red October: Lady Chesterlaid VS James Bong (working title)
    • Ogregan, the Origeans (script loosely based on the San-Demangelo Saga)
    • Good Dick (a shelved adaptation loosely based on a real story of the great channeling of Dead Dick Tracy)
    Categories: Unknown