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  • #3270

    When the bubble of air popped open, and the veil of mist lifted, all the birds woke up excited and rushed out to taste the 2222 fishes and for some of them, to enjoy cracking macadamia nuts with their beaks shut.
    Among them, Huhu the parrot felt its brain change in a weird brainwave he’d experienced before.

    It knew what needed to be done next.
    Surreptitiously, Huhu crept on the vines covering the floating mess that was the galleon, very slowly, in the direction of the Captain’s cabin, where the Captain’s treasures were kept. A heap of rubbish really, mostly gathered on various of Peter’s visits inland —broken shells of attractive and incomprehensible forms, shiny mother-of-pearl squiggles and brightly colored beads of various materials, former sea trash sanded down to their round form by the power of the elements, and left bereft of any hint of their man-made origin.

    The second key was there, next to the window, with a faint metal shine on its brushed surface, laid in the middle of an array of strange metal objects, most of which were rusted and unrecognizable, old keys as well maybe, or virtually anything else.

    On a schedule, Huhu, swiftly assessed that no other prying eye was looking his way, and that Peter’s ghost form was softly blinking in a snoring fashion, then leapt on the table, snatched the precious key, and flew out of the window to join Irina at the rendez-vous point on a particular rock off the shores of 2222, Big Island, where she was sunbathing in her mermaid costume, while Mr R was close too, in his octopus suit, and as well, on a mission…

    F LoveF Love

      Queens Team and 2121 originated time-travellers

      Reginald / Maurana Banana
      Cedric / Consuela Winnie
      Amar / Terry Bubble
      Sadie Merrie
      Linda Paul

      Supporting team

      Pseu, Maria del Mar, Janice (from the City, around 2257)
      Sanso (from other dimension, multi-dimensional travel contractor)
      Frindle, Trumble, Jingle (fuck knows who they are)
      the Hawai’i techromancer

      Management team (around 2222 and later)

      Irina, mermaid Russian spy and parrot whisperer

      Jonbert, the orchestrator of the time-travelling arcs, wanting to retrieve key information from St Germain which were collected in 1757. En route back to 2222 to intercept the whales’ crystal with help from Linda Paul’s team, and his luxury submarine

      1757 King’s Versailles

      The Queen
      Madame de Pompadour
      her maid Nicole du Hausset, coming from a line of time-smugglers
      Mr Aliette the wigmaker and finger reader
      Count de St Germain
      Giacomo Casanova (pseudonyms Monsieur de St Galle / Jacques de Seingalt)
      Father Balbi, Casanova’s travelling companion
      Theater du Soleil actors (Lison Tailleur, Jean Pastisse, Geoffroy du Limon, Francette Fine)
      Robert-Francois Damiens, the assassim
      Jean-Pierre Duroy, the Grand Intendant, his wife the Pastry Chef Annie
      Cook and Helper
      ghost of Marguerite Isabeau

      The 1757 originated time-travellers

      Mirabelle the oldest and bossiest, Adeline the youngest (thief of the first ferret) and Fanetta, the French maids
      Igor Popinkin, Boris and Ivan the Russian con-artists and saboteurs hidden with the Russian Ballet troupe visiting Versailles
      Huhu the parrot
      The Whale ghost, the ghost ship (died/sunk around 1600s) and time-travelling fin whales of 2020s
      Belen, the whale
      Santa Rosa, the galleon
      the ghost obese gardener-captain Peter Pugh Petit Pois, from Peasland

      The Spanish farm and fat mermaid dolphins

      Lisa, Jack
      Pierre and Etienne
      The Italian cruise ship
      pink Amazonian dolphins


      It was said long ago that the role of the parrot is that of opening communication centers. When this totem appears, one should look to see if one needs assistance in understanding views that are different from one’s own.
      Huhu didn’t care about any of these human assigned meanings to its existence.

      When the grip of Irina’s mind over Huhu the parrot was suddenly released, it found itself out of sight of the floating balloon and struggled to glide over the oceans’ air currents without losing too much altitude as well as precious degrees.

      The air was cold and the ocean had no end in sight, and if a parrot knew despair, Huhu would have succumbed to it already. But it was a brave parrot, as though inhabited by some divine spark, and it continued bravely, only guided by his senses.

      When it was about to faint from exhaustion, and dive dangerously close to the sea, was the precise moment when it noticed fumes swirling around in strange vortices erupting from the sea.
      A strange boat appeared at the surface with a shining light.

      Little did Huhu know, but it was the ghost galleon Santa Rosa which had a special thing for birds in distress, and would appear at times of need, a haven of luxuriant foliage and birds cackle, a benediction of safety in the turmoil of the seas.

      Nobody knew clearly when the galleon sunk, one of the last of his kinds in the Old Continent, probably around the early 1111s, but one thing was sure, it was a ghost ship long before Huhu was born and brought to Versailles in 1757.

      A ghostly form picked his soft body from the ground, delicately removing the key entangled on its foot, then placed the bird with great care on a bed of moss.

      We can go now Belen said the man to the whale captain of the ghost ship.
      Whale that! came the answer.


      Huhu dived in an unexpected move and snatched the key while tittering in a manic parrot cackle.
      “So long floaters, and thanks for all the fish.”

      Obviously it wasn’t by mistake that a parrot was lurking in Versailles biding for its time.


      Meanwhile, a cucumber free Irina was trying to get the hang of the commands of the new p-box that could allow for entering the minds of animals.

      On the empty box lying at her feet, one could read the usual side effects caveats, especially for the birds section: Birds are very tempting, but a p-boxer may soon lose contact to the mundane things of earth, and want only to fly.


      The lard had run out and the descent was swift. Pseu deftly manipulated a few strategic updrafts to keep the balloon out of the water, causing the occupants to alternately shriek with fright and cross themselves fervently. HuHu the parrot was nowhere to be seen, and there was no sign of ghost galleon Santa Rosa.
      The ghostly image of Marguerite Isabeau the 14th century mystic, appeared in Igor’s mind, and her scarlet lips seemed to whisper to him. “You let me down, young man, and now I shall let you down, down down down to the bottom of the ocean, to punish you for leaving me waiting in the chapel yard……”.
      HuHu! HuHu!” called Mirabelle anxiously.
      “This is no laughing matter!” said Adeline sternly.
      While Mirabelle was rolling her eyes, she spotted the parrot, silouetted in the orb of the sinking sun. “Over there!” she cried, and Pseu responded with a final gust of such force that the six passengers toppled right out of the balloons basket into the sea.
      “Bugger!” exclaimed Pseu. “Bugger that!”


      “Are we nearly there yet?” asked Fanella, who was easily bored. The balloon had been drifting steadily westwards for almost two days. It had been decidedly chilly at that altitude, but the occupants had kept themselves warm with lashings of champagne and cognac and hard boiled eggs (much to HuHu’s disgust), thanks to Boris’s basket of provisions, but they had drained the last drops several hours ago.
      “We will have to land soon to replenish our supplies” said the practical Boris. “We have a long way to go yet, and we will soon be flying over the sea.”
      Perfect! thought Pseu, I will have an opportunity to acquire a bleu and white Quimper tile for my collection for the Folly in the City.
      “But it’s almost dark, Boris, can we land this thing in the dark?” asked Adeline.
      “It will be a perfect time to land, under the cloak of darkness. We don’t want to be attacked by superstitious peasants brandishing pitchforks.”
      “Oh splendid, will we be doing a spot of raping and pillaging?” asked Igor, cheering up at the thought.
      Mirabelle glared at him. “Pillaging, yes. Just the supplies that we need, and then back to the balloon!”


      Mirabelle, did you have to bring that damn parrot? I can’t stand the endless squalking!” complained Adeline. “There is no respite, nowhere to go in this balloon to escape the endless nonsense talk of that bird.”
      Boris, always so resourceful, made her a pair of beeswax earplugs from one of the candles in the provisions basket that he had the foresight to bring.
      “My parrot has a name, you rude tart Adeline, her name is HuHu.” replied the wisest maid, adding prophetically, “You will be glad of her in due course, you can be sure of that.”


      In reply to: Strings of Nines


        Actually, the mindful reader would be glad to know that Waakaawaakawaawaawaawaawaawaawahuhun (or Wakawah-thirtyfour’n) wasn’t quite as safe as its almost twin city Wookoowookawoowoowoowoowoowoohoohoon (or Wookoowooh-thirty-fiv’n), both lying actually quite close for a bird, or a dragon, anchored at the bottom and at each of the sides of the same mountain.

        While the former’s only attraction was the Kangrawaakaas’ Stadium with its weekly games of morbidly obese people hurling in the mud, the latter was known for its ski resorts and snow trance delixtacies in makeshift melloow yelloow yurts. Of course, W35N benefited from the better sunlight exposure, which made every dweller in the W34N hamlet fiercely jealous of its being favoured by all tourists passing by, while they (they thought) should be instead commanded for their bravery and perseverance.

        And while Arona had her toes meticulously licked in blissful oblivion, little did Vincentius know what trouble was ahead were he to ask a W34N’er if he was in W35N…


        In reply to: Strings of Nines

        F LoveF Love

          “W-a-t-e-r-f-r-i-n-g-i-n-m-e-l-o-n … yes still way too short!” Yikesy wasn’t really the party type and felt ridiculous wearing a bowler hat. While the others were engaged in general merriment precipitated by the arrival of the champagne, he surreptitiously removed the map from Minky’s backpack.

          He scanned the map till he found what he was looking for.

          Meanwhile ….

          Arona giggled. “Look at that sign! Waakaawaakawaawaawaawaawaawaawahuhun! I want to go there!”

          Mandrake raised an elegant eyebrow. “I suppose it is as good as anywhere, considering we have no idea where we are going.”

          “I will run ahead and make sure it is safe.” announced Vincentius melodically. “You rest Arona, and eat these delicious sandwiches I whipped up earlier.”

          “And shall I lick her feet for you while we wait?” asked the sarcastic Mandrake.

          “Splendid idea. Thank you Mandrake!”


          “Did you see how Malvina went to her date?”
          “Yes I saw it beloved” and she added with a giggle “though she probably wouldn’t like us to call that a ‘date’ huhu”.
          “Ahaha” Georges was enjoying himself with various associations connected to his periphery. Associations with words like ‘date’, or with time-space connections, like the ones related to the dress Malvina was wearing.

          Salome huddled herself up against Georges, and not looking at him, said in a dreamy gaze “I remember perfectly that first time we heard about the Zynder”
          Georges answered, surfing on his own associations “I remember how people had so much trouble pronouncing it ‘right’ — Ze-In-dear, Zee-Indeer, Zaindher…ahaha it was so funny”.

          Then coming back to Salome’s last sentence that had been hanging in the soft silence unanswered. “I think I heard about it before you did, but I was vaguely aware of it. You were the one to tell me the legend.”

          “Yes, on that first day on the Kandulim, where the Zentaura told me about it.”
          “I would love you to tell me again…”

          The Legend of the Zyndre

          as told to Salome by Zharon the 44th, of the Zentaura’s tribe

          There is a legend among the people of this place, that people love to remind themselves of in times of despair. It’s the legend of this mythical creature named the Zyndre.
          What the Zyndre looks like, nobody knows for sure until they see one. Because once you see one, you know what it is, without a shadow of doubt. It may be tricky because some people have seen one, and they get into fights about what it looks like, for such is the nature of the Zyndre that its form is diverse and it doesn’t show itself to two people the same.
          That’s why my people have named it Zyndre, which means “the creature of a thousand forms”.
          Some people have searched to catch it, but their attempts have always failed. For the Zyndre doesn’t show itself to the forceful people. The Zyndre is a peaceful creature that will find for you what you most desire.
          That’s why many people have used to represent it with a large nose, for it is a seeker. It may find anything you want, but you have to desire it so much that it becomes the main focus of your attention. It burns in your head, not like a madness, but like a warm reinsurance, a soft knowingness that you will indeed find it, that which you desire most.
          So that once you find the Zyndre, you know you’ve reached that thing that you desire, because the Zyndre is pointing you in its very direction.

          “You know Georges”, she says “that night on the beach, I dreamt of the Zyndre”
          “Really? And how did you perceive it?”
          “It was beautiful, not like the classical representations we see, of that big-nosed creature; it was so elegant, like a small silver-shining spotted doe, with tall feet proportionally to its body, not unlike the Qilin of the ancient Chinese; and it was proposing me to ride it to escape its enclosure.
          And I was thinking in the dream, ‘it must be strange and a bit uncomfortable when it’s galloping’ —because it’s small, and my feet will touch the ground.”
          “So did you ride it?”
          “Yes, and you were with me, and it was carrying us with ease and grace, like it was floating and gliding above the ground…” Salome looked at Georges with a smile “So that when I woke up, I knew without a shadow of a doubt, that I was exactly where I most desired to be.”


            Sam huh?

            Al was quite interested in the little furry creature. He suddenly remembered that when he had opened his old worn-out copy of the Yurara Fameliki stories at random this morning, he had found this excerpt about a guy wanting to get a dog… He could even remember the page number: 110.
            Al knew well enough that the book was a bit magic and that the described event would reverberate into his reality in many ways, but he didn’t know it would be in this strange fashion.
            Anyhow, he quite liked it.

            He was wondering now how Sam would do for the trip to the Floridisles with little Foxsam (huhu) —take it with them, or leave it for someone to keep?


            Just behind the plumpy panting woman who was coming to the campfire, Balbina could see the most interesting waddling goat she had ever seen coming along.

            “And I suspect the goat talks too?” Balbina asked Yuki.
            “Oh, yes… lots even… But don’t expect to understand all she says” Yuki added with a bwink.

            Hahaha, Balbina was amazed. That place was the most delirious dream/out-of-body projection she’d had in a long long time. How entertaining.

            “Beh, don’t be fooled, Balbina dear, it’s all real. And you’ll know very soon.” the goat started to greet her.
            “And you are?”
            Rafaela, at your service.”
            “How many more like you are there here? I’ve never seen such a funny zoo…”
            “A great deal actually” answered Yuki “but not so many of them are focused in this form. You still have to meet our dear Armowlle, who is doing some spying business and occasional rescue missions on the island, and our soft Arailynx who is on more subjective missions currently…”

            Balbina was wondering “and why did you say I’ll know very soon?” she asked the goat.
            Rafaela answered with a mysterious smile “Because I’m planning to communicate a way out of this island to two of my little protégés, and I expect some of these people will follow. And you are very likely to meet them in the flesh when they get there.”
            “Really?!” Balbina was amazed. This dream was taking qualities of realness she wouldn’t have suspected the least it to have.

            “Now,” Yuki cut short the amazement moment “we need to have those among our friends willing to leave, to be prepared to leave at dawn.”

            “Okay” Anita, who had been seated on the sand quietly till then, rocking gently from side to side in a calm meditation, said softly.

            “Oh, she really can feel us talking…” Balbina said more to herself than to anyone else. And looking closely at the girl’s energy field, she could see how expanded it was, reaching those of Yuki, Kay the spirit dog, and Rafaela and even hers in luminous threads.

            “Not all of them are leaving tonight” answered Yuki to her unspoken question. “I think Anita and her parents will, but it’s more than probable than the others will stay. Some have business to do here, and others are in vacations huhu…”

            “You’re right, seems like the one with the strange energy field is gone already?”
            “Oh Claude, you mean. Yes. His mummification experience wasn’t too pleasant, and he has unfinished business with the people of the island; no wonder he prefers to stay here on his own.”

            (on the beach, around the campfire, in Regional Area 1, or physical reality)

            Awww, plane-crash you say? ‘ow wonderful… Mavis was chatting with Akita. Ye need to come with me, ye can’t stay ‘ere all night. Besides, Shar and Glaw will be so thrilled to see you. And we were starting to think it was all boring ‘ere; didn’t know they would have real survivors like on real-TV!

            Aaron and his familythey would probably need some better shelter, I assume. This probably would be best for us to come with you… Akita answered. And apparently, Claude has left, so that’s just us…

            Owlright then! Mavis beamed, come with me handsome! she said, clutching the soldier’s muscular arm under hers.
            Don’t worry Akita, we’ll follow you, said Anita to the soldier who was visibly appealed by the woman but was also weary to leave Anita alone with her sleeping parents. Besides, we can see the lights behind the trees, it’s very near…

            See you there Anita! Akita said to Anu
            Bye Akita! And don’t worry, Kay is always with you she said with a mysterious smile.

            As they walked side by side to the facility, Mavis said “Kay? A friend of yours?”
            “Oh, my lost dog… Nothing to worry about” answered Akita absently.


            Bloddy lamp is it, you said? Can’t find any lamp missing in there!


            What happened! Mavis? Are you alright?
            Oh, I think I just slipped on that blue slime ‘ere… Crashed something have I?
            Yeah, that small table there, you almost broke it!… Just like Bruce Loo, but with your bum ahahah!
            What was that crushing sound Sha?
            That small lamp there… Oh, that sounds perfect… now we can just put that skullamp to replace it…
            Yeah, let’s do that… Can’t wait to go to some more honeycomb!
            You greedy pooh Glo huhu
            There’s a false contact or something, it blinks strangely, looks like a bloddy disco ‘ere!
            Yeah, looks way better that way. We’ll have to bring back some decent music too.
            Righty oh! I’ve got my old disc from the Bungles…
            Yeahoo! Walk like a Magician!…


            In reply to: Synchronicity


              huhu backatcha Franci, I thought I was talking to myself here! :yahoo_whistling:


              In reply to: Synchronicity

              F LoveF Love

                huhu cool Tracy! :yahoo_loser:

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