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  • #6459

    In reply to: Orbs of Madjourneys

    It was pretty late, but Xavier remembered he had to book his flight (and his holidays, even if he could still mix the trip with his job… it would depend if Brytta would be able to join or not; if such were the case, he’d definitely would book time off).

    At the hotel where he was staying for the 2-days business trip he had to attend for his job, he’d noticed the strange decor, with little people in costumes in odd sceneries patterned on the “Toile de Jouy” curtains and some others in the most curious framed paintings, many of them looked like actual monkeys. Curiously, there wasn’t any golden banana, or banana bus, but it made him wonder if there was something more to be looked at the Inn that Zara wanted them to go to.

    Yasmin, a step ahead of him, had already looked at the reviews on MadjourneyAdvisor, and they were rave… in a fashion…

    “The lady behind the bar is nearly 90 years old and believe me, she could out-work many much younger than her.”
    “Old bird behind the bar is a lovely lady drop in for a chat and a beer or two – don’t mess with her or you will end up down a mine shaft”

    Well… better not to overthink it. He started to look at the flights, and last minute offers.

    Still no word from Youssef either.

    He placed an option on a flight, and decided he’d wait for everyone to confirm the dates for the rendez-vous.


    In reply to: Orbs of Madjourneys

    The images were forming on the screen of the VR set, a little blurry to start with, but taking some shapes, and with a few clicks in the right direction, the reality around him was transphormed as if he’d been into a huge deFørmiñG mirror, that they could shape with their strangest thoughts.

    The jungle had an oppressing quality… Maybe it has to do with the shrieks of the apes tearing the silence apart. :yahoo_monkey:   All sorts of them were gathered overhead, gibbons, baboons, chimps and Barbery apes, macaques and marmosets… some silent, but most of them in a swirl of manic agitation.

    When Xavier entered the ancient blue stone temple, he felt his quest was doomed from the start. It had taken a while to find the monkey’s sacred temple hidden deep within the jungle in which clues were supposed to be found. Thanks to a prompt from Zara who’d stumbled into a map, and some gentle push from a wise Y🦉wl, he’d managed to locate the temple. It was right under his nose all along. Obviously all this a metaphor, but once he found the proper connecting link, getting the right setup for dealing with the task was easier.

    So the monkeys were his and his RL colleagues crazy thoughts, and he’d even taken some fun in painting the faces of some of them into the game. He could hear Boss gorilla pounding his chest in the distance.

    “F£££” he couldn’t help but grumble when the notification prompt got him out of his meditative point. The Golden Banana would have to wait… The real life monkeys were requiring his attention for now.


    In reply to: Prompts of Madjourneys


      Continuing their adventures, offer 2 possible choices of action to each of the characters in real-life: 2 for Zara, 2 for Xavier, 2 for Yasmin and 2 for Youssef in “choose your own adventure” style.


      1. Continue to investigate the mysterious cat she saw, possibly seeking out help from local animal experts or veterinarians.
      2. Join Xavier and Yasmin in investigating the Flying Fish Inn, looking for clues and exploring the area for any potential leads on the game’s quest.


      1. Help Youssef troubleshoot the issues with the blog, possibly reaching out to IT professionals for assistance.
      2. Join Zara and Yasmin in investigating the Flying Fish Inn, using his knowledge of RPG’s and fantasy literature to assist in the search for clues.


      1. Take a break from the game and focus on her personal creative projects, such as writing or painting.
      2. Join Zara and Xavier in investigating the Flying Fish Inn, using her skills in research and analysis to assist in the search for clues.


      1. Focus on resolving the issues with the blog, possibly seeking out help from a hacker or cybersecurity expert to uncover the source of the problem.
      2. Join Zara, Xavier and Yasmin in investigating the Flying Fish Inn, using his knowledge of the game and the AI technology behind it to assist in the search for clues.

      I started reading a book. In fact I started reading it three weeks ago, and have read the first page of the preface every night and fallen asleep. But my neck aches from doing too much gardening so I went back to bed to read this morning. I still fell asleep six times but at least I finished the preface. It’s the story of the family , initiated by the family collection of netsuke (whatever that is. Tiny Japanese carvings) But this is what stopped me reading and made me think (and then fall asleep each time I re read it)

      “And I’m not entitled to nostalgia about all that lost wealth and glamour from a century ago. And I am not interested in thin. I want to know what the relationship has been between this wooden object that I am rolling between my fingers – hard and tricky and Japanese – and where it has been. I want to be able to reach to the handle of the door and turn it and feel it open. I want to walk into each room where this object has lived, to feel the volume of the space, to know what pictures were on the walls, how the light fell from the windows. And I want to know whose hands it has been in, and what they felt about it and thought about it – if they thought about it. I want to know what it has witnessed.” ― Edmund de Waal, The Hare With Amber Eyes: A Family’s Century of Art and Loss

      And I felt almost bereft that none of the records tell me which way the light fell in through the windows.

      I know who lived in the house in which years, but I don’t know who sat in the sun streaming through the window and which painting upon the wall they looked at and what the material was that covered the chair they sat on.

      Were his clothes confortable (or hers, likely not), did he have an old favourite pair of trousers that his mother hated?

      There is one house in particular that I keep coming back to. Like I got on the Housley train at Smalley and I can’t get off. Kidsley Grange Farm, they turned it into a nursing home and built extensions, and now it’s for sale for five hundred thousand pounds. But is the ghost still under the back stairs? Is there still a stain somewhere when a carafe of port was dropped?

      Did Anns writing desk survive? Does someone have that, polished, with a vase of spring tulips on it? (on a mat of course so it doesn’t make a ring, despite that there are layers of beeswaxed rings already)

      Does the desk remember the letters, the weight of a forearm or elbow, perhaps a smeared teardrop, or a comsumptive cough stain?

      Is there perhaps a folded bit of paper or card that propped an uneven leg that fell through the floorboards that might tear into little squares if you found it and opened it, and would it be a rough draft of a letter never sent, or just a receipt for five head of cattle the summer before?

      Did he hate the curtain material, or not even think of it? Did he love the house, or want to get away to see something new ~ or both?

      Did he have a favourite cup, a favourite food, did he hate liver or cabbage?

      Did he like his image when the photograph came from the studio or did he think it made his nose look big or his hair too thin, or did he wish he’d worn his other waistcoat?

      Did he love his wife so much he couldn’t bear to see her dying, was it neglect or was it the unbearableness of it all that made him go away and drink?

      Did the sun slanting in through the dormer window of his tiny attic room where he lodged remind him of ~ well no perhaps he was never in the room in daylight hours at all. Work all day and pub all night, keeping busy working hard and drinking hard and perhaps laughing hard, and maybe he only thought of it all on Sunday mornings.

      So many deaths, one after another, his father, his wife, his brother, his sister, and another and another, all the coughing, all the debility. Perhaps he never understood why he lived and they did not, what kind of justice was there in that?

      Did he take a souvenir or two with him, a handkerchief or a shawl perhaps, tucked away at the bottom of a battered leather bag that had his 3 shirts and 2 waistcoats in and a spare cap,something embroidered perhaps.

      The quote in that book started me off with the light coming in the window and the need to know the simplest things, something nobody ever wrote in a letter, maybe never even mentioned to anyone.

      Light coming in windows. I remeber when I was a teenager I had a day off sick and spent the whole day laying on the couch in a big window with the winter sun on my face all day, and I read Bonjour Tristesse in one sitting, and I’ll never forget that afternoon.  I don’t remember much about that book, but I remember being transported. But at the same time as being present in that sunny window.

      “Stories and objects share something, a patina…Perhaps patina is a process of rubbing back so that the essential is revealed…But it also seems additive, in the way that a piece of oak furniture gains over years and years of polishing.”

      “How objects are handed on is all about story-telling. I am giving you this because I love you. Or because it was given to me. Because I bought it somewhere special. Because you will care for it. Because it will complicate your life. Because it will make someone else envious. There is no easy story in legacy. What is remembered and what is forgotten? There can be a chain of forgetting, the rubbing away of previous ownership as much as the slow accretion of stories. What is being passed on to me with all these small Japanese objects?”

      “There are things in this world that the children hear, but whose sounds oscillate below an adult’s sense of pitch.”

      What did the children hear?


        From Tanganyika with Love

        continued  ~ part 6

        With thanks to Mike Rushby.

        Mchewe 6th June 1937

        Dearest Family,

        Home again! We had an uneventful journey. Kate was as good as gold all the
        way. We stopped for an hour at Bulawayo where we had to change trains but
        everything was simplified for me by a very pleasant man whose wife shared my
        compartment. Not only did he see me through customs but he installed us in our new
        train and his wife turned up to see us off with magazines for me and fruit and sweets for
        Kate. Very, very kind, don’t you think?

        Kate and I shared the compartment with a very pretty and gentle girl called
        Clarice Simpson. She was very worried and upset because she was going home to
        Broken Hill in response to a telegram informing her that her young husband was
        dangerously ill from Blackwater Fever. She was very helpful with Kate whose
        cheerfulness helped Clarice, I think, though I, quite unintentionally was the biggest help
        at the end of our journey. Remember the partial dentures I had had made just before
        leaving Cape Town? I know I shall never get used to the ghastly things, I’ve had them
        two weeks now and they still wobble. Well this day I took them out and wrapped them
        in a handkerchief, but when we were packing up to leave the train I could find the
        handkerchief but no teeth! We searched high and low until the train had slowed down to
        enter Broken Hill station. Then Clarice, lying flat on the floor, spied the teeth in the dark
        corner under the bottom bunk. With much stretching she managed to retrieve the
        dentures covered in grime and fluff. My look of horror, when I saw them, made young
        Clarice laugh. She was met at the station by a very grave elderly couple. I do wonder
        how things turned out for her.

        I stayed overnight with Kate at the Great Northern Hotel, and we set off for
        Mbeya by plane early in the morning. One of our fellow passengers was a young
        mother with a three week old baby. How ideas have changed since Ann was born. This
        time we had a smooth passage and I was the only passenger to get airsick. Although
        there were other women passengers it was a man once again, who came up and
        offered to help. Kate went off with him amiably and he entertained her until we touched
        down at Mbeya.

        George was there to meet us with a wonderful surprise, a little red two seater
        Ford car. She is a bit battered and looks a bit odd because the boot has been
        converted into a large wooden box for carrying raw salt, but she goes like the wind.
        Where did George raise the cash to buy a car? Whilst we were away he found a small
        cave full of bat guano near a large cave which is worked by a man called Bob Sargent.
        As Sargent did not want any competition he bought the contents of the cave from
        George giving him the small car as part payment.

        It was lovely to return to our little home and find everything fresh and tidy and the
        garden full of colour. But it was heartbreaking to go into the bedroom and see George’s
        precious forgotten boots still standing by his empty bed.

        With much love,

        Mchewe 25th June 1937

        Dearest Family,

        Last Friday George took Kate and me in the little red Ford to visit Mr Sargent’s
        camp on the Songwe River which cuts the Mbeya-Mbosi road. Mr Sargent bought
        Hicky-Wood’s guano deposit and also our small cave and is making a good living out of
        selling the bat guano to the coffee farmers in this province. George went to try to interest
        him in a guano deposit near Kilwa in the Southern Province. Mr Sargent agreed to pay
        25 pounds to cover the cost of the car trip and pegging costs. George will make the trip
        to peg the claim and take samples for analysis. If the quality is sufficiently high, George
        and Mr Sargent will go into partnership. George will work the claim and ship out the
        guano from Kilwa which is on the coast of the Southern Province of Tanganyika. So now
        we are busy building castles in the air once more.

        On Saturday we went to Mbeya where George had to attend a meeting of the
        Trout Association. In the afternoon he played in a cricket match so Kate and I spent the
        whole day with the wife of the new Superintendent of Police. They have a very nice
        new house with lawns and a sunken rose garden. Kate had a lovely romp with Kit, her
        three year old son.

        Mrs Wolten also has two daughters by a previous marriage. The elder girl said to
        me, “Oh Mrs Rushby your husband is exactly like the strong silent type of man I
        expected to see in Africa but he is the only one I have seen. I think he looks exactly like
        those men in the ‘Barney’s Tobacco’ advertisements.”

        I went home with a huge pile of magazines to keep me entertained whilst
        George is away on the Kilwa trip.

        Lots of love,

        Mchewe 9th July 1937

        Dearest Family,

        George returned on Monday from his Kilwa safari. He had an entertaining
        tale to tell.

        Before he approached Mr Sargent about going shares in the Kilwa guano
        deposit he first approached a man on the Lupa who had done very well out of a small
        gold reef. This man, however said he was not interested so you can imagine how
        indignant George was when he started on his long trip, to find himself being trailed by
        this very man and a co-driver in a powerful Ford V8 truck. George stopped his car and
        had some heated things to say – awful threats I imagine as to what would happen to
        anyone who staked his claim. Then he climbed back into our ancient little two seater and
        went off like a bullet driving all day and most of the night. As the others took turns in
        driving you can imagine what a feat it was for George to arrive in Kilwa ahead of them.
        When they drove into Kilwa he met them with a bright smile and a bit of bluff –
        quite justifiable under the circumstances I think. He said, you chaps can have a rest now,
        you’re too late.” He then whipped off and pegged the claim. he brought some samples
        of guano back but until it has been analysed he will not know whether the guano will be
        an economic proposition or not. George is not very hopeful. He says there is a good
        deal of sand mixed with the guano and that much of it was damp.

        The trip was pretty eventful for Kianda, our houseboy. The little two seater car
        had been used by its previous owner for carting bags of course salt from his salt pans.
        For this purpose the dicky seat behind the cab had been removed, and a kind of box
        built into the boot of the car. George’s camp kit and provisions were packed into this
        open box and Kianda perched on top to keep an eye on the belongings. George
        travelled so fast on the rough road that at some point during the night Kianda was
        bumped off in the middle of the Game Reserve. George did not notice that he was
        missing until the next morning. He concluded, quite rightly as it happened, that Kianda
        would be picked up by the rival truck so he continued his journey and Kianda rejoined
        him at Kilwa.

        Believe it or not, the same thing happened on the way back but fortunately this
        time George noticed his absence. He stopped the car and had just started back on his
        tracks when Kianda came running down the road still clutching the unlighted storm lamp
        which he was holding in his hand when he fell. The glass was not even cracked.
        We are finding it difficult just now to buy native chickens and eggs. There has
        been an epidemic amongst the poultry and one hesitates to eat the survivors. I have a
        brine tub in which I preserve our surplus meat but I need the chickens for soup.
        I hope George will be home for some months. He has arranged to take a Mr
        Blackburn, a wealthy fruit farmer from Elgin, Cape, on a hunting safari during September
        and October and that should bring in some much needed cash. Lillian Eustace has
        invited Kate and me to spend the whole of October with her in Tukuyu.
        I am so glad that you so much enjoy having Ann and George with you. We miss
        them dreadfully. Kate is a pretty little girl and such a little madam. You should hear the
        imperious way in which she calls the kitchenboy for her meals. “Boy Brekkis, Boy Lunch,
        and Boy Eggy!” are her three calls for the day. She knows no Ki-Swahili.


        Mchewe 8th October 1937

        Dearest Family,

        I am rapidly becoming as superstitious as our African boys. They say the wild
        animals always know when George is away from home and come down to have their
        revenge on me because he has killed so many.

        I am being besieged at night by a most beastly leopard with a half grown cub. I
        have grown used to hearing leopards grunt as they hunt in the hills at night but never
        before have I had one roaming around literally under the windows. It has been so hot at
        night lately that I have been sleeping with my bedroom door open onto the verandah. I
        felt quite safe because the natives hereabouts are law-abiding and in any case I always
        have a boy armed with a club sleeping in the kitchen just ten yards away. As an added
        precaution I also have a loaded .45 calibre revolver on my bedside table, and Fanny
        our bullterrier, sleeps on the mat by my bed. I am also looking after Barney, a fine
        Airedale dog belonging to the Costers. He slept on a mat by the open bedroom door
        near a dimly burning storm lamp.

        As usual I went to sleep with an easy mind on Monday night, but was awakened
        in the early hours of Tuesday by the sound of a scuffle on the front verandah. The noise
        was followed by a scream of pain from Barney. I jumped out of bed and, grabbing the
        lamp with my left hand and the revolver in my right, I rushed outside just in time to see
        two animal figures roll over the edge of the verandah into the garden below. There they
        engaged in a terrific tug of war. Fortunately I was too concerned for Barney to be
        nervous. I quickly fired two shots from the revolver, which incidentally makes a noise like
        a cannon, and I must have startled the leopard for both animals, still locked together,
        disappeared over the edge of the terrace. I fired two more shots and in a few moments
        heard the leopard making a hurried exit through the dry leaves which lie thick under the
        wild fig tree just beyond the terrace. A few seconds later Barney appeared on the low
        terrace wall. I called his name but he made no move to come but stood with hanging
        head. In desperation I rushed out, felt blood on my hands when I touched him, so I
        picked him up bodily and carried him into the house. As I regained the verandah the boy
        appeared, club in hand, having been roused by the shots. He quickly grasped what had
        happened when he saw my blood saturated nightie. He fetched a bowl of water and a
        clean towel whilst I examined Barney’s wounds. These were severe, the worst being a
        gaping wound in his throat. I washed the gashes with a strong solution of pot permang
        and I am glad to say they are healing remarkably well though they are bound to leave
        scars. Fanny, very prudently, had taken no part in the fighting except for frenzied barking
        which she kept up all night. The shots had of course wakened Kate but she seemed
        more interested than alarmed and kept saying “Fanny bark bark, Mummy bang bang.
        Poor Barney lots of blood.”

        In the morning we inspected the tracks in the garden. There was a shallow furrow
        on the terrace where Barney and the leopard had dragged each other to and fro and
        claw marks on the trunk of the wild fig tree into which the leopard climbed after I fired the
        shots. The affair was of course a drama after the Africans’ hearts and several of our
        shamba boys called to see me next day to make sympathetic noises and discuss the

        I went to bed early that night hoping that the leopard had been scared off for
        good but I must confess I shut all windows and doors. Alas for my hopes of a restful
        night. I had hardly turned down the lamp when the leopard started its terrifying grunting
        just under the bedroom windows. If only she would sniff around quietly I should not
        mind, but the noise is ghastly, something like the first sickening notes of a braying
        donkey, amplified here by the hills and the gorge which is only a stones throw from the
        bedroom. Barney was too sick to bark but Fanny barked loud enough for two and the more
        frantic she became the hungrier the leopard sounded. Kate of course woke up and this
        time she was frightened though I assured her that the noise was just a donkey having
        fun. Neither of us slept until dawn when the leopard returned to the hills. When we
        examined the tracks next morning we found that the leopard had been accompanied by
        a fair sized cub and that together they had prowled around the house, kitchen, and out
        houses, visiting especially the places to which the dogs had been during the day.
        As I feel I cannot bear many more of these nights, I am sending a note to the
        District Commissioner, Mbeya by the messenger who takes this letter to the post,
        asking him to send a game scout or an armed policeman to deal with the leopard.
        So don’t worry, for by the time this reaches you I feel sure this particular trouble
        will be over.


        Mchewe 17th October 1937

        Dearest Family,

        More about the leopard I fear! My messenger returned from Mbeya to say that
        the District Officer was on safari so he had given the message to the Assistant District
        Officer who also apparently left on safari later without bothering to reply to my note, so
        there was nothing for me to do but to send for the village Nimrod and his muzzle loader
        and offer him a reward if he could frighten away or kill the leopard.

        The hunter, Laza, suggested that he should sleep at the house so I went to bed
        early leaving Laza and his two pals to make themselves comfortable on the living room
        floor by the fire. Laza was armed with a formidable looking muzzle loader, crammed I
        imagine with nuts and bolts and old rusty nails. One of his pals had a spear and the other
        a panga. This fellow was also in charge of the Petromax pressure lamp whose light was
        hidden under a packing case. I left the campaign entirely to Laza’s direction.
        As usual the leopard came at midnight stealing down from the direction of the
        kitchen and announcing its presence and position with its usual ghastly grunts. Suddenly
        pandemonium broke loose on the back verandah. I heard the roar of the muzzle loader
        followed by a vigourous tattoo beaten on an empty paraffin tin and I rushed out hoping
        to find the dead leopard. however nothing of the kind had happened except that the
        noise must have scared the beast because she did not return again that night. Next
        morning Laza solemnly informed me that, though he had shot many leopards in his day,
        this was no ordinary leopard but a “sheitani” (devil) and that as his gun was no good
        against witchcraft he thought he might as well retire from the hunt. Scared I bet, and I
        don’t blame him either.

        You can imagine my relief when a car rolled up that afternoon bringing Messers
        Stewart and Griffiths, two farmers who live about 15 miles away, between here and
        Mbeya. They had a note from the Assistant District Officer asking them to help me and
        they had come to set up a trap gun in the garden. That night the leopard sniffed all
        around the gun and I had the added strain of waiting for the bang and wondering what I
        should do if the beast were only wounded. I conjured up horrible visions of the two little
        totos trotting up the garden path with the early morning milk and being horribly mauled,
        but I needn’t have worried because the leopard was far too wily to be caught that way.
        Two more ghastly nights passed and then I had another visitor, a Dr Jackson of
        the Tsetse Department on safari in the District. He listened sympathetically to my story
        and left his shotgun and some SSG cartridges with me and instructed me to wait until the
        leopard was pretty close and blow its b—– head off. It was good of him to leave his
        gun. George always says there are three things a man should never lend, ‘His wife, his
        gun and his dog.’ (I think in that order!)I felt quite cheered by Dr Jackson’s visit and sent
        once again for Laza last night and arranged a real show down. In the afternoon I draped
        heavy blankets over the living room windows to shut out the light of the pressure lamp
        and the four of us, Laza and his two stooges and I waited up for the leopard. When we
        guessed by her grunts that she was somewhere between the kitchen and the back door
        we all rushed out, first the boy with the panga and the lamp, next Laza with his muzzle
        loader, then me with the shotgun followed closely by the boy with the spear. What a
        farce! The lamp was our undoing. We were blinded by the light and did not even
        glimpse the leopard which made off with a derisive grunt. Laza said smugly that he knew
        it was hopeless to try and now I feel tired and discouraged too.

        This morning I sent a runner to Mbeya to order the hotel taxi for tomorrow and I
        shall go to friends in Mbeya for a day or two and then on to Tukuyu where I shall stay
        with the Eustaces until George returns from Safari.


        Mchewe 18th November 1937

        My darling Ann,

        Here we are back in our own home and how lovely it is to have Daddy back from
        safari. Thank you very much for your letter. I hope by now you have got mine telling you
        how very much I liked the beautiful tray cloth you made for my birthday. I bet there are
        not many little girls of five who can embroider as well as you do, darling. The boy,
        Matafari, washes and irons it so carefully and it looks lovely on the tea tray.

        Daddy and I had some fun last night. I was in bed and Daddy was undressing
        when we heard a funny scratching noise on the roof. I thought it was the leopard. Daddy
        quickly loaded his shotgun and ran outside. He had only his shirt on and he looked so
        funny. I grabbed the loaded revolver from the cupboard and ran after Dad in my nightie
        but after all the rush it was only your cat, Winnie, though I don’t know how she managed
        to make such a noise. We felt so silly, we laughed and laughed.

        Kate talks a lot now but in such a funny way you would laugh to her her. She
        hears the houseboys call me Memsahib so sometimes instead of calling me Mummy
        she calls me “Oompaab”. She calls the bedroom a ‘bippon’ and her little behind she
        calls her ‘sittendump’. She loves to watch Mandawi’s cattle go home along the path
        behind the kitchen. Joseph your donkey, always leads the cows. He has a lazy life now.
        I am glad you had such fun on Guy Fawkes Day. You will be sad to leave
        Plumstead but I am sure you will like going to England on the big ship with granny Kate.
        I expect you will start school when you get to England and I am sure you will find that

        God bless my dear little girl. Lots of love from Daddy and Kate,
        and Mummy

        Mchewe 18th November 1937

        Hello George Darling,

        Thank you for your lovely drawing of Daddy shooting an elephant. Daddy says
        that the only thing is that you have drawn him a bit too handsome.

        I went onto the verandah a few minutes ago to pick a banana for Kate from the
        bunch hanging there and a big hornet flew out and stung my elbow! There are lots of
        them around now and those stinging flies too. Kate wears thick corduroy dungarees so
        that she will not get her fat little legs bitten. She is two years old now and is a real little
        pickle. She loves running out in the rain so I have ordered a pair of red Wellingtons and a
        tiny umbrella from a Nairobi shop for her Christmas present.

        Fanny’s puppies have their eyes open now and have very sharp little teeth.
        They love to nip each other. We are keeping the fiercest little one whom we call Paddy
        but are giving the others to friends. The coffee bushes are full of lovely white flowers
        and the bees and ants are very busy stealing their honey.

        Yesterday a troop of baboons came down the hill and Dad shot a big one to
        scare the others off. They are a nuisance because they steal the maize and potatoes
        from the native shambas and then there is not enough food for the totos.
        Dad and I are very proud of you for not making a fuss when you went to the
        dentist to have that tooth out.

        Bye bye, my fine little son.
        Three bags full of love from Kate, Dad and Mummy.

        Mchewe 12th February, 1938

        Dearest Family,

        here is some news that will please you. George has been offered and has
        accepted a job as Forester at Mbulu in the Northern Province of Tanganyika. George
        would have preferred a job as Game Ranger, but though the Game Warden, Philip
        Teare, is most anxious to have him in the Game Department, there is no vacancy at
        present. Anyway if one crops up later, George can always transfer from one
        Government Department to another. Poor George, he hates the idea of taking a job. He
        says that hitherto he has always been his own master and he detests the thought of
        being pushed around by anyone.

        Now however he has no choice. Our capitol is almost exhausted and the coffee
        market shows no signs of improving. With three children and another on the way, he
        feels he simply must have a fixed income. I shall be sad to leave this little farm. I love
        our little home and we have been so very happy here, but my heart rejoices at the
        thought of overseas leave every thirty months. Now we shall be able to fetch Ann and
        George from England and in three years time we will all be together in Tanganyika once

        There is no sale for farms so we will just shut the house and keep on a very small
        labour force just to keep the farm from going derelict. We are eating our hens but will
        take our two dogs, Fanny and Paddy with us.

        One thing I shall be glad to leave is that leopard. She still comes grunting around
        at night but not as badly as she did before. I do not mind at all when George is here but
        until George was accepted for this forestry job I was afraid he might go back to the
        Diggings and I should once more be left alone to be cursed by the leopard’s attentions.
        Knowing how much I dreaded this George was most anxious to shoot the leopard and
        for weeks he kept his shotgun and a powerful torch handy at night.

        One night last week we woke to hear it grunting near the kitchen. We got up very
        quietly and whilst George loaded the shotgun with SSG, I took the torch and got the
        heavy revolver from the cupboard. We crept out onto the dark verandah where George
        whispered to me to not switch on the torch until he had located the leopard. It was pitch
        black outside so all he could do was listen intently. And then of course I spoilt all his
        plans. I trod on the dog’s tin bowl and made a terrific clatter! George ordered me to
        switch on the light but it was too late and the leopard vanished into the long grass of the
        Kalonga, grunting derisively, or so it sounded.

        She never comes into the clearing now but grunts from the hillside just above it.


        Mbulu 18th March, 1938

        Dearest Family,

        Journeys end at last. here we are at Mbulu, installed in our new quarters which are
        as different as they possibly could be from our own cosy little home at Mchewe. We
        live now, my dears, in one wing of a sort of ‘Beau Geste’ fort but I’ll tell you more about
        it in my next letter. We only arrived yesterday and have not had time to look around.
        This letter will tell you just about our trip from Mbeya.

        We left the farm in our little red Ford two seater with all our portable goods and
        chattels plus two native servants and the two dogs. Before driving off, George took one
        look at the flattened springs and declared that he would be surprised if we reached
        Mbeya without a breakdown and that we would never make Mbulu with the car so

        However luck was with us. We reached Mbeya without mishap and at one of the
        local garages saw a sturdy used Ford V8 boxbody car for sale. The garage agreed to
        take our small car as part payment and George drew on our little remaining capitol for the
        rest. We spent that night in the house of the Forest Officer and next morning set out in
        comfort for the Northern Province of Tanganyika.

        I had done the journey from Dodoma to Mbeya seven years before so was
        familiar with the scenery but the road was much improved and the old pole bridges had
        been replaced by modern steel ones. Kate was as good as gold all the way. We
        avoided hotels and camped by the road and she found this great fun.
        The road beyond Dodoma was new to me and very interesting country, flat and
        dry and dusty, as little rain falls there. The trees are mostly thorn trees but here and there
        one sees a giant baobab, weird trees with fantastically thick trunks and fat squat branches
        with meagre foliage. The inhabitants of this area I found interesting though. They are
        called Wagogo and are a primitive people who ape the Masai in dress and customs
        though they are much inferior to the Masai in physique. They are also great herders of
        cattle which, rather surprisingly, appear to thrive in that dry area.

        The scenery alters greatly as one nears Babati, which one approaches by a high
        escarpment from which one has a wonderful view of the Rift Valley. Babati township
        appears to be just a small group of Indian shops and shabby native houses, but I
        believe there are some good farms in the area. Though the little township is squalid,
        there is a beautiful lake and grand mountains to please the eye. We stopped only long
        enough to fill up with petrol and buy some foodstuffs. Beyond Babati there is a tsetse
        fly belt and George warned our two native servants to see that no tsetse flies settled on
        the dogs.

        We stopped for the night in a little rest house on the road about 80 miles from
        Arusha where we were to spend a few days with the Forest Officer before going on to
        Mbulu. I enjoyed this section of the road very much because it runs across wide plains
        which are bounded on the West by the blue mountains of the Rift Valley wall. Here for
        the first time I saw the Masai on their home ground guarding their vast herds of cattle. I
        also saw their strange primitive hovels called Manyattas, with their thorn walled cattle
        bomas and lots of plains game – giraffe, wildebeest, ostriches and antelope. Kate was
        wildly excited and entranced with the game especially the giraffe which stood gazing
        curiously and unafraid of us, often within a few yards of the road.

        Finally we came across the greatest thrill of all, my first view of Mt Meru the extinct
        volcano about 16,000 feet high which towers over Arusha township. The approach to
        Arusha is through flourishing coffee plantations very different alas from our farm at Mchewe. George says that at Arusha coffee growing is still a paying proposition
        because here the yield of berry per acre is much higher than in the Southern highlands
        and here in the North the farmers have not such heavy transport costs as the railway runs
        from Arusha to the port at Tanga.

        We stayed overnight at a rather second rate hotel but the food was good and we
        had hot baths and a good nights rest. Next day Tom Lewis the Forest Officer, fetched
        us and we spent a few days camping in a tent in the Lewis’ garden having meals at their
        home. Both Tom and Lillian Lewis were most friendly. Tom lewis explained to George
        what his work in the Mbulu District was to be, and they took us camping in a Forest
        Reserve where Lillian and her small son David and Kate and I had a lovely lazy time
        amidst beautiful surroundings. Before we left for Mbulu, Lillian took me shopping to buy
        material for curtains for our new home. She described the Forest House at Mbulu to me
        and it sounded delightful but alas, when we reached Mbulu we discovered that the
        Assistant District Officer had moved into the Forest House and we were directed to the
        Fort or Boma. The night before we left Arusha for Mbulu it rained very heavily and the
        road was very treacherous and slippery due to the surface being of ‘black cotton’ soil
        which has the appearance and consistency of chocolate blancmange, after rain. To get to
        Mbulu we had to drive back in the direction of Dodoma for some 70 miles and then turn
        to the right and drive across plains to the Great Rift Valley Wall. The views from this
        escarpment road which climbs this wall are magnificent. At one point one looks down
        upon Lake Manyara with its brilliant white beaches of soda.

        The drive was a most trying one for George. We had no chains for the wheels
        and several times we stuck in the mud and our two houseboys had to put grass and
        branches under the wheels to stop them from spinning. Quite early on in the afternoon
        George gave up all hope of reaching Mbulu that day and planned to spend the night in
        a little bush rest camp at Karatu. However at one point it looked as though we would not
        even reach this resthouse for late afternoon found us properly bogged down in a mess
        of mud at the bottom of a long and very steep hill. In spite of frantic efforts on the part of
        George and the two boys, all now very wet and muddy, the heavy car remained stuck.
        Suddenly five Masai men appeared through the bushes beside the road. They
        were all tall and angular and rather terrifying looking to me. Each wore only a blanket
        knotted over one shoulder and all were armed with spears. They lined up by the side of
        the road and just looked – not hostile but simply aloof and supercilious. George greeted
        them and said in Ki-Swahili, “Help to push and I will reward you.” But they said nothing,
        just drawing back imperceptibly to register disgust at the mere idea of manual labour.
        Their expressions said quite clearly “A Masai is a warrior and does not soil his hands.”
        George then did something which startled them I think, as much as me. He
        plucked their spears from their hands one by one and flung them into the back of the
        boxbody. “Now push!” he said, “And when we are safely out of the mud you shall have
        your spears back.” To my utter astonishment the Masai seemed to applaud George’s
        action. I think they admire courage in a man more than anything else. They pushed with a
        will and soon we were roaring up the long steep slope. “I can’t stop here” quoth George
        as up and up we went. The Masai were in mad pursuit with their blankets streaming
        behind. They took a very steep path which was a shortcut to the top. They are certainly
        amazing athletes and reached the top at the same time as the car. Their route of course
        was shorter but much more steep, yet they came up without any sign of fatigue to claim
        their spears and the money which George handed out with a friendly grin. The Masai
        took the whole episode in good heart and we parted on the most friendly terms.

        After a rather chilly night in the three walled shack, we started on the last lap of our
        journey yesterday morning in bright weather and made the trip to Mbulu without incident.


        Mbulu 24th March, 1938

        Dearest Family,

        Mbulu is an attractive station but living in this rather romantic looking fort has many
        disadvantages. Our quarters make up one side of the fort which is built up around a
        hollow square. The buildings are single storied but very tall in the German manner and
        there is a tower on one corner from which the Union Jack flies. The tower room is our
        sitting room, and one has very fine views from the windows of the rolling country side.
        However to reach this room one has to climb a steep flight of cement steps from the
        court yard. Another disadvantage of this tower room is that there is a swarm of bees in
        the roof and the stray ones drift down through holes in the ceiling and buzz angrily
        against the window panes or fly around in a most menacing manner.

        Ours are the only private quarters in the Fort. Two other sides of the Fort are
        used as offices, storerooms and court room and the fourth side is simply a thick wall with
        battlements and loopholes and a huge iron shod double door of enormous thickness
        which is always barred at sunset when the flag is hauled down. Two Police Askari always
        remain in the Fort on guard at night. The effect from outside the whitewashed fort is very
        romantic but inside it is hardly homely and how I miss my garden at Mchewe and the
        grass and trees.

        We have no privacy downstairs because our windows overlook the bare
        courtyard which is filled with Africans patiently waiting to be admitted to the courtroom as
        witnesses or spectators. The outside windows which overlook the valley are heavily
        barred. I can only think that the Germans who built this fort must have been very scared
        of the local natives.

        Our rooms are hardly cosy and are furnished with typical heavy German pieces.
        We have a vast bleak bedroom, a dining room and an enormous gloomy kitchen in
        which meals for the German garrison were cooked. At night this kitchen is alive with
        gigantic rats but fortunately they do not seem to care for the other rooms. To crown
        everything owls hoot and screech at night on the roof.

        On our first day here I wandered outside the fort walls with Kate and came upon a
        neatly fenced plot enclosing the graves of about fifteen South African soldiers killed by
        the Germans in the 1914-18 war. I understand that at least one of theses soldiers died in
        the courtyard here. The story goes, that during the period in the Great War when this fort
        was occupied by a troop of South African Horse, a German named Siedtendorf
        appeared at the great barred door at night and asked to speak to the officer in command
        of the Troop. The officer complied with this request and the small shutter in the door was
        opened so that he could speak with the German. The German, however, had not come
        to speak. When he saw the exposed face of the officer, he fired, killing him, and
        escaped into the dark night. I had this tale on good authority but cannot vouch for it. I do
        know though, that there are two bullet holes in the door beside the shutter. An unhappy
        story to think about when George is away, as he is now, and the moonlight throws queer
        shadows in the court yard and the owls hoot.

        However though I find our quarters depressing, I like Mbulu itself very much. It is
        rolling country, treeless except for the plantations of the Forestry Dept. The land is very
        fertile in the watered valleys but the grass on hills and plains is cropped to the roots by
        the far too numerous cattle and goats. There are very few Europeans on the station, only
        Mr Duncan, the District Officer, whose wife and children recently left for England, the
        Assistant District Officer and his wife, a bachelor Veterinary Officer, a Road Foreman and
        ourselves, and down in the village a German with an American wife and an elderly
        Irishman whom I have not met. The Government officials have a communal vegetable
        garden in the valley below the fort which keeps us well supplied with green stuff. 

        Most afternoons George, Kate and I go for walks after tea. On Fridays there is a
        little ceremony here outside the fort. In the late afternoon a little procession of small
        native schoolboys, headed by a drum and penny whistle band come marching up the
        road to a tune which sounds like ‘Two lovely black eyes”. They form up below our tower
        and as the flag is lowered for the day they play ‘God save the King’, and then march off
        again. It is quite a cheerful little ceremony.

        The local Africans are a skinny lot and, I should say, a poor tribe. They protect
        themselves against the cold by wrapping themselves in cotton blankets or a strip of
        unbleached sheeting. This they drape over their heads, almost covering their faces and
        the rest is wrapped closely round their bodies in the manner of a shroud. A most
        depressing fashion. They live in very primitive comfortless houses. They simply make a
        hollow in the hillside and build a front wall of wattle and daub. Into this rude shelter at night
        go cattle and goats, men, women, and children.

        Mbulu village has the usual mud brick and wattle dukas and wattle and daub
        houses. The chief trader is a Goan who keeps a surprisingly good variety of tinned
        foodstuffs and also sells hardware and soft goods.

        The Europeans here have been friendly but as you will have noted there are
        only two other women on station and no children at all to be companions for Kate.


        Mbulu 20th June 1938

        Dearest Family,

        Here we are on Safari with George at Babati where we are occupying a rest
        house on the slopes of Ufiome Mountain. The slopes are a Forest Reserve and
        George is supervising the clearing of firebreaks in preparation for the dry weather. He
        goes off after a very early breakfast and returns home in the late afternoon so Kate and I
        have long lazy days.

        Babati is a pleasant spot and the resthouse is quite comfortable. It is about a mile
        from the village which is just the usual collection of small mud brick and corrugated iron
        Indian Dukas. There are a few settlers in the area growing coffee, or going in for mixed
        farming but I don’t think they are doing very well. The farm adjoining the rest house is
        owned by Lord Lovelace but is run by a manager.

        George says he gets enough exercise clambering about all day on the mountain,
        so Kate and I do our walking in the mornings when George is busy, and we all relax in
        the evenings when George returns from his field work. Kate’s favourite walk is to the big
        block of mtama (sorghum) shambas lower down the hill. There are huge swarms of tiny
        grain eating birds around waiting the chance to plunder the mtama, so the crops are
        watched from sunrise to sunset.

        Crude observation platforms have been erected for this purpose in the centre of
        each field and the women and the young boys of the family concerned, take it in turn to
        occupy the platform and scare the birds. Each watcher has a sling and uses clods of
        earth for ammunition. The clod is placed in the centre of the sling which is then whirled
        around at arms length. Suddenly one end of the sling is released and the clod of earth
        flies out and shatters against the mtama stalks. The sling makes a loud whip like crack and
        the noise is quite startling and very effective in keeping the birds at a safe distance.


        Karatu 3rd July 1938

        Dearest Family,

        Still on safari you see! We left Babati ten days ago and passed through Mbulu
        on our way to this spot. We slept out of doors one night beside Lake Tiawa about eight
        miles from Mbulu. It was a peaceful spot and we enjoyed watching the reflection of the
        sunset on the lake and the waterhens and duck and pelicans settling down for the night.
        However it turned piercingly cold after sunset so we had an early supper and then all
        three of us lay down to sleep in the back of the boxbody (station wagon). It was a tight
        fit and a real case of ‘When Dad turns, we all turn.’

        Here at Karatu we are living in a grass hut with only three walls. It is rather sweet
        and looks like the setting for a Nativity Play. Kate and I share the only camp bed and
        George and the dogs sleep on the floor. The air here is very fresh and exhilarating and
        we all feel very fit. George is occupied all day supervising the cutting of firebreaks
        around existing plantations and the forest reserve of indigenous trees. Our camp is on
        the hillside and below us lie the fertile wheat lands of European farmers.

        They are mostly Afrikaners, the descendants of the Boer families who were
        invited by the Germans to settle here after the Boer War. Most of them are pro-British
        now and a few have called in here to chat to George about big game hunting. George
        gets on extremely well with them and recently attended a wedding where he had a
        lively time dancing at the reception. He likes the older people best as most are great
        individualists. One fine old man, surnamed von Rooyen, visited our camp. He is a Boer
        of the General Smuts type with spare figure and bearded face. George tells me he is a
        real patriarch with an enormous family – mainly sons. This old farmer fought against the
        British throughout the Boer War under General Smuts and again against the British in the
        German East Africa campaign when he was a scout and right hand man to Von Lettow. It
        is said that Von Lettow was able to stay in the field until the end of the Great War
        because he listened to the advise given to him by von Rooyen. However his dislike for
        the British does not extend to George as they have a mutual interest in big game

        Kate loves being on safari. She is now so accustomed to having me as her nurse
        and constant companion that I do not know how she will react to paid help. I shall have to
        get someone to look after her during my confinement in the little German Red Cross
        hospital at Oldeani.

        George has obtained permission from the District Commissioner, for Kate and
        me to occupy the Government Rest House at Oldeani from the end of July until the end
        of August when my baby is due. He will have to carry on with his field work but will join
        us at weekends whenever possible.


        Karatu 12th July 1938

        Dearest Family,

        Not long now before we leave this camp. We have greatly enjoyed our stay
        here in spite of the very chilly earl mornings and the nights when we sit around in heavy
        overcoats until our early bed time.

        Last Sunday I persuaded George to take Kate and me to the famous Ngoro-
        Ngoro Crater. He was not very keen to do so because the road is very bumpy for
        anyone in my interesting condition but I feel so fit that I was most anxious to take this
        opportunity of seeing the enormous crater. We may never be in this vicinity again and in
        any case safari will not be so simple with a small baby.

        What a wonderful trip it was! The road winds up a steep escarpment from which
        one gets a glorious birds eye view of the plains of the Great Rift Valley far, far below.
        The crater is immense. There is a road which skirts the rim in places and one has quite
        startling views of the floor of the crater about two thousand feet below.

        A camp for tourists has just been built in a clearing in the virgin forest. It is most
        picturesque as the camp buildings are very neatly constructed log cabins with very high
        pitched thatched roofs. We spent about an hour sitting on the grass near the edge of the
        crater enjoying the sunshine and the sharp air and really awe inspiring view. Far below us
        in the middle of the crater was a small lake and we could see large herds of game
        animals grazing there but they were too far away to be impressive, even seen through
        George’s field glasses. Most appeared to be wildebeest and zebra but I also picked
        out buffalo. Much more exciting was my first close view of a wild elephant. George
        pointed him out to me as we approached the rest camp on the inward journey. He
        stood quietly under a tree near the road and did not seem to be disturbed by the car
        though he rolled a wary eye in our direction. On our return journey we saw him again at
        almost uncomfortably close quarters. We rounded a sharp corner and there stood the
        elephant, facing us and slap in the middle of the road. He was busily engaged giving
        himself a dust bath but spared time to give us an irritable look. Fortunately we were on a
        slight slope so George quickly switched off the engine and backed the car quietly round
        the corner. He got out of the car and loaded his rifle, just in case! But after he had finished
        his toilet the elephant moved off the road and we took our chance and passed without

        One notices the steepness of the Ngoro-Ngoro road more on the downward
        journey than on the way up. The road is cut into the side of the mountain so that one has
        a steep slope on one hand and a sheer drop on the other. George told me that a lorry
        coming down the mountain was once charged from behind by a rhino. On feeling and
        hearing the bash from behind the panic stricken driver drove off down the mountain as
        fast as he dared and never paused until he reached level ground at the bottom of the
        mountain. There was no sign of the rhino so the driver got out to examine his lorry and
        found the rhino horn embedded in the wooden tail end of the lorry. The horn had been
        wrenched right off!

        Happily no excitement of that kind happened to us. I have yet to see a rhino.


        Oldeani. 19th July 1938

        Dearest Family,

        Greetings from a lady in waiting! Kate and I have settled down comfortably in the
        new, solidly built Government Rest House which comprises one large living room and
        one large office with a connecting door. Outside there is a kitchen and a boys quarter.
        There are no resident Government officials here at Oldeani so the office is in use only
        when the District Officer from Mbulu makes his monthly visit. However a large Union
        Jack flies from a flagpole in the front of the building as a gentle reminder to the entirely
        German population of Oldeani that Tanganyika is now under British rule.

        There is quite a large community of German settlers here, most of whom are
        engaged in coffee farming. George has visited several of the farms in connection with his
        forestry work and says the coffee plantations look very promising indeed. There are also
        a few German traders in the village and there is a large boarding school for German
        children and also a very pleasant little hospital where I have arranged to have the baby.
        Right next door to the Rest House is a General Dealers Store run by a couple named
        Schnabbe. The shop is stocked with drapery, hardware, china and foodstuffs all
        imported from Germany and of very good quality. The Schnabbes also sell local farm
        produce, beautiful fresh vegetables, eggs and pure rich milk and farm butter. Our meat
        comes from a German butchery and it is a great treat to get clean, well cut meat. The
        sausages also are marvellous and in great variety.

        The butcher is an entertaining character. When he called round looking for custom I
        expected him to break out in a yodel any minute, as it was obvious from a glance that
        the Alps are his natural background. From under a green Tyrollean hat with feather,
        blooms a round beefy face with sparkling small eyes and such widely spaced teeth that
        one inevitably thinks of a garden rake. Enormous beefy thighs bulge from greasy
        lederhosen which are supported by the traditional embroidered braces. So far the
        butcher is the only cheery German, male or female, whom I have seen, and I have met
        most of the locals at the Schnabbe’s shop. Most of the men seem to have cultivated
        the grim Hitler look. They are all fanatical Nazis and one is usually greeted by a raised
        hand and Heil Hitler! All very theatrical. I always feel like crying in ringing tones ‘God
        Save the King’ or even ‘St George for England’. However the men are all very correct
        and courteous and the women friendly. The women all admire Kate and cry, “Ag, das
        kleine Englander.” She really is a picture with her rosy cheeks and huge grey eyes and
        golden curls. Kate is having a wonderful time playing with Manfried, the Scnabbe’s small
        son. Neither understands a word said by the other but that doesn’t seem to worry them.

        Before he left on safari, George took me to hospital for an examination by the
        nurse, Sister Marianne. She has not been long in the country and knows very little
        English but is determined to learn and carried on an animated, if rather quaint,
        conversation with frequent references to a pocket dictionary. She says I am not to worry
        because there is not doctor here. She is a very experienced midwife and anyway in an
        emergency could call on the old retired Veterinary Surgeon for assistance.
        I asked sister Marianne whether she knew of any German woman or girl who
        would look after Kate whilst I am in hospital and today a very top drawer German,
        bearing a strong likeness to ‘Little Willie’, called and offered the services of his niece who
        is here on a visit from Germany. I was rather taken aback and said, “Oh no Baron, your
        niece would not be the type I had in mind. I’m afraid I cannot pay much for a companion.”
        However the Baron was not to be discouraged. He told me that his niece is seventeen
        but looks twenty, that she is well educated and will make a cheerful companion. Her
        father wishes her to learn to speak English fluently and that is why the Baron wished her
        to come to me as a house daughter. As to pay, a couple of pounds a month for pocket
        money and her keep was all he had in mind. So with some misgivings I agreed to take
        the niece on as a companion as from 1st August.


        Oldeani. 10th August 1938

        Dearest Family,

        Never a dull moment since my young companion arrived. She is a striking looking
        girl with a tall boyish figure and very short and very fine dark hair which she wears
        severely slicked back. She wears tweeds, no make up but has shiny rosy cheeks and
        perfect teeth – she also,inevitably, has a man friend and I have an uncomfortable
        suspicion that it is because of him that she was planted upon me. Upon second
        thoughts though, maybe it was because of her excessive vitality, or even because of
        her healthy appetite! The Baroness, I hear is in poor health and I can imagine that such
        abundant health and spirit must have been quite overpowering. The name is Ingeborg,
        but she is called Mouche, which I believe means Mouse. Someone in her family must
        have a sense of humour.

        Her English only needed practice and she now chatters fluently so that I know her
        background and views on life. Mouche’s father is a personal friend of Goering. He was
        once a big noise in the German Airforce but is now connected with the car industry and
        travels frequently and intensively in Europe and America on business. Mouche showed
        me some snap shots of her family and I must say they look prosperous and charming.
        Mouche tells me that her father wants her to learn to speak English fluently so that
        she can get a job with some British diplomat in Cairo. I had immediate thought that I
        might be nursing a future Mata Hari in my bosom, but this was immediately extinguished
        when Mouche remarked that her father would like her to marry an Englishman. However
        it seems that the mere idea revolts her. “Englishmen are degenerates who swill whisky
        all day.” I pointed out that she had met George, who was a true blue Englishman, but
        was nevertheless a fine physical specimen and certainly didn’t drink all day. Mouche
        replied that George is not an Englishman but a hunter, as though that set him apart.
        Mouche is an ardent Hitler fan and an enthusiastic member of the Hitler Youth
        Movement. The house resounds with Hitler youth songs and when she is not singing,
        her gramophone is playing very stirring marching songs. I cannot understand a word,
        which is perhaps as well. Every day she does the most strenuous exercises watched
        with envy by me as my proportions are now those of a circus Big Top. Mouche eats a
        fantastic amount of meat and I feel it is a blessing that she is much admired by our
        Tyrollean butcher who now delivers our meat in person and adds as a token of his
        admiration some extra sausages for Mouche.

        I must confess I find her stimulating company as George is on safari most of the
        time and my evenings otherwise would be lonely. I am a little worried though about
        leaving Kate here with Mouche when I go to hospital. The dogs and Kate have not taken
        to her. I am trying to prepare Kate for the separation but she says, “She’s not my
        mummy. You are my dear mummy, and I want you, I want you.” George has got
        permission from the Provincial Forestry Officer to spend the last week of August here at
        the Rest House with me and I only hope that the baby will be born during that time.
        Kate adores her dad and will be perfectly happy to remain here with him.

        One final paragraph about Mouche. I thought all German girls were domesticated
        but not Mouche. I have Kesho-Kutwa here with me as cook and I have engaged a local
        boy to do the laundry. I however expected Mouche would take over making the
        puddings and pastry but she informed me that she can only bake a chocolate cake and
        absolutely nothing else. She said brightly however that she would do the mending. As
        there is none for her to do, she has rescued a large worn handkerchief of George’s and
        sits with her feet up listening to stirring gramophone records whilst she mends the
        handkerchief with exquisite darning.


        Oldeani. 20th August 1938

        Dearest Family,

        Just after I had posted my last letter I received what George calls a demi official
        letter from the District Officer informing me that I would have to move out of the Rest
        House for a few days as the Governor and his hangers on would be visiting Oldeani
        and would require the Rest House. Fortunately George happened to be here for a few
        hours and he arranged for Kate and Mouche and me to spend a few days at the
        German School as borders. So here I am at the school having a pleasant and restful
        time and much entertained by all the goings on.

        The school buildings were built with funds from Germany and the school is run on
        the lines of a contemporary German school. I think the school gets a grant from the
        Tanganyika Government towards running expenses, but I am not sure. The school hall is
        dominated by a more than life sized oil painting of Adolf Hitler which, at present, is
        flanked on one side by the German Flag and on the other by the Union Jack. I cannot
        help feeling that the latter was put up today for the Governor’s visit today.
        The teachers are very amiable. We all meet at mealtimes, and though few of the
        teachers speak English, the ones who do are anxious to chatter. The headmaster is a
        scholarly man but obviously anti-British. He says he cannot understand why so many
        South Africans are loyal to Britain – or rather to England. “They conquered your country
        didn’t they?” I said that that had never occurred to me and that anyway I was mainly of
        Scots descent and that loyalty to the crown was natural to me. “But the English
        conquered the Scots and yet you are loyal to England. That I cannot understand.” “Well I
        love England,” said I firmly, ”and so do all British South Africans.” Since then we have
        stuck to English literature. Shakespeare, Lord Byron and Galsworthy seem to be the
        favourites and all, thank goodness, make safe topics for conversation.
        Mouche is in her element but Kate and I do not enjoy the food which is typically
        German and consists largely of masses of fat pork and sauerkraut and unfamiliar soups. I
        feel sure that the soup at lunch today had blobs of lemon curd in it! I also find most
        disconcerting the way that everyone looks at me and says, “Bon appetite”, with much
        smiling and nodding so I have to fight down my nausea and make a show of enjoying
        the meals.

        The teacher whose room adjoins mine is a pleasant woman and I take my
        afternoon tea with her. She, like all the teachers, has a large framed photo of Hitler on her
        wall flanked by bracket vases of fresh flowers. One simply can’t get away from the man!
        Even in the dormitories each child has a picture of Hitler above the bed. Hitler accepting
        flowers from a small girl, or patting a small boy on the head. Even the children use the
        greeting ‘Heil Hitler’. These German children seem unnaturally prim when compared with
        my cheerful ex-pupils in South Africa but some of them are certainly very lovely to look

        Tomorrow Mouche, Kate and I return to our quarters in the Rest House and in a
        few days George will join us for a week.


        Oldeani Hospital. 9th September 1938

        Dearest Family,

        You will all be delighted to hear that we have a second son, whom we have
        named John. He is a darling, so quaint and good. He looks just like a little old man with a
        high bald forehead fringed around the edges with a light brown fluff. George and I call
        him Johnny Jo because he has a tiny round mouth and a rather big nose and reminds us
        of A.A.Milne’s ‘Jonathan Jo has a mouth like an O’ , but Kate calls him, ‘My brother John’.
        George was not here when he was born on September 5th, just two minutes
        before midnight. He left on safari on the morning of the 4th and, of course, that very night
        the labour pains started. Fortunately Kate was in bed asleep so Mouche walked with
        me up the hill to the hospital where I was cheerfully received by Sister Marianne who
        had everything ready for the confinement. I was lucky to have such an experienced
        midwife because this was a breech birth and sister had to manage single handed. As
        there was no doctor present I was not allowed even a sniff of anaesthetic. Sister slaved
        away by the light of a pressure lamp endeavouring to turn the baby having first shoved
        an inverted baby bath under my hips to raise them.

        What a performance! Sister Marianne was very much afraid that she might not be
        able to save the baby and great was our relief when at last she managed to haul him out
        by the feet. One slap and the baby began to cry without any further attention so Sister
        wrapped him up in a blanket and took Johnny to her room for the night. I got very little
        sleep but was so thankful to have the ordeal over that I did not mind even though I
        heard a hyaena cackling and calling under my window in a most evil way.
        When Sister brought Johnny to me in the early morning I stared in astonishment.
        Instead of dressing him in one of his soft Viyella nighties, she had dressed him in a short
        sleeved vest of knitted cotton with a cotton cloth swayed around his waist sarong
        fashion. When I protested, “But Sister why is the baby not dressed in his own clothes?”
        She answered firmly, “I find it is not allowed. A baby’s clotheses must be boiled and I
        cannot boil clotheses of wool therefore your baby must wear the clotheses of the Red

        It was the same with the bedding. Poor Johnny lies all day in a deep wicker
        basket with a detachable calico lining. There is no pillow under his head but a vast kind of
        calico covered pillow is his only covering. There is nothing at all cosy and soft round my
        poor baby. I said crossly to the Sister, “As every thing must be so sterile, I wonder you
        don’t boil me too.” This she ignored.

        When my message reached George he dashed back to visit us. Sister took him
        first to see the baby and George was astonished to see the baby basket covered by a
        sheet. “She has the poor little kid covered up like a bloody parrot,” he told me. So I
        asked him to go at once to buy a square of mosquito netting to replace the sheet.
        Kate is quite a problem. She behaves like an Angel when she is here in my
        room but is rebellious when Sister shoos her out. She says she “Hates the Nanny”
        which is what she calls Mouche. Unfortunately it seems that she woke before midnight
        on the night Johnny Jo was born to find me gone and Mouche in my bed. According to
        Mouche, Kate wept all night and certainly when she visited me in the early morning
        Kate’s face was puffy with crying and she clung to me crying “Oh my dear mummy, why
        did you go away?” over and over again. Sister Marianne was touched and suggested
        that Mouche and Kate should come to the hospital as boarders as I am the only patient
        at present and there is plenty of room. Luckily Kate does not seem at all jealous of the
        baby and it is a great relief to have here here under my eye.



          From Tanganyika with Love

          continued  ~ part 3

          With thanks to Mike Rushby.

          Mchewe Estate. 22nd March 1935

          Dearest Family,

          I am feeling much better now that I am five months pregnant and have quite got
          my appetite back. Once again I go out with “the Mchewe Hunt” which is what George
          calls the procession made up of the donkey boy and donkey with Ann confidently riding
          astride, me beside the donkey with Georgie behind riding the stick which he much
          prefers to the donkey. The Alsatian pup, whom Ann for some unknown reason named
          ‘Tubbage’, and the two cats bring up the rear though sometimes Tubbage rushes
          ahead and nearly knocks me off my feet. He is not the loveable pet that Kelly was.
          It is just as well that I have recovered my health because my mother-in-law has
          decided to fly out from England to look after Ann and George when I am in hospital. I am
          very grateful for there is no one lse to whom I can turn. Kath Hickson-Wood is seldom on
          their farm because Hicky is working a guano claim and is making quite a good thing out of
          selling bat guano to the coffee farmers at Mbosi. They camp out at the claim, a series of
          caves in the hills across the valley and visit the farm only occasionally. Anne Molteno is
          off to Cape Town to have her baby at her mothers home and there are no women in
          Mbeya I know well. The few women are Government Officials wives and they come
          and go. I make so few trips to the little town that there is no chance to get on really
          friendly terms with them.

          Janey, the ayah, is turning into a treasure. She washes and irons well and keeps
          the children’s clothes cupboard beautifully neat. Ann and George however are still
          reluctant to go for walks with her. They find her dull because, like all African ayahs, she
          has no imagination and cannot play with them. She should however be able to help with
          the baby. Ann is very excited about the new baby. She so loves all little things.
          Yesterday she went into ecstasies over ten newly hatched chicks.

          She wants a little sister and perhaps it would be a good thing. Georgie is so very
          active and full of mischief that I feel another wild little boy might be more than I can
          manage. Although Ann is older, it is Georgie who always thinks up the mischief. They
          have just been having a fight. Georgie with the cooks umbrella versus Ann with her frilly
          pink sunshade with the inevitable result that the sunshade now has four broken ribs.
          Any way I never feel lonely now during the long hours George is busy on the
          shamba. The children keep me on my toes and I have plenty of sewing to do for the
          baby. George is very good about amusing the children before their bedtime and on
          Sundays. In the afternoons when it is not wet I take Ann and Georgie for a walk down
          the hill. George meets us at the bottom and helps me on the homeward journey. He
          grabs one child in each hand by the slack of their dungarees and they do a sort of giant
          stride up the hill, half walking half riding.

          Very much love,

          Mchewe Estate. 14th June 1935

          Dearest Family,

          A great flap here. We had a letter yesterday to say that mother-in-law will be
          arriving in four days time! George is very amused at my frantic efforts at spring cleaning
          but he has told me before that she is very house proud so I feel I must make the best
          of what we have.

          George is very busy building a store for the coffee which will soon be ripening.
          This time he is doing the bricklaying himself. It is quite a big building on the far end of the
          farm and close to the river. He is also making trays of chicken wire nailed to wooden
          frames with cheap calico stretched over the wire.

          Mother will have to sleep in the verandah room which leads off the bedroom
          which we share with the children. George will have to sleep in the outside spare room as
          there is no door between the bedroom and the verandah room. I am sewing frantically
          to make rose coloured curtains and bedspread out of material mother-in-law sent for
          Christmas and will have to make a curtain for the doorway. The kitchen badly needs
          whitewashing but George says he cannot spare the labour so I hope mother won’t look.
          To complicate matters, George has been invited to lunch with the Governor on the day
          of Mother’s arrival. After lunch they are to visit the newly stocked trout streams in the
          Mporotos. I hope he gets back to Mbeya in good time to meet mother’s plane.
          Ann has been off colour for a week. She looks very pale and her pretty fair hair,
          normally so shiny, is dull and lifeless. It is such a pity that mother should see her like this
          because first impressions do count so much and I am looking to the children to attract
          attention from me. I am the size of a circus tent and hardly a dream daughter-in-law.
          Georgie, thank goodness, is blooming but he has suddenly developed a disgusting
          habit of spitting on the floor in the manner of the natives. I feel he might say “Gran, look
          how far I can spit and give an enthusiastic demonstration.

          Just hold thumbs that all goes well.

          your loving but anxious,

          Mchewe Estate. 28th June 1935

          Dearest Family,

          Mother-in-law duly arrived in the District Commissioner’s car. George did not dare
          to use the A.C. as she is being very temperamental just now. They also brought the
          mail bag which contained a parcel of lovely baby clothes from you. Thank you very
          much. Mother-in-law is very put out because the large parcel she posted by surface
          mail has not yet arrived.

          Mother arrived looking very smart in an ankle length afternoon frock of golden
          brown crepe and smart hat, and wearing some very good rings. She is a very
          handsome woman with the very fair complexion that goes with red hair. The hair, once
          Titan, must now be grey but it has been very successfully tinted and set. I of course,
          was shapeless in a cotton maternity frock and no credit to you. However, so far, motherin-
          law has been uncritical and friendly and charmed with the children who have taken to
          her. Mother does not think that the children resemble me in any way. Ann resembles her
          family the Purdys and Georgie is a Morley, her mother’s family. She says they had the
          same dark eyes and rather full mouths. I say feebly, “But Georgie has my colouring”, but
          mother won’t hear of it. So now you know! Ann is a Purdy and Georgie a Morley.
          Perhaps number three will be a Leslie.

          What a scramble I had getting ready for mother. Her little room really looks pretty
          and fresh, but the locally woven grass mats arrived only minutes before mother did. I
          also frantically overhauled our clothes and it a good thing that I did so because mother
          has been going through all the cupboards looking for mending. Mother is kept so busy
          in her own home that I think she finds time hangs on her hands here. She is very good at
          entertaining the children and has even tried her hand at picking coffee a couple of times.
          Mother cannot get used to the native boy servants but likes Janey, so Janey keeps her
          room in order. Mother prefers to wash and iron her own clothes.

          I almost lost our cook through mother’s surplus energy! Abel our previous cook
          took a new wife last month and, as the new wife, and Janey the old, were daggers
          drawn, Abel moved off to a job on the Lupa leaving Janey and her daughter here.
          The new cook is capable, but he is a fearsome looking individual called Alfani. He has a
          thick fuzz of hair which he wears long, sometimes hidden by a dingy turban, and he
          wears big brass earrings. I think he must be part Somali because he has a hawk nose
          and a real Brigand look. His kitchen is never really clean but he is an excellent cook and
          as cooks are hard to come by here I just keep away from the kitchen. Not so mother!
          A few days after her arrival she suggested kindly that I should lie down after lunch
          so I rested with the children whilst mother, unknown to me, went out to the kitchen and
          not only scrubbed the table and shelves but took the old iron stove to pieces and
          cleaned that. Unfortunately in her zeal she poked a hole through the stove pipe.
          Had I known of these activities I would have foreseen the cook’s reaction when
          he returned that evening to cook the supper. he was furious and wished to leave on the
          spot and demanded his wages forthwith. The old Memsahib had insulted him by
          scrubbing his already spotless kitchen and had broken his stove and made it impossible
          for him to cook. This tirade was accompanied by such waving of hands and rolling of
          eyes that I longed to sack him on the spot. However I dared not as I might not get
          another cook for weeks. So I smoothed him down and he patched up the stove pipe
          with a bit of tin and some wire and produced a good meal. I am wondering what
          transformations will be worked when I am in hospital.

          Our food is really good but mother just pecks at it. No wonder really, because
          she has had some shocks. One day she found the kitchen boy diligently scrubbing the box lavatory seat with a scrubbing brush which he dipped into one of my best large
          saucepans! No one can foresee what these boys will do. In these remote areas house
          servants are usually recruited from the ranks of the very primitive farm labourers, who first
          come to the farm as naked savages, and their notions of hygiene simply don’t exist.
          One day I said to mother in George’s presence “When we were newly married,
          mother, George used to brag about your cooking and say that you would run a home
          like this yourself with perhaps one ‘toto’. Mother replied tartly, “That was very bad of
          George and not true. If my husband had brought me out here I would not have stayed a
          month. I think you manage very well.” Which reply made me warm to mother a lot.
          To complicate things we have a new pup, a little white bull terrier bitch whom
          George has named Fanny. She is tiny and not yet house trained but seems a plucky
          and attractive little animal though there is no denying that she does look like a piglet.

          Very much love to all,

          Mchewe Estate. 3rd August 1935

          Dearest Family,

          Here I am in hospital, comfortably in bed with our new daughter in her basket
          beside me. She is a lovely little thing, very plump and cuddly and pink and white and
          her head is covered with tiny curls the colour of Golden Syrup. We meant to call her
          Margery Kate, after our Marj and my mother-in-law whose name is Catherine.
          I am enjoying the rest, knowing that George and mother will be coping
          successfully on the farm. My room is full of flowers, particularly with the roses and
          carnations which grow so well here. Kate was not due until August 5th but the doctor
          wanted me to come in good time in view of my tiresome early pregnancy.

          For weeks beforehand George had tinkered with the A.C. and we started for
          Mbeya gaily enough on the twenty ninth, however, after going like a dream for a couple
          of miles, she simply collapsed from exhaustion at the foot of a hill and all the efforts of
          the farm boys who had been sent ahead for such an emergency failed to start her. So
          George sent back to the farm for the machila and I sat in the shade of a tree, wondering
          what would happen if I had the baby there and then, whilst George went on tinkering
          with the car. Suddenly she sprang into life and we roared up that hill and all the way into
          Mbeya. The doctor welcomed us pleasantly and we had tea with his family before I
          settled into my room. Later he examined me and said that it was unlikely that the baby
          would be born for several days. The new and efficient German nurse said, “Thank
          goodness for that.” There was a man in hospital dying from a stomach cancer and she
          had not had a decent nights sleep for three nights.

          Kate however had other plans. I woke in the early morning with labour pains but
          anxious not to disturb the nurse, I lay and read or tried to read a book, hoping that I
          would not have to call the nurse until daybreak. However at four a.m., I went out into the
          wind which was howling along the open verandah and knocked on the nurse’s door. She
          got up and very crossly informed me that I was imagining things and should get back to
          bed at once. She said “It cannot be so. The Doctor has said it.” I said “Of course it is,”
          and then and there the water broke and clinched my argument. She then went into a flat
          spin. “But the bed is not ready and my instruments are not ready,” and she flew around
          to rectify this and also sent an African orderly to call the doctor. I paced the floor saying
          warningly “Hurry up with that bed. I am going to have the baby now!” She shrieked
          “Take off your dressing gown.” But I was passed caring. I flung myself on the bed and
          there was Kate. The nurse had done all that was necessary by the time the doctor

          A funny thing was, that whilst Kate was being born on the bed, a black cat had
          kittens under it! The doctor was furious with the nurse but the poor thing must have crept
          in out of the cold wind when I went to call the nurse. A happy omen I feel for the baby’s
          future. George had no anxiety this time. He stayed at the hospital with me until ten
          o’clock when he went down to the hotel to sleep and he received the news in a note
          from me with his early morning tea. He went to the farm next morning but will return on
          the sixth to fetch me home.

          I do feel so happy. A very special husband and three lovely children. What
          more could anyone possibly want.

          Lots and lots of love,

          Mchewe Estate. 20th August 1935

          Dearest Family,

          Well here we are back at home and all is very well. The new baby is very placid
          and so pretty. Mother is delighted with her and Ann loved her at sight but Georgie is not
          so sure. At first he said, “Your baby is no good. Chuck her in the kalonga.” The kalonga
          being the ravine beside the house , where, I regret to say, much of the kitchen refuse is
          dumped. he is very jealous when I carry Kate around or feed her but is ready to admire
          her when she is lying alone in her basket.

          George walked all the way from the farm to fetch us home. He hired a car and
          native driver from the hotel, but drove us home himself going with such care over ruts
          and bumps. We had a great welcome from mother who had had the whole house
          spring cleaned. However George loyally says it looks just as nice when I am in charge.
          Mother obviously, had had more than enough of the back of beyond and
          decided to stay on only one week after my return home. She had gone into the kitchen
          one day just in time to see the houseboy scooping the custard he had spilt on the table
          back into the jug with the side of his hand. No doubt it would have been served up
          without a word. On another occasion she had walked in on the cook’s daily ablutions. He
          was standing in a small bowl of water in the centre of the kitchen, absolutely naked,
          enjoying a slipper bath. She left last Wednesday and gave us a big laugh before she
          left. She never got over her horror of eating food prepared by our cook and used to
          push it around her plate. Well, when the time came for mother to leave for the plane, she
          put on the very smart frock in which she had arrived, and then came into the sitting room
          exclaiming in dismay “Just look what has happened, I must have lost a stone!’ We
          looked, and sure enough, the dress which had been ankle deep before, now touched
          the floor. “Good show mother.” said George unfeelingly. “You ought to be jolly grateful,
          you needed to lose weight and it would have cost you the earth at a beauty parlour to
          get that sylph-like figure.”

          When mother left she took, in a perforated matchbox, one of the frilly mantis that
          live on our roses. She means to keep it in a goldfish bowl in her dining room at home.
          Georgie and Ann filled another matchbox with dead flies for food for the mantis on the

          Now that mother has left, Georgie and Ann attach themselves to me and firmly
          refuse to have anything to do with the ayah,Janey. She in any case now wishes to have
          a rest. Mother tipped her well and gave her several cotton frocks so I suspect she wants
          to go back to her hometown in Northern Rhodesia to show off a bit.
          Georgie has just sidled up with a very roguish look. He asked “You like your
          baby?” I said “Yes indeed I do.” He said “I’ll prick your baby with a velly big thorn.”

          Who would be a mother!

          Mchewe Estate. 20th September 1935

          Dearest Family,

          I have been rather in the wars with toothache and as there is still no dentist at
          Mbeya to do the fillings, I had to have four molars extracted at the hospital. George
          says it is fascinating to watch me at mealtimes these days because there is such a gleam
          of satisfaction in my eye when I do manage to get two teeth to meet on a mouthful.
          About those scissors Marj sent Ann. It was not such a good idea. First she cut off tufts of
          George’s hair so that he now looks like a bad case of ringworm and then she cut a scalp
          lock, a whole fist full of her own shining hair, which George so loves. George scolded
          Ann and she burst into floods of tears. Such a thing as a scolding from her darling daddy
          had never happened before. George immediately made a long drooping moustache
          out of the shorn lock and soon had her smiling again. George is always very gentle with
          Ann. One has to be , because she is frightfully sensitive to criticism.

          I am kept pretty busy these days, Janey has left and my houseboy has been ill
          with pneumonia. I now have to wash all the children’s things and my own, (the cook does
          George’s clothes) and look after the three children. Believe me, I can hardly keep awake
          for Kate’s ten o’clock feed.

          I do hope I shall get some new servants next month because I also got George
          to give notice to the cook. I intercepted him last week as he was storming down the hill
          with my large kitchen knife in his hand. “Where are you going with my knife?” I asked.
          “I’m going to kill a man!” said Alfani, rolling his eyes and looking extremely ferocious. “He
          has taken my wife.” “Not with my knife”, said I reaching for it. So off Alfani went, bent on
          vengeance and I returned the knife to the kitchen. Dinner was served and I made no
          enquiries but I feel that I need someone more restful in the kitchen than our brigand

          George has been working on the car and has now fitted yet another radiator. This
          is a lorry one and much too tall to be covered by the A.C.’s elegant bonnet which is
          secured by an old strap. The poor old A.C. now looks like an ancient shoe with a turned
          up toe. It only needs me in it with the children to make a fine illustration to the old rhyme!
          Ann and Georgie are going through a climbing phase. They practically live in
          trees. I rushed out this morning to investigate loud screams and found Georgie hanging
          from a fork in a tree by one ankle, whilst Ann stood below on tiptoe with hands stretched
          upwards to support his head.

          Do I sound as though I have straws in my hair? I have.
          Lots of love,

          Mchewe Estate. 11th October 1935

          Dearest Family,

          Thank goodness! I have a new ayah name Mary. I had heard that there was a
          good ayah out of work at Tukuyu 60 miles away so sent a messenger to fetch her. She
          arrived after dark wearing a bright dress and a cheerful smile and looked very suitable by
          the light of a storm lamp. I was horrified next morning to see her in daylight. She was
          dressed all in black and had a rather sinister look. She reminds me rather of your old maid
          Candace who overheard me laughing a few days before Ann was born and croaked
          “Yes , Miss Eleanor, today you laugh but next week you might be dead.” Remember
          how livid you were, dad?

          I think Mary has the same grim philosophy. Ann took one look at her and said,
          “What a horrible old lady, mummy.” Georgie just said “Go away”, both in English and Ki-
          Swahili. Anyway Mary’s references are good so I shall keep her on to help with Kate
          who is thriving and bonny and placid.

          Thank you for the offer of toys for Christmas but, if you don’t mind, I’d rather have
          some clothing for the children. Ann is quite contented with her dolls Barbara and Yvonne.
          Barbara’s once beautiful face is now pieced together like a jigsaw puzzle having come
          into contact with Georgie’s ever busy hammer. However Ann says she will love her for
          ever and she doesn’t want another doll. Yvonne’s hay day is over too. She
          disappeared for weeks and we think Fanny, the pup, was the culprit. Ann discovered
          Yvonne one morning in some long wet weeds. Poor Yvonne is now a ghost of her
          former self. All the sophisticated make up was washed off her papier-mâché face and
          her hair is decidedly bedraggled, but Ann was radiant as she tucked her back into bed
          and Yvonne is as precious to Ann as she ever was.

          Georgie simply does not care for toys. His paint box, hammer and the trenching
          hoe George gave him for his second birthday are all he wants or needs. Both children
          love books but I sometimes wonder whether they stimulate Ann’s imagination too much.
          The characters all become friends of hers and she makes up stories about them to tell
          Georgie. She adores that illustrated children’s Bible Mummy sent her but you would be
          astonished at the yarns she spins about “me and my friend Jesus.” She also will call
          Moses “Old Noses”, and looking at a picture of Jacob’s dream, with the shining angels
          on the ladder between heaven and earth, she said “Georgie, if you see an angel, don’t
          touch it, it’s hot.”


          Mchewe Estate. 17th October 1935

          Dearest Family,

          I take back the disparaging things I said about my new Ayah, because she has
          proved her worth in an unexpected way. On Wednesday morning I settled Kate in he
          cot after her ten o’clock feed and sat sewing at the dining room table with Ann and
          Georgie opposite me, both absorbed in painting pictures in identical seed catalogues.
          Suddenly there was a terrific bang on the back door, followed by an even heavier blow.
          The door was just behind me and I got up and opened it. There, almost filling the door
          frame, stood a huge native with staring eyes and his teeth showing in a mad grimace. In
          his hand he held a rolled umbrella by the ferrule, the shaft I noticed was unusually long
          and thick and the handle was a big round knob.

          I was terrified as you can imagine, especially as, through the gap under the
          native’s raised arm, I could see the new cook and the kitchen boy running away down to
          the shamba! I hastily tried to shut and lock the door but the man just brushed me aside.
          For a moment he stood over me with the umbrella raised as though to strike. Rather
          fortunately, I now think, I was too petrified to say a word. The children never moved but
          Tubbage, the Alsatian, got up and jumped out of the window!

          Then the native turned away and still with the same fixed stare and grimace,
          began to attack the furniture with his umbrella. Tables and chairs were overturned and
          books and ornaments scattered on the floor. When the madman had his back turned and
          was busily bashing the couch, I slipped round the dining room table, took Ann and
          Georgie by the hand and fled through the front door to the garage where I hid the
          children in the car. All this took several minutes because naturally the children were
          terrified. I was worried to death about the baby left alone in the bedroom and as soon
          as I had Ann and Georgie settled I ran back to the house.

          I reached the now open front door just as Kianda the houseboy opened the back
          door of the lounge. He had been away at the river washing clothes but, on hearing of the
          madman from the kitchen boy he had armed himself with a stout stick and very pluckily,
          because he is not a robust boy, had returned to the house to eject the intruder. He
          rushed to attack immediately and I heard a terrific exchange of blows behind me as I
          opened our bedroom door. You can imagine what my feelings were when I was
          confronted by an empty cot! Just then there was an uproar inside as all the farm
          labourers armed with hoes and pangas and sticks, streamed into the living room from the
          shamba whence they had been summoned by the cook. In no time at all the huge
          native was hustled out of the house, flung down the front steps, and securely tied up
          with strips of cloth.

          In the lull that followed I heard a frightened voice calling from the bathroom.
          ”Memsahib is that you? The child is here with me.” I hastily opened the bathroom door
          to find Mary couched in a corner by the bath, shielding Kate with her body. Mary had
          seen the big native enter the house and her first thought had been for her charge. I
          thanked her and promised her a reward for her loyalty, and quickly returned to the garage
          to reassure Ann and Georgie. I met George who looked white and exhausted as well
          he might having run up hill all the way from the coffee store. The kitchen boy had led him
          to expect the worst and he was most relieved to find us all unhurt if a bit shaken.
          We returned to the house by the back way whilst George went to the front and
          ordered our labourers to take their prisoner and lock him up in the store. George then
          discussed the whole affair with his Headman and all the labourers after which he reported
          to me. “The boys say that the bastard is an ex-Askari from Nyasaland. He is not mad as
          you thought but he smokes bhang and has these attacks. I suppose I should take him to
          Mbeya and have him up in court. But if I do that you’ll have to give evidence and that will be a nuisance as the car won’t go and there is also the baby to consider.”

          Eventually we decided to leave the man to sleep off the effects of the Bhang
          until evening when he would be tried before an impromptu court consisting of George,
          the local Jumbe(Headman) and village Elders, and our own farm boys and any other
          interested spectators. It was not long before I knew the verdict because I heard the
          sound of lashes. I was not sorry at all because I felt the man deserved his punishment
          and so did all the Africans. They love children and despise anyone who harms or
          frightens them. With great enthusiasm they frog-marched him off our land, and I sincerely
          hope that that is the last we see or him. Ann and Georgie don’t seem to brood over this
          affair at all. The man was naughty and he was spanked, a quite reasonable state of
          affairs. This morning they hid away in the small thatched chicken house. This is a little brick
          building about four feet square which Ann covets as a dolls house. They came back
          covered in stick fleas which I had to remove with paraffin. My hens are laying well but
          they all have the ‘gapes’! I wouldn’t run a chicken farm for anything, hens are such fussy,
          squawking things.

          Now don’t go worrying about my experience with the native. Such things
          happen only once in a lifetime. We are all very well and happy, and life, apart from the
          children’s pranks is very tranquil.

          Lots and lots of love,

          Mchewe Estate. 25th October 1935

          Dearest Family,

          The hot winds have dried up the shamba alarmingly and we hope every day for
          rain. The prices for coffee, on the London market, continue to be low and the local
          planters are very depressed. Coffee grows well enough here but we are over 400
          miles from the railway and transport to the railhead by lorry is very expensive. Then, as
          there is no East African Marketing Board, the coffee must be shipped to England for
          sale. Unless the coffee fetches at least 90 pounds a ton it simply doesn’t pay to grow it.
          When we started planting in 1931 coffee was fetching as much as 115 pounds a ton but
          prices this year were between 45 and 55 pounds. We have practically exhausted our
          capitol and so have all our neighbours. The Hickson -Woods have been keeping their
          pot boiling by selling bat guano to the coffee farmers at Mbosi but now everyone is
          broke and there is not a market for fertilisers. They are offering their farm for sale at a very
          low price.

          Major Jones has got a job working on the district roads and Max Coster talks of
          returning to his work as a geologist. George says he will have to go gold digging on the
          Lupa unless there is a big improvement in the market. Luckily we can live quite cheaply
          here. We have a good vegetable garden, milk is cheap and we have plenty of fruit.
          There are mulberries, pawpaws, grenadillas, peaches, and wine berries. The wine
          berries are very pretty but insipid though Ann and Georgie love them. Each morning,
          before breakfast, the old garden boy brings berries for Ann and Georgie. With a thorn
          the old man pins a large leaf from a wild fig tree into a cone which he fills with scarlet wine
          berries. There is always a cone for each child and they wait eagerly outside for the daily
          ceremony of presentation.

          The rats are being a nuisance again. Both our cats, Skinny Winnie and Blackboy
          disappeared a few weeks ago. We think they made a meal for a leopard. I wrote last
          week to our grocer at Mbalizi asking him whether he could let us have a couple of kittens
          as I have often seen cats in his store. The messenger returned with a nailed down box.
          The kitchen boy was called to prize up the lid and the children stood by in eager
          anticipation. Out jumped two snarling and spitting creatures. One rushed into the kalonga
          and the other into the house and before they were captured they had drawn blood from
          several boys. I told the boys to replace the cats in the box as I intended to return them
          forthwith. They had the colouring, stripes and dispositions of wild cats and I certainly
          didn’t want them as pets, but before the boys could replace the lid the cats escaped
          once more into the undergrowth in the kalonga. George fetched his shotgun and said he
          would shoot the cats on sight or they would kill our chickens. This was more easily said
          than done because the cats could not be found. However during the night the cats
          climbed up into the loft af the house and we could hear them moving around on the reed

          I said to George,”Oh leave the poor things. At least they might frighten the rats
          away.” That afternoon as we were having tea a thin stream of liquid filtered through the
          ceiling on George’s head. Oh dear!!! That of course was the end. Some raw meat was
          put on the lawn for bait and yesterday George shot both cats.

          I regret to end with the sad story of Mary, heroine in my last letter and outcast in
          this. She came to work quite drunk two days running and I simply had to get rid of her. I
          have heard since from Kath Wood that Mary lost her last job at Tukuyu for the same
          reason. She was ayah to twin girls and one day set their pram on fire.

          So once again my hands are more than full with three lively children. I did say
          didn’t I, when Ann was born that I wanted six children?

          Very much love from us all, Eleanor.

          Mchewe Estate. 8th November 1935

          Dearest Family,

          To set your minds at rest I must tell you that the native who so frightened me and
          the children is now in jail for attacking a Greek at Mbalizi. I hear he is to be sent back to
          Rhodesia when he has finished his sentence.

          Yesterday we had one of our rare trips to Mbeya. George managed to get a couple of
          second hand tyres for the old car and had again got her to work so we are celebrating our
          wedding anniversary by going on an outing. I wore the green and fawn striped silk dress
          mother bought me and the hat and shoes you sent for my birthday and felt like a million
          dollars, for a change. The children all wore new clothes too and I felt very proud of them.
          Ann is still very fair and with her refined little features and straight silky hair she
          looks like Alice in Wonderland. Georgie is dark and sturdy and looks best in khaki shirt
          and shorts and sun helmet. Kate is a pink and gold baby and looks good enough to eat.
          We went straight to the hotel at Mbeya and had the usual warm welcome from
          Ken and Aunty May Menzies. Aunty May wears her hair cut short like a mans and
          usually wears shirt and tie and riding breeches and boots. She always looks ready to go
          on safari at a moments notice as indeed she is. She is often called out to a case of illness
          at some remote spot.

          There were lots of people at the hotel from farms in the district and from the
          diggings. I met women I had not seen for four years. One, a Mrs Masters from Tukuyu,
          said in the lounge, “My God! Last time I saw you , you were just a girl and here you are
          now with two children.” To which I replied with pride, “There is another one in a pram on
          the verandah if you care to look!” Great hilarity in the lounge. The people from the
          diggings seem to have plenty of money to throw around. There was a big party on the
          go in the bar.

          One of our shamba boys died last Friday and all his fellow workers and our
          house boys had the day off to attend the funeral. From what I can gather the local
          funerals are quite cheery affairs. The corpse is dressed in his best clothes and laid
          outside his hut and all who are interested may view the body and pay their respects.
          The heir then calls upon anyone who had a grudge against the dead man to say his say
          and thereafter hold his tongue forever. Then all the friends pay tribute to the dead man
          after which he is buried to the accompaniment of what sounds from a distance, very
          cheerful keening.

          Most of our workmen are pagans though there is a Lutheran Mission nearby and
          a big Roman Catholic Mission in the area too. My present cook, however, claims to be
          a Christian. He certainly went to a mission school and can read and write and also sing
          hymns in Ki-Swahili. When I first engaged him I used to find a large open Bible
          prominently displayed on the kitchen table. The cook is middle aged and arrived here
          with a sensible matronly wife. To my surprise one day he brought along a young girl,
          very plump and giggly and announced proudly that she was his new wife, I said,”But I
          thought you were a Christian Jeremiah? Christians don’t have two wives.” To which he
          replied, “Oh Memsahib, God won’t mind. He knows an African needs two wives – one
          to go with him when he goes away to work and one to stay behind at home to cultivate
          the shamba.

          Needles to say, it is the old wife who has gone to till the family plot.

          With love to all,

          Mchewe Estate. 21st November 1935

          Dearest Family,

          The drought has broken with a bang. We had a heavy storm in the hills behind
          the house. Hail fell thick and fast. So nice for all the tiny new berries on the coffee! The
          kids loved the excitement and three times Ann and Georgie ran out for a shower under
          the eaves and had to be changed. After the third time I was fed up and made them both
          lie on their beds whilst George and I had lunch in peace. I told Ann to keep the
          casement shut as otherwise the rain would drive in on her bed. Half way through lunch I
          heard delighted squeals from Georgie and went into the bedroom to investigate. Ann
          was standing on the outer sill in the rain but had shut the window as ordered. “Well
          Mummy , you didn’t say I mustn’t stand on the window sill, and I did shut the window.”
          George is working so hard on the farm. I have a horrible feeling however that it is
          what the Africans call ‘Kazi buri’ (waste of effort) as there seems no chance of the price of
          coffee improving as long as this world depression continues. The worry is that our capitol
          is nearly exhausted. Food is becoming difficult now that our neighbours have left. I used
          to buy delicious butter from Kath Hickson-Wood and an African butcher used to kill a
          beast once a week. Now that we are his only European customers he very rarely kills
          anything larger than a goat, and though we do eat goat, believe me it is not from choice.
          We have of course got plenty to eat, but our diet is very monotonous. I was
          delighted when George shot a large bushbuck last week. What we could not use I cut
          into strips and the salted strips are now hanging in the open garage to dry.

          With love to all,

          Mchewe Estate. 6th December 1935

          Dearest Family,

          We have had a lot of rain and the countryside is lovely and green. Last week
          George went to Mbeya taking Ann with him. This was a big adventure for Ann because
          never before had she been anywhere without me. She was in a most blissful state as
          she drove off in the old car clutching a little basket containing sandwiches and half a bottle
          of milk. She looked so pretty in a new blue frock and with her tiny plaits tied with
          matching blue ribbons. When Ann is animated she looks charming because her normally
          pale cheeks become rosy and she shows her pretty dimples.

          As I am still without an ayah I rather looked forward to a quiet morning with only
          Georgie and Margery Kate to care for, but Georgie found it dull without Ann and wanted
          to be entertained and even the normally placid baby was peevish. Then in mid morning
          the rain came down in torrents, the result of a cloudburst in the hills directly behind our
          house. The ravine next to our house was a terrifying sight. It appeared to be a great
          muddy, roaring waterfall reaching from the very top of the hill to a point about 30 yards
          behind our house and then the stream rushed on down the gorge in an angry brown
          flood. The roar of the water was so great that we had to yell at one another to be heard.
          By lunch time the rain had stopped and I anxiously awaited the return of Ann and
          George. They returned on foot, drenched and hungry at about 2.30pm . George had
          had to abandon the car on the main road as the Mchewe River had overflowed and
          turned the road into a muddy lake. The lower part of the shamba had also been flooded
          and the water receded leaving branches and driftwood amongst the coffee. This was my
          first experience of a real tropical storm. I am afraid that after the battering the coffee has
          had there is little hope of a decent crop next year.

          Anyway Christmas is coming so we don’t dwell on these mishaps. The children
          have already chosen their tree from amongst the young cypresses in the vegetable
          garden. We all send our love and hope that you too will have a Happy Christmas.


          Mchewe Estate. 22nd December 1935

          Dearest Family,

          I’ve been in the wars with my staff. The cook has been away ill for ten days but is
          back today though shaky and full of self pity. The houseboy, who really has been a brick
          during the cooks absence has now taken to his bed and I feel like taking to Mine! The
          children however have the Christmas spirit and are making weird and wonderful paper
          decorations. George’s contribution was to have the house whitewashed throughout and
          it looks beautifully fresh.

          My best bit of news is that my old ayah Janey has been to see me and would
          like to start working here again on Jan 1st. We are all very well. We meant to give
          ourselves an outing to Mbeya as a Christmas treat but here there is an outbreak of
          enteric fever there so will now not go. We have had two visitors from the Diggings this
          week. The children see so few strangers that they were fascinated and hung around
          staring. Ann sat down on the arm of the couch beside one and studied his profile.
          Suddenly she announced in her clear voice, “Mummy do you know, this man has got
          wax in his ears!” Very awkward pause in the conversation. By the way when I was
          cleaning out little Kate’s ears with a swab of cotton wool a few days ago, Ann asked
          “Mummy, do bees have wax in their ears? Well, where do you get beeswax from

          I meant to keep your Christmas parcel unopened until Christmas Eve but could
          not resist peeping today. What lovely things! Ann so loves pretties and will be
          delighted with her frocks. My dress is just right and I love Georgie’s manly little flannel
          shorts and blue shirt. We have bought them each a watering can. I suppose I shall
          regret this later. One of your most welcome gifts is the album of nursery rhyme records. I
          am so fed up with those that we have. Both children love singing. I put a record on the
          gramophone geared to slow and off they go . Georgie sings more slowly than Ann but
          much more tunefully. Ann sings in a flat monotone but Georgie with great expression.
          You ought to hear him render ‘Sing a song of sixpence’. He cannot pronounce an R or
          an S. Mother has sent a large home made Christmas pudding and a fine Christmas
          cake and George will shoot some partridges for Christmas dinner.
          Think of us as I shall certainly think of you.

          Your very loving,

          Mchewe Estate. 2nd January 1936

          Dearest Family,

          Christmas was fun! The tree looked very gay with its load of tinsel, candles and
          red crackers and the coloured balloons you sent. All the children got plenty of toys
          thanks to Grandparents and Aunts. George made Ann a large doll’s bed and I made
          some elegant bedding, Barbara, the big doll is now permanently bed ridden. Her poor
          shattered head has come all unstuck and though I have pieced it together again it is a sad
          sight. If you have not yet chosen a present for her birthday next month would you
          please get a new head from the Handy House. I enclose measurements. Ann does so
          love the doll. She always calls her, “My little girl”, and she keeps the doll’s bed beside
          her own and never fails to kiss her goodnight.

          We had no guests for Christmas this year but we were quite festive. Ann
          decorated the dinner table with small pink roses and forget-me-knots and tinsel and the
          crackers from the tree. It was a wet day but we played the new records and both
          George and I worked hard to make it a really happy day for the children. The children
          were hugely delighted when George made himself a revolting set of false teeth out of
          plasticine and a moustache and beard of paper straw from a chocolate box. “Oh Daddy
          you look exactly like Father Christmas!” cried an enthralled Ann. Before bedtime we lit
          all the candles on the tree and sang ‘Away in a Manger’, and then we opened the box of
          starlights you sent and Ann and Georgie had their first experience of fireworks.
          After the children went to bed things deteriorated. First George went for his bath
          and found and killed a large black snake in the bathroom. It must have been in the
          bathroom when I bathed the children earlier in the evening. Then I developed bad
          toothache which kept me awake all night and was agonising next day. Unfortunately the
          bridge between the farm and Mbeya had been washed away and the water was too
          deep for the car to ford until the 30th when at last I was able to take my poor swollen
          face to Mbeya. There is now a young German woman dentist working at the hospital.
          She pulled out the offending molar which had a large abscess attached to it.
          Whilst the dentist attended to me, Ann and Georgie played happily with the
          doctor’s children. I wish they could play more often with other children. Dr Eckhardt was
          very pleased with Margery Kate who at seven months weighs 17 lbs and has lovely
          rosy cheeks. He admired Ann and told her that she looked just like a German girl. “No I
          don’t”, cried Ann indignantly, “I’m English!”

          We were caught in a rain storm going home and as the old car still has no
          windscreen or side curtains we all got soaked except for the baby who was snugly
          wrapped in my raincoat. The kids thought it great fun. Ann is growing up fast now. She
          likes to ‘help mummy’. She is a perfectionist at four years old which is rather trying. She
          gets so discouraged when things do not turn out as well as she means them to. Sewing
          is constantly being unpicked and paintings torn up. She is a very sensitive child.
          Georgie is quite different. He is a man of action, but not silent. He talks incessantly
          but lisps and stumbles over some words. At one time Ann and Georgie often
          conversed in Ki-Swahili but they now scorn to do so. If either forgets and uses a Swahili
          word, the other points a scornful finger and shouts “You black toto”.

          With love to all,


            From Tanganyika with Love


            With thanks to Mike Rushby.

            Mchewe Estate. 11th July 1931.

            Dearest Family,

            You say that you would like to know more about our neighbours. Well there is
            not much to tell. Kath Wood is very good about coming over to see me. I admire her
            very much because she is so capable as well as being attractive. She speaks very
            fluent Ki-Swahili and I envy her the way she can carry on a long conversation with the
            natives. I am very slow in learning the language possibly because Lamek and the
            houseboy both speak basic English.

            I have very little to do with the Africans apart from the house servants, but I do
            run a sort of clinic for the wives and children of our employees. The children suffer chiefly
            from sore eyes and worms, and the older ones often have bad ulcers on their legs. All
            farmers keep a stock of drugs and bandages.

            George also does a bit of surgery and last month sewed up the sole of the foot
            of a boy who had trodden on the blade of a panga, a sort of sword the Africans use for
            hacking down bush. He made an excellent job of it. George tells me that the Africans
            have wonderful powers of recuperation. Once in his bachelor days, one of his men was
            disembowelled by an elephant. George washed his “guts” in a weak solution of
            pot.permang, put them back in the cavity and sewed up the torn flesh and he

            But to get back to the neighbours. We see less of Hicky Wood than of Kath.
            Hicky can be charming but is often moody as I believe Irishmen often are.
            Major Jones is now at home on his shamba, which he leaves from time to time
            for temporary jobs on the district roads. He walks across fairly regularly and we are
            always glad to see him for he is a great bearer of news. In this part of Africa there is no
            knocking or ringing of doorbells. Front doors are always left open and visitors always
            welcome. When a visitor approaches a house he shouts “Hodi”, and the owner of the
            house yells “Karibu”, which I believe means “Come near” or approach, and tea is
            produced in a matter of minutes no matter what hour of the day it is.
            The road that passes all our farms is the only road to the Gold Diggings and
            diggers often drop in on the Woods and Major Jones and bring news of the Goldfields.
            This news is sometimes about gold but quite often about whose wife is living with
            whom. This is a great country for gossip.

            Major Jones now has his brother Llewyllen living with him. I drove across with
            George to be introduced to him. Llewyllen’s health is poor and he looks much older than
            his years and very like the portrait of Trader Horn. He has the same emaciated features,
            burning eyes and long beard. He is proud of his Welsh tenor voice and often bursts into

            Both brothers are excellent conversationalists and George enjoys walking over
            sometimes on a Sunday for a bit of masculine company. The other day when George
            walked across to visit the Joneses, he found both brothers in the shamba and Llew in a
            great rage. They had been stooping to inspect a water furrow when Llew backed into a
            hornets nest. One furious hornet stung him on the seat and another on the back of his
            neck. Llew leapt forward and somehow his false teeth shot out into the furrow and were
            carried along by the water. When George arrived Llew had retrieved his teeth but
            George swears that, in the commotion, the heavy leather leggings, which Llew always
            wears, had swivelled around on his thin legs and were calves to the front.
            George has heard that Major Jones is to sell pert of his land to his Swedish brother-in-law, Max Coster, so we will soon have another couple in the neighbourhood.

            I’ve had a bit of a pantomime here on the farm. On the day we went to Tukuyu,
            all our washing was stolen from the clothes line and also our new charcoal iron. George
            reported the matter to the police and they sent out a plain clothes policeman. He wears
            the long white Arab gown called a Kanzu much in vogue here amongst the African elite
            but, alas for secrecy, huge black police boots protrude from beneath the Kanzu and, to
            add to this revealing clue, the askari springs to attention and salutes each time I pass by.
            Not much hope of finding out the identity of the thief I fear.

            George’s furrow was entirely successful and we now have water running behind
            the kitchen. Our drinking water we get from a lovely little spring on the farm. We boil and
            filter it for safety’s sake. I don’t think that is necessary. The furrow water is used for
            washing pots and pans and for bath water.

            Lots of love,

            Mchewe Estate. 8th. August 1931

            Dearest Family,

            I think it is about time I told you that we are going to have a baby. We are both
            thrilled about it. I have not seen a Doctor but feel very well and you are not to worry. I
            looked it up in my handbook for wives and reckon that the baby is due about February
            8th. next year.

            The announcement came from George, not me! I had been feeling queasy for
            days and was waiting for the right moment to tell George. You know. Soft lights and
            music etc. However when I was listlessly poking my food around one lunch time
            George enquired calmly, “When are you going to tell me about the baby?” Not at all
            according to the book! The problem is where to have the baby. February is a very wet
            month and the nearest Doctor is over 50 miles away at Tukuyu. I cannot go to stay at
            Tukuyu because there is no European accommodation at the hospital, no hotel and no
            friend with whom I could stay.

            George thinks I should go South to you but Capetown is so very far away and I
            love my little home here. Also George says he could not come all the way down with
            me as he simply must stay here and get the farm on its feet. He would drive me as far
            as the railway in Northern Rhodesia. It is a difficult decision to take. Write and tell me what
            you think.

            The days tick by quietly here. The servants are very willing but have to be
            supervised and even then a crisis can occur. Last Saturday I was feeling squeamish and
            decided not to have lunch. I lay reading on the couch whilst George sat down to a
            solitary curry lunch. Suddenly he gave an exclamation and pushed back his chair. I
            jumped up to see what was wrong and there, on his plate, gleaming in the curry gravy
            were small bits of broken glass. I hurried to the kitchen to confront Lamek with the plate.
            He explained that he had dropped the new and expensive bottle of curry powder on
            the brick floor of the kitchen. He did not tell me as he thought I would make a “shauri” so
            he simply scooped up the curry powder, removed the larger pieces of glass and used
            part of the powder for seasoning the lunch.

            The weather is getting warmer now. It was very cold in June and July and we had
            fires in the daytime as well as at night. Now that much of the land has been cleared we
            are able to go for pleasant walks in the weekends. My favourite spot is a waterfall on the
            Mchewe River just on the boundary of our land. There is a delightful little pool below the
            waterfall and one day George intends to stock it with trout.

            Now that there are more Europeans around to buy meat the natives find it worth
            their while to kill an occasional beast. Every now and again a native arrives with a large
            bowl of freshly killed beef for sale. One has no way of knowing whether the animal was
            healthy and the meat is often still warm and very bloody. I hated handling it at first but am
            becoming accustomed to it now and have even started a brine tub. There is no other
            way of keeping meat here and it can only be kept in its raw state for a few hours before
            going bad. One of the delicacies is the hump which all African cattle have. When corned
            it is like the best brisket.

            See what a housewife I am becoming.
            With much love,

            Mchewe Estate. Sept.6th. 1931

            Dearest Family,

            I have grown to love the life here and am sad to think I shall be leaving
            Tanganyika soon for several months. Yes I am coming down to have the baby in the
            bosom of the family. George thinks it best and so does the doctor. I didn’t mention it
            before but I have never recovered fully from the effects of that bad bout of malaria and
            so I have been persuaded to leave George and our home and go to the Cape, in the
            hope that I shall come back here as fit as when I first arrived in the country plus a really
            healthy and bouncing baby. I am torn two ways, I long to see you all – but how I would
            love to stay on here.

            George will drive me down to Northern Rhodesia in early October to catch a
            South bound train. I’ll telegraph the date of departure when I know it myself. The road is
            very, very bad and the car has been giving a good deal of trouble so, though the baby
            is not due until early February, George thinks it best to get the journey over soon as
            possible, for the rains break in November and the the roads will then be impassable. It
            may take us five or six days to reach Broken Hill as we will take it slowly. I am looking
            forward to the drive through new country and to camping out at night.
            Our days pass quietly by. George is out on the shamba most of the day. He
            goes out before breakfast on weekdays and spends most of the day working with the
            men – not only supervising but actually working with his hands and beating the labourers
            at their own jobs. He comes to the house for meals and tea breaks. I potter around the
            house and garden, sew, mend and read. Lamek continues to be a treasure. he turns out
            some surprising dishes. One of his specialities is stuffed chicken. He carefully skins the
            chicken removing all bones. He then minces all the chicken meat and adds minced onion
            and potatoes. He then stuffs the chicken skin with the minced meat and carefully sews it
            together again. The resulting dish is very filling because the boned chicken is twice the
            size of a normal one. It lies on its back as round as a football with bloated legs in the air.
            Rather repulsive to look at but Lamek is most proud of his accomplishment.
            The other day he produced another of his masterpieces – a cooked tortoise. It
            was served on a dish covered with parsley and crouched there sans shell but, only too
            obviously, a tortoise. I took one look and fled with heaving diaphragm, but George said
            it tasted quite good. He tells me that he has had queerer dishes produced by former
            cooks. He says that once in his hunting days his cook served up a skinned baby
            monkey with its hands folded on its breast. He says it would take a cannibal to eat that

            And now for something sad. Poor old Llew died quite suddenly and it was a sad
            shock to this tiny community. We went across to the funeral and it was a very simple and
            dignified affair. Llew was buried on Joni’s farm in a grave dug by the farm boys. The
            body was wrapped in a blanket and bound to some boards and lowered into the
            ground. There was no service. The men just said “Good-bye Llew.” and “Sleep well
            Llew”, and things like that. Then Joni and his brother-in-law Max, and George shovelled
            soil over the body after which the grave was filled in by Joni’s shamba boys. It was a
            lovely bright afternoon and I thought how simple and sensible a funeral it was.
            I hope you will be glad to have me home. I bet Dad will be holding thumbs that
            the baby will be a girl.

            Very much love,

            “There are no letters to my family during the period of Sept. 1931 to June 1932
            because during these months I was living with my parents and sister in a suburb of
            Cape Town. I had hoped to return to Tanganyika by air with my baby soon after her
            birth in Feb.1932 but the doctor would not permit this.

            A month before my baby was born, a company called Imperial Airways, had
            started the first passenger service between South Africa and England. One of the night
            stops was at Mbeya near my husband’s coffee farm, and it was my intention to take the
            train to Broken Hill in Northern Rhodesia and to fly from there to Mbeya with my month
            old baby. In those days however, commercial flying was still a novelty and the doctor
            was not sure that flying at a high altitude might not have an adverse effect upon a young

            He strongly advised me to wait until the baby was four months old and I did this
            though the long wait was very trying to my husband alone on our farm in Tanganyika,
            and to me, cherished though I was in my old home.

            My story, covering those nine long months is soon told. My husband drove me
            down from Mbeya to Broken Hill in NorthernRhodesia. The journey was tedious as the
            weather was very hot and dry and the road sandy and rutted, very different from the
            Great North road as it is today. The wooden wheel spokes of the car became so dry
            that they rattled and George had to bind wet rags around them. We had several
            punctures and with one thing and another I was lucky to catch the train.
            My parents were at Cape Town station to welcome me and I stayed
            comfortably with them, living very quietly, until my baby was born. She arrived exactly
            on the appointed day, Feb.8th.

            I wrote to my husband “Our Charmian Ann is a darling baby. She is very fair and
            rather pale and has the most exquisite hands, with long tapering fingers. Daddy
            absolutely dotes on her and so would you, if you were here. I can’t bear to think that you
            are so terribly far away. Although Ann was born exactly on the day, I was taken quite by
            surprise. It was awfully hot on the night before, and before going to bed I had a fancy for
            some water melon. The result was that when I woke in the early morning with labour
            pains and vomiting I thought it was just an attack of indigestion due to eating too much
            melon. The result was that I did not wake Marjorie until the pains were pretty frequent.
            She called our next door neighbour who, in his pyjamas, drove me to the nursing home
            at breakneck speed. The Matron was very peeved that I had left things so late but all
            went well and by nine o’clock, Mother, positively twittering with delight, was allowed to
            see me and her first granddaughter . She told me that poor Dad was in such a state of
            nerves that he was sick amongst the grapevines. He says that he could not bear to go
            through such an anxious time again, — so we will have to have our next eleven in

            The next four months passed rapidly as my time was taken up by the demands
            of my new baby. Dr. Trudy King’s method of rearing babies was then the vogue and I
            stuck fanatically to all the rules he laid down, to the intense exasperation of my parents
            who longed to cuddle the child.

            As the time of departure drew near my parents became more and more reluctant
            to allow me to face the journey alone with their adored grandchild, so my brother,
            Graham, very generously offered to escort us on the train to Broken Hill where he could
            put us on the plane for Mbeya.

            Eleanor Rushby


            Mchewe Estate. June 15th 1932

            Dearest Family,

            You’ll be glad to know that we arrived quite safe and sound and very, very
            happy to be home.The train Journey was uneventful. Ann slept nearly all the way.
            Graham was very kind and saw to everything. He even sat with the baby whilst I went
            to meals in the dining car.

            We were met at Broken Hill by the Thoms who had arranged accommodation for
            us at the hotel for the night. They also drove us to the aerodrome in the morning where
            the Airways agent told us that Ann is the first baby to travel by air on this section of the
            Cape to England route. The plane trip was very bumpy indeed especially between
            Broken Hill and Mpika. Everyone was ill including poor little Ann who sicked up her milk
            all over the front of my new coat. I arrived at Mbeya looking a sorry caricature of Radiant
            Motherhood. I must have been pale green and the baby was snow white. Under the
            circumstances it was a good thing that George did not meet us. We were met instead
            by Ken Menzies, the owner of the Mbeya Hotel where we spent the night. Ken was
            most fatherly and kind and a good nights rest restored Ann and me to our usual robust

            Mbeya has greatly changed. The hotel is now finished and can accommodate
            fifty guests. It consists of a large main building housing a large bar and dining room and
            offices and a number of small cottage bedrooms. It even has electric light. There are
            several buildings out at the aerodrome and private houses going up in Mbeya.
            After breakfast Ken Menzies drove us out to the farm where we had a warm
            welcome from George, who looks well but rather thin. The house was spotless and the
            new cook, Abel, had made light scones for tea. George had prepared all sorts of lovely
            surprises. There is a new reed ceiling in the living room and a new dresser gay with
            willow pattern plates which he had ordered from England. There is also a writing table
            and a square table by the door for visitors hats. More personal is a lovely model ship
            which George assembled from one of those Hobbie’s kits. It puts the finishing touch to
            the rather old world air of our living room.

            In the bedroom there is a large double bed which George made himself. It has
            strips of old car tyres nailed to a frame which makes a fine springy mattress and on top
            of this is a thick mattress of kapok.In the kitchen there is a good wood stove which
            George salvaged from a Mission dump. It looks a bit battered but works very well. The
            new cook is excellent. The only blight is that he will wear rubber soled tennis shoes and
            they smell awful. I daren’t hurt his feelings by pointing this out though. Opposite the
            kitchen is a new laundry building containing a forty gallon hot water drum and a sink for
            washing up. Lovely!

            George has been working very hard. He now has forty acres of coffee seedlings
            planted out and has also found time to plant a rose garden and fruit trees. There are
            orange and peach trees, tree tomatoes, paw paws, guavas and berries. He absolutely
            adores Ann who has been very good and does not seem at all unsettled by the long

            It is absolutely heavenly to be back and I shall be happier than ever now that I
            have a baby to play with during the long hours when George is busy on the farm,
            Thank you for all your love and care during the many months I was with you. Ann
            sends a special bubble for granddad.

            Your very loving,

            Mchewe Estate Mbeya July 18th 1932

            Dearest Family,

            Ann at five months is enchanting. She is a very good baby, smiles readily and is
            gaining weight steadily. She doesn’t sleep much during the day but that does not
            matter, because, apart from washing her little things, I have nothing to do but attend to
            her. She sleeps very well at night which is a blessing as George has to get up very
            early to start work on the shamba and needs a good nights rest.
            My nights are not so good, because we are having a plague of rats which frisk
            around in the bedroom at night. Great big ones that come up out of the long grass in the
            gorge beside the house and make cosy homes on our reed ceiling and in the thatch of
            the roof.

            We always have a night light burning so that, if necessary, I can attend to Ann
            with a minimum of fuss, and the things I see in that dim light! There are gaps between
            the reeds and one night I heard, plop! and there, before my horrified gaze, lay a newly
            born hairless baby rat on the floor by the bed, plop, plop! and there lay two more.
            Quite dead, poor things – but what a careless mother.

            I have also seen rats scampering around on the tops of the mosquito nets and
            sometimes we have them on our bed. They have a lovely game. They swarm down
            the cord from which the mosquito net is suspended, leap onto the bed and onto the
            floor. We do not have our net down now the cold season is here and there are few

            Last week a rat crept under Ann’s net which hung to the floor and bit her little
            finger, so now I tuck the net in under the mattress though it makes it difficult for me to
            attend to her at night. We shall have to get a cat somewhere. Ann’s pram has not yet
            arrived so George carries her when we go walking – to her great content.
            The native women around here are most interested in Ann. They come to see
            her, bearing small gifts, and usually bring a child or two with them. They admire my child
            and I admire theirs and there is an exchange of gifts. They produce a couple of eggs or
            a few bananas or perhaps a skinny fowl and I hand over sugar, salt or soap as they
            value these commodities. The most lavish gift went to the wife of Thomas our headman,
            who produced twin daughters in the same week as I had Ann.

            Our neighbours have all been across to welcome me back and to admire the
            baby. These include Marion Coster who came out to join her husband whilst I was in
            South Africa. The two Hickson-Wood children came over on a fat old white donkey.
            They made a pretty picture sitting astride, one behind the other – Maureen with her arms
            around small Michael’s waist. A native toto led the donkey and the children’ s ayah
            walked beside it.

            It is quite cold here now but the sun is bright and the air dry. The whole
            countryside is beautifully green and we are a very happy little family.

            Lots and lots of love,

            Mchewe Estate August 11th 1932

            Dearest Family,

            George has been very unwell for the past week. He had a nasty gash on his
            knee which went septic. He had a swelling in the groin and a high temperature and could
            not sleep at night for the pain in his leg. Ann was very wakeful too during the same
            period, I think she is teething. I luckily have kept fit though rather harassed. Yesterday the
            leg looked so inflamed that George decided to open up the wound himself. he made
            quite a big cut in exactly the right place. You should have seen the blackish puss
            pouring out.

            After he had thoroughly cleaned the wound George sewed it up himself. he has
            the proper surgical needles and gut. He held the cut together with his left hand and
            pushed the needle through the flesh with his right. I pulled the needle out and passed it
            to George for the next stitch. I doubt whether a surgeon could have made a neater job
            of it. He is still confined to the couch but today his temperature is normal. Some

            The previous week was hectic in another way. We had a visit from lions! George
            and I were having supper about 8.30 on Tuesday night when the back verandah was
            suddenly invaded by women and children from the servants quarters behind the kitchen.
            They were all yelling “Simba, Simba.” – simba means lions. The door opened suddenly
            and the houseboy rushed in to say that there were lions at the huts. George got up
            swiftly, fetched gun and ammunition from the bedroom and with the houseboy carrying
            the lamp, went off to investigate. I remained at the table, carrying on with my supper as I
            felt a pioneer’s wife should! Suddenly something big leapt through the open window
            behind me. You can imagine what I thought! I know now that it is quite true to say one’s
            hair rises when one is scared. However it was only Kelly, our huge Irish wolfhound,
            taking cover.

            George returned quite soon to say that apparently the commotion made by the
            women and children had frightened the lions off. He found their tracks in the soft earth
            round the huts and a bag of maize that had been playfully torn open but the lions had
            moved on.

            Next day we heard that they had moved to Hickson-Wood’s shamba. Hicky
            came across to say that the lions had jumped over the wall of his cattle boma and killed
            both his white Muskat riding donkeys.
            He and a friend sat up all next night over the remains but the lions did not return to
            the kill.

            Apart from the little set back last week, Ann is blooming. She has a cap of very
            fine fair hair and clear blue eyes under straight brow. She also has lovely dimples in both
            cheeks. We are very proud of her.

            Our neighbours are picking coffee but the crops are small and the price is low. I
            am amazed that they are so optimistic about the future. No one in these parts ever
            seems to grouse though all are living on capital. They all say “Well if the worst happens
            we can always go up to the Lupa Diggings.”

            Don’t worry about us, we have enough to tide us over for some time yet.

            Much love to all,

            Mchewe Estate. 28th Sept. 1932

            Dearest Family,

            News! News! I’m going to have another baby. George and I are delighted and I
            hope it will be a boy this time. I shall be able to have him at Mbeya because things are
            rapidly changing here. Several German families have moved to Mbeya including a
            German doctor who means to build a hospital there. I expect he will make a very good
            living because there must now be some hundreds of Europeans within a hundred miles
            radius of Mbeya. The Europeans are mostly British or German but there are also
            Greeks and, I believe, several other nationalities are represented on the Lupa Diggings.
            Ann is blooming and developing according to the Book except that she has no
            teeth yet! Kath Hickson-Wood has given her a very nice high chair and now she has
            breakfast and lunch at the table with us. Everything within reach goes on the floor to her
            amusement and my exasperation!

            You ask whether we have any Church of England missionaries in our part. No we
            haven’t though there are Lutheran and Roman Catholic Missions. I have never even
            heard of a visiting Church of England Clergyman to these parts though there are babies
            in plenty who have not been baptised. Jolly good thing I had Ann Christened down

            The R.C. priests in this area are called White Fathers. They all have beards and
            wear white cassocks and sun helmets. One, called Father Keiling, calls around frequently.
            Though none of us in this area is Catholic we take it in turn to put him up for the night. The
            Catholic Fathers in their turn are most hospitable to travellers regardless of their beliefs.
            Rather a sad thing has happened. Lucas our old chicken-boy is dead. I shall miss
            his toothy smile. George went to the funeral and fired two farewell shots from his rifle
            over the grave – a gesture much appreciated by the locals. Lucas in his day was a good

            Several of the locals own muzzle loading guns but the majority hunt with dogs
            and spears. The dogs wear bells which make an attractive jingle but I cannot bear the
            idea of small antelope being run down until they are exhausted before being clubbed of
            stabbed to death. We seldom eat venison as George does not care to shoot buck.
            Recently though, he shot an eland and Abel rendered down the fat which is excellent for
            cooking and very like beef fat.

            Much love to all,

            Mchewe Estate. P.O.Mbeya 21st November 1932

            Dearest Family,

            George has gone off to the Lupa for a week with John Molteno. John came up
            here with the idea of buying a coffee farm but he has changed his mind and now thinks of
            staking some claims on the diggings and also setting up as a gold buyer.

            Did I tell you about his arrival here? John and George did some elephant hunting
            together in French Equatorial Africa and when John heard that George had married and
            settled in Tanganyika, he also decided to come up here. He drove up from Cape Town
            in a Baby Austin and arrived just as our labourers were going home for the day. The little
            car stopped half way up our hill and John got out to investigate. You should have heard
            the astonished exclamations when John got out – all 6 ft 5 ins. of him! He towered over
            the little car and even to me it seemed impossible for him to have made the long
            journey in so tiny a car.

            Kath Wood has been over several times lately. She is slim and looks so right in
            the shirt and corduroy slacks she almost always wears. She was here yesterday when
            the shamba boy, digging in the front garden, unearthed a large earthenware cooking pot,
            sealed at the top. I was greatly excited and had an instant mental image of fabulous
            wealth. We made the boy bring the pot carefully on to the verandah and opened it in
            happy anticipation. What do you think was inside? Nothing but a grinning skull! Such a
            treat for a pregnant female.

            We have a tree growing here that had lovely straight branches covered by a
            smooth bark. I got the garden boy to cut several of these branches of a uniform size,
            peeled off the bark and have made Ann a playpen with the poles which are much like
            broom sticks. Now I can leave her unattended when I do my chores. The other morning
            after breakfast I put Ann in her playpen on the verandah and gave her a piece of toast
            and honey to keep her quiet whilst I laundered a few of her things. When I looked out a
            little later I was horrified to see a number of bees buzzing around her head whilst she
            placidly concentrated on her toast. I made a rapid foray and rescued her but I still don’t
            know whether that was the thing to do.

            We all send our love,

            Mbeya Hospital. April 25th. 1933

            Dearest Family,

            Here I am, installed at the very new hospital, built by Dr Eckhardt, awaiting the
            arrival of the new baby. George has gone back to the farm on foot but will walk in again
            to spend the weekend with us. Ann is with me and enjoys the novelty of playing with
            other children. The Eckhardts have two, a pretty little girl of two and a half and a very fair
            roly poly boy of Ann’s age. Ann at fourteen months is very active. She is quite a little girl
            now with lovely dimples. She walks well but is backward in teething.

            George, Ann and I had a couple of days together at the hotel before I moved in
            here and several of the local women visited me and have promised to visit me in
            hospital. The trip from farm to town was very entertaining if not very comfortable. There
            is ten miles of very rough road between our farm and Utengule Mission and beyond the
            Mission there is a fair thirteen or fourteen mile road to Mbeya.

            As we have no car now the doctor’s wife offered to drive us from the Mission to
            Mbeya but she would not risk her car on the road between the Mission and our farm.
            The upshot was that I rode in the Hickson-Woods machila for that ten mile stretch. The
            machila is a canopied hammock, slung from a bamboo pole, in which I reclined, not too
            comfortably in my unwieldy state, with Ann beside me or sometime straddling me. Four
            of our farm boys carried the machila on their shoulders, two fore and two aft. The relief
            bearers walked on either side. There must have been a dozen in all and they sang a sort
            of sea shanty song as they walked. One man would sing a verse and the others took up
            the chorus. They often improvise as they go. They moaned about my weight (at least
            George said so! I don’t follow Ki-Swahili well yet) and expressed the hope that I would
            have a son and that George would reward them handsomely.

            George and Kelly, the dog, followed close behind the machila and behind
            George came Abel our cook and his wife and small daughter Annalie, all in their best
            attire. The cook wore a palm beach suit, large Terai hat and sunglasses and two colour
            shoes and quite lent a tone to the proceedings! Right at the back came the rag tag and
            bobtail who joined the procession just for fun.

            Mrs Eckhardt was already awaiting us at the Mission when we arrived and we had
            an uneventful trip to the Mbeya Hotel.

            During my last week at the farm I felt very tired and engaged the cook’s small
            daughter, Annalie, to amuse Ann for an hour after lunch so that I could have a rest. They
            played in the small verandah room which adjoins our bedroom and where I keep all my
            sewing materials. One afternoon I was startled by a scream from Ann. I rushed to the
            room and found Ann with blood steaming from her cheek. Annalie knelt beside her,
            looking startled and frightened, with my embroidery scissors in her hand. She had cut off
            half of the long curling golden lashes on one of Ann’s eyelids and, in trying to finish the
            job, had cut off a triangular flap of skin off Ann’s cheek bone.

            I called Abel, the cook, and demanded that he should chastise his daughter there and
            then and I soon heard loud shrieks from behind the kitchen. He spanked her with a
            bamboo switch but I am sure not as well as she deserved. Africans are very tolerant
            towards their children though I have seen husbands and wives fighting furiously.
            I feel very well but long to have the confinement over.

            Very much love,

            Mbeya Hospital. 2nd May 1933.

            Dearest Family,

            Little George arrived at 7.30 pm on Saturday evening 29 th. April. George was
            with me at the time as he had walked in from the farm for news, and what a wonderful bit
            of luck that was. The doctor was away on a case on the Diggings and I was bathing Ann
            with George looking on, when the pains started. George dried Ann and gave her
            supper and put her to bed. Afterwards he sat on the steps outside my room and a
            great comfort it was to know that he was there.

            The confinement was short but pretty hectic. The Doctor returned to the Hospital
            just in time to deliver the baby. He is a grand little boy, beautifully proportioned. The
            doctor says he has never seen a better formed baby. He is however rather funny
            looking just now as his head is, very temporarily, egg shaped. He has a shock of black
            silky hair like a gollywog and believe it or not, he has a slight black moustache.
            George came in, looked at the baby, looked at me, and we both burst out
            laughing. The doctor was shocked and said so. He has no sense of humour and couldn’t
            understand that we, though bursting with pride in our son, could never the less laugh at

            Friends in Mbeya have sent me the most gorgeous flowers and my room is
            transformed with delphiniums, roses and carnations. The room would be very austere
            without the flowers. Curtains, bedspread and enamelware, walls and ceiling are all
            snowy white.

            George hired a car and took Ann home next day. I have little George for
            company during the day but he is removed at night. I am longing to get him home and
            away from the German nurse who feeds him on black tea when he cries. She insists that
            tea is a medicine and good for him.

            Much love from a proud mother of two.

            Mchewe Estate 12May 1933

            Dearest Family,

            We are all together at home again and how lovely it feels. Even the house
            servants seem pleased. The boy had decorated the lounge with sprays of
            bougainvillaea and Abel had backed one of his good sponge cakes.

            Ann looked fat and rosy but at first was only moderately interested in me and the
            new baby but she soon thawed. George is good with her and will continue to dress Ann
            in the mornings and put her to bed until I am satisfied with Georgie.

            He, poor mite, has a nasty rash on face and neck. I am sure it is just due to that
            tea the nurse used to give him at night. He has lost his moustache and is fast loosing his
            wild black hair and emerging as quite a handsome babe. He is a very masculine looking
            infant with much more strongly marked eyebrows and a larger nose that Ann had. He is
            very good and lies quietly in his basket even when awake.

            George has been making a hatching box for brown trout ova and has set it up in
            a small clear stream fed by a spring in readiness for the ova which is expected from
            South Africa by next weeks plane. Some keen fishermen from Mbeya and the District
            have clubbed together to buy the ova. The fingerlings are later to be transferred to
            streams in Mbeya and Tukuyu Districts.

            I shall now have my hands full with the two babies and will not have much time for the
            garden, or I fear, for writing very long letters. Remember though, that no matter how
            large my family becomes, I shall always love you as much as ever.

            Your affectionate,

            Mchewe Estate. 14th June 1933

            Dearest Family,

            The four of us are all well but alas we have lost our dear Kelly. He was rather a
            silly dog really, although he grew so big he retained all his puppy ways but we were all
            very fond of him, especially George because Kelly attached himself to George whilst I
            was away having Ann and from that time on he was George’s shadow. I think he had
            some form of biliary fever. He died stretched out on the living room couch late last night,
            with George sitting beside him so that he would not feel alone.

            The children are growing fast. Georgie is a darling. He now has a fluff of pale
            brown hair and his eyes are large and dark brown. Ann is very plump and fair.
            We have had several visitors lately. Apart from neighbours, a car load of diggers
            arrived one night and John Molteno and his bride were here. She is a very attractive girl
            but, I should say, more suited to life in civilisation than in this back of beyond. She has
            gone out to the diggings with her husband and will have to walk a good stretch of the fifty
            or so miles.

            The diggers had to sleep in the living room on the couch and on hastily erected
            camp beds. They arrived late at night and left after breakfast next day. One had half a
            beard, the other side of his face had been forcibly shaved in the bar the night before.

            your affectionate,

            Mchewe Estate. August 10 th. 1933

            Dearest Family,

            George is away on safari with two Indian Army officers. The money he will get for
            his services will be very welcome because this coffee growing is a slow business, and
            our capitol is rapidly melting away. The job of acting as White Hunter was unexpected
            or George would not have taken on the job of hatching the ova which duly arrived from
            South Africa.

            George and the District Commissioner, David Pollock, went to meet the plane
            by which the ova had been consigned but the pilot knew nothing about the package. It
            came to light in the mail bag with the parcels! However the ova came to no harm. David
            Pollock and George brought the parcel to the farm and carefully transferred the ova to
            the hatching box. It was interesting to watch the tiny fry hatch out – a process which took
            several days. Many died in the process and George removed the dead by sucking
            them up in a glass tube.

            When hatched, the tiny fry were fed on ant eggs collected by the boys. I had to
            take over the job of feeding and removing the dead when George left on safari. The fry
            have to be fed every four hours, like the baby, so each time I have fed Georgie. I hurry
            down to feed the trout.

            The children are very good but keep me busy. Ann can now say several words
            and understands more. She adores Georgie. I long to show them off to you.

            Very much love

            Mchewe Estate. October 27th 1933

            Dear Family,

            All just over flu. George and Ann were very poorly. I did not fare so badly and
            Georgie came off best. He is on a bottle now.

            There was some excitement here last Wednesday morning. At 6.30 am. I called
            for boiling water to make Georgie’s food. No water arrived but muffled shouting and the
            sound of blows came from the kitchen. I went to investigate and found a fierce fight in
            progress between the house boy and the kitchen boy. In my efforts to make them stop
            fighting I went too close and got a sharp bang on the mouth with the edge of an
            enamelled plate the kitchen boy was using as a weapon. My teeth cut my lip inside and
            the plate cut it outside and blood flowed from mouth to chin. The boys were petrified.
            By the time I had fed Georgie the lip was stiff and swollen. George went in wrath
            to the kitchen and by breakfast time both house boy and kitchen boy had swollen faces
            too. Since then I have a kettle of boiling water to hand almost before the words are out
            of my mouth. I must say that the fight was because the house boy had clouted the
            kitchen boy for keeping me waiting! In this land of piece work it is the job of the kitchen
            boy to light the fire and boil the kettle but the houseboy’s job to carry the kettle to me.
            I have seen little of Kath Wood or Marion Coster for the past two months. Major
            Jones is the neighbour who calls most regularly. He has a wireless set and calls on all of
            us to keep us up to date with world as well as local news. He often brings oranges for
            Ann who adores him. He is a very nice person but no oil painting and makes no effort to
            entertain Ann but she thinks he is fine. Perhaps his monocle appeals to her.

            George has bought a six foot long galvanised bath which is a great improvement
            on the smaller oval one we have used until now. The smaller one had grown battered
            from much use and leaks like a sieve. Fortunately our bathroom has a cement floor,
            because one had to fill the bath to the brim and then bath extremely quickly to avoid
            being left high and dry.

            Lots and lots of love,

            Mchewe Estate. P.O. Mbeya 1st December 1933

            Dearest Family,

            Ann has not been well. We think she has had malaria. She has grown a good
            deal lately and looks much thinner and rather pale. Georgie is thriving and has such
            sparkling brown eyes and a ready smile. He and Ann make a charming pair, one so fair
            and the other dark.

            The Moltenos’ spent a few days here and took Georgie and me to Mbeya so
            that Georgie could be vaccinated. However it was an unsatisfactory trip because the
            doctor had no vaccine.

            George went to the Lupa with the Moltenos and returned to the farm in their Baby
            Austin which they have lent to us for a week. This was to enable me to go to Mbeya to
            have a couple of teeth filled by a visiting dentist.

            We went to Mbeya in the car on Saturday. It was quite a squash with the four of
            us on the front seat of the tiny car. Once George grabbed the babies foot instead of the
            gear knob! We had Georgie vaccinated at the hospital and then went to the hotel where
            the dentist was installed. Mr Dare, the dentist, had few instruments and they were very
            tarnished. I sat uncomfortably on a kitchen chair whilst he tinkered with my teeth. He filled
            three but two of the fillings came out that night. This meant another trip to Mbeya in the
            Baby Austin but this time they seem all right.

            The weather is very hot and dry and the garden a mess. We are having trouble
            with the young coffee trees too. Cut worms are killing off seedlings in the nursery and
            there is a borer beetle in the planted out coffee.

            George bought a large grey donkey from some wandering Masai and we hope
            the children will enjoy riding it later on.

            Very much love,

            Mchewe Estate. 14th February 1934.

            Dearest Family,

            You will be sorry to hear that little Ann has been very ill, indeed we were terribly
            afraid that we were going to lose her. She enjoyed her birthday on the 8th. All the toys
            you, and her English granny, sent were unwrapped with such delight. However next
            day she seemed listless and a bit feverish so I tucked her up in bed after lunch. I dosed
            her with quinine and aspirin and she slept fitfully. At about eleven o’clock I was
            awakened by a strange little cry. I turned up the night light and was horrified to see that
            Ann was in a convulsion. I awakened George who, as always in an emergency, was
            perfectly calm and practical. He filled the small bath with very warm water and emersed
            Ann in it, placing a cold wet cloth on her head. We then wrapped her in blankets and
            gave her an enema and she settled down to sleep. A few hours later we had the same
            thing over again.

            At first light we sent a runner to Mbeya to fetch the doctor but waited all day in
            vain and in the evening the runner returned to say that the doctor had gone to a case on
            the diggings. Ann had been feverish all day with two or three convulsions. Neither
            George or I wished to leave the bedroom, but there was Georgie to consider, and in
            the afternoon I took him out in the garden for a while whilst George sat with Ann.
            That night we both sat up all night and again Ann had those wretched attacks of
            convulsions. George and I were worn out with anxiety by the time the doctor arrived the
            next afternoon. Ann had not been able to keep down any quinine and had had only
            small sips of water since the onset of the attack.

            The doctor at once diagnosed the trouble as malaria aggravated by teething.
            George held Ann whilst the Doctor gave her an injection. At the first attempt the needle
            bent into a bow, George was furious! The second attempt worked and after a few hours
            Ann’s temperature dropped and though she was ill for two days afterwards she is now
            up and about. She has also cut the last of her baby teeth, thank God. She looks thin and
            white, but should soon pick up. It has all been a great strain to both of us. Georgie
            behaved like an angel throughout. He played happily in his cot and did not seem to
            sense any tension as people say, babies do. Our baby was cheerful and not at all

            This is the rainy season and it is a good thing that some work has been done on
            our road or the doctor might not have got through.

            Much love to all,

            Mchewe Estate. 1st October 1934

            Dearest Family,

            We are all well now, thank goodness, but last week Georgie gave us such a
            fright. I was sitting on the verandah, busy with some sewing and not watching Ann and
            Georgie, who were trying to reach a bunch of bananas which hung on a rope from a
            beam of the verandah. Suddenly I heard a crash, Georgie had fallen backward over the
            edge of the verandah and hit the back of his head on the edge of the brick furrow which
            carries away the rainwater. He lay flat on his back with his arms spread out and did not
            move or cry. When I picked him up he gave a little whimper, I carried him to his cot and
            bathed his face and soon he began sitting up and appeared quite normal. The trouble
            began after he had vomited up his lunch. He began to whimper and bang his head
            against the cot.

            George and I were very worried because we have no transport so we could not
            take Georgie to the doctor and we could not bear to go through again what we had gone
            through with Ann earlier in the year. Then, in the late afternoon, a miracle happened. Two
            men George hardly knew, and complete strangers to me, called in on their way from the
            diggings to Mbeya and they kindly drove Georgie and me to the hospital. The Doctor
            allowed me to stay with Georgie and we spent five days there. Luckily he responded to
            treatment and is now as alive as ever. Children do put years on one!

            There is nothing much else to report. We have a new vegetable garden which is
            doing well but the earth here is strange. Gardens seem to do well for two years but by
            that time the soil is exhausted and one must move the garden somewhere else. The
            coffee looks well but it will be another year before we can expect even a few bags of
            coffee and prices are still low. Anyway by next year George should have some good
            return for all his hard work.

            Lots of love,

            Mchewe Estate. November 4th 1934

            Dearest Family,

            George is home from his White Hunting safari looking very sunburnt and well.
            The elderly American, who was his client this time, called in here at the farm to meet me
            and the children. It is amazing what spirit these old lads have! This one looked as though
            he should be thinking in terms of slippers and an armchair but no, he thinks in terms of
            high powered rifles with telescopic sights.

            It is lovely being together again and the children are delighted to have their Dad
            home. Things are always exciting when George is around. The day after his return
            George said at breakfast, “We can’t go on like this. You and the kids never get off the
            shamba. We’ll simply have to get a car.” You should have heard the excitement. “Get a
            car Daddy?’” cried Ann jumping in her chair so that her plaits bounced. “Get a car
            Daddy?” echoed Georgie his brown eyes sparkling. “A car,” said I startled, “However
            can we afford one?”

            “Well,” said George, “on my way back from Safari I heard that a car is to be sold
            this week at the Tukuyu Court, diseased estate or bankruptcy or something, I might get it
            cheap and it is an A.C.” The name meant nothing to me, but George explained that an
            A.C. is first cousin to a Rolls Royce.

            So off he went to the sale and next day the children and I listened all afternoon for
            the sound of an approaching car. We had many false alarms but, towards evening we
            heard what appeared to be the roar of an aeroplane engine. It was the A.C. roaring her
            way up our steep hill with a long plume of steam waving gaily above her radiator.
            Out jumped my beaming husband and in no time at all, he was showing off her
            points to an admiring family. Her lines are faultless and seats though worn are most
            comfortable. She has a most elegant air so what does it matter that the radiator leaks like
            a sieve, her exhaust pipe has broken off, her tyres are worn almost to the canvas and
            she has no windscreen. She goes, and she cost only five pounds.

            Next afternoon George, the kids and I piled into the car and drove along the road
            on lookout for guinea fowl. All went well on the outward journey but on the homeward
            one the poor A.C. simply gasped and died. So I carried the shot gun and George
            carried both children and we trailed sadly home. This morning George went with a bunch
            of farmhands and brought her home. Truly temperamental, she came home literally
            under her own steam.

            George now plans to get a second hand engine and radiator for her but it won’t
            be an A.C. engine. I think she is the only one of her kind in the country.
            I am delighted to hear, dad, that you are sending a bridle for Joseph for
            Christmas. I am busy making a saddle out of an old piece of tent canvas stuffed with
            kapok, some webbing and some old rug straps. A car and a riding donkey! We’re
            definitely carriage folk now.

            Lots of love to all,

            Mchewe Estate. 28th December 1934

            Dearest Family,

            Thank you for the wonderful Christmas parcel. My frock is a splendid fit. George
            declares that no one can knit socks like Mummy and the children love their toys and new

            Joseph, the donkey, took his bit with an air of bored resignation and Ann now
            rides proudly on his back. Joseph is a big strong animal with the looks and disposition of
            a mule. he will not go at all unless a native ‘toto’ walks before him and when he does go
            he wears a pained expression as though he were carrying fourteen stone instead of
            Ann’s fly weight. I walk beside the donkey carrying Georgie and our cat, ‘Skinny Winnie’,
            follows behind. Quite a cavalcade. The other day I got so exasperated with Joseph that
            I took Ann off and I got on. Joseph tottered a few paces and sat down! to the huge
            delight of our farm labourers who were going home from work. Anyway, one good thing,
            the donkey is so lazy that there is little chance of him bolting with Ann.

            The Moltenos spent Christmas with us and left for the Lupa Diggings yesterday.
            They arrived on the 22nd. with gifts for the children and chocolates and beer. That very
            afternoon George and John Molteno left for Ivuna, near Lake Ruckwa, to shoot some
            guinea fowl and perhaps a goose for our Christmas dinner. We expected the menfolk
            back on Christmas Eve and Anne and I spent a busy day making mince pies and
            sausage rolls. Why I don’t know, because I am sure Abel could have made them better.
            We decorated the Christmas tree and sat up very late but no husbands turned up.
            Christmas day passed but still no husbands came. Anne, like me, is expecting a baby
            and we both felt pretty forlorn and cross. Anne was certain that they had been caught up
            in a party somewhere and had forgotten all about us and I must say when Boxing Day
            went by and still George and John did not show up I felt ready to agree with her.
            They turned up towards evening and explained that on the homeward trip the car
            had bogged down in the mud and that they had spent a miserable Christmas. Anne
            refused to believe their story so George, to prove their case, got the game bag and
            tipped the contents on to the dining room table. Out fell several guinea fowl, long past
            being edible, followed by a large goose so high that it was green and blue where all the
            feathers had rotted off.

            The stench was too much for two pregnant girls. I shot out of the front door
            closely followed by Anne and we were both sick in the garden.

            I could not face food that evening but Anne is made of stronger stuff and ate her
            belated Christmas dinner with relish.

            I am looking forward enormously to having Marjorie here with us. She will be able
            to carry back to you an eyewitness account of our home and way of life.

            Much love to you all,

            Mchewe Estate. 5th January 1935

            Dearest Family,

            You cannot imagine how lovely it is to have Marjorie here. She came just in time
            because I have had pernicious vomiting and have lost a great deal of weight and she
            took charge of the children and made me spend three days in hospital having treatment.
            George took me to the hospital on the afternoon of New Years Eve and decided
            to spend the night at the hotel and join in the New Years Eve celebrations. I had several
            visitors at the hospital that evening and George actually managed to get some imported
            grapes for me. He returned to the farm next morning and fetched me from the hospital
            four days later. Of course the old A.C. just had to play up. About half way home the
            back axle gave in and we had to send a passing native some miles back to a place
            called Mbalizi to hire a lorry from a Greek trader to tow us home to the farm.
            The children looked well and were full of beans. I think Marjorie was thankful to
            hand them over to me. She is delighted with Ann’s motherly little ways but Georgie she
            calls “a really wild child”. He isn’t, just has such an astonishing amount of energy and is
            always up to mischief. Marjorie brought us all lovely presents. I am so thrilled with my
            sewing machine. It may be an old model but it sews marvellously. We now have an
            Alsatian pup as well as Joseph the donkey and the two cats.

            Marjorie had a midnight encounter with Joseph which gave her quite a shock but
            we had a good laugh about it next day. Some months ago George replaced our wattle
            and daub outside pit lavatory by a substantial brick one, so large that Joseph is being
            temporarily stabled in it at night. We neglected to warn Marj about this and one night,
            storm lamp in hand, she opened the door and Joseph walked out braying his thanks.
            I am afraid Marjorie is having a quiet time, a shame when the journey from Cape
            Town is so expensive. The doctor has told me to rest as much as I can, so it is
            impossible for us to take Marj on sight seeing trips.

            I hate to think that she will be leaving in ten days time.

            Much love,

            Mchewe Estate. 18th February 1935

            Dearest Family,

            You must be able to visualise our life here quite well now that Marj is back and
            has no doubt filled in all the details I forget to mention in my letters. What a journey we
            had in the A.C. when we took her to the plane. George, the children and I sat in front and
            Marj sat behind with numerous four gallon tins of water for the insatiable radiator. It was
            raining and the canvas hood was up but part of the side flaps are missing and as there is
            no glass in the windscreen the rain blew in on us. George got fed up with constantly
            removing the hot radiator cap so simply stuffed a bit of rag in instead. When enough
            steam had built up in the radiator behind the rag it blew out and we started all over again.
            The car still roars like an aeroplane engine and yet has little power so that George sent
            gangs of boys to the steep hills between the farm and the Mission to give us a push if
            necessary. Fortunately this time it was not, and the boys cheered us on our way. We
            needed their help on the homeward journey however.

            George has now bought an old Chev engine which he means to install before I
            have to go to hospital to have my new baby. It will be quite an engineering feet as
            George has few tools.

            I am sorry to say that I am still not well, something to do with kidneys or bladder.
            George bought me some pills from one of the several small shops which have opened
            in Mbeya and Ann is most interested in the result. She said seriously to Kath Wood,
            “Oh my Mummy is a very clever Mummy. She can do blue wee and green wee as well
            as yellow wee.” I simply can no longer manage the children without help and have
            engaged the cook’s wife, Janey, to help. The children are by no means thrilled. I plead in
            vain that I am not well enough to go for walks. Ann says firmly, “Ann doesn’t want to go
            for a walk. Ann will look after you.” Funny, though she speaks well for a three year old,
            she never uses the first person. Georgie say he would much rather walk with
            Keshokutwa, the kitchen boy. His name by the way, means day-after-tomorrow and it
            suits him down to the ground, Kath Wood walks over sometimes with offers of help and Ann will gladly go walking with her but Georgie won’t. He on the other hand will walk with Anne Molteno
            and Ann won’t. They are obstinate kids. Ann has developed a very fertile imagination.
            She has probably been looking at too many of those nice women’s magazines you
            sent. A few days ago she said, “You are sick Mummy, but Ann’s got another Mummy.
            She’s not sick, and my other mummy (very smugly) has lovely golden hair”. This
            morning’ not ten minutes after I had dressed her, she came in with her frock wet and
            muddy. I said in exasperation, “Oh Ann, you are naughty.” To which she instantly
            returned, “My other Mummy doesn’t think I am naughty. She thinks I am very nice.” It
            strikes me I shall have to get better soon so that I can be gay once more and compete
            with that phantom golden haired paragon.

            We had a very heavy storm over the farm last week. There was heavy rain with
            hail which stripped some of the coffee trees and the Mchewe River flooded and the
            water swept through the lower part of the shamba. After the water had receded George
            picked up a fine young trout which had been stranded. This was one of some he had
            put into the river when Georgie was a few months old.

            The trials of a coffee farmer are legion. We now have a plague of snails. They
            ring bark the young trees and leave trails of slime on the glossy leaves. All the ring
            barked trees will have to be cut right back and this is heartbreaking as they are bearing
            berries for the first time. The snails are collected by native children, piled upon the
            ground and bashed to a pulp which gives off a sickening stench. I am sorry for the local
            Africans. Locusts ate up their maize and now they are losing their bean crop to the snails.

            Lots of love, Eleanor


              The following stories started with a single question.

              Who was Catherine Housley’s mother?

              But one question leads to another, and another, and so this book will never be finished.  This is the first in a collection of stories of a family history research project, not a complete family history.  There will always be more questions and more searches, and each new find presents more questions.

              A list of names and dates is only moderately interesting, and doesn’t mean much unless you get to know the characters along the way.   For example, a cousin on my fathers side has already done a great deal of thorough and accurate family research. I copied one branch of the family onto my tree, going back to the 1500’s, but lost interest in it after about an hour or so, because I didn’t feel I knew any of the individuals.

              Parish registers, the census every ten years, birth, death and marriage certificates can tell you so much, but they can’t tell you why.  They don’t tell you why parents chose the names they did for their children, or why they moved, or why they married in another town.  They don’t tell you why a person lived in another household, or for how long. The census every ten years doesn’t tell you what people were doing in the intervening years, and in the case of the UK and the hundred year privacy rule, we can’t even use those for the past century.  The first census was in 1831 in England, prior to that all we have are parish registers. An astonishing amount of them have survived and have been transcribed and are one way or another available to see, both transcriptions and microfiche images.  Not all of them survived, however. Sometimes the writing has faded to white, sometimes pages are missing, and in some case the entire register is lost or damaged.

              Sometimes if you are lucky, you may find mention of an ancestor in an obscure little local history book or a journal or diary.  Wills, court cases, and newspaper archives often provide interesting information. Town memories and history groups on social media are another excellent source of information, from old photographs of the area, old maps, local history, and of course, distantly related relatives still living in the area.  Local history societies can be useful, and some if not all are very helpful.

              If you’re very lucky indeed, you might find a distant relative in another country whose grandparents saved and transcribed bundles of old letters found in the attic, from the family in England to the brother who emigrated, written in the 1800s.  More on this later, as it merits its own chapter as the most exciting find so far.

              The social history of the time and place is important and provides many clues as to why people moved and why the family professions and occupations changed over generations.  The Enclosures Act and the Industrial Revolution in England created difficulties for rural farmers, factories replaced cottage industries, and the sons of land owning farmers became shop keepers and miners in the local towns.  For the most part (at least in my own research) people didn’t move around much unless there was a reason.  There are no reasons mentioned in the various registers, records and documents, but with a little reading of social history you can sometimes make a good guess.  Samuel Housley, for example, a plumber, probably moved from rural Derbyshire to urban Wolverhampton, when there was a big project to install indoor plumbing to areas of the city in the early 1800s.  Derbyshire nailmakers were offered a job and a house if they moved to Wolverhampton a generation earlier.

              Occasionally a couple would marry in another parish, although usually they married in their own. Again, there was often a reason.  William Housley and Ellen Carrington married in Ashbourne, not in Smalley.  In this case, William’s first wife was Mary Carrington, Ellen’s sister.  It was not uncommon for a man to marry a deceased wife’s sister, but it wasn’t strictly speaking legal.  This caused some problems later when William died, as the children of the first wife contested the will, on the grounds of the second marriage being illegal.

              Needless to say, there are always questions remaining, and often a fresh pair of eyes can help find a vital piece of information that has escaped you.  In one case, I’d been looking for the death of a widow, Mary Anne Gilman, and had failed to notice that she remarried at a late age. Her death was easy to find, once I searched for it with her second husbands name.

              This brings me to the topic of maternal family lines. One tends to think of their lineage with the focus on paternal surnames, but very quickly the number of surnames increases, and all of the maternal lines are directly related as much as the paternal name.  This is of course obvious, if you start from the beginning with yourself and work back.  In other words, there is not much point in simply looking for your fathers name hundreds of years ago because there are hundreds of other names that are equally your own family ancestors. And in my case, although not intentionally, I’ve investigated far more maternal lines than paternal.

              This book, which I hope will be the first of several, will concentrate on my mothers family: The story so far that started with the portrait of Catherine Housley’s mother.

              Elizabeth Brookes


              This painting, now in my mothers house, used to hang over the piano in the home of her grandparents.   It says on the back “Catherine Housley’s mother, Smalley”.

              The portrait of Catherine Housley’s mother can be seen above the piano. Back row Ronald Marshall, my grandfathers brother, William Marshall, my great grandfather, Mary Ann Gilman Purdy Marshall in the middle, my great grandmother, with her daughters Dorothy on the left and Phyllis on the right, at the Marshall’s house on Love Lane in Stourbridge.




              The Search for Samuel Housley

              As soon as the search for Catherine Housley’s mother was resolved, achieved by ordering a paper copy of her birth certificate, the search for Catherine Housley’s father commenced. We know he was born in Smalley in 1816, son of William Housley and Ellen Carrington, and that he married Elizabeth Brookes in Wolverhampton in 1844. He was a plumber and glazier. His three daughters born between 1845 and 1849 were born in Smalley. Elizabeth died in 1849 of consumption, but Samuel didn’t register her death. A 20 year old neighbour called Aaron Wadkinson did.

              Elizabeth death


              Where was Samuel?

              On the 1851 census, two of Samuel’s daughters were listed as inmates in the Belper Workhouse, and the third, 2 year old Catherine, was listed as living with John Benniston and his family in nearby Heanor.  Benniston was a framework knitter.

              Where was Samuel?

              A long search through the microfiche workhouse registers provided an answer. The reason for Elizabeth and Mary Anne’s admission in June 1850 was given as “father in prison”. In May 1850, Samuel Housley was sentenced to one month hard labour at Derby Gaol for failing to maintain his three children. What happened to those little girls in the year after their mothers death, before their father was sentenced, and they entered the workhouse? Where did Catherine go, a six week old baby? We have yet to find out.

              Samuel Housley 1850


              And where was Samuel Housley in 1851? He hasn’t appeared on any census.

              According to the Belper workhouse registers, Mary Anne was discharged on trial as a servant February 1860. She was readmitted a month later in March 1860, the reason given: unwell.

              Belper Workhouse:

              Belper Workhouse

              Eventually, Mary Anne and Elizabeth were discharged, in April 1860, with an aunt and uncle. The workhouse register doesn’t name the aunt and uncle. One can only wonder why it took them so long.
              On the 1861 census, Elizabeth, 16 years old, is a servant in St Peters, Derby, and Mary Anne, 15 years old, is a servant in St Werburghs, Derby.

              But where was Samuel?

              After some considerable searching, we found him, despite a mistranscription of his name, on the 1861 census, living as a lodger and plumber in Darlaston, Walsall.
              Eventually we found him on a 1871 census living as a lodger at the George and Dragon in Henley in Arden. The age is not exactly right, but close enough, he is listed as an unmarried painter, also close enough, and his birth is listed as Kidsley, Derbyshire. He was born at Kidsley Grange Farm. We can assume that he was probably alive in 1872, the year his mother died, and the following year, 1873, during the Kerry vs Housley court case.

              Samuel Housley 1871


              I found some living Housley descendants in USA. Samuel Housley’s brother George emigrated there in 1851. The Housley’s in USA found letters in the attic, from the family in Smalley ~ written between 1851 and 1870s. They sent me a “Narrative on the Letters” with many letter excerpts.

              The Housley family were embroiled in a complicated will and court case in the early 1870s. In December 15, 1872, Joseph (Samuel’s brother) wrote to George:

              “I think we have now found all out now that is concerned in the matter for there was only Sam that we did not know his whereabouts but I was informed a week ago that he is dead–died about three years ago in Birmingham Union. Poor Sam. He ought to have come to a better end than that….His daughter and her husband went to Birmingham and also to Sutton Coldfield that is where he married his wife from and found out his wife’s brother. It appears he has been there and at Birmingham ever since he went away but ever fond of drink.”

              No record of Samuel Housley’s death can be found for the Birmingham Union in 1869 or thereabouts.

              But if he was alive in 1871 in Henley In Arden…..
              Did Samuel tell his wife’s brother to tell them he was dead? Or did the brothers say he was dead so they could have his share?

              We still haven’t found a death for Samuel Housley.




              They found me and locked me up again but I suppose it was going to happen sooner or later. I don’t mind though, I can always plot an escape when I’m ready but the fact is, I was tired after awhile. I needed a rest and so here I am. The weather’s awful so I may as well rest up here for a bit longer. They gave me a shot, too, so I don’t have to wear a mask anymore. Unless I want to wear it as a disguise of course, so I’ll keep a couple for when I escape again.

              They gave me a computer to keep me amused and showed me how to do the daftest things I’d never want to do and I thought, what a load of rubbish, just give me a good book, but then this charming little angel of a helper appeared as if by magic and showed me how to do a family tree on this machine.  Well! I had no idea such pursuits could be so engrossing, it’s like being the heroine in a detective novel, like writing your own book in a way.

              I got off on a sidetrack with the search for one woman in particular and got I tell you I got so sucked inside the story I spent a fortnight in a small village in the north midlands two centuries ago that I had to shake me head to get back to the present for the necessary daily functions. I feel like I could write a book about that fortnight. Two hundred years explored in a fortnight in the search for CH’s mother.

              I could write a book on the maternal line and how patriarchy has failed us in the search for our ancestry and blood lines. The changing names, the census status, lack of individual occupation but a mother knows for sure who her children are. And yet we follow paternal lines because the names are easier, but mothers know for sure which child is theirs whereas men can not be as sure as that.  Barking up the wrong tree is easy done.

              I can’t start writing any of these books at the moment because I’m still trying to find out who won the SK&JH vs ALL the rest of the H family court case in 1873.  It seems the youngest son (who was an overseer with questionable accounts) was left out of the will. The executor of the will was his co plaintiff in the court case, a neighbouring land owner, and the whole rest of the family were the defendants.  It’s gripping, there are so many twists and turns. This might give us a clue why CH grew up in the B’s house instead of her own. Why did CH’s mothers keep the boys and send two girls to live with another family? How did we end up with the oil painting of CH’s mother? It’s a mystery and I’m having a whale of a time.

              Another good thing about my little adventure and then this new hobby is how, as you may have noticed, I’m not half as daft as I was when I was withering away in that place with nothing to do. I mean I know I’m withering away and not going anywhere again now,  but on the other hand I’ve just had a fortnights holiday in the nineteenth century, which is more than many can say, even if they’ve been allowed out.


              In reply to: Tart Wreck Repackage

              The words of the Great Leader Undisputed Gabe were still resonating in the back of Gavin’s mind. The promotion to Operating Tomathetan seemed a great honour on the surface, but it certainly brought its lot of responsibilities with it. And from what he had seen before, it would only add to his current ones.

              Gavin descended the Pealgrim path to the Dark Room where all the sorting happened. Many trails from the many carrot fields combined into one and all led to that central building all painted in black, hence its name.

              A zealous Seed level had recently been put in charge of the re-painting. As there was only black paint in the warehouse he had the genius idea to save the order some money by using only what they already had, and as there was enough paint he covered all the windows, certainly thinking light could damage the crops. Repainting everything was out of the question so they had kept it like that and just added some artificial light to help the workers. Great Leader Undisputed Gabe, had thought it was a nice initiative as now workers could work any hour of the day.

              When Gavin entered the Dark Room, it reeked of carrot and sweat. Members of the cult of all ages were sorting the divine roots by shapes, sizes and thickness. Most of them didn’t know what was the final purpose, innocent minds. All they had was the Sorting Song written by Britta the one legged vestal to help her fellow cultshipers in their work.

              If a carrot is short, not worth the effort
              As a long stalactites, like ice on your tits
              A bar thick as a fist, you’ve just been blissed

              Each verse gave advices about what they were looking for, where to put them after sorting and each team had their own songs that they sang while doing their work with the enthusiasm of cultshipers. Even though the song had been crafted to answer most of the situations in terms of carrot shapes, sizes and thickness, it happened that some would not fit into any categories. And recently, those seem to happen more often than once and the pile of misshapen carrots threaten to exceed that of the others combined.

              “Eugene, Have you found what is the problem?” asked Gavin to their agronomist. His surname was Carrot and he came from noble Irish descent, quite appropriate for his work, thought Gavin. Eugene was skinny with a long neck and he often seemed to abuse the ritual fasting ceremony ending with the consumption of sacred mushroom soup.

              “It’s because of the microscopic snails that infest the crops,” Eugene said. Gavin couldn’t help but notice an accumulation of dried saliva at the corner of his mouth. “They’re carried by bird shit and they are too small to be eaten by our ducks and in the end they cause the carrots to grow random shapes unfit for Odin.”

              Odin, short for Organic Dildo Industry, has been the main source of revenue for the cult. Since the start of the confinement the demand has skyrocketed. Especially appreciated by vegans and nature lovers, it also procured a nice orange tan on the skin after usage.

              “Can’t you find smaller dwarf ducks?”

              “Your Gourdness, microscopic means very tiny, even dwarf ducks wouldn’t be able to eat them unless they eat the carrots.”

              “And that would be a problem,” sighed Gavin. “What is your solution then?”

              “I don’t have one.”

              Gavin raised his hands to the black roof in despair. Did he have to do the jobs of everyone? He needed some fresh eyes and fresh ideas.


              Life around the woods had changed in a strange way since the appearance of the beaver fever. It was called after some theory from where it came from. Some said patient zero was a trapper far off in the woods who caught an infected beaver and sold its fur to the market. The fur then contaminated the coat maker and then the clients who tried on that coat, hence leading to contamination nests in the entire realm. The beaver fever took time to incubate, so when people first noticed the trapper wasn’t coming back, it was too late.

              That’s not such a bad thing to live a little recluse in the woods, thought Eleri. She usually was restless and lately had been wandering off into town and into the countryside looking for things to paint with her tar black pigment. It is a new phase of experimentation, she had said to Glynis who had been wondering if she could include more variety to her palette. I’m looking to capture the contrasting soul of what I’m painting.

              Don’t you mean contrasted? asked Glynis.

              Do I? Whatever, I’m experimenting.

              Glynis knew better than to argue with Eleri, and Eleri knew better than trying to make words fit the world. It was better to make the world fit her words. How could you explain that to someone? So she assumed people understood.

              With the curfew, though, it had first become harder. Then she had found a way by painting her own garments tar black and to complete her attire, she had asked Fox. He had also found a hobby and with a sharp knife and a log he could make you a mask so vivid to look alike anything you asked. Eleri had asked him for a crow and had painted it tar black. She looked like those doctors during the plague a few centuries back and dressed like that people certainly respected the safety distance promulgated by Leroway’s decree.

              That man seemed hard to get rid off, especially in time such as those. Eleri suspected that Leroway was not the man she knew and once courted her. She needed to get close to investigate. Her new attire, if it might not help with the investigation at least would help embolden her and stave off boredom.


              “What are we waiting for?” asked Fox. “Let’s do it now. I’ll gather his blocks and pieces together before night falls.” He left the house before anyone could say anything and left the door open. The afternoon was near to its end and the light was dimming fast. Glynis, Rukshan and Eleri soon could hear the cyclical grating noise of the wheelbarrow and the thumping noise of the blocks being loaded.

              Glynis sighed.

              “I don’t have all the required ingredients,” she said, “That pink clay from Sina, I used it all to lift the jinx on the loo.”

              Olliver appeared at that moment. “You need my help?”

              “We would if you could go somewhere you have never seen before,” said Rukshan. His panda eyes gave him a really tired look.

              “Oh but I can, now,” said Olli. “If you’ve been there, I just need you to say the name and I can follow the vibration back to its origin.”

              “My, What have I missed? I’ve been away far too long,” said the fae.

              “You certainly have,” said Fox who was back and waiting at the door. The baby snoots, who were never far from the dwarf, had followed and their colourful glows brought an interesting set of nuances to Fox’s aura. “Can someone help me bring all those blocks into the house?”

              Eleri would have helped of course, but pain you know, her ankle was so bad at the moment, she couldn’t risk making it worse. Glynis cleared a space and put a table cloth on the floor. “Don’t you make a scratch on my new wooden floor,” she warned the boys who brought the pieces together.

              “Wow, the blocks are like magnets, but also different,” said Olliver, “It’s difficult to take one away because they attract each other, but if you bring them too close they repel each other. I can feel it.”

              “Yes,” said Rukshan, “the Master creator told me we can’t force the process without the proper requirements.”

              Once every pieces were on the table cloth, they all gathered around, even the baby snoots, and they looked at the rocks for a moment. Glynis had lit a few candles since the night had fallen and the light was painting dancing shadows on the walls. Fox’s stomach growled but his attention was all on what Rukshan would say next. They all were.

              “So where is this pink clay?” asked Olli who couldn’t wait longer.


                Not knowing what to do with the powder, Jerk pondered for a moment, then recalled a tradition from India that he’d seen on a documentary or in a magazine; taking the blue sand, he started to pour it on the ground to draw a rangoli in the shape of a feather. He clearly wasn’t very experienced at sandpainting, and the drawing looked more like a stick in an old worn sock, but he was glad that it could illuminate somehow the bland and cold fake marble at the entrance of the mall.


                Granola was starting to get anxious in her red crystal. It wasn’t very comfortable. She thought she could just adjust her mental size to make it more spacious, but it was automatically adjusting. She was starting to feel desperate when she noticed a blue thing with the shape of a deflated condom glowing on one of the sides of the crystal.
                The imprint of a magical act of grace she could hear vibrating. The vibration was slow and steady. She could guess she needed two, or maybe three, more of these symbols to resonate properly and break the crystal open.


                Aunt Idle:

                The old ruse was still working, so I continued to use it. Only way to get a bit of time to myself, especially lately. A bit of quiet time, to think. And there was so much to think about, what with all these people around. I wasn’t put on this earth to make beds and pander to tourists, and the clues were coming in thick and fast. Oh yes, some of these new guests were thick, and some were fast. Anyway, I pretended to be inebriated again and did a pretty good imitation of a lurching drunk to throw them off the scent. They always fall for it.

                After turning the key in the lock of my bedroom door, I leaned my back against it for a minute and closed my eyes. It was the bird flying in the window at the crack of dawn that got me worried. Now I’m not a superstitious person by any means, but there have been times when a bird in the house has been followed by a death, and things like that stick in your mind. The sight of Mater in that red pantsuit had etched itself on my mind as well, which was almost as worrying as the bird.

                I went over to the window and pulled down the blinds. The bright sun was making my head hurt. I was thirsty, and wished I’d brought a cup of tea with me, but lurching drunks can’t be seen to be making plans for a quiet afternoon of sober contemplation. I tried valiantly to ignore my parched mouth, but it was no good. I put my ear to the door, and the coast seemed clear so I inched it open, looking up and down the hallway. I sprinted to the bathroom, unfortunately tripping over the vacuum cleaner that Finley had no doubt left there deliberately to trip me up. She was a dark horse, that one. Good at dusting, and reliable, so I suppose that was something. Hard to get hired help out here so we had no choice, really.

                I smashed my nose on Mater’s doorknob and skinned my shin on the hoover. My nose hurt like hell, and quickly spurted an astonishing quantity of bright blood, similar in colour to that ghastly pantsuit. My fall made a hell of a din so I staggered quickly to the bathroom wash basin for the much needed drink of water before anyone came to investigate the crash, hoping to get back to my room before anyone appeared on the scene.

                Had the water in the cold tap been cold, it might have been different, but the new water pipes were still above ground, and the cold water was scalding hot from the heat of the sun on the black pipes. I didn’t have a moment to waste, so drank some quickly, horrid though it was. The unfortunate side effect of the cold water being hot was that it encouraged and diluted the blood, making the overall effect look considerably more alarming. I was tempted to blame Mater for the whole sorry affair, for starting the red theme with that damn pantsuit. I actually said “bloody pantsuit”, which struck me as inordinately funny, and made it hard to get back to the bedroom quickly. I was still laughing hysterically, leaving red hand prints and strange red markings along the corridor wall, when Sanso appeared, seemingly out of nowhere.

                “I saw cave paintings like that in Zimbabwe,” he said conversationally, taking a closer look at the bloody hand prints. “I’ve often wondered what the purpose was, the meaning.” He raised an eyebrow and smiled at me. “Have you interpreted these?”

                I was momentarily speechless, as you might imagine. Then I had an impulse, and grabbed his elbow and propelled him into my room, slamming and locking the door behind him. He was almost unnaturally calm and unperturbed, albeit looking as if he was trying not to smile too broadly, which was just the kind of energy I needed. My kind of man! I gave him one of my famous coquettish looks, which made him laugh out loud, and then I caught sight of myself in the wardrobe mirror and hastily grabbed an old nightgown off the floor and spit on it to rub the blood off my face.

                “My kind of girl!” he laughed. Oh, how he laughed.


                  “But I can’t, I’m too busy with my new art deco project, repainting the gnomes in the garden, supervising Roberto to take care of my crops of… erm medicine. And of course, Uncle Oobie is staying in the caravan for the next weeks, I absolutely need to show him around.”
                  “Who would have known the housewife life was so stressful” a metallic voice came from the speakers.
                  “Couldn’t have said it better” Finnley said under her breath.
                  “Damn it Godfrey, thought you’d deactivated Fliz!”
                  “It’s not Fliz, Liz’, it’s Olexa! Not my fault if she has a temper in her notification mode. We installed it so you can reorder hummus by shouting in the air… Or… wait a minute… Has Finnley tricked me there?”
                  He looked around, but the maid had scurried along to tend to some important cleaning duties.


                  That night Glynnis had a strange dream. She knew that it was no ordinary dream and in the morning diligently recorded it in her dream journal.

                  I was walking on a windy path through the forest. A young woman with bizarre hair and a cackling laugh appeared before me, blocking my path.
                  “Tell me your name!” I commanded.
                  “My name is Eleri, and I have a parrot to accompany you on your journey.”
                  “A parrot! What would I do with a parrot?”
                  “This is no ordinary parrot. This parrot can tell jokes,” responded the woman.
                  “A funny parrot! Well why didn’t you tell me that in the first place. Give me the parrot and I will be on my way.”
                  “Hold your horses. It’s not such an easy thing as that,” said the woman. “It never is you know. First you must tell me what is going on.”
                  I sighed and handed her a manuscript. “Read this a dozen times and all will be made clear.”
                  A look of petulant fury distorted the young woman’s face.
                  “ Tell me what is going on, you rude tart!“ she said crossly.
                  Here is what I told her:

                  Glynnis is a young woman living in the enchanted forest in an abandoned mansion. She practices magic and has a great affinity for nature. She also has the face of dragon after she annoyed a powerful sorcerer. She is being troubled by dreams which seem to be calling her on a mission—the purpose of which she is unsure. Glynnis sells her potions at a stall in the city. One day she finds a map hidden behind a painting and knows that she needs to follow the path shown on the map.
                  Rushkan is fae. He works as the city ‘chief overseer’ looking after the clock tower. He isn’t that keen on his job. Rushkan has a half-formed vision to assemble a team but for what purpose he is not sure. He has also discovered something worrying, dark even, about the clock tower.
                  One day, Rushkan uses his magic to call for an Oliphant. He packs a small bag of belongs and departs on a journey. Before departing, he leaves a gift for Olliver, the office errand boy.
                  Rushkan is a little irritated to find that the forest has been fenced off and a toll-booth erected—who wouldn’t be annoyed by this needless bureaucracy? Anyway, after farewelling the helpful Oliphant he continues his journey on foot.
                  He hears a cry for help and comes across a dying Gibbon. The Gibbon entrusts her infant to his care. He takes the baby—named Tak—to an old woman who lives in a lodge close to the Dragon Heartwood: Margoritt Loursenoir, a writer. It seems Tak is a shape-shifter and can also take the form of a child. Perhaps that is his true form. Rushkan stays with Margoritt for a while to recoup but it isn’t very long before he feels compelled to continue his journey to find the hermit, Kumihimo,in the forest. Kumihimo seems to be weaving seven braids.
                  To get to the hermit Rushkan has to cross Fae land. He isn’t overjoyed about this because he has left the ‘old ways’ of his people. Rushkan has to declare his presence to the Fae people—it’s a rule. The Queen is a bit annoyed because her empire is not as powerful as it once was and she has had to use precious resources to protect Rushkan on his journey. Anyway, she doesn’t stay uppity for long and ends up in bed with him.
                  Gorash is a dwarf statue who abides in the grounds of the deserted mansion in the enchanted forest. At night he comes to life. He has a friend called Rainbow. Gorash assists Rainbow in stealing Glynis’s magic potions and they make seven colourful eggs which Rainbow is infatuated with.
                  Mr Fox lives in a hut outside the city walls. At sunset he can shapeshift into a fox. He prefers being in animal form. Fox is quite a character. Not much gets past him.
                  Fox’s master is a Gibbon who taught him how to shapeshift. After going on a journey into the forest to find Gibbon, Fox is told that it is time to learn the wisdom of the Heart. Gibbon gives Fox an assignment: “You’ll find a lost soul in the enchanted forest. Bring it back to its rightful owner. Then you shall find your master.”
                  Fox goes back to the mansion in the deserted forest just as Glynnis is leaving on her journey. He befriends Gorash who has become increasingly lonely since Rainbow now has the eggs.

                  “That’s brilliant,” said the woman called Eleri. “You should probably get lots of points for doing that.” She gave one more loud cackle and shouted: “I am off to pick some mushrooms. You will find the parrot when you wake up from this crazy dream!”


                  Glynis woke to the sound of wind and rain. Heavy still with sleep, she stared at the cracked and yellowed bedroom ceiling and noticed a large damp patch had formed where the thatched roof needed repairs. Drip by relentless drip, it was slowly but surely creating a puddle on the wooden floor below. Her lemon and puce floral window curtains billowed majestically into the room.

                  Strange, I must have left the sash open last night.

                  There was a loud crash in the kitchen.

                  Leaping out of bed with an agility which belied her sleepiness, Glynis rushed to investigate. A large ornately framed print of a bowl of fruit had fallen from its hanging place above the mantlepiece.

                  Glynis stared in amazement. She thought the dark renaissance colours of the painting were depressing but had found it too cumbersome to remove from the wall. Now, as if by magic, the picture lay shattered and defeated on the tiles below.

                  It took her a few seconds to take in that there was a small opening in the wall behind where the picture had hung.

                  Putting on her sturdy work boots and gloves she swept up the glass so she could safely approach the opening. It wasn’t that big, just a square which had been neatly cut into a wooden beam to form a hiding space. She peered inside the darkness of the cavity and then explored the interior with her hand.


                  She felt oddly disappointed and chastised herself, wondering what it was she had been expecting.

                  Anyway, at least I can get rid of that damned bowl of fruit now.

                  She carefully removed the rest of the glass and pulled the picture from its frame. Turning it over, Glynis discovered what she thought at first glance was an oil spill on the back, but after more careful inspection she realised it was a roughly drawn map.


                    Second Journey ~ August 24th, 2014

                    Duration 24 minutes

                    Directions : Meet with your power animal, ask them to lead you to the upper realm to meet with your guide. Ask the name of your guide and what they will be likely helping you with. Ask them for your personal symbol and how you can use it. Then follow your power animal into showing you the potential development for the stories.


                    My snake animal guide appears very fast, I see its eyes first. It shifts into a powerful cobra, and fans out its hood into multiple heads, like Ananta (Shesha Naga), and says I can call him Nagini (like in Harry Potter, that’s also the playful name I give to the plush snake at our doorsteps).
                    It wraps its multiple heads around me like a ball, and we woosh into the ground to what I guess is the underworld, it seems like a long coiled path around a sort of vortex, after a few moments in a sort of crystal cave, I’m a bit skeptical what we’re doing there, I catch a glimpse of a white horse from the back, so I guess Jib’s Conan is checking on us, and restate my intent.
                    I go though the light of one of the brightest glowing crystals, and the travel resumes, this time like the giant snake wraps ourselves in coils around a column of rocks, and we climb that high mountain very fast. It reminds me of Mt Meru in Buddhism or the Immortals palace in the Chinese Buddhist tales (like in the 2014 movie The Monkey King).
                    The place is like a beautiful platform/palace of giant proportions, with a golden light. When we arrive, the snake becomes much smaller, and golden too, and wraps itself around my left arm. It guides me to explore different places, a temple, a place over the clouds where there are dances, etc. I decide to rest under a tree and meditate and be open to possibilities.
                    The snake shifts around in various forms as if to reflect the nature of my mind, a giant parasol, or a stream of many paths at my feet. It connects me to a picture I saw of a Buddhist painting where the mind represented as an elephant is led by the monkey brain around a snake-like path. I realize the person I saw briefly earlier is the guide that helped Sunwukong (the monkey king) and seems to be the guide I’m looking for.
                    (I find the name later is Puti or Subhuti).
                    When I mentally ask for a name, the name Pachacamac comes strongly. He shows me many things related to my symbol. As a spinning cube with the floating feather in the middle and the arrow pointing towards the heart. The spin of the cube creates illusion within illusion, the arrow wobbles but stays towards the heart.
                    He shows me a chasm and how to create a bridge over the clouds, by showing me the mirror image in my heart chakra. The bridge is built inside. At the same time, I was trying to focus on the music to deepen the trance, and realized outside (one storey below) was Jib’s music played on the speakers, aligned with the one playing in the headset, although a few seconds off, the rhythm was perfectly in synch…
                    He also shows me another image, of a deep well deep inside the mountain that we can see from above the clouds. The image inside is dark and fluctuates with the water’s surface, and also reflecting quite a small portion of the beautiful landscape around.
                    He explains that the well is the world we create, the mind and the perception is the water’s surface. It’s the external world, while the heart is all that we perceive as we discuss.
                    There are other things shared at a subjective level.

                    After I connected with my power animal, we went to the upper world. We went through water to get there until we came to land.
                    I asked for my main guide.
                    I think I took on the characteristics of my guide. by that I mean I felt myself become a different being, and then switched back and forwards between myself and the other. It was very clear. The other was masculine, strong, very alert, very watchful, powerful.
                    I asked for the guide’s name and received the answer, Carlos.
                    I asked for the area which the guide would work with me. I have had a sharp pain in my left abdomen under my rib for half an hour. I felt my guide reach in and do something energetically in that area. The pain left and has not returned.
                    I asked for a symbol and saw what looked like a key-hole shape.
                    There was a key too.
                    It was a very particular shape.
                    There was a door. And the key hole was up very high in the door.
                    I had to reach up high to get to it. And I put the key in.
                    I wasn’t sure if those were symbols.
                    The key hole and the key were shapes.
                    I was tracing them with my hand.

                    I settle in myself and arrive directly in a kind of lava world. There are stalagmites and magma puddles, it’s very fiery and earthy. Then I call my horse who just nudge my left shoulder, he was already there.
                    I ride him first and take time to bond with him. Then ask him to take me to the upper realm to Michel. Without much transition I am there, I feel a definite difference of feeling and texture. I say hi and ask Michel if he can show me the use of my personal symbol or particular aspects to it.
                    The he focuses my attention to the octagon and the connection with the number eight. He shows me how it connects with the musical octave and sounds as a resonator. It can also be used like the shamanic drum. The coil inside is connected with the circle, the spiral and the labyrinth. My symbol is a kind of labyrinth with the diamond representing the central room where the graal is, so to speak.
                    He shows me other stuff that I don’t recall at the moment.
                    When I realize that it will be all, I ask my guide if he can introduce me to another guide that can help me with the use of my symbol. He sends me in a direction that goes up in a cave world. There are faceless figures, I don’t pay much attention to them. When I arrive, the guide sits me on the ground and a journey inside my symbol begins. With the octagon connecting quite strongly with the lava and earth again. I am in a lava world again, which is strange. I ask the guide what is his name and I suddenly understand it is Athumbra the Dreamwalker from whom I’m fragmented.
                    He shows me the connection of my symbol to the fire and earth, and the depth of the world. He suggests me that instead of focusing on the shape of the symbol I connect with how the different parts connects together and to other aspects of consciousness, and how they are representative of my own energy personality. Not try to look outside for an answer in a way at the moment.
                    So I begin to experience the shapes, and it turns like a clock, take different colors, etc.
                    This will be something I’ll have to do again.
                    Then I ask my power animal to show me what would be interesting to me to explore in the story now.
                    He shows me a nest and I connect it with the stork nests I’ve been talking about in the last comment and that I used in the quote of the week picture. Without consciously connecting the two. I’ve written the comment before making the picture.
                    It will have to do with how the nest is comfortable but don’t make you learn much about life and your potentials.
                    Then he showed me something related to ants and colonies, that I connected with Mars, the colonies of Mars. There is something about community and social network for me to explore.
                    Then I asked him to help me decipher the energy transmission Eric sent to me the other day, and it had something to do with networks again and how we create a space of something through our relationships, the space of love, the space of friendship, and we create fields and connective tissues that we nourish through experience and attention and involvement.
                    At some point in the beginning I briefly wondered what was happening with you guys and felt propelled into something like water and impression of struggling with current, there were two moon crescents holding together by their “backs”, and purple or pink colors.

                    The Zebra walked towards me across a grassy plain then I circled him, floating, and we went down a slope through the trees, an old road paved with stones. We wound down and came to a great expanse of metallic pink water, like a wise (typo! wide) river.
                    There was a guy in much heavy stone coloured rough clothes on with a very old face who didn’t look at me, he was on a raft with a long pole for steering. Asked his name and got Frudo. (was slightly skeptical that I got the name right) The symbol was like a clubs of cards, 3 circles interlocking with an in flow of the stem part. Domain was water, flow and fluidity (and dams, apparently).
                    We went down with the raft on the wide pink river, and the pace increased and there were people of all kinds lining both banks, watching. The wide river came to an immensely steep and deep waterfall, but there were pools and much smaller waterfalls on either side of it. All the water was pink.
                    We navigated from pool to pool on the right of the waterfall mostly, each pool had people, some of the pools were dammed, and some were more open and easily flowing to the next pool. Some dams were high and some pools had people looking over the edge at the waterfalls below their pools.
                    In a pool on the right, a very fat pink baby was sitting in the middle, I picked him up and held him and asked his name and it was Ezekial.
                    Then a fly landed on my right shoulder and I looked to the right and saw a scrunched up face of my mother, with a tight smile. My breathing started to get constricted and I saw mustard yellow mangle of tubes like intestines in that pool.
                    Then there was a lot of fingers stroking and pulling threads out of the dam around that pool, like pulling soft pink wax. Breathing continued to be restricted, and some becoming vapour or mist stuff that wasn’t very clear or droplets leaping from pool to pool as an alternative route to surface pools and waterfalls….
                    Then went down down down into a vast pool of pink water, faster and faster towards a narrow tube at the bottom, and then flipped over onto my back and saw the sun far above and rose slowly floating towards the surface.
                    Several times I saw purple and light green.
                    The breathing thing was interesting if not so pleasant.
                    The personal symbol may be connected to the flow from pool to pool somehow.


                    Jeremy was 23 years old and living in a 57 square meters apartment in Brooklyn. He had two passions in life. Dance and maps.

                    Max growled. Well you could consider Max as Jeremy’s third passion. Max was a ragdoll cat with a tiny little genetic defect. His fur had this faint pink tint as if it had been put into a washing machine with red clothes. Max purred, satisfied.

                    Jeremy’s apartment was an artwork in itself. He was painting as a hobby and had drawn a few maps on his white walls. He had the precise stroke that dance demands of a dancer’s move, he had the eye of a falcon concerning details and he loved connecting dots. For some of the maps he had used pointillism, and for others the ancient art of collage he had learned with his grand-mother Martha. Inspired by Matthew Cusnik he had made portraits of dancers with maps and other landscapes.

                    Jeremy has been interested for some time in a particularly beautiful picture of the Abraham Lake that he wanted to render on one of the last remaining areas of his ceiling when Max jumped on his lap, purring like a caress junkie in need of a few strokes. Jeremy obliged his cat distractedly, too engrossed in the meanders of the picture and the few maps he could already see in his mind like a puzzle.

                    Max jumped on the desk and tried to force his way between the keyboard and Jeremy’s hand. But he didn’t have enough time to fulfill his desire. The cat began to cough as if it had a train of thought stuck in his throat.

                    “Shit! You’re not going to puke on my keyboard!”

                    But it was too late, the cat opened its mouth and threw up a little ball of hair which bounced off the keyboard and crashed down on the floor.

                    “ehw!” said Jeremy who cringed when he saw the hair ball on his carpet. “I don’t know what you ate but it smells like those wheat Polish biscuits.

                    Jeremy had already taken some tissue to clean the cat’s mess, and the cat, certainly thinking it wasn’t enough was licking his fur again.
                    “Don’t make another one like that. You know I don’t like it.”

                    He was about to take the ball when it wobbled suspiciously. Then it began to grow. Jeremy blinked several times to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. When the hairball reached the size of a soccer ball, it was obvious there was something inside, it was deformed like the belly of a pregnant woman when the baby kicks in her bowels.
                    “What on earth have you spawned, Max!” He looked at his cat, horrified that it could be one of those Aliens.

                    Soon it was as big as a corpse bag for two, and Jeremy could tell from the voices that there were at least two people inside.

                    Sanso got out of the ragdoll hair ball first, perfect hair as usual. Fanella struggled to get out of the mess of hairs, and was a bit disheveled.

                    “Time for a reality check”, said Sanso. “Am I dreaming ?” When he saw all the maps and the ragdoll cat, he knew he was at the right place.

                    “Who are you guys ? And how did you get out of Max ?” asked Jeremy.


                    With years of intense Happiness training, and being herself a certified Happiness Coach™ in Rainbow Unified Bliss®, Lisa was reasonably adept at dispelling the occasional bouts of frustration that the six time travelers were experiencing while familiarizing themselves with the new time frame. Learning the new languages, both the local Spanish and the common language of the village tribe, English, was of paramount importance, and Mirabelle in particular was having difficulties. A basic vocabulary was easy enough, but when it came to grammar, Mirabelle was hopeless. Thus her communications were of a very basic and rudimentary nature, and she often felt unable to express her feelings, or her thoughtful observations on the many nuances, similarities and differences and overlaps of the current time and 18th century France. Not only was she obliged to learn two new languages, but was also learning to read and write. Often it seemed like all work and no play, too much pressure to perform, to learn, to do well at her studies, and yet play breaks were always frustrated in some manner because of her difficulties in communicating clearly. The fact that the others were progressing better with the languages made her feel alone, adrift in a sea of her own unexpressed thoughts.
                    Adeline had a more relaxed approach to the language difficulties, less inclined to struggle with it and more likely to chatter endlessly to Boris instead, and ask him to translate when she needed some help. She had discovered an interest, and some considerable talent, in the art room, experimenting with the paints and materials, and spent many happy hours engrossed in her paintings and playful collages of mundane (but to her, bizarre) objects. She was like a magpie, collecting items that caught her eye. The bright colours and smoothness of plastic appealed to her, especially when transformed in shape by one of those odd little plastic fire making gadgets. Sunglasses were another favourite, especially the different shades of lens. It was not unusual to hear one of the villagers complaining that the lids to the tupperware containers were missing, or all the bottle tops had been removed, to find they had all been glued together, with the flyswatter, a few odd flipflop beach shoes and the mirror lenses out of someones shades. But the villagers were on the whole amused, generously indulgent, and good naturedley rolled their eyes at her creative curiosity.
                    Boris was practical and capable, and true to form, was learning rapidly. He had no particular desire to express vague rambling thoughts (indeed, he was not a vague and rambling man by nature) and turned his attention to more practical matters. When he wasn’t chatting to Adeline, he was watching Jack tinkering inside car engines, or playing with Pierre’s camera and had quickly learned how to upload and play with the images on the computer. Often in the evenings Adeline would sit beside him and watch drowsily as the images changed in front of her eyes on the screen.
                    Ivan and Igor were learning what they needed to learn while doing it ~ tending the goats and chickens, working outside on the land, or helping with various building projects. They had taken to the local bars like ducks to water, and spent the evenings downing copious amounts of beer and wine with the locals, all of them babbling and shouting incoherently, but seeming to understand each other in the camaraderie of inebriation.

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