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  • #767

      State of Marshall VS Vinya Grey
      extracts of procedure 5057TP on case of unsolved time-blink that may have interfered with the timeline – Aug. 5th, 2237

      — As you are certainly most aware, Ms Grey, local authorities of the T FGF P (Timespace and Further Geodimensional Flux Police) has recently uncovered a case of unexplainable appearance of a new species within the past.
      The genetic makeup of this species bears some rather crude indication of human interference, though no official authorization has been recorded on its behalf. Our investigations have led us to believe you may have more than a little to do with this incident, which is, as you are once again quite aware, within the boundaries of decree 5533 on allowed and banned interferences and seeding into the timeline.

      — Objection, Judge! Prosecutor Arkandiusz is trying to intimidate my client. No proof has been yet produced that may confirm or infirm these allegations.

      — Mmmm… Objection rejected. Please continue Mr. Arkandiusz.

      — Shall I remind Ms Grey that the voluntary or involuntary seeding of new species within other areas has most of the time been disastrous, which is the reason of the decree aforementioned. Precedents were numerous even when our ancestors were not even aware of the possibility of time interference. Rabbits in Australia, does it ring any bell?

      — Objection, Judge! We are not talking about deadly pests here, we are talking about severely handicapped goats! Jeeze, come on…

      — … Do you mean, the Fainting Goats of our annual Fair, Mr Frey?

      — Yes, Judge Cornwick.

      — Oh, that is most interesting… Well, perhaps after this long introduction you may want to introduce your first witness Mr Arkandiusz, Ms… Beryl is that?


        The glowing light was showing a familiar face…

        — So the boy is wavering?
        — Yes. He is uncertain of the path… Does seem to have difficulty to trust his calling and take responsibilities being the owner of…
        — He’ll do that. We can’t let him run away from it, nor afford the time of little vacationing. Did you secure the item?
        — Yes. But you know it is worthless unless willingly handed over by the previous owner, right?
        — Certainly. But I feel he’ll soon wish it back.
        — I have words of cankerous corruption, endemic to where he was sent.
        — Precisely.

        :fleuron2: :fleuron2: :fleuron2:

        Glasgow, Scotland, February 25 th 2068, Wrick Fundation

        — So Cuthbert has refused?
        — Yes. With his sister busy with her first-born, she can’t take on that much responsibility either.
        — This is most regrettable. Lord Wrick’s will was perfectly clear though. Should none of the twins accept running his empire, all of its wealth would be used for humanitarian projects of the Fundation.


        A week before, Orkney Islands

        Cuthbert, you must accept.
        — Please, don’t wear yourself out Pope. Your body is weak.

        Cuthbert’s face was drenched by emotion. Despite his small frame and his scrawny body, Lord Hilarion Wrick’s strong will was still present, as if etched on his face by all the years of reign. He wouldn’t take a “no” for answer, even now he was dying, just as he had never accepted it in his nearly 120 years of existence.

        Cuthbert, listen to me. All this time you and your sister have spent at the Manor, all of the time I spent with you, this was not meant for naught, you know that. I was not some old decrepit rag of an elder waiting for his death cushioned between the laughters of his great-grand children. I noticed how you and your sister handled at an early age what I have been showing to you. The books,… the mummy even. This was only a test. What I had not found in Sean, nor in his son, I found out in you and your sister. Mind you, it took me that long, but it was worth the wait, and I know how to be patient.
        — You’re repeating yourself Pope, I know this story. I am very grateful for all that you did, all the knowledge I owe to you, but I can’t accept. It’s just… too much! I just want to spend these moments with you.
        — You just cannot whine throughout all of your existence Cuthbert. You chose to be born here, at this moment, in that family. There is no point in refusing what you have placed on your path.
        — I’m not whining! It’s just that… I just want a normal life! answered Cuthbert vehemently
        — Very well then. The face on the Lord was resolute despite his writhing in pain. You will have to see how much life is nothing meant to be normal. In the meantime, I would appreciate your letting me die alone.

        F LoveF Love

          I was giving Tracy a brief run-down of the Tifijikoo Island thread, and thought I would might find it really useful to have brief summaries of some of the threads, hence I have started this conversation as a little project. I know I still feel hesitant to join in threads I don’t follow…. Well, I am not sure how this will work really, and if you have any ideas or suggestions … please let me know.


          Arona, my dear?

          The silky voice of Malvina resounded in Arona’s ear, while she was meditating on the implications of the story Vincentius had told her.

          — Yes?
          — May I borrow you Buckberry and your sabulmantium for a few moments?
          — Oh sure, no need to ask… Though I don’t think you require my permission for Buckberry, isn’t he free as I am?
          — Oh yes he is, exactly as you said, free as you are

          Arona could have sworn she felt a winking energy rippling through her flesh, making some unfamiliar electrical currents crawl underneath her skin. She would have said she was thoroughly disliking it, though she wasn’t really sure if she was.

          — Oh, Malvina added as if an innocent afterthought, we are moving by the way, perhaps you may find interesting to join us for the homationing ceremony. You may learn some more about your sabulmantium.
          — Well, why not, answered Arona having no idea of what a homationing ceremony could be…
          — Very well, please join us in the main entrance, where I am playing the harp. We will be waiting for you.
          — I’ll be there in a second.

          So, they were moving? Speak about implications… Arona muttered, stroking dozing Mandrake, who had feasted on too many of the moorats crawling inside the moisteous cave tunnels.
          I guess I’ll take this astounding elan as a hint that I’ll be going alone she said. A yawn for all answer.
          Considering it was Mandrake, that was almost a mark of distinctive affection… or was it rather of affectionate distinction?

          Moving? She didn’t want to move, not yet, not like that… And to be honest, with all the stuff in that cave, she sure didn’t want to help pack all of this, be it by magic. What an impossible task.

          Vincentius the nanny was taking care of Yikes, so she was confident should anything happen, he would be alright.


          On the outside of the cave, the dragons were all lined up, as if waiting for some unknown signal. Leormn first in shades of teal, and his spawns, Buckberry, with the most florid and baroque hues of purple that one could imagine, and the two facetious Heckle and Jeckle in shades of emerald, looking unusually calm.

          Malvina, with Leo the little marmoset on her left shoulder, was playing her harp, while Irtak was accompanying her playing a mouth harp.
          Some drums had been disposed around, and quite naturally, Arona felt like beating the measure on these, getting slowly and slowly relaxed by the music and guttural sounds produced by the throat singing dragons.
          She almost laughed and broke the meditating pattern when she let the memory of Sanso come into her awareness. What a shame he’d missed that, that would have fitted him better than her.

          Slowly the sounds stopped, and Malvina very gracefully rose from her stool, and greeted Arona with a loving hug. Her flowing robe was a tender orchid hue with laces of thistle pink, and her silvery peach long flowing hair were giving her the aura of a princess.

          — Wait, where are Georges and Salome? She said, are they already gone?
          — No, they are waiting for us at the new location, she said with a smile… Now, Leormn will start the ceremony.

          Arona almost said Wait again, in anticipation of what was to come, and finally decided to let it flow. The serene look of Malvina and her motherly smile was of a nurturing reassurance.

          Outside, in the grassy lands, the dragons had all grown wings and were apparently ready to take off. A pile of conic shaped dirty sand was standing in front of the entrance, that Arona had never seen before.

          She could feel Buckberry answer her unspoken question without even a word being uttered. It is soil from the cave, and we will use it now.

          Arona watched the dragons rise in the sky full of damp gray clouds, and wondered what they were doing.
          They are doing two things, Arona answered Malvina (again that disagreeable habit of reading thoughts, couldn’t help but think Arona, wishing there would be some World around where such thing wouldn’t be so easy), first they are checking what kind of creature are staying with us and following the movement, continued Malvina, ignoring the remark, and second, they are drawing with that sand from the cave a circle to enclose the area we want to move

          Arona didn’t dare say the explanations were making her even fuzzier, so she nodded as if abreast of what was going on.

          Popping sounds of the dragons blinking in and out to get some more dirt almost made her dizzy, and she forgot the strangest feeling she had when she thought she heard “the area we want to move”.

          — Now, continued Mavina, the sabulmantium.

          The dragons were now all back, and the pile of sand had disappeared.
          Arona’s attention snapped back to herself, and she handed the fine object to the lady. She couldn’t help but notice the glowing eyes of Irtak, who apparently was very eager to see what would happen.
          So he will move too, she thought, hope his father won’t be too sad… Why did she felt it was a separation from this place she had found she was liking…

          — If you look closely, said Malvina to no one in particular, but Arona took it for herself, you will see how easy it is to come back if you feel so inclined.

          At her touch, the coloured sands in the sabulmantium’s transparent dragon shell globe started to move. And all could see the cave being formed, with all the little people, dragons, glukenitches and even Leo and Mandrake… They were all here, enclosed into a circle of sand.

          — Now, if you will follow me… said Malvina who traced on the ground a curvy symbol.

          And very slowly, as the whole sand scenery inside the sabulmantium was turning in a round, they all felt as though they were dissolving into the air. Yet, they were all solid, and the interior of the cave was still too.
          The only thing that was moving was the exterior, twirling and changing, getting out of focus, and moving erratically at the beginning, and then getting close to a focal point. Some fine tuning was occurring.

          And in a snap,
          The landscape
          In all its splendor…

          — Greetings! a smiling couple at the entrance of the cave said to the people inside.


            Just as Becky was retorting crossly to Al to please knock before remote viewing her, a clap of thunder made her jump (causing her dress to ride up alarmingly) and the heavens opened. Lashing rain soaked her to the skin, making the few threads of her dress become completely transparent.

            Becky moaned in disbelief. Well, she giggled, suddenly seeing the funny side. (She was connecting to the Kuzhebarian Laughing Monks). This is one Wet Tarty Nun that couldn’t get much wetter. I hope Elvira brings a towel.


            Elvira and Boris were knee deep in mushrooms when the strangers appeared asking for food. Visitors were few and far between at the isolated old wooden house, but it was with mixed feelings that Elvira greeted them. It would be wonderful to have a little conversation, some news of the outside world, but this was the busiest time of the year and she hardly had a moment to spare as it was.

            However, she greeted them amiably enough, and invited them inside. Come in, come in, come in! she said, Would you like a cuppa? Are you hungry? There’s some reindeer stew left over from last night.

            Zhana’s stomach growled loudly in response. Would I ever! I am STARVING! Zhana beamed a smile at Elvira.

            Well, sit yourselves down then, if you can find a chair that’s not covered in mushrooms.

            Elvira suddenly had an idea.

            Are you two in a hurry? Would you stay a few days and help with the mushroom packing?

            Zhana looked at Sanso, who nodded. A few days with plenty to eat before their long journey, and a few provisions to take along with them would be perfect.

            Of course we will, we’d be delighted to stay and help, Zhana said to the old lady.

            Splendid! Boris will be so pleased! I’m a great cook, you know, if I do say so myself. As much food as you can eat in return, eh? How does that sound? Elvira smiled at her guests. My, my, girl, what a wonderful complexion you have! she said, peering at Zhana. Like a summer peach!

            Zhana blushed happily, and Sanso beamed.


              They were having some rest after a few days walking toward South.
              Zhana was sitted on a big grey rock, and she was looking at a big toadie.

              That’s for sure the King of the Frogs. She thought.
              I’ll call you Gamabunta. Are you pleased with your Name, Majesty?

              To her surprise, the big Toady croaked and looked at her… or was it just her impression.

              Sanso, can we go now, this big frog makes me feel uncomfortable…
              Oh crap, she thought, where did he go again…


              In reply to: Snooteries


                [The Snoot is currently away from this reality.]
                [Please, leave an energy deposit after the non physical blip…]


                Several days later, when the wedding celebrations had finished, nobody could remember anything about it, other than the jokes and poems. In true Russian custom, there had been ample alcohol…well, more than ample, there had been several hospital admissions from alcohol poisoning, drunken brawls and accidents.

                Becky swallowed another aspirin, recalling one of the jokes that Sam had told.

                As a Lord Wrick was driving down the freeway, his cell phone rang.

                Sam continued: Answering, he heard the mummy’s voice urgently warning him, “Wrick, I just heard on the news that there’s a car going the wrong way on the M4. Please be careful!”

                “It’s not just one car,” said Wrick, “It’s hundreds of them!”

                Sheesh, sighed Becky.

                As she poured herself another mug of coffee, a limerick popped into to her head.

                There was an Old Crone with a beard,
                Who said, ‘It is just as I feared!
                Two Owls and a Lynx,
                And a Rabbit in Pink,
                Have all built their nests in my beard!’

                Who had told that one, was it Sean? Becky smiled wanly as another one popped into her head.

                There was an Old Abbot whose habits,
                Induced him to feed upon rabbits;
                When he’d eaten eighteen,
                He turned perfectly green,
                Upon which he relinquished those habits.

                The toast popped up, and as Becky buttered it she remembered a joke of Al’s.

                Most dentists chairs go up and down, don’t they? Al asked the wedding guests.
                The one I was in went back and forwards.
                I thought, “This is unusual.”
                The dentist said to me, “Al, get out of the filing cabinet.”


                  Zhana was so happy that she started to sing .

                  That’s beautiful! exclaimed Sanso, Sing another one!

                  So Zhana sang some more.

                  Whoa! said Sanso. Weirdo singing!

                  Oh! Zhana looked crestfallen. Don’t you like it?

                  Hahaha, Oh yes, I love it! Please, sing some more.

                  Well…….oh, alright. And Zhana sang for Sanso…..and sang some more……

                  Where did you learn to sing like that? asked Sanso politely.

                  Oh, haha, Zhana laughed and blushed. Granny used to sing like that. Zhana sighed wistfully, remembering her grandmother. If only they hadn’t had to kill her when she got too old to be useful.

                  Sanso closed his eyes, feeling a song coming to his own lips from somewhere deep inside him.

                  Sanso suddenly felt sleepy after all the strange singing, and lay down on the mushroom speckled forrest floor and drifted into a strange dream of mice and birds and a topsy turvy world.

                  Zhana wasn’t really tired, after all, she had only just woken from her sleep when she met Sanso, but she lay down beside him and after awhile she drifted off. She had some strange dreams too.


                  In reply to: Synchronicity

                  F LoveF Love

                    Oxshift :yahoo_rofl:

                    ahem, well for my latest synchs:

                    I followed numberplate J533 into town this morning.

                    Lemon synchs please see my previous comment well … i finally threw out the last of these lemons I had stored in my fridge yesterday, and thought fondly of the whole lemon synch thing. Then I noticed today that Tracy had posted the lemon tree song again in her ramblings thread. A short time later I picked up the local hawkes bay newspaper in order to peruse it, and saw that the whole front page was a picture of Noel Lucas (we don’t know him, I just include his name for accuracy) and a big heading A ZEST FOR THE BEST. Noel was holding up a lemon, which looked to be about as big as his head. It weighed 756gms.

                    Apparently on Jan 12th there was a story of a 600gm lemon (unfortunately I missed this story .. as you can see our local newspaper is full of riveting news …) and now a lemon war has started as lemon growers vie for the biggest lemon.

                    Noel has never fertilized his lemons and attributes it to climate changes. He has lived in the same house same house since 1983 and this is the biggest crop ever.

                    Director of the Lemon marketing board believes the bumper crop is due to an “evolutionary leap.” hahahaha

                    I think this is also a Nadia synch, biggest baby, biggest lemon… oh and also Hercules the biggest dog.


                    There was a tantalizing scent of wildflowers and meadowgrass in the still cool air of the cave, and as Sanso rounded a bend in tunnel a gentle breeze ruffled the folds of his robes. He quickened his pace, gladdened by the welcome promise of an adventure outside of the endless labyrinth. The air felt cool and warm at the same time, and deliciously fresh and clean as it wafted towards him, and with a feeling of immense joy, he heard a snatch of birdsong.

                    It seemed like many long years that he’d been trudging around in the gloom and the stale air of the caves, although he suspected it wasn’t as long as that. Time played tricks on him, he knew that, while he was wandering around in the darkness. He’d missed Arona, and that strange baby, when he’d first set off alone again, but not for long. He knew when it was time to move on, and so he’d left them. From time to time he wondered if he’d encounter them again, and knew he would.

                    A shaft of sunlight spilled into the tunnel and Sanso stepped out into the light. The breeze was fluttering the birch leaves high above him, as he squinted up at the pale blue sky. Grinning happily, Sanso took his time adjusting to the light. He sat cross legged on the soft green grass, feeling it springy beneath his hands. Hundreds and thousands of red and yellow spotted toadstools stretched out as far as he could see, carpeting the forrest floor with polkadots of colour.

                    Sanso looked down at his hands. The creases of his skin and under his nails were engrained with reddish dust, and he wanted water more than anything, gurgling bubbling fresh clean water. He stood up, and shook his robes a bit, and set off into the woods.

                    Intuition told him which way to go to find water. He marvelled at tiny flowers, and scampering insects along the way, squashing fungi beneath his bare feet which oozed up through his toes with little squeaky noises.

                    A rabbit ran accross his path and stopped momentarily to stare at him and Sanso laughed out loud.

                    Oh! Who’s there?

                    A girl in bright flowered skirts was sitting on the grass in a clearing just ahead, rubbing her eyes.

                    Whoa, I must be dreaming, she said, and rubbed her eyes again. She peered at the apparition in indigo robes, with skin the colour of tobacco and wild matted hair. Am I dreaming? she asked Sanso.

                    Perhaps, perhaps not, replied Sanso, who wasn’t really sure. I may be dreaming myself. My name is Sanso, anyway, what’s yours?

                    Zhana, the girl replied, Well, Uncle Grishenka calls me Zhanochka, but I…but I….I hate him, and I’m not going back! And much to her surprise, she burst into tears.

                    Sanso was momentarily non-plussed, and wondered what to do next.

                    Well, dear, if you don’t want to go back, why, then don’t go back! He wasn’t quite sure what the problem was; after all, he’d been wandering for so many years on impulse and whim he hardly knew any other way to go about it.

                    I don’t know where to go instead though, Zhana said tearfully. The long dark cold will be here again soon, and I must have shelter somewhere…..who will have me, besides Uncle Grishenka?

                    What long dark cold? asked Sanso. It seemed light enough and warm enough here.

                    Oh, my! Zhana was astonished. You ask me what long dark cold? Where have you come from? How is it you don’t know of the long dark cold? Oh! Are you from Nishanti’s place?

                    Zhana stood up in some considerable excitement. Can you take me to Nishanti’s place? Oh please say yes!

                    Well, I, er, um…..well, I suppose so. Well, yes! Sanso didn’t want to let the girl down, although he wasn’t altogether sure he knew where Nishanti’s place was. But he was game to give it a try, and the company of the girl would be a welcome change.

                    Tell me about Nishanti, then, Zhana, and what her place is like. Sanso was hoping a few clues might ring a bell, perhaps.

                    Nishanti has been my friend for as long as I can remember, Zhana said. We dream together mostly, well, Zhana blushed, Uncle Grishenka says it’s all in my head…he say’s it’s nonsense….

                    Zhana squared her shoulders and carried on. Sanso had a kind look, and nodded encouragingly.

                    She hardly wears any clothes, and her skin is warm and brown. The sun always shines and the sky is always deep blue in her place and we play outside all year long. There’s always warm ripe fruits to eat, not turnips and noodles, colourful juicy berries and plump pink fishy things, and there are flowers all year long, and the water isn’t frozen, we can play in the water and it doesn’t turn our hands blue…..

                    Ah, the other side of the world…hhhmmm…..Sanso rubbed his whiskery chin thoughtfully.

                    Ok, I can’t promise we can find Nishanti, but I think we can find the other side of the world. But first, I’d like to find some water, and perhaps a little fresh food?

                    Zhana whooped with delight, and flung her arms around Sanso. Yes, yes!


                    Dory was bored. She didn’t really know whether to be Dory, or Becky, or even Illi today. Maybe I will be someone new, she thought. Hmmm……

                    Elvira, how about that. Well, Elvira was just as bored as Elvira as she would have been as Dory, Becky or anyone else for that matter. What happens when the inspiration goes? Where does it go? One minute the world is full of interesting things, and then Poof! nothing is very interesting at all……

                    Elvira had lots of interesting things to do, she had many books, and various artistic projects half started or not even started, just thought about on and off for ages, and she had puppies to play with, and a big drawer full of pens and things to draw with. She had a camera that took little videos that was often a lot of fun…but nothing seemed worth the trouble today, nothing at all…..not even that silly wacom thing, and after all that fuss to buy it, too…it was more fun talking about buying it then the darn thing ever was afterwards…..

                    The Internet, how could anyone be bored with an internet! There must be something seriously wrong with her to be bored when she had Internet! But she halfheartedly googled this, googled that…ho hum, tedium, nothing very interesting there….

                    Well, what about your imagination then! Elvira sat up a bit straighter, challenging herself. You can surely do something interesting in your imagination, can’t you?

                    She slumped back down again, and sighed. Like what? Well, imagine you are out in the sun, going for a walk…..

                    Well ok, then, I am on the beach. At first I feel the sun on the top of my head and I squint at the bright sparkles on the sea. Then, my ears are ringing with cold, it’s a windy cold day after all and not much fun on the beach at all. Oh pull yourself together, woman! Pull your scarf round your ears! It’s a great day for driftwood, just look at those waves rolling in.

                    I am trudging along, and the sand is hard to walk on and makes my legs ache. My God, I am out of shape! There are soggy oranges and piles of bamboo sticks, and plastic bottles all washed up in curving heaps. A soggy Marlboro carton; my, are they still smuggling fags from Gibraltar, I am so out of the smuggling loop these days….

                    Well, was that it? Elvira chastised herself. Not much of a flight of imagination there, was it? Maybe a walk along the river instead…..

                    Oh alright, if I have to…..actually I can’t be bothered to do this imaginary walk either, it’s no use….nothing is really very interesting today. I would like someone to amuse me, charmingly, pointlessly, something funny and light, and delightfully meaningless and simple…..

                    And god forbid, nothing to do with beliefs, please! Or any of that weird stuff, like other lives and other dimensions, and talking to aliens and all that weirdo stuff….weirdo, weirdo, stuff! UGGHHH Elvira shuddered.

                    Well, one thing I am pleased about, she mused almost happily, I can smoke again now my lungs are behaving. I thought I would be gloriously happy forever if I could only breathe without fear, and already I am Ho Hum about breathing….thought for sure I’d remember to focus on every brilliantly wonderful NOW moment, I did, after that fright with the lungs, but no….back to normal, well, worse than normal really, because now I am not even interested in anything……

                    I wonder if I should start drinking again…..Oh don’t be silly, Elvira told herself rather sharply. Well, drugs then, maybe that would buck me up. It’d buck you up alright, but for how long? Well when they wore off, I could take some more.

                    Yeah, right…..

                    Elvira sighed again. Even Bertie Wooster hadn’t even managed to raise a smile this time, and he always used to make her smile. Reading Wodehouse now made her frown, wondering what ever she had used to find so amusing……

                    The birds are making a racket out there, she noticed. Whatever do they find to sing about all day? Chirp chirp…jeeze….. maybe I should take up golf, she wondered. Dan seems to always have an interest, something passionately all-consuming……he never has enough hours in the day for all HIS interesting things….

                    Where have all my interesting things GONE?


                    In reply to: Synchronicity

                    F LoveF Love

                      Tracy is making the most of not being able to post and asked me to post some synchs for her:

                      Tracy: thanks for posting the comments!
                      Francie: okay, i will do that other one
                      Francie: you love it eh?
                      Francie: it appeals your head counterpart side
                      Tracy: lobe what?
                      Francie: making me post for you
                      Tracy: hahahaha yeah its like having staff


                      Francie: i took george to vet today for check up
                      Tracy: hows he doing?
                      Francie: well while we were all discussing vaccinations, he nosed open the door and went careering around the vets
                      Tracy: hahahaha
                      Francie: down to visit all the sick dogs. Like a crazy thing
                      Tracy: oh how funny. Oh I bet they all loved it
                      Francie: oh yes hilarious
                      Tracy: I kept thinking today that any distraction, was taking Bills mind off the pain
                      Francie: yeah
                      Tracy: and so was George!
                      Francie: ahahahahha
                      Tracy: ahhaah I synced with george!
                      Francie: hahahah!
                      Francie: yes
                      Tracy: would you write that in syncs under my name please
                      Francie: okay


                      Francie: what does a jewel on the forehead signify?
                      Tracy: A flock of coots is known in the US as a cover
                      Tracy: um, not sure, like an Indian thing?
                      Tracy: why?
                      Francie: some of my frogs had jewels on their foreheads, and then i watched a movie with jewels on foreheads
                      Tracy: is it a Sikh thing? Or is it the chakra
                      Francie: don’t know
                      Tracy: which chakra is that or is it the third eye… What colour jewels?
                      Francie: tarotteachings blogspot
                      Tracy: ralphmag
                      Francie: there is another 8 synch in that tarot one
                      Francie: oh wow, a magazine synch Tracy
                      Tracy: she understands, with a profound and inherent wisdom, that the universe is a magical and abundant place.
                      Tracy: thats cool huh… What?
                      Francie: the link you gave me: read the last paragraph
                      Tracy: I was thinking about the magazine yesterday… WOW F, the last paragraph!
                      Francie: yes!
                      Tracy: would you post it on syncs for me?
                      Francie: yes
                      Tracy: please
                      Tracy: I missed that bit, I just noticed the ittiel
                      Tracy: tille
                      Tracy: title

                      F LoveF Love

                        Tracy: there is no righteously indignant icon
                        Francie: yes, well if there were, i would use it!
                        Tracy: I meant all
                        Tracy: slip of the tongue
                        Francie: oh well thats alright then, i am mollified
                        Tracy: hahahahhahahahahahahha
                        Tracy: maniacally
                        Tracy: maybe I should change my name
                        Francie: hahaah what to?
                        Francie: molly, molly fried
                        Tracy: Molly Baloney
                        Francie: mollocks
                        Francie: yes! do it
                        Tracy: hahaha no
                        Francie: no well seriously, what to?
                        Tracy: I will be Molly Maloney and you be Betty Mollocks
                        Francie: ahahhhaha
                        Francie: doubt it
                        Tracy: Baloney
                        Tracy: not Maloney
                        Francie: oh no i feel a new character coming on
                        Francie: oh its okay, you can’t get in
                        Francie: :yahoo_whew:
                        Tracy: hahah would you please introduce them into the story under my name
                        Francie: thats why!
                        Tracy: Molly Boloney and Betty Mollocks
                        Francie: you will just have to save it up
                        Tracy: well I might forget it, just make a note of it for me, as if you were Becky jotting down a clue
                        Francie: okay i will post it in random ramblings okay
                        Tracy: ok, just paste this part of the chat as a comment
                        Francie: hang on i will do it now
                        Tracy: no, this chat part in story
                        Francie: no i refuse
                        Tracy: thank you dearest Franci. You may print that too
                        Francie: I will do it in ramblings or nothing
                        Tracy: ok
                        Francie: take your pick
                        Tracy: thanks
                        Francie: ahahahahaha
                        Tracy: ramblings
                        Francie: okay hang on
                        Tracy: you have got me by the balls, thats why
                        Francie: it is quite rambly, i think it goes rather well
                        Tracy: yes, you are right as usual
                        Francie: where shall i do it to and from?
                        Tracy: um
                        Tracy: start there up til here
                        Tracy: right here


                        Dr Bronkelhampton gazed at the impassive bandaged covered face of Sasha Goldenwort propped up in the corner of his office.

                        Stupid fool, she said. What a bloody mess you are in now.

                        I know, it’s all gone horribly wrong really. What shall I do?

                        Sasha snorted. What! you are asking me? I let you perform your stupid untested experiments on me, clearly I am not the sharpest tool in the toolbox. No, don’t ask me for advise, I see my main mission in life, oops sorry in death that should be, is to haunt you for the rest of your sad little life.

                        Don’t be hard on yourself Sasha, and in a way you died for a noble cause. Others won’t have to suffer the way you did.

                        Oh Bugger off, said Sasha

                        Chris? Nurse Bellamy popped her head around the door. Are you busy? I thought I heard you talking.

                        Dr Bronkelhampton!”, Nurse Bellamy, please for God’s sake, can’t you get anything right!

                        Nurse Bellamy flinched. Dr Bronkelhampton was acting so peculiar, she was worried about him. And It was all the fault of that little upstart, Veranassessee!


                        Veranassessee wished she had thought to ask her boss to remind her what Plan B was. It had sounded good at the time, but now she found herself somewhat at a loss. She sighed. Sometimes she felt like chucking all this secret agent business in and marrying her devoted boyfriend, Mahiliki, on the neighboring island of Fukitupi.

                        Well she was just going to have to play it by ear!


                        Where is your bloody friend?

                        Armando was muttering again, growing impatient and agitated he couldn’t appreciate stillness. He was “so busy” as he was pleased to remind his friend. Sam was rather amused and held his friend in great affection. But at times it could be very irritating.

                        We’re going to be late. I have another appointment in 2 hours, and it is in Boston. Not that my new car can’t do that…

                        He looked at Sam, waiting some kind of approbation or validation, maybe was he looking for awe. But Sam wasn’t impressed at all. He could be in Boston and in Botswana at the same time… well not yet physically in both but he was getting better at it. It was not so important now to be all physically focused in one place and time… or rather to block the recognition of the other places and times one was focusing on. Well he was lost in his thoughts, waiting for Becky.

                        It’s quite… Yellow , Al said in a neutral voice.

                        Armando seemed satisfied with this answer. Maybe the answer itself wasn’t important, he had been acknowledged, he was influencing his environment… Looking at Al, Sam smiled with a ;)

                        I told you, Armando is not yet familiarized with telepathy.

                        Yeah, it is quite useful not to be noticed. Though I really wonder what Becky is doing, we still have to give Tina a lift. She’s learning to declaim lyric poetry, she fancies her teacher, you know…

                        Sam couldn’t help but laugh at the image Al had conveyed to him.

                        What? You think I can’t do it with my new car?

                        Sam had no idea of what Armando was talking about. Since he had bought this new gadget, he only had one thread of converstation available. Though Becky and Tina were quite eager to try this new technological progress. Becky almost fell into Canal Street’s dark water last time she went to see her friend Yang Tsung, her Chinese herborist, in a gondocab. She was looking for some hair growing potion, and she left with some new preparation to help her regain her balance.

                        Becky was late, and it was quite unusual… well most of the time she was not. :-?
                        Sam and Al joined their thoughts and opened themselves to her energy, all they could grasp was about some nine tailed fox, and Chumpy… was she trying to mate her Chumpy with one of those new fancy pet breed?
                        A few minutes later, she was jumping from a gondocab to the yellow flying car.

                        Sorry I’m late… you know I was at this new “Rent’a Pet Shop, Boy!”, it’s fantastic the variety of old and new breeds they have. A poor girl was looking for a parrot or a magpie… so common, hopefully she would follow my advice and take one of those nine-tailed glowing fox.

                        Her gaze was distant for a few seconds and Chumpy was protesting at how she was holding him.

                        Well it matters not as you know. Chumpy don’t be rude to mama! She sat and grinned voraciously, looking a bit worried. When are we going? We’ll be late to meet Tina!

                        Armando was gaping at her, and decided he would rather not argue with her. It was his first time with her and he already had categorized her.


                        All 3 were sitting on the rear of the car, while Armando was driving, focused on his new toy, trying not to make them all crash on one of the emerging towers of Manhattan Water Town. Sam was telling his friends about a dream he had last night and that seemed quite important. At least it was the only one of the night he could remember.

                        How unusual of you, Becky said, you should meet Yang Tsung, his herbs are quite efficient, he’s got weeds for anything…

                        They lost her for a few seconds again, and Al looked at Sam, encouraging him to continue with his dream. Sam attention was splitted between Becky’s strong energy and the concentration of Armando who was not so confident in his ability to drive the flyellow car after all.

                        Well, as I told you it was about new focuses of Al and I, they were journalists…

                        Journalists? Like my friend Bonny! Did I tell you about her last crush? She fancies a future focus of her mother. He’s called Moht and lives 200years ahead from now. She goes and meets him in her dreams mostly, but she’s practicing with rendering more real during her… She stopped speaking, looking a bit confused

                        Al laughed heartily, Sam was still and seemed to listen so carefully to what she was saying, that it was comic.

                        Continue Sam, journalists then?.., she said, stroking Chumpy distractedly.

                        Journalists yes, and they were creating a relationship similar to Starsky and Hutch. They were attending a meeting, though I don’t remember what it was all about. All I know is that Al and I were time-travelling, and we happened to meet them at that moment. I don’t know how we knew that the conference would be the target of a terrorist group, but we were there to warn them. We were talking with my focus, Simeon, as Andre, the focus of Al was already in the conference room. It was an international conference and the bomb would cause many death among political personalities, scientists, writers and so on… Well my focus thanked us for the warning but also told me that they had their lot of fun and mischiefs in their lives and that they were ready to disengage.

                        Wow! I have a synch with that. I think I was one of the Indian woman there, maybe a minister or similar? You know what? We’re planning to go to Madagascar with Sean for our honey moon :D

                        Great! answered Al and Sam in unison.

                        We’re at the Opera, Armando said, Is it your friend who looks so furious?


                        Mavis had not yet received any news from her friends Sharon and Gloria. She’d hoped she could have some postcard from them before she goes and join them…

                        Nearly two months… Two months since they had all received the exciting email from that Dr. Bronklehampton and had decided to take a leap of faith.
                        As a matter of fact, they had taken that leap of faith just before, and it was just a… “synchronistic confirmation that they were heading in the right direction”, that’s what old Harry had said… Or was it Joe? No, that was surely Harry.
                        Fred wasn’t very pleased.

                        Bored by all the variations of dominoes and dices games at their third-age club, the three inseparable ladies had decided, in a bout of delightful unreasonableness, to embrace all that modern technology had to offer. Sharon and Gloria, being the devil-may-care as they were, got their computer first. Mavis had to convince Fred that he could make his horse-racing bets with that computer without having to go to the city, now that the last pub in the village wasn’t taking bets any longer… and even play poker! she’d said, bluffing so vehemently that she’d almost blushed in shame for fear of being wrong. But that last argument had convinced old Fred. And now, she was connected too. A second-hand computer, with a dusty old keyboard, but she’d let it soak a night in a soapy basin, and it was now shiny as a brand-new one. Except that it now kept behaving strangely…

                        In their club, they could boast that now they were connected all over the word, and all the old parakeets of the club had almost choked over their tea when they had heard all of what they had discovered.
                        Sharon had won most of the glaring bedazzlement. Wearing newly bought sunglasses, she’d said whispering like a conspirator that she had searched her name on a website and she had seen more than 7 million pages talking of her! Imagine! More than seven million people talking of her! And she had not known she was so famous… Hence the sunglasses, she’d added with a wink… there were probably a slew of paparazzi hidden somewhere to discover all that was to know about her… But you can’t fool dear ol’ Sharon Stone.
                        Gloria Fowles had been gathering almost 4,000 pages… But well, she had not the charismatic aura of Shah.
                        And Mavis Staples had got a hefty 470,000 pages!… Of course, she had not told Fred, who was already so paranoid about all of this stuff. When they had received the machine, he was convinced there were miniature cameras and transponders from the MI6 inside the PC and had spent hours disassembling and reassembling it.

                        Very soon after they had registered for their free email address (the reseller had explained patiently that she couldn’t electrocute herself while licking the envelop), the next day to be precise, at 5:33 —that was the hour when Mavis had finished her routine dusting and breakfast preparing for Fred, and just before taking Gulp, the dog for a news reading (that was what Sha was saying “butt sniffing for dogs, is like news reading for us”), she had granted herself a little peek into the emailbox— she had seen something in the recipe folder.
                        She wasn’t sure why they had called that folder “meat” or “ham”… no that wasn’t “ham”… “SPAM” more like it… Anyway, in the recipes folder, she’d received her first email. She’d called eagerly Sha and Glo, and they had received it too, and had even answered it already, as they had spent the all night “surfing” as they said — which was a bit difficult for Sharon with her sunglasses in the dark.

                        All three of them had received a free coupon for a massage and therapeutic rejuvenating treatments (and possibly some bonus organ enlargements free of charge) in Tikfijikoo Island!

                        Well, now Mavis was ready to go too, now that Fred had been mollified and she’d gathered the money for the trip.
                        In a sense, that was good she’d not received anything yet from Sha and Glo, it would allow her to imagine the wildest things!


                        In reply to: Scrying the Word Cloud


                          A cloud-assisted demented rewrite, just for fun…

                          PERPLEXED BY THAT PARTICULAR case, THE sheriff HAD HIS glassES floatING BEFORE HIS eyeS.

                          SOME mean rather weird beings… THE brotherHOOD OF magic NEEDED TO SEND Elikozoe INTO A space Craft TO CARE FOR THE boy WHO felt six motherSHIPS COMING IN HIS dreams.

                          DURING THESE moments easily FORGOTTEN, SOME others young legends WERE sent Aside TO answer AND bounce WITH alone aspects THAT wondered HOW TO keep focused.

                          THE trees WERE laughing “yeah!” THEY SAID, AS Anita FELT cold AMONG THE roseS randomLY SCATTERED.
                          SOME told HER ABOUT love, AS SHE asked WHETHER dragons REALLY seemed LIKE nothing ELSE SHE HAD SEEN BEFORE.

                          Chris turned wondering ABOUT nature THESE days WHEN everyone, Elizabeth INCLUDED, KEPT thinking WHAT THEIR hair looked LIKE FROM behind.

                          DEEP inside, SOME help began slightly TO COME TO THE lady AS SOON AS THE dark cloud HAD taken HER TO sleep. THE truth IN particular WAS LIKE A friend WITH purple COLOURS AND A skull IN HIS HAND, WHO sat WAITING FOR HER.
                          “let HOPE COME, despite whatever FATE bringS TO THE door! YOU must wait SOMETIMES, AS factS follow!”

                          Nice Tina WAS caught floating ON THE STREAM, AND moving ALONG IN A green jogGING GEAR WAS Joe, BOTH full OF IDEAS THAT gave THEIR friends AN experience NEWLY created. BUT THEY needed magpieS AND tried FOR THESE creatureS INSERTION TO work.

                          FOR Arona, ALL WAS happening ON Earth LIKE SOME important dream. IT WAS LIKE dancing IN A real play, WITH THE sea NEARBY.
                          A series OF dog-EARED BOOKS WERE NEARLY outside, AND deep INSIDE, SHE KNEW THE novelS WERE close TO surface OUR dimension, WITH HER head looking BEYOND, AS perhaps Yurick WOULD AGREE.
                          HIS heart often sounds interesting, BUT OF ALL THE ones SHE liked, IT SHOULD BE herself.
                          THE Duane SHALL BE rememberED, SHE thought, IN DUE times…

                          WITH THE goat, Anna suddenly giveS THE blue busy spiders SOME NEW reality, AND Kay IS getting hot. SHE HAD forgotten THAT handS COULD BE making names, AND SHOUTING HER CreEd, THE voice OF THE girl SAID IT matterED THAT THE story became shouted IN THE sky.
                          Eric WAS ENduring Sanso WHO loved THE sandY BEACHES.

                          STAYING clear THIS NEW year DEMANDS SOME self AWARENESS, ESPECIALLY ON THE yellow CHAKRA points, TO ALLEVIATE UNNECESSARY physical pain.

                          CLAD IN teal, SHE WAS waiting FOR HIS parents’ words TO HAVE moved AND TO BE connected. Franiel HAD FELT within HIMSELF four OLD fatherS’ ADVICES, AND HAD AGREED TO TALK TO Salome’S face AND ANSWER HER call THAT HAD APPEARED quickly UPON THE wall AND HAD BEEN wandering OVER HIS bed.
                          HE careD FOR THE past, AND THAT VISION WAS telling. IN THE morning, HE SAW IT AS A gift, SHINING IN SOME DISTANT island, LIKE A moviNG presence.

                          Yann VowED TO FIND HIS WAY IN THE soup OF linkS, AND FIND THE OLD godS’ energy THAT kept THE planetS MOVING.
                          HE heard SOMETHING, A FUGACIOUS moment following HIS ADMIRING OF THE beautiful weather, UNDER THE Glistening sun. A SINGLE dragon’S hands COULD nurse POTENT writing abIlITIeS, AND soon WOULD open GREAT awareNESS OF joy AND moveMENTS AND music WHICH WOULD MAKE HIM laugh OF ALL THAT HE WAS creating WITHIN THIS focus.

                          Tracy FEELS away OF THE action. IT seems QUITE human… NOTHING IS white DURING twilight, SHE noticed, AND FELT given TO understand.
                          AS MRS Bellamy, SHE WOULD HAVE stopPED LONG ago, HAD NOT come THAT powerful mummy.
                          WITH Georges startING TO APPEAR, worry BECOMES quietNESS FOR Jib, AND crystal-CLEARNESS FOR Sam.
                          MANY years AHEAD IN A GALAXY far-AWAY, ANOTHER Dory IS named AND readS ABOUT DR Bronklehampton’s WORKS.
                          HAVING TAKING leaveS, AND BEING gone FOR ALL, OLD Hrih DELVES INTO THE skulls AND HIS eyes SEE A next hope IN A book.
                          MovementS HAPPEN FOR Claudio already… THE world woke UP IN surprise.
                          A known sense OF TIMESPACE-travel APPEARS IN THE commentS, AS seen THROUGH light.

                          Akita’S body AND mind started TO ACT LIKE A saint AND FEEL strange under THE change.
                          “TO danGER, bugger!” WAS HIS decision NO longer… HE FELT warm… Towards THE worlds treeS, askING HIMSELF IF IT WAS A game, HE SAW TWO male children PLAYING against EACH OTHER.
                          THEY managed TO show HIM THAT THE Murtuane WAS familiar.
                          THE whole air WAS speaking. IT sort OF opened ITSELF SO THAT HE knew later OF THAT SPECIAL room OF TIME AND SPACE, AND HAD THE WIND AGAIN BRUSH HIS skin similar TO WHEN HE WAS seeing home IN HIS HEAD.

                          Felicity IN THE BEDlam SAW half-formS, COUNTING three OF THEM, INCLUDING Gustav IN THE saloon, AND Becky WHO WAS THINKING SHE WAS AGAIN IN THE wrong PLACE: A monastery!
                          SHE’D RATHER HAVE yourself BE A star, AND HERSELF BE HERE TO MAKE THE FUN postS AND playing lost.

                          Eight powers smiled: true saying!
                          THE sisters focuses IN THEIR caveS HAD SOME fine land TO PLAY WITH.
                          Apparently sound WAS key once, BUT THE VOICES IN THE night speak UNCEASINGLY, AND TO write SOME great stories, SPEAK strongLY. THEY seem TO BE feeling yesterday SOME perfect movements…

                          THE marmoset HAD FOUND A family, AND funny wordS TO process. IT laughed short GIGGLES
                          AS FOR myself, SAID THE cat TO Floyd, I’D create A party-LIKE life, WHERE I DO AS I please, AND LET paper WORK AND feelINGS AND desireS AND tryING AND tellING TO monkey.
                          THAT shapeD SOME fun, AND syncHRONICITIES AGAIN happened SHORTLY.

                          IN THE FLOWING water, “aum” SOUNDS RIPPLED IN A huge dear dance beginning TO REFLECT himself IN images. HE sighed AS HIS attention GOT INVOLVED IN THE trip AND HE remembered…
                          ON THE beach, obviously AWARE OF THE synchRONICITIES, THE creatures wanted TO CLAP THUNDEROUS applauseS.
                          LIVING THE dead GUYS’ ideaS…


                          When Felicity had taken the job, she had thought at first that it was all a big interstellar joke…
                          Come on… Dead people speaking though living?
                          But a few recent experiences made her feel there was kind of warmth surrounding her when she started the radiophonic sessions, and that she was feeling… inspired, for lack of a better word.
                          Words indeed were coming and flowing, and even though she was rarely speechless, the words did have some different quality.
                          And people enjoyed the show greatly, and mails kept coming to the radio thanking DDT for all of the marvelous advices…

                          Till then, as she was conscious of the process, she had refrained issuing some definite statements on future events, as the inspiration was pressing her to do at times. As subtle as all of this was, she was feeling it was not really the same energy as the warm one; it was like incursions of a quicker and less stable bouncy energy.
                          It was pushing her to make cocky statements, on mass events about to come… Oh, not again self-fulfilling prophecies, please! she couldn’t help but think…

                          At times, Felicity was even wondering whether she was really going completely crazy.
                          Oh, it was so much simpler to be a genuine fraud…


                          — Arky, come here at once!
                          — But, I’ve done nothing…
                          — Stop being such a jackanapes, will you… You know very well there is no secret…
                          — Yes…

                          Despite his being immaterial, it was obvious that the One referred to as Arky was being scolded.

                          — And you know perfectly well there is nothing to gain in pushing things…
                          — But I intended well…
                          — I know that. As generations of focuses of leaders and presidents have been doing. One would have assumed you’d knew better by now… I can see you’re enjoying being with me on the soapbox, but either you find your own, or you better stay clear next time we get a communication.
                          — Understood.
                          — Fine, class dismissed.

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