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  • #7433

    “Good morning.” Truella started nervously. “Good morning!” she repeated in a more confident tone, remembering her intention, as she scanned all the attentive faces in the audience.

    “You are gathered here, my friends, colleagues and competetive others,  to hear me talk about new sales channels, market studies, double digit growth, and all the rest of it.  But I am not going to talk about that. I am a witch, not a business woman.  I am an amateur archaeologist, not a business woman.  And I am not a competetive witch.” she added, glaring pointedly at some of the witches in the audience. “And I know nothing about sales and marketing.”

    “I am an honest witch! A straightforward well meaning witch with a desire to help others, and that has little to do with marketing and digits, double or otherwise.  My words of widsom to you all this day is this: this coven has taken a destructive turn, and it’s time to return to our roots. The timeless duty of the naturally helpful community member with special skills. Not the self serving profit and sales motivated capitalist modern witchery that we see here, with these modern money and time wasting conferences.”

    Frella glanced worriedly at Malove, whose face was puce with rage.  Truella had avoided looking in the direction of Malove but Frella’s movement caught her eye, and she faltered for a moment before continuing.

    “I’m here to tell you, it’s time to take direct action and strike until the leaders of this shambolic institution return to proper and honourable witchy ways.”

    A few gasps were heard in the audience, breaking the uncomfortable silence. Then Eris started to clap, quietly and slowly at first but then louder. Others started joining in.  Eris and Jez stood up, raising their hands above their heads to clap loudly.  Frella remained seated with the baby on her lap, although she held the baby’s hands and patted them together in a show of solidarity.  With that, the baby turned into a seal and soon slithered off Frella’s lap and humped off to find the ornamental lake.

    “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have spells to do for the needy ~ for free, as a good witch should.” And with that Truella flounced out of the conference room.

    F LoveF Love

      Finnley, who was behind the sofa for reasons unknown, stood up and screamed at the top of her lungs. The scream was so unexpected and of such force that Godfrey dropped the novel he was holding and Liz came running from across the hall. What she had been doing across the hall all that time, god only knows, but she certainly wasn’t writing, said Godfrey later when recounting the story to Roberto.

      “Mr Dugrat has gone,” announced Finnley when she was sure she had their attention. “Gone,” she repeated.

      “Rat? I didn’t know you had a rat. Gone where?” asked Liz nervously.

      Finnley gave her a withering glance. “Therefore I did not get to the convention because I have been searching hither and thither for him.”


        “I worry about the dreadful limbo, those poor characters! So much going on and there they all are, frozen in time, perched on the edge of all those cliffs, waiting to spring into action, leap across chasms of revelations, lurch into dark mysterious depths…” Liz trailed off, looking pensively out of the window.  “I wonder if the characters will ever forgive me for the jerky spasms of action followed by interminable stretches of oblivion, endlessly repeated…. Oh dear, oh dear! What a terrible torment, taunting them with great unveilings, and then… then, the desertion, forsaken yet again, abandoned …. and for what?”

        “Attending to other pressing matters in real life?” offered Finnley. “Entertaining guests? Worrying about aged relatives?” Liz interrupted with a cross between a snort and a harumph.  “Writing shopping lists?” Finnley continued, a fount of gently patient sagacity. Bless that girl, thought Liz, uncharacteristically generous in her assessment of the often difficult maid.  “Do you even know if they’re aware of the dilated gaps in the narrative?”

        Liz was momentarily nonplussed.   This was something she had heretofore not considered.  “You mean they might not be waiting?”

        “That’s right”, Finnley replied, warming to the idea that she hadn’t given much thought to, and had just thrown into the conversation to mollify Liz, who was in danger of droning on depressingly for the rest of the evening.  “They probably don’t even notice, a bit like blinking out, and then springing back into animation.  I wouldn’t worry if I were you.  Why don’t you ask them and see what they say?”

        “Ask them?” repeated Liz stupidly.  I really am getting dull in the head, she thought to  herself and wondered why Finnley was smirking and nodding. Was the dratted girl reading her mind again? “Fetch me something to buck me up, Finnley.  And fetch Roberto and Godfrey in here. Oh and bring a tray of whatever you’re bringing me, to buck us all up.”  Liz looked up and smiled magnanimously into Finnley’s face.  “And one for yourself, dear.”

        Tidying the stack of papers on her desk into a neat pile and blowing the ash and crumbs off, Liz felt a plan forming.  They would have a meeting with the characters and discuss their feelings, their hopes and ambitions, work it all out together. Why didn’t I think of this before? she wondered, quite forgetting that it was Finnley’s idea.


        In reply to: Orbs of Madjourneys

        “Bossy, isn’t she?” muttered Yasmin, not quite out of earshot of Finly. “I haven’t even had a shower yet,” she added, picking up her phone and sandals.

        Yasmin, Youssef and Zara left the maid to her cleaning and walked down towards Xaviers room.   “I’d go and get coffee from the kitchen, but…” Youssef said, turning pleading eyes towards Zara, “Idle might be in there.”

        Smiling, Zara told him not to risk it, she would go.

        “Come in,” Xavier called when Yasmin knocked on the door. “God, what a dream,” he said when they piled in to his room.  “It was awful. I was dreaming that Idle was threading an enormous long needle with baler twine saying she was going to sew us all together in a tailored story cut in a cloth of continuity.”  He rubbed his eyes and then shook his head, trying to erase the image in his mind.  “What are you two up so early for?”

        Zara’s gone to get the coffee,” Youssef told him, likewise trying to shake off the image of Idle that Xavier had conjured up. “We’re going to have a couple of hours on the game before the cart race ~ or the dust storm, whichever happens first I guess. There are some wierd looking vans and campers and oddballs milling around outside already.”

        Zara pushed the door open with her shoulder, four mugs in her hands.  “You should see the wierdos outside, going to be a great photo opportunity out there later.”

        “Come on then,” said Xavier, “The game will get that awful dream out of my head.  Let’s go!”

        “You’re supposed to be the leader, you start the game,” Yasmin said to Zara. Zara rolled her eyes good naturedly and opened the game. “Let’s ask for some clues first then. I still don’t know why I’m the so called leader when you,” she looked pointedly as Xavier and Youssef, “Know much more about games than I do. Ok here goes:”

        “The riddle “In the quietest place, the loudest secrets are kept” is a clue to help the group find the first missing page of the book “The Lost Pages of Creativity,” which is an integral part of the group quest. The riddle suggests that the missing page is hidden in a quiet place where secrets are kept, meaning that it’s likely to be somewhere in the hidden library underground the Flying Fish Inn where the group is currently situated.”

        “Is there a cellar here do you think?” Zara mused. “Imagine finding a real underground library!” The idea of a grand all encompassing library had first been suggested to Zara many years ago in a series of old books by a channeler, and many a time she had imagined visiting it. The idea of leaving paper records and books for future generations had always appealed to her. She often thought of the old sepia portrait photographs of her ancestors, still intact after a hundred years ~ and yet her own photos taken ten years ago had been lost in a computer hard drive incident. What would the current generation leave for future anthropologists? Piles of plastic unreadable gadgets, she suspected.

        Youssef can ask Idle later,” Xavier said with a cheeky grin. “Maybe she’ll take him down there.” Youssef snorted, and Yasmin said “Hey! Don’t you start snorting too! Right then, Zara, so we find the cellar in the game then and go down and find the library? Then what?”

        “The phrase “quietest place” can refer to a secluded spot or a place with minimal noise, which could be a hint at a specific location within the library. The phrase “loudest secrets” implies that there is something important to be discovered, but it’s hidden in plain sight.”

        Hidden in plain sight reminded Yasmin of the parcel under her mattress, but she thrust it from her mind and focused on the game. She made up her mind to discuss it with everyone later, including the whacky suppositions that Zara had come up with. They couldn’t possibly confront Idle with it, they had absolutely no proof. I mean, you can’t go round saying to people, hey, that’s your abandoned child over there maybe. But they could include Xavier and Youssef in the mystery.

        “The riddle is relevant to the game of quirks because it challenges the group to think creatively and work together to solve the puzzle. This requires them to communicate effectively and use their problem-solving skills to interpret the clues and find the missing page. It’s an opportunity to demonstrate their individual strengths and also learn from each other in the process.”

        “Work together, communicate effectively” Yasmin repeated, as if to underline her resolution to discuss the parcel and Sister Finli a.k.a. Liana with the boys and Zara later. “A problem shared is a problem hopelessly convoluted, probably.”

        The others looked up and said “What?” in unison, and Yasmin snorted nervously and said “Never mind, tell you later.”


          Godfrey had been in a mood. Which one, it was hard to tell; he was switching from overwhelmed, grumpy and snappy, to surprised and inspired in a flicker of a second.

          Maybe it had to do with the quantity of material he’d been reviewing. Maybe there were secret codes in it, or it was simply the sleep deprivation.

          Inspired by Elizabeth active play with her digital assistant —which she called humorously Whinley, he’d tried various experiments with her series of written, half-written, second-hand, discarded, published and unpublished, drivel-labeled manuscripts he could put his hand on to try to see if something —anything— would come out of it.

          After all, Liz’ generous prose had always to be severely edited to meet the editorial standards, and as she’d failed to produce new best-sellers since the pandemic had hit, he’d had to resort to exploring old material to meet the shareholders expectations.

          He had to be careful, since some were so tartied up, that at times the botty Whinley would deem them banworthy. “Botty Banworth” was Liz’ character name for this special alternate prudish identity of her assistant. She’d run after that to write about it. After all, “you simply can’t ignore a story character when they pop in, that would be rude” was her motto.

          So Godfrey in turn took to enlist Whinley to see what could be made of the raw material and he’d been both terribly disappointed and at the same time completely awestruck by the results. Terribly disappointed of course, as Whinley repeatedly failed to grasp most of the subtleties, or any of the contextual finely layered structures. While it was good at outlining, summarising, extracting some characters, or content, it couldn’t imagine, excite, or transcend the content it was fed with.

          Which had come as the awestruck surprise for Godfrey. No matter how raw, unpolished, completely off-the-charts rank with madness or replete with seeming randomness the content was, there was always something that could be inferred from it. Even more, there was no end to what could be seen into it. It was like life itself. Or looking at a shining gem or kaleidoscope, it would take endless configurations and had almost infinite potential.

          It was rather incredible and revisited his opinion of what being a writer meant. It was not simply aligning words. There was some magic at play there to infuse them, to dance with intentions, and interpret the subtle undercurrents of the imagination. In a sense, the words were dead, but the meaning behind them was still alive somehow, captured in the amber of the composition, as a fount of potentials.

          What crafting or editing of the story meant for him, was that he had to help the writer reconnect with this intent and cast her spell of words to surf on the waves of potential towards an uncharted destination. But the map of stories he was thinking about was not the territory. Each story could be revisited in endless variations and remain fresh. There was a difference between being a map maker, and being a tour-operator or guide.

          He could glimpse Liz’ intention had never been to be either of these roles. She was only the happy bumbling explorer on the unchartered territories of her fertile mind, enlisting her readers for the journey. Like a Columbus of stories, she’d sell a dream trusting she would somehow make it safely to new lands and even bigger explorations.

          Just as Godfrey was lost in abyss of perplexity, the door to his office burst open. Liz, Finnley, and Roberto stood in the doorway, all dressed in costumes made of odds and ends.

          “You are late for the fancy dress rehearsal!” Liz shouted, in her a pirate captain outfit, her painted eye patch showing her eye with an old stitched red plush thing that looked like a rat perched on her shoulder supposed to look like a mock parrot.

          “What was the occasion again?”

          “I may have found a new husband.” she said blushing like a young damsel.

          Finnley, in her mummy costume made with TP rolls, well… did her thing she does with her eyes.


          In reply to: Tart Wreck Repackage

          Star and Tara were seating at their usual table in the Star Frites Alliance Café, sipping their coffee and reflecting on the strange case of the wardrobe. They had managed to find Uncle Basil, and Vince had been able to change his will just in time. They had also discovered that the wardrobe was being used to smuggle illegal drugs, which they promptly reported to the authorities.

          As they sat there, they saw Finton, the waitress from the café where they last met Vince French, walking towards them with a big smile on her face. “Hello there, ladies! I just wanted to thank you for helping Vince find his uncle. He’s been so much happier since then.”

          “It was all in a day’s work,” said Star with a grin. “And we also managed to solve the mystery of the wardrobe.”  she couldn’t help boasting.

          “Did we now?” Tara raised an eyebrow.

          Finton’s eyes widened in surprise. “Oh my! That’s quite the accomplishment. What did you find?”

          “It was being used to smuggle drugs,” explained Star. “We reported it to the authorities.”

          “Well, I never! You two are quite the detectives,” said Finton, impressed.

          “Sure, we could be proud, but there are more mysteries calling for our help. Now if you don’t mind, Finton, we have important business to talk about.” Star said.

          “And it’s rather hush-hush.” Tara added, to clue in the poor waitress.

          Star’s knack for finding clues in all the wrong places, and Tara’s slight nudges towards the path of logical deduction and reason had made them quite famous now around the corner. Well, slightly more famous than before, meaning they were featured in a tiny article in the local neswpaper, page 8, near the weekly crosswords. But somehow, that they’d accomplished their missions did advocate in their favour. And new clients had been pouring in.

          “Do we have a new case you haven’t told me about?” wondered Tara.

          “Nah.” retorted Star. “Just wanted to get rid of the nosy brat and enjoy my coffee while it’s hot. I hate tepid coffee. Tastes like cat piss.”

          “How would you know… Never mind…” Tara replied distractedly as handsome and well-dressed man approached their table. “Excuse me, are you Star and Tara, the private investigators?”

          “Well, as a matter of fact, we are,” said Star, propping her goods forward, and batting a few eyelids. “Who’s asking?”

          “My name is Thomas, and I have a rather unusual case for you.”

          Tara pushed Star to the back of the cushioned banquet bench to make room for the easy on the eyes stranger, while Star repressed a Oof and a fookoof..

          “It involves a missing pineapple.” Thomas said after taking the offered seat.

          “A missing pineapple?” repeated Star incredulously.

          Tara had an irrepressible fit of titter “So long as it’s not for a pizza…”

          “Yes, you see, I am a collector of exotic fruits, and I had a rare pineapple in my collection that has gone missing. It’s worth quite a lot of money, and I can’t seem to find it anywhere.”

          Star and Tara exchanged a look. They were both thinking the same thing. Was “exotic fruit” code for something else? Otherwise, this was not even remotely bizarre by their standard, and they’d seen some strange cases already.

          “We’ll have to think over it.” for once Star didn’t want to sound too eager. “Do you have any leads?” asked Tara.

          “Well, I did hear a rumor that it was spotted in the hands of a local street performer, but I can’t be sure.”

          “Alright, we’ll consider it,” said Star decisively. She fumbled into her hairy bag —some smart upcycling made by Rosamund with the old patchy mink coats. She handed a torn namecard to the young Thomas. “We’ll call you.”

          Thomas looked at her surprised. “Do you mean, should I write my number?”

          Tara rolled her eyes and sighed. “Obvie.” Somehow the good-looking ones didn’t seem to be the brightest tools in the picnic box.

          “But first, we need to finish our coffee.” She took a long sip and grinned at Tara. “Looks like we may have another mysterman on our hands.”


          In reply to: Orbs of Madjourneys

          Zara was long overdue for some holiday time off from her job at the Bungwalley Valley animal rescue centre in New South Wales and the suggestion to meet her online friends at the intriguing sounding Flying Fish Inn to look for clues for their online game couldn’t have come at a better time.  Lucky for her it wasn’t all that far, relatively speaking, although everything is far in Australia, it was closer than coming from Europe.  Xavier would have a much longer trip.  Zara wasn’t quite sure where exactly Yasmin was, but she knew it was somewhere in Asia. It depended on which refugee camp she was assigned to, and Zara had forgotten to ask her recently. All they had talked about was the new online game, and how confusing it all was.

          The biggest mystery to Zara was why she was the leader in the game.  She was always the one who was wandering off on side trips and forgetting what everyone else was up to. If the other game followers followed her lead there was no telling where they’d all end up!

          “But it is just a game,” Pretty Girl, the rescue parrot interjected. Zara had known some talking parrots over the years, but never one quite like this one. Usually they repeated any nonsense that they’d heard but this one was different.  She would miss it while she was away on holiday, and for a moment considered taking the talking parrot with her on the trip.  If she did, she’d have to think about changing her name though, Pretty Girl wasn’t a great name but it was hard to keep thinking of names for all the rescue creatures.

          After Zara had done the routine morning chores of feeding the various animals, changing the water bowls, and cleaning up the less pleasant aspects of the job,  she sat down in the office room of the rescue centre with a cup of coffee and a sandwich.  She was in good physical shape for 57, wiry and energetic, but her back ached at times and a sit down was welcome before the vet arrived to check on all the sick and wounded animals.

          Pretty Girl flew over from the kennels, and perched outside the office room window.  When the parrot had first been dropped off at the centre, they’d put her in a big cage, but in no uncertain terms Pretty Girl had told them she’d done nothing wrong and was wrongfully imprisoned and to release her at once. It was rather a shock to be addresssed by a parrot in such a way, and it was agreed between the staff and the vet to set her free and see what happened. And Pretty Girl had not flown away.

          “Hey Pretty Girl, why don’t you give me some advice on this confusing new game I’m playing with my online friends?” Zara asked.

          “Pretty Girl wants some of your tuna sandwich first,” replied the parrot.  After Zara had obliged, the parrot continued at some surprising length.

          “My advice would be to not worry too much about getting the small details right. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the creative process.  Just give me a bit more tuna,”  Pretty Girl said, before continuing.

          “Remember that as a writer, you have the power to shape the story and the characters as you see fit. It’s okay to make mistakes, and it’s okay to not know everything. Allow yourself to be inspired by the world around you and let the story unfold naturally. Trust in your own creativity and don’t be afraid to take risks. And remember, it’s not the small details that make a story great, it’s the emotions and experiences that the characters go through that make it truly memorable.  And always remember to feed the parrot.”

          “Maybe I should take you on holiday with me after all,” Zara replied. “You really are an amazing bird, aren’t you?”


          Zara and Pretty Girl Parrot



            Isaac Stokes 1804-1877


            Isaac was born in Churchill, Oxfordshire in 1804, and was the youngest brother of my 4X great grandfather Thomas Stokes. The Stokes family were stone masons for generations in Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire, and Isaac’s occupation was a mason’s labourer in 1834 when he was sentenced at the Lent Assizes in Oxford to fourteen years transportation for stealing tools.

            Churchill where the Stokes stonemasons came from: on 31 July 1684 a fire destroyed 20 houses and many other buildings, and killed four people. The village was rebuilt higher up the hill, with stone houses instead of the old timber-framed and thatched cottages. The fire was apparently caused by a baker who, to avoid chimney tax, had knocked through the wall from her oven to her neighbour’s chimney.

            Isaac stole a pick axe, the value of 2 shillings and the property of Thomas Joyner of Churchill; a kibbeaux and a trowel value 3 shillings the property of Thomas Symms; a hammer and axe value 5 shillings, property of John Keen of Sarsden.

            (The word kibbeaux seems to only exists in relation to Isaac Stokes sentence and whoever was the first to write it was perhaps being creative with the spelling of a kibbo, a miners or a metal bucket. This spelling is repeated in the criminal reports and the newspaper articles about Isaac, but nowhere else).

            In March 1834 the Removal of Convicts was announced in the Oxford University and City Herald: Isaac Stokes and several other prisoners were removed from the Oxford county gaol to the Justitia hulk at Woolwich “persuant to their sentences of transportation at our Lent Assizes”.

            via digitalpanopticon:

            Hulks were decommissioned (and often unseaworthy) ships that were moored in rivers and estuaries and refitted to become floating prisons. The outbreak of war in America in 1775 meant that it was no longer possible to transport British convicts there. Transportation as a form of punishment had started in the late seventeenth century, and following the Transportation Act of 1718, some 44,000 British convicts were sent to the American colonies. The end of this punishment presented a major problem for the authorities in London, since in the decade before 1775, two-thirds of convicts at the Old Bailey received a sentence of transportation – on average 283 convicts a year. As a result, London’s prisons quickly filled to overflowing with convicted prisoners who were sentenced to transportation but had no place to go.

            To increase London’s prison capacity, in 1776 Parliament passed the “Hulks Act” (16 Geo III, c.43). Although overseen by local justices of the peace, the hulks were to be directly managed and maintained by private contractors. The first contract to run a hulk was awarded to Duncan Campbell, a former transportation contractor. In August 1776, the Justicia, a former transportation ship moored in the River Thames, became the first prison hulk. This ship soon became full and Campbell quickly introduced a number of other hulks in London; by 1778 the fleet of hulks on the Thames held 510 prisoners.
            Demand was so great that new hulks were introduced across the country. There were hulks located at Deptford, Chatham, Woolwich, Gosport, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Sheerness and Cork.

            The Justitia via rmg collections:


            Convicts perform hard labour at the Woolwich Warren. The hulk on the river is the ‘Justitia’. Prisoners were kept on board such ships for months awaiting deportation to Australia. The ‘Justitia’ was a 260 ton prison hulk that had been originally moored in the Thames when the American War of Independence put a stop to the transportation of criminals to the former colonies. The ‘Justitia’ belonged to the shipowner Duncan Campbell, who was the Government contractor who organized the prison-hulk system at that time. Campbell was subsequently involved in the shipping of convicts to the penal colony at Botany Bay (in fact Port Jackson, later Sydney, just to the north) in New South Wales, the ‘first fleet’ going out in 1788.


            While searching for records for Isaac Stokes I discovered that another Isaac Stokes was transported to New South Wales in 1835 as well. The other one was a butcher born in 1809, sentenced in London for seven years, and he sailed on the Mary Ann. Our Isaac Stokes sailed on the Lady Nugent, arriving in NSW in April 1835, having set sail from England in December 1834.

            Lady Nugent was built at Bombay in 1813. She made four voyages under contract to the British East India Company (EIC). She then made two voyages transporting convicts to Australia, one to New South Wales and one to Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania). (via Wikipedia)

            via freesettlerorfelon website:

            On 20 November 1834, 100 male convicts were transferred to the Lady Nugent from the Justitia Hulk and 60 from the Ganymede Hulk at Woolwich, all in apparent good health. The Lady Nugent departed Sheerness on 4 December 1834.


            Oliver Sproule kept a Medical Journal from 7 November 1834 to 27 April 1835. He recorded in his journal the weather conditions they experienced in the first two weeks:

            ‘In the course of the first week or ten days at sea, there were eight or nine on the sick list with catarrhal affections and one with dropsy which I attribute to the cold and wet we experienced during that period beating down channel. Indeed the foremost berths in the prison at this time were so wet from leaking in that part of the ship, that I was obliged to issue dry beds and bedding to a great many of the prisoners to preserve their health, but after crossing the Bay of Biscay the weather became fine and we got the damp beds and blankets dried, the leaks partially stopped and the prison well aired and ventilated which, I am happy to say soon manifested a favourable change in the health and appearance of the men.

            Besides the cases given in the journal I had a great many others to treat, some of them similar to those mentioned but the greater part consisted of boils, scalds, and contusions which would not only be too tedious to enter but I fear would be irksome to the reader. There were four births on board during the passage which did well, therefore I did not consider it necessary to give a detailed account of them in my journal the more especially as they were all favourable cases.

            Regularity and cleanliness in the prison, free ventilation and as far as possible dry decks turning all the prisoners up in fine weather as we were lucky enough to have two musicians amongst the convicts, dancing was tolerated every afternoon, strict attention to personal cleanliness and also to the cooking of their victuals with regular hours for their meals, were the only prophylactic means used on this occasion, which I found to answer my expectations to the utmost extent in as much as there was not a single case of contagious or infectious nature during the whole passage with the exception of a few cases of psora which soon yielded to the usual treatment. A few cases of scurvy however appeared on board at rather an early period which I can attribute to nothing else but the wet and hardships the prisoners endured during the first three or four weeks of the passage. I was prompt in my treatment of these cases and they got well, but before we arrived at Sydney I had about thirty others to treat.’

            The Lady Nugent arrived in Port Jackson on 9 April 1835 with 284 male prisoners. Two men had died at sea. The prisoners were landed on 27th April 1835 and marched to Hyde Park Barracks prior to being assigned. Ten were under the age of 14 years.

            The Lady Nugent:

            Lady Nugent


            Isaac’s distinguishing marks are noted on various criminal registers and record books:

            “Height in feet & inches: 5 4; Complexion: Ruddy; Hair: Light brown; Eyes: Hazel; Marks or Scars: Yes [including] DEVIL on lower left arm, TSIS back of left hand, WS lower right arm, MHDW back of right hand.”

            Another includes more detail about Isaac’s tattoos:

            “Two slight scars right side of mouth, 2 moles above right breast, figure of the devil and DEVIL and raised mole, lower left arm; anchor, seven dots half moon, TSIS and cross, back of left hand; a mallet, door post, A, mans bust, sun, WS, lower right arm; woman, MHDW and shut knife, back of right hand.”


            Lady Nugent record book


            From How tattoos became fashionable in Victorian England (2019 article in TheConversation by Robert Shoemaker and Zoe Alkar):

            “Historical tattooing was not restricted to sailors, soldiers and convicts, but was a growing and accepted phenomenon in Victorian England. Tattoos provide an important window into the lives of those who typically left no written records of their own. As a form of “history from below”, they give us a fleeting but intriguing understanding of the identities and emotions of ordinary people in the past.
            As a practice for which typically the only record is the body itself, few systematic records survive before the advent of photography. One exception to this is the written descriptions of tattoos (and even the occasional sketch) that were kept of institutionalised people forced to submit to the recording of information about their bodies as a means of identifying them. This particularly applies to three groups – criminal convicts, soldiers and sailors. Of these, the convict records are the most voluminous and systematic.
            Such records were first kept in large numbers for those who were transported to Australia from 1788 (since Australia was then an open prison) as the authorities needed some means of keeping track of them.”

            On the 1837 census Isaac was working for the government at Illiwarra, New South Wales. This record states that he arrived on the Lady Nugent in 1835. There are three other indent records for an Isaac Stokes in the following years, but the transcriptions don’t provide enough information to determine which Isaac Stokes it was. In April 1837 there was an abscondment, and an arrest/apprehension in May of that year, and in 1843 there was a record of convict indulgences.

            From the Australian government website regarding “convict indulgences”:

            “By the mid-1830s only six per cent of convicts were locked up. The vast majority worked for the government or free settlers and, with good behaviour, could earn a ticket of leave, conditional pardon or and even an absolute pardon. While under such orders convicts could earn their own living.”


            In 1856 in Camden, NSW, Isaac Stokes married Catherine Daly. With no further information on this record it would be impossible to know for sure if this was the right Isaac Stokes. This couple had six children, all in the Camden area, but none of the records provided enough information. No occupation or place or date of birth recorded for Isaac Stokes.

            I wrote to the National Library of Australia about the marriage record, and their reply was a surprise! Issac and Catherine were married on 30 September 1856, at the house of the Rev. Charles William Rigg, a Methodist minister, and it was recorded that Isaac was born in Edinburgh in 1821, to parents James Stokes and Sarah Ellis!  The age at the time of the marriage doesn’t match Isaac’s age at death in 1877, and clearly the place of birth and parents didn’t match either. Only his fathers occupation of stone mason was correct.  I wrote back to the helpful people at the library and they replied that the register was in a very poor condition and that only two and a half entries had survived at all, and that Isaac and Catherines marriage was recorded over two pages.

            I searched for an Isaac Stokes born in 1821 in Edinburgh on the Scotland government website (and on all the other genealogy records sites) and didn’t find it. In fact Stokes was a very uncommon name in Scotland at the time. I also searched Australian immigration and other records for another Isaac Stokes born in Scotland or born in 1821, and found nothing.  I was unable to find a single record to corroborate this mysterious other Isaac Stokes.

            As the age at death in 1877 was correct, I assume that either Isaac was lying, or that some mistake was made either on the register at the home of the Methodist minster, or a subsequent mistranscription or muddle on the remnants of the surviving register.  Therefore I remain convinced that the Camden stonemason Isaac Stokes was indeed our Isaac from Oxfordshire.


            I found a history society newsletter article that mentioned Isaac Stokes, stone mason, had built the Glenmore church, near Camden, in 1859.

            Glenmore Church


            From the Wollondilly museum April 2020 newsletter:

            Glenmore Church Stokes


            From the Camden History website:

            “The stone set over the porch of Glenmore Church gives the date of 1860. The church was begun in 1859 on land given by Joseph Moore. James Rogers of Picton was given the contract to build and local builder, Mr. Stokes, carried out the work. Elizabeth Moore, wife of Edward, laid the foundation stone. The first service was held on 19th March 1860. The cemetery alongside the church contains the headstones and memorials of the areas early pioneers.”


            Isaac died on the 3rd September 1877. The inquest report puts his place of death as Bagdelly, near to Camden, and another death register has put Cambelltown, also very close to Camden.  His age was recorded as 71 and the inquest report states his cause of death was “rupture of one of the large pulmonary vessels of the lung”.  His wife Catherine died in childbirth in 1870 at the age of 43.


            Isaac and Catherine’s children:

            William Stokes 1857-1928

            Catherine Stokes 1859-1846

            Sarah Josephine Stokes 1861-1931

            Ellen Stokes 1863-1932

            Rosanna Stokes 1865-1919

            Louisa Stokes 1868-1844.


            It’s possible that Catherine Daly was a transported convict from Ireland.


            Some time later I unexpectedly received a follow up email from The Oaks Heritage Centre in Australia.

            “The Gaudry papers which we have in our archive record him (Isaac Stokes) as having built: the church, the school and the teachers residence.  Isaac is recorded in the General return of convicts: 1837 and in Grevilles Post Office directory 1872 as a mason in Glenmore.”

            Isaac Stokes directory


            In reply to: The Sexy Wooden Leg

            Egbert Gofindlevsky rapped on the door of room number 22.  The letter flapped against his pin striped trouser leg as his hand shook uncontrollably, his habitual tremor exacerbated with the shock.  Remembering that Obadiah Sproutwinklov was deaf, he banged loudly on the door with the flat of his hand.  Eventually the door creaked open.

            Egbert flapped the letter in from of Obadiah’s face.  “Have you had one of these?” he asked.

            “If you’d stop flapping it about I might be able to see what it is,” Obadiah replied.  “Oh that!  As a matter of fact I’ve had one just like it. The devils work, I tell you!  A practical joke, and in very poor taste!”

            Egbert was starting to wish he’d gone to see Olga Herringbonevsky first.  “Can I come in?” he hissed, “So we can discuss it in private?”

            Reluctantly Obadiah pulled the door open and ushered him inside the room.  Egbert looked around for a place to sit, but upon noticing a distinct odour of urine decided to remain standing.

            “Ursula is booting us out, where are we to go?”

            “Eh?” replied Obadiah, cupping his ear. “Speak up, man!”

            Egbert repeated his question.

            “No need to shout!”

            The two old men endeavoured to conduct a conversation on this unexepected turn of events, the upshot being that Obadiah had no intention of leaving his room at all henceforth, come what may, and would happily starve to death in his room rather than take to the streets.

            Egbert considered this form of action unhelpful, as he himself had no wish to starve to death in his room, so he removed himself from room 22 with a disgruntled sigh and made his way to Olga’s room on the third floor.


              The Hollands of Barton under Needwood


              Samuel Warren of Stapenhill married Catherine Holland of Barton under Needwood in 1795.

              I joined a Barton under Needwood History group and found an incredible amount of information on the Holland family, but first I wanted to make absolutely sure that our Catherine Holland was one of them as there were also Hollands in Newhall. Not only that, on the marriage licence it says that Catherine Holland was from Bretby Park Gate, Stapenhill.

              Then I noticed that one of the witnesses on Samuel’s brother Williams marriage to Ann Holland in 1796 was John Hair. Hannah Hair was the wife of Thomas Holland, and they were the Barton under Needwood parents of Catherine. Catherine was born in 1775, and Ann was born in 1767.

              The 1851 census clinched it: Catherine Warren 74 years old, widow and formerly a farmers wife, was living in the household of her son John Warren, and her place of birth is listed as Barton under Needwood. In 1841 Catherine was a 64 year old widow, her husband Samuel having died in 1837, and she was living with her son Samuel, a farmer. The 1841 census did not list place of birth, however. Catherine died on 31 March 1861 and does not appear on the 1861 census.

              Once I had established that our Catherine Holland was from Barton under Needwood, I had another look at the information available on the Barton under Needwood History group, compiled by local historian Steve Gardner.

              Catherine’s parents were Thomas Holland 1737-1828 and Hannah Hair 1739-1822.

              Steve Gardner had posted a long list of the dates, marriages and children of the Holland family. The earliest entries in parish registers were Thomae Holland 1562-1626 and his wife Eunica Edwardes 1565-1632. They married on 10th July 1582. They were born, married and died in Barton under Needwood. They were direct ancestors of Catherine Holland, and as such my direct ancestors too.

              The known history of the Holland family in Barton under Needwood goes back to Richard De Holland. (Thanks once again to Steve Gardner of the Barton under Needwood History group for this information.)

              “Richard de Holland was the first member of the Holland family to become resident in Barton under Needwood (in about 1312) having been granted lands by the Earl of Lancaster (for whom Richard served as Stud and Stock Keeper of the Peak District) The Holland family stemmed from Upholland in Lancashire and had many family connections working for the Earl of Lancaster, who was one of the biggest Barons in England. Lancaster had his own army and lived at Tutbury Castle, from where he ruled over most of the Midlands area. The Earl of Lancaster was one of the main players in the ‘Barons Rebellion’ and the ensuing Battle of Burton Bridge in 1322. Richard de Holland was very much involved in the proceedings which had so angered Englands King. Holland narrowly escaped with his life, unlike the Earl who was executed.
              From the arrival of that first Holland family member, the Hollands were a mainstay family in the community, and were in Barton under Needwood for over 600 years.”

              Continuing with various items of information regarding the Hollands, thanks to Steve Gardner’s Barton under Needwood history pages:

              “PART 6 (Final Part)
              Some mentions of The Manor of Barton in the Ancient Staffordshire Rolls:
              1330. A Grant was made to Herbert de Ferrars, at le Newland in the Manor of Barton.
              1378. The Inquisitio bonorum – Johannis Holand — an interesting Inventory of his goods and their value and his debts.
              1380. View of Frankpledge ; the Jury found that Richard Holland was feloniously murdered by his wife Joan and Thomas Graunger, who fled. The goods of the deceased were valued at iiij/. iijj. xid. ; one-third went to the dead man, one-third to his son, one- third to the Lord for the wife’s share. Compare 1 H. V. Indictments. (1413.)
              That Thomas Graunger of Barton smyth and Joan the wife of Richard de Holond of Barton on the Feast of St. John the Baptist 10 H. II. (1387) had traitorously killed and murdered at night, at Barton, Richard, the husband of the said Joan. (m. 22.)
              The names of various members of the Holland family appear constantly among the listed Jurors on the manorial records printed below : —
              1539. Richard Holland and Richard Holland the younger are on the Muster Roll of Barton
              1583. Thomas Holland and Unica his wife are living at Barton.
              1663-4. Visitations. — Barton under Needword. Disclaimers. William Holland, Senior, William Holland, Junior.
              1609. Richard Holland, Clerk and Alice, his wife.
              1663-4. Disclaimers at the Visitation. William Holland, Senior, William Holland, Junior.”

              I was able to find considerably more information on the Hollands in the book “Some Records of the Holland Family (The Hollands of Barton under Needwood, Staffordshire, and the Hollands in History)” by William Richard Holland. Luckily the full text of this book can be found online.

              William Richard Holland (Died 1915) An early local Historian and author of the book:

              William Richard Holland


              ‘Holland House’ taken from the Gardens (sadly demolished in the early 60’s):

              Holland House


              Excerpt from the book:

              “The charter, dated 1314, granting Richard rights and privileges in Needwood Forest, reads as follows:

              “Thomas Earl of Lancaster and Leicester, high-steward of England, to whom all these present shall come, greeting: Know ye, that we have given, &c., to Richard Holland of Barton, and his heirs, housboot, heyboot, and fireboot, and common of pasture, in our forest of Needwood, for all his beasts, as well in places fenced as lying open, with 40 hogs, quit of pawnage in our said forest at all times in the year (except hogs only in fence month). All which premises we will warrant, &c. to the said Richard and his heirs against all people for ever”

              “The terms “housboot” “heyboot” and “fireboot” meant that Richard and his heirs were to have the privilege of taking from the Forest, wood needed for house repair and building, hedging material for the repairing of fences, and what was needful for purposes of fuel.”

              Further excerpts from the book:

              “It may here be mentioned that during the renovation of Barton Church, when the stone pillars were being stripped of the plaster which covered them, “William Holland 1617” was found roughly carved on a pillar near to the belfry gallery, obviously the work of a not too devout member of the family, who, seated in the gallery of that time, occupied himself thus during the service. The inscription can still be seen.”

              “The earliest mention of a Holland of Upholland occurs in the reign of John in a Final Concord, made at the Lancashire Assizes, dated November 5th, 1202, in which Uchtred de Chryche, who seems to have had some right in the manor of Upholland, releases his right in fourteen oxgangs* of land to Matthew de Holland, in consideration of the sum of six marks of silver. Thus was planted the Holland Tree, all the early information of which is found in The Victoria County History of Lancaster.

              As time went on, the family acquired more land, and with this, increased position. Thus, in the reign of Edward I, a Robert de Holland, son of Thurstan, son of Robert, became possessed of the manor of Orrell adjoining Upholland and of the lordship of Hale in the parish of Childwall, and, through marriage with Elizabeth de Samlesbury (co-heiress of Sir Wm. de Samlesbury of Samlesbury, Hall, near to Preston), of the moiety of that manor….

              * An oxgang signified the amount of land that could be ploughed by one ox in one day”

              “This Robert de Holland, son of Thurstan, received Knighthood in the reign of Edward I, as did also his brother William, ancestor of that branch of the family which later migrated to Cheshire. Belonging to this branch are such noteworthy personages as Mrs. Gaskell, the talented authoress, her mother being a Holland of this branch, Sir Henry Holland, Physician to Queen Victoria, and his two sons, the first Viscount Knutsford, and Canon Francis Holland ; Sir Henry’s grandson (the present Lord Knutsford), Canon Scott Holland, etc. Captain Frederick Holland, R.N., late of Ashbourne Hall, Derbyshire, may also be mentioned here.*”

              Thanks to the Barton under Needwood history group for the following:

              WALES END FARM:
              In 1509 it was owned and occupied by Mr Johannes Holland De Wallass end who was a well to do Yeoman Farmer (the origin of the areas name – Wales End).  Part of the building dates to 1490 making it probably the oldest building still standing in the Village:

              Wales End Farm


              I found records for all of the Holland’s listed on the Barton under Needwood History group and added them to my ancestry tree. The earliest will I found was for Eunica Edwardes, then Eunica Holland, who died in 1632.

              A page from the 1632 will and inventory of Eunica (Unice) Holland:

              Unice Holland


              I’d been reading about “pedigree collapse” just before I found out her maiden name of Edwardes. Edwards is my own maiden name.

              “In genealogy, pedigree collapse describes how reproduction between two individuals who knowingly or unknowingly share an ancestor causes the family tree of their offspring to be smaller than it would otherwise be.
              Without pedigree collapse, a person’s ancestor tree is a binary tree, formed by the person, the parents, grandparents, and so on. However, the number of individuals in such a tree grows exponentially and will eventually become impossibly high. For example, a single individual alive today would, over 30 generations going back to the High Middle Ages, have roughly a billion ancestors, more than the total world population at the time. This apparent paradox occurs because the individuals in the binary tree are not distinct: instead, a single individual may occupy multiple places in the binary tree. This typically happens when the parents of an ancestor are cousins (sometimes unbeknownst to themselves). For example, the offspring of two first cousins has at most only six great-grandparents instead of the normal eight. This reduction in the number of ancestors is pedigree collapse. It collapses the binary tree into a directed acyclic graph with two different, directed paths starting from the ancestor who in the binary tree would occupy two places.” via wikipedia

              There is nothing to suggest, however, that Eunica’s family were related to my fathers family, and the only evidence so far in my tree of pedigree collapse are the marriages of Orgill cousins, where two sets of grandparents are repeated.

              A list of Holland ancestors:

              Catherine Holland 1775-1861
              her parents:
              Thomas Holland 1737-1828   Hannah Hair 1739-1832
              Thomas’s parents:
              William Holland 1696-1756   Susannah Whiteing 1715-1752
              William’s parents:
              William Holland 1665-    Elizabeth Higgs 1675-1720
              William’s parents:
              Thomas Holland 1634-1681   Katherine Owen 1634-1728
              Thomas’s parents:
              Thomas Holland 1606-1680   Margaret Belcher 1608-1664
              Thomas’s parents:
              Thomas Holland 1562-1626   Eunice Edwardes 1565- 1632


                William Housley the Elder


                William Housley of Kidsley Grange Farm in Smalley, Derbyshire, was born in 1781 in Selston,  just over the county border in Nottinghamshire.  His father was also called William Housley, and he was born in Selston in 1735.  It would appear from the records that William the father married late in life and only had one son (unless of course other records are missing or have not yet been found).  Never the less, William Housley of Kidsley was the eldest son, or eldest surviving son, evident from the legal document written in 1816 regarding William the fathers’ estate.

                William Housley died in Smalley in 1815, intestate.  William the son claims that “he is the natural and lawful son of the said deceased and the person entitled to letters of administration of his goods and personal estate”.

                Derby the 16th day of April 1816:

                William Housley intestate

                William Housley intestate 2


                I transcribed three pages of this document, which was mostly repeated legal jargon. It appears that William Housley the elder died intestate, but that William the younger claimed that he was the sole heir.  £1200 is mentioned to be held until the following year until such time that there is certainty than no will was found and so on. On the last page “no more than £600” is mentioned and I can’t quite make out why both figures are mentioned!  However, either would have been a considerable sum in 1816.

                I also found a land tax register in William Housley’s the elders name in Smalley (as William the son would have been too young at the time, in 1798).  William the elder was an occupant of one of his properties, and paid tax on two others, with other occupants named, so presumably he owned three properties in Smalley.

                The only likely marriage for William Housley was in Selston. William Housley married Elizabeth Woodhead in 1777. It was a miracle that I found it, because the transcription on the website said 1797, which would have been too late to be ours, as William the son was born in 1781, but for some reason I checked the image and found that it was clearly 1777, listed between entries for 1776 and 1778. (I reported the transcription error.)  There were no other William Housley marriages recorded during the right time frame in Selston or in the vicinity.

                I found a birth registered for William the elder in Selston in 1735.  Notwithstanding there may be pages of the register missing or illegible, in the absence of any other baptism registration, we must assume this is our William, in which case he married rather late in his 40s.  It would seem he didn’t have a previous wife, as William the younger claims to be the sole heir to his fathers estate.  I haven’t found any other children registered to the couple, which is also unusual, and the only death I can find for an Elizabeth Housley prior to 1815 (as William the elder was a widower when he died) is in Selston in 1812.  I’m not convinced that this is the death of William’s wife, however, as they were living in Smalley ~ at least, they were living in Smalley in 1798, according to the tax register, and William was living in Smalley when he died in 1815.


                  The Housley Letters 

                  From Barbara Housley’s Narrative on the Letters.


                  William Housley (1781-1848) and Ellen Carrington were married on May 30, 1814 at St. Oswald’s church in Ashbourne. William died in 1848 at the age of 67 of “disease of lungs and general debility”. Ellen died in 1872.

                  Marriage of William Housley and Ellen Carrington in Ashbourne in 1814:

                  William and Ellen Marriage


                  Parish records show three children for William and his first wife, Mary, Ellens’ sister, who were married December 29, 1806: Mary Ann, christened in 1808 and mentioned frequently in the letters; Elizabeth, christened in 1810, but never mentioned in any letters; and William, born in 1812, probably referred to as Will in the letters. Mary died in 1813.

                  William and Ellen had ten children: John, Samuel, Edward, Anne, Charles, George, Joseph, Robert, Emma, and Joseph. The first Joseph died at the age of four, and the last son was also named Joseph. Anne never married, Charles emigrated to Australia in 1851, and George to USA, also in 1851. The letters are to George, from his sisters and brothers in England.

                  The following are excerpts of those letters, including excerpts of Barbara Housley’s “Narrative on Historic Letters”. They are grouped according to who they refer to, rather than chronological order.


                  ELLEN HOUSLEY 1795-1872

                  Joseph wrote that when Emma was married, Ellen “broke up the comfortable home and the things went to Derby and she went to live with them but Derby didn’t agree with her so she left again leaving her things behind and came to live with John in the new house where she died.” Ellen was listed with John’s household in the 1871 census.
                  In May 1872, the Ilkeston Pioneer carried this notice: “Mr. Hopkins will sell by auction on Saturday next the eleventh of May 1872 the whole of the useful furniture, sewing machine, etc. nearly new on the premises of the late Mrs. Housley at Smalley near Heanor in the county of Derby. Sale at one o’clock in the afternoon.”

                  Ellen’s family was evidently rather prominant in Smalley. Two Carringtons (John and William) served on the Parish Council in 1794. Parish records are full of Carrington marriages and christenings; census records confirm many of the family groupings.

                  In June of 1856, Emma wrote: “Mother looks as well as ever and was told by a lady the other day that she looked handsome.” Later she wrote: “Mother is as stout as ever although she sometimes complains of not being able to do as she used to.”


                  Mary’s children:

                  MARY ANN HOUSLEY  1808-1878

                  There were hard feelings between Mary Ann and Ellen and her children. Anne wrote: “If you remember we were not very friendly when you left. They never came and nothing was too bad for Mary Ann to say of Mother and me, but when Robert died Mother sent for her to the funeral but she did not think well to come so we took no more notice. She would not allow her children to come either.”

                  Mary Ann was unlucky in love! In Anne’s second letter she wrote: “William Carrington is paying Mary Ann great attention. He is living in London but they write to each other….We expect it will be a match.” Apparantly the courtship was stormy for in 1855, Emma wrote: “Mary Ann’s wedding with William Carrington has dropped through after she had prepared everything, dresses and all for the occassion.” Then in 1856, Emma wrote: “William Carrington and Mary Ann are separated. They wore him out with their nonsense.” Whether they ever married is unclear. Joseph wrote in 1872: “Mary Ann was married but her husband has left her. She is in very poor health. She has one daughter and they are living with their mother at Smalley.”

                  Regarding William Carrington, Emma supplied this bit of news: “His sister, Mrs. Lily, has eloped with a married man. Is she not a nice person!”


                  WILLIAM HOUSLEY JR. 1812-1890

                  According to a letter from Anne, Will’s two sons and daughter were sent to learn dancing so they would be “fit for any society.” Will’s wife was Dorothy Palfry. They were married in Denby on October 20, 1836 when Will was 24. According to the 1851 census, Will and Dorothy had three sons: Alfred 14, Edwin 12, and William 10. All three boys were born in Denby.

                  In his letter of May 30, 1872, after just bemoaning that all of his brothers and sisters are gone except Sam and John, Joseph added: “Will is living still.” In another 1872 letter Joseph wrote, “Will is living at Heanor yet and carrying on his cattle dealing.” The 1871 census listed Will, 59, and his son William, 30, of Lascoe Road, Heanor, as cattle dealers.


                  Ellen’s children:

                  JOHN HOUSLEY  1815-1893

                  John married Sarah Baggally in Morely in 1838. They had at least six children. Elizabeth (born 2 May 1838) was “out service” in 1854. In her “third year out,Elizabeth was described by Anne as “a very nice steady girl but quite a woman in appearance.” One of her positions was with a Mrs. Frearson in Heanor. Emma wrote in 1856: Elizabeth is still at Mrs. Frearson. She is such a fine stout girl you would not know her.” Joseph wrote in 1872 that Elizabeth was in service with Mrs. Eliza Sitwell at Derby. (About 1850, Miss Eliza Wilmot-Sitwell provided for a small porch with a handsome Norman doorway at the west end of the St. John the Baptist parish church in Smalley.)

                  According to Elizabeth’s birth certificate and the 1841 census, John was a butcher. By 1851, the household included a nurse and a servant, and John was listed as a “victular.” Anne wrote in February 1854, John has left the Public House a year and a half ago. He is living where Plumbs (Ann Plumb witnessed William’s death certificate with her mark) did and Thomas Allen has the land. He has been working at James Eley’s all winter.” In 1861, Ellen lived with John and Sarah and the three boys.

                  John sold his share in the inheritance from their mother and disappeared after her death. (He died in Doncaster, Yorkshire, in 1893.) At that time Charles, the youngest would have been 21. Indeed, Joseph wrote in July 1872: John’s children are all grown up”.

                  In May 1872, Joseph wrote: “For what do you think, John has sold his share and he has acted very bad since his wife died and at the same time he sold all his furniture. You may guess I have never seen him but once since poor mother’s funeral and he is gone now no one knows where.”

                  In February 1874 Joseph wrote: “You want to know what made John go away. Well, I will give you one reason. I think I told you that when his wife died he persuaded me to leave Derby and come to live with him. Well so we did and dear Harriet to keep his house. Well he insulted my wife and offered things to her that was not proper and my dear wife had the power to resist his unmanly conduct. I did not think he could of served me such a dirty trick so that is one thing dear brother. He could not look me in the face when we met. Then after we left him he got a woman in the house and I suppose they lived as man and wife. She caught the small pox and died and there he was by himself like some wild man. Well dear brother I could not go to him again after he had served me and mine as he had and I believe he was greatly in debt too so that he sold his share out of the property and when he received the money at Belper he went away and has never been seen by any of us since but I have heard of him being at Sheffield enquiring for Sam Caldwell. You will remember him. He worked in the Nag’s Head yard but I have heard nothing no more of him.”

                  A mention of a John Housley of Heanor in the Nottinghma Journal 1875.  I don’t know for sure if the John mentioned here is the brother John who Joseph describes above as behaving improperly to his wife. John Housley had a son Joseph, born in 1840, and John’s wife Sarah died in 1870.

                  John Housley


                  In 1876, the solicitor wrote to George: “Have you heard of John Housley? He is entitled to Robert’s share and I want him to claim it.”


                  SAMUEL HOUSLEY 1816-

                  Sam married Elizabeth Brookes of Sutton Coldfield, and they had three daughters: Elizabeth, Mary Anne and Catherine.  Elizabeth his wife died in 1849, a few months after Samuel’s father William died in 1848. The particular circumstances relating to these individuals have been discussed in previous chapters; the following are letter excerpts relating to them.

                  Death of William Housley 15 Dec 1848, and Elizabeth Housley 5 April 1849, Smalley:

                  Housley Deaths


                  Joseph wrote in December 1872: “I saw one of Sam’s daughters, the youngest Kate, you would remember her a baby I dare say. She is very comfortably married.”

                  In the same letter (December 15, 1872), Joseph wrote:  “I think we have now found all out now that is concerned in the matter for there was only Sam that we did not know his whereabouts but I was informed a week ago that he is dead–died about three years ago in Birmingham Union. Poor Sam. He ought to have come to a better end than that….His daughter and her husband went to Brimingham and also to Sutton Coldfield that is where he married his wife from and found out his wife’s brother. It appears he has been there and at Birmingham ever since he went away but ever fond of drink.”

                  (Sam, however, was still alive in 1871, living as a lodger at the George and Dragon Inn, Henley in Arden. And no trace of Sam has been found since. It would appear that Sam did not want to be found.)


                  EDWARD HOUSLEY 1819-1843

                  Edward died before George left for USA in 1851, and as such there is no mention of him in the letters.


                  ANNE HOUSLEY 1821-1856

                  Anne wrote two letters to her brother George between February 1854 and her death in 1856. Apparently she suffered from a lung disease for she wrote: “I can say you will be surprised I am still living and better but still cough and spit a deal. Can do nothing but sit and sew.” According to the 1851 census, Anne, then 29, was a seamstress. Their friend, Mrs. Davy, wrote in March 1856: “This I send in a box to my Brother….The pincushion cover and pen wiper are Anne’s work–are for thy wife. She would have made it up had she been able.” Anne was not living at home at the time of the 1841 census. She would have been 19 or 20 and perhaps was “out service.”

                  In her second letter Anne wrote: “It is a great trouble now for me to write…as the body weakens so does the mind often. I have been very weak all summer. That I continue is a wonder to all and to spit so much although much better than when you left home.” She also wrote: “You know I had a desire for America years ago. Were I in health and strength, it would be the land of my adoption.”

                  In November 1855, Emma wrote, “Anne has been very ill all summer and has not been able to write or do anything.” Their neighbor Mrs. Davy wrote on March 21, 1856: “I fear Anne will not be long without a change.” In a black-edged letter the following June, Emma wrote: “I need not tell you how happy she was and how calmly and peacefully she died. She only kept in bed two days.”

                  Certainly Anne was a woman of deep faith and strong religious convictions. When she wrote that they were hoping to hear of Charles’ success on the gold fields she added: “But I would rather hear of him having sought and found the Pearl of great price than all the gold Australia can produce, (For what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his soul?).” Then she asked George: “I should like to learn how it was you were first led to seek pardon and a savior. I do feel truly rejoiced to hear you have been led to seek and find this Pearl through the workings of the Holy Spirit and I do pray that He who has begun this good work in each of us may fulfill it and carry it on even unto the end and I can never doubt the willingness of Jesus who laid down his life for us. He who said whoever that cometh unto me I will in no wise cast out.”

                  Anne’s will was probated October 14, 1856. Mr. William Davy of Kidsley Park appeared for the family. Her estate was valued at under £20. Emma was to receive fancy needlework, a four post bedstead, feather bed and bedding, a mahogany chest of drawers, plates, linen and china. Emma was also to receive Anne’s writing desk. There was a condition that Ellen would have use of these items until her death.

                  The money that Anne was to receive from her grandfather, William Carrington, and her father, William Housley was to be distributed one third to Joseph, one third to Emma, and one third to be divided between her four neices: John’s daughter Elizabeth, 18, and Sam’s daughters Elizabeth, 10, Mary Ann, 9 and Catharine, age 7 to be paid by the trustees as they think “most useful and proper.” Emma Lyon and Elizabeth Davy were the witnesses.

                  The Carrington Farm:

                  Carringtons Farm


                  CHARLES HOUSLEY 1823-1855

                  Charles went to Australia in 1851, and was last heard from in January 1853. According to the solicitor, who wrote to George on June 3, 1874, Charles had received advances on the settlement of their parent’s estate. “Your promissory note with the two signed by your brother Charles for 20 pounds he received from his father and 20 pounds he received from his mother are now in the possession of the court.”

                  Charles and George were probably quite close friends. Anne wrote in 1854: “Charles inquired very particularly in both his letters after you.”

                  According to Anne, Charles and a friend married two sisters. He and his father-in-law had a farm where they had 130 cows and 60 pigs. Whatever the trade he learned in England, he never worked at it once he reached Australia. While it does not seem that Charles went to Australia because gold had been discovered there, he was soon caught up in “gold fever”. Anne wrote: “I dare say you have heard of the immense gold fields of Australia discovered about the time he went. Thousands have since then emigrated to Australia, both high and low. Such accounts we heard in the papers of people amassing fortunes we could not believe. I asked him when I wrote if it was true. He said this was no exaggeration for people were making their fortune daily and he intended going to the diggings in six weeks for he could stay away no longer so that we are hoping to hear of his success if he is alive.”

                  In March 1856, Mrs. Davy wrote: “I am sorry to tell thee they have had a letter from Charles’s wife giving account of Charles’s death of 6 months consumption at the Victoria diggings. He has left 2 children a boy and a girl William and Ellen.” In June of the same year in a black edged letter, Emma wrote: “I think Mrs. Davy mentioned Charles’s death in her note. His wife wrote to us. They have two children Helen and William. Poor dear little things. How much I should like to see them all. She writes very affectionately.”

                  In December 1872, Joseph wrote: “I’m told that Charles two daughters has wrote to Smalley post office making inquiries about his share….” In January 1876, the solicitor wrote: “Charles Housley’s children have claimed their father’s share.”


                  GEORGE HOUSLEY 1824-1877

                  George emigrated to the United states in 1851, arriving in July. The solicitor Abraham John Flint referred in a letter to a 15-pound advance which was made to George on June 9, 1851. This certainly was connected to his journey. George settled along the Delaware River in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. The letters from the solicitor were addressed to: Lahaska Post Office, Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

                  George married Sarah Ann Hill on May 6, 1854 in Doylestown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. In her first letter (February 1854), Anne wrote: “We want to know who and what is this Miss Hill you name in your letter. What age is she? Send us all the particulars but I would advise you not to get married until you have sufficient to make a comfortable home.”

                  Upon learning of George’s marriage, Anne wrote: “I hope dear brother you may be happy with your wife….I hope you will be as a son to her parents. Mother unites with me in kind love to you both and to your father and mother with best wishes for your health and happiness.” In 1872 (December) Joseph wrote: “I am sorry to hear that sister’s father is so ill. It is what we must all come to some time and hope we shall meet where there is no more trouble.”

                  Emma wrote in 1855, “We write in love to your wife and yourself and you must write soon and tell us whether there is a little nephew or niece and what you call them.” In June of 1856, Emma wrote: “We want to see dear Sarah Ann and the dear little boy. We were much pleased with the “bit of news” you sent.” The bit of news was the birth of John Eley Housley, January 11, 1855. Emma concluded her letter “Give our very kindest love to dear sister and dearest Johnnie.”

                  In September 1872, Joseph wrote, “I was very sorry to hear that John your oldest had met with such a sad accident but I hope he is got alright again by this time.” In the same letter, Joseph asked: “Now I want to know what sort of a town you are living in or village. How far is it from New York? Now send me all particulars if you please.”

                  In March 1873 Harriet asked Sarah Ann: “And will you please send me all the news at the place and what it is like for it seems to me that it is a wild place but you must tell me what it is like….”.  The question of whether she was referring to Bucks County, Pennsylvania or some other place is raised in Joseph’s letter of the same week.
                  On March 17, 1873, Joseph wrote: “I was surprised to hear that you had gone so far away west. Now dear brother what ever are you doing there so far away from home and family–looking out for something better I suppose.”

                  The solicitor wrote on May 23, 1874: “Lately I have not written because I was not certain of your address and because I doubted I had much interesting news to tell you.” Later, Joseph wrote concerning the problems settling the estate, “You see dear brother there is only me here on our side and I cannot do much. I wish you were here to help me a bit and if you think of going for another summer trip this turn you might as well run over here.”

                  Apparently, George had indicated he might return to England for a visit in 1856. Emma wrote concerning the portrait of their mother which had been sent to George: “I hope you like mother’s portrait. I did not see it but I suppose it was not quite perfect about the eyes….Joseph and I intend having ours taken for you when you come over….Do come over before very long.”

                  In March 1873, Joseph wrote: “You ask me what I think of you coming to England. I think as you have given the trustee power to sign for you I think you could do no good but I should like to see you once again for all that. I can’t say whether there would be anything amiss if you did come as you say it would be throwing good money after bad.”

                  On June 10, 1875, the solicitor wrote: “I have been expecting to hear from you for some time past. Please let me hear what you are doing and where you are living and how I must send you your money.” George’s big news at that time was that on May 3, 1875, he had become a naturalized citizen “renouncing and abjuring all allegiance and fidelity to every foreign prince, potentate, state and sovereignity whatsoever, and particularly to Victoria Queen of Great Britain of whom he was before a subject.”


                  ROBERT HOUSLEY 1832-1851

                  In 1854, Anne wrote: “Poor Robert. He died in August after you left he broke a blood vessel in the lung.”
                  From Joseph’s first letter we learn that Robert was 19 when he died: “Dear brother there have been a great many changes in the family since you left us. All is gone except myself and John and Sam–we have heard nothing of him since he left. Robert died first when he was 19 years of age. Then Anne and Charles too died in Australia and then a number of years elapsed before anyone else. Then John lost his wife, then Emma, and last poor dear mother died last January on the 11th.”

                  Anne described Robert’s death in this way: “He had thrown up blood many times before in the spring but the last attack weakened him that he only lived a fortnight after. He died at Derby. Mother was with him. Although he suffered much he never uttered a murmur or regret and always a smile on his face for everyone that saw him. He will be regretted by all that knew him”.

                  Robert died a resident of St. Peter’s Parish, Derby, but was buried in Smalley on August 16, 1851.
                  Apparently Robert was apprenticed to be a joiner for, according to Anne, Joseph took his place: “Joseph wanted to be a joiner. We thought we could do no better than let him take Robert’s place which he did the October after and is there still.”

                  In 1876, the solicitor wrote to George: “Have you heard of John Housley? He is entitled to Robert’s share and I want him to claim it.”


                  EMMA HOUSLEY 1836-1871

                  Emma was not mentioned in Anne’s first letter. In the second, Anne wrote that Emma was living at Spondon with two ladies in her “third situation,” and added, “She is grown a bouncing woman.” Anne described her sister well. Emma wrote in her first letter (November 12, 1855): “I must tell you that I am just 21 and we had my pudding last Sunday. I wish I could send you a piece.”

                  From Emma’s letters we learn that she was living in Derby from May until November 1855 with Mr. Haywood, an iron merchant. She explained, “He has failed and I have been obliged to leave,” adding, “I expect going to a new situation very soon. It is at Belper.” In 1851 records, William Haywood, age 22, was listed as an iron foundry worker. In the 1857 Derby Directory, James and George were listed as iron and brass founders and ironmongers with an address at 9 Market Place, Derby.

                  In June 1856, Emma wrote from “The Cedars, Ashbourne Road” where she was working for Mr. Handysides.
                  While she was working for Mr. Handysides, Emma wrote: “Mother is thinking of coming to live at Derby. That will be nice for Joseph and I.”

                  Friargate and Ashbourne Road were located in St. Werburgh’s Parish. (In fact, St. Werburgh’s vicarage was at 185 Surrey Street. This clue led to the discovery of the record of Emma’s marriage on May 6, 1858, to Edwin Welch Harvey, son of Samuel Harvey in St. Werburgh’s.)

                  In 1872, Joseph wrote: “Our sister Emma, she died at Derby at her own home for she was married. She has left two young children behind. The husband was the son of the man that I went apprentice to and has caused a great deal of trouble to our family and I believe hastened poor Mother’s death….”.   Joseph added that he believed Emma’s “complaint” was consumption and that she was sick a good bit. Joseph wrote: “Mother was living with John when I came home (from Ascension Island around 1867? or to Smalley from Derby around 1870?) for when Emma was married she broke up the comfortable home and the things went to Derby and she went to live with them but Derby did not agree with her so she had to leave it again but left all her things there.”

                  Emma Housley and Edwin Welch Harvey wedding, 1858:

                  Emma Housley wedding


                  JOSEPH HOUSLEY 1838-1893

                  We first hear of Joseph in a letter from Anne to George in 1854. “Joseph wanted to be a joiner. We thought we could do no better than let him take Robert’s place which he did the October after (probably 1851) and is there still. He is grown as tall as you I think quite a man.” Emma concurred in her first letter: “He is quite a man in his appearance and quite as tall as you.”

                  From Emma we learn in 1855: “Joseph has left Mr. Harvey. He had not work to employ him. So mother thought he had better leave his indenture and be at liberty at once than wait for Harvey to be a bankrupt. He has got a very good place of work now and is very steady.” In June of 1856, Emma wrote “Joseph and I intend to have our portraits taken for you when you come over….Mother is thinking of coming to Derby. That will be nice for Joseph and I. Joseph is very hearty I am happy to say.”

                  According to Joseph’s letters, he was married to Harriet Ballard. Joseph described their miraculous reunion in this way: “I must tell you that I have been abroad myself to the Island of Ascension. (Elsewhere he wrote that he was on the island when the American civil war broke out). I went as a Royal Marine and worked at my trade and saved a bit of money–enough to buy my discharge and enough to get married with but while I was out on the island who should I meet with there but my dear wife’s sister. (On two occasions Joseph and Harriet sent George the name and address of Harriet’s sister, Mrs. Brooks, in Susquehanna Depot, Pennsylvania, but it is not clear whether this was the same sister.) She was lady’s maid to the captain’s wife. Though I had never seen her before we got to know each other somehow so from that me and my wife recommenced our correspondence and you may be sure I wanted to get home to her. But as soon as I did get home that is to England I was not long before I was married and I have not regretted yet for we are very comfortable as well as circumstances will allow for I am only a journeyman joiner.”

                  Proudly, Joseph wrote: “My little family consists of three nice children–John, Joseph and Susy Annie.” On her birth certificate, Susy Ann’s birthdate is listed as 1871. Parish records list a Lucy Annie christened in 1873. The boys were born in Derby, John in 1868 and Joseph in 1869. In his second letter, Joseph repeated: “I have got three nice children, a good wife and I often think is more than I have deserved.” On August 6, 1873, Joseph and Harriet wrote: “We both thank you dear sister for the pieces of money you sent for the children. I don’t know as I have ever see any before.” Joseph ended another letter: “Now I must close with our kindest love to you all and kisses from the children.”

                  In Harriet’s letter to Sarah Ann (March 19, 1873), she promised: “I will send you myself and as soon as the weather gets warm as I can take the children to Derby, I will have them taken and send them, but it is too cold yet for we have had a very cold winter and a great deal of rain.” At this time, the children were all under 6 and the baby was not yet two.

                  In March 1873 Joseph wrote: “I have been working down at Heanor gate there is a joiner shop there where Kings used to live I have been working there this winter and part of last summer but the wages is very low but it is near home that is one comfort.” (Heanor Gate is about 1/4 mile from Kidsley Grange. There was a school and industrial park there in 1988.) At this time Joseph and his family were living in “the big house–in Old Betty Hanson’s house.” The address in the 1871 census was Smalley Lane.

                  A glimpse into Joseph’s personality is revealed by this remark to George in an 1872 letter: “Many thanks for your portrait and will send ours when we can get them taken for I never had but one taken and that was in my old clothes and dear Harriet is not willing to part with that. I tell her she ought to be satisfied with the original.”

                  On one occasion Joseph and Harriet both sent seeds. (Marks are still visible on the paper.) Joseph sent “the best cow cabbage seed in the country–Robinson Champion,” and Harriet sent red cabbage–Shaw’s Improved Red. Possibly cow cabbage was also known as ox cabbage: “I hope you will have some good cabbages for the Ox cabbage takes all the prizes here. I suppose you will be taking the prizes out there with them.” Joseph wrote that he would put the name of the seeds by each “but I should think that will not matter. You will tell the difference when they come up.”

                  George apparently would have liked Joseph to come to him as early as 1854. Anne wrote: “As to his coming to you that must be left for the present.” In 1872, Joseph wrote: “I have been thinking of making a move from here for some time before I heard from you for it is living from hand to mouth and never certain of a job long either.” Joseph then made plans to come to the United States in the spring of 1873. “For I intend all being well leaving England in the spring. Many thanks for your kind offer but I hope we shall be able to get a comfortable place before we have been out long.” Joseph promised to bring some things George wanted and asked: “What sort of things would be the best to bring out there for I don’t want to bring a lot that is useless.” Joseph’s plans are confirmed in a letter from the solicitor May 23, 1874: “I trust you are prospering and in good health. Joseph seems desirous of coming out to you when this is settled.”

                  George must have been reminiscing about gooseberries (Heanor has an annual gooseberry show–one was held July 28, 1872) and Joseph promised to bring cuttings when they came: “Dear Brother, I could not get the gooseberries for they was all gathered when I received your letter but we shall be able to get some seed out the first chance and I shall try to bring some cuttings out along.” In the same letter that he sent the cabbage seeds Joseph wrote: “I have got some gooseberries drying this year for you. They are very fine ones but I have only four as yet but I was promised some more when they were ripe.” In another letter Joseph sent gooseberry seeds and wrote their names: Victoria, Gharibaldi and Globe.

                  In September 1872 Joseph wrote; “My wife is anxious to come. I hope it will suit her health for she is not over strong.” Elsewhere Joseph wrote that Harriet was “middling sometimes. She is subject to sick headaches. It knocks her up completely when they come on.” In December 1872 Joseph wrote, “Now dear brother about us coming to America you know we shall have to wait until this affair is settled and if it is not settled and thrown into Chancery I’m afraid we shall have to stay in England for I shall never be able to save money enough to bring me out and my family but I hope of better things.”

                  On July 19, 1875 Abraham Flint (the solicitor) wrote: “Joseph Housley has removed from Smalley and is working on some new foundry buildings at Little Chester near Derby. He lives at a village called Little Eaton near Derby. If you address your letter to him as Joseph Housley, carpenter, Little Eaton near Derby that will no doubt find him.”

                  George did not save any letters from Joseph after 1874, hopefully he did reach him at Little Eaton. Joseph and his family are not listed in either Little Eaton or Derby on the 1881 census.

                  In his last letter (February 11, 1874), Joseph sounded very discouraged and wrote that Harriet’s parents were very poorly and both had been “in bed for a long time.” In addition, Harriet and the children had been ill.
                  The move to Little Eaton may indicate that Joseph received his settlement because in August, 1873, he wrote: “I think this is bad news enough and bad luck too, but I have had little else since I came to live at Kiddsley cottages but perhaps it is all for the best if one could only think so. I have begun to think there will be no chance for us coming over to you for I am afraid there will not be so much left as will bring us out without it is settled very shortly but I don’t intend leaving this house until it is settled either one way or the other. “

                  Joseph Housley and the Kiddsley cottages:

                  Joseph Housley


                    From Tanganyika with Love

                    continued part 7

                    With thanks to Mike Rushby.

                    Oldeani Hospital. 19th September 1938

                    Dearest Family,

                    George arrived today to take us home to Mbulu but Sister Marianne will not allow
                    me to travel for another week as I had a bit of a set back after baby’s birth. At first I was
                    very fit and on the third day Sister stripped the bed and, dictionary in hand, started me
                    off on ante natal exercises. “Now make a bridge Mrs Rushby. So. Up down, up down,’
                    whilst I obediently hoisted myself aloft on heels and head. By the sixth day she
                    considered it was time for me to be up and about but alas, I soon had to return to bed
                    with a temperature and a haemorrhage. I got up and walked outside for the first time this

                    I have had lots of visitors because the local German settlers seem keen to see
                    the first British baby born in the hospital. They have been most kind, sending flowers
                    and little German cards of congratulations festooned with cherubs and rather sweet. Most
                    of the women, besides being pleasant, are very smart indeed, shattering my illusion that
                    German matrons are invariably fat and dowdy. They are all much concerned about the
                    Czecko-Slovakian situation, especially Sister Marianne whose home is right on the
                    border and has several relations who are Sudentan Germans. She is ant-Nazi and
                    keeps on asking me whether I think England will declare war if Hitler invades Czecko-
                    Slovakia, as though I had inside information.

                    George tells me that he has had a grass ‘banda’ put up for us at Mbulu as we are
                    both determined not to return to those prison-like quarters in the Fort. Sister Marianne is
                    horrified at the idea of taking a new baby to live in a grass hut. She told George,
                    “No,No,Mr Rushby. I find that is not to be allowed!” She is an excellent Sister but rather
                    prim and George enjoys teasing her. This morning he asked with mock seriousness,
                    “Sister, why has my wife not received her medal?” Sister fluttered her dictionary before
                    asking. “What medal Mr Rushby”. “Why,” said George, “The medal that Hitler gives to
                    women who have borne four children.” Sister started a long and involved explanation
                    about the medal being only for German mothers whilst George looked at me and

                    Later. Great Jubilation here. By the noise in Sister Marianne’s sitting room last night it
                    sounded as though the whole German population had gathered to listen to the wireless
                    news. I heard loud exclamations of joy and then my bedroom door burst open and
                    several women rushed in. “Thank God “, they cried, “for Neville Chamberlain. Now there
                    will be no war.” They pumped me by the hand as though I were personally responsible
                    for the whole thing.

                    George on the other hand is disgusted by Chamberlain’s lack of guts. Doesn’t
                    know what England is coming to these days. I feel too content to concern myself with
                    world affairs. I have a fine husband and four wonderful children and am happy, happy,


                    Mbulu. 30th September 1938

                    Dearest Family,

                    Here we are, comfortably installed in our little green house made of poles and
                    rushes from a nearby swamp. The house has of course, no doors or windows, but
                    there are rush blinds which roll up in the day time. There are two rooms and a little porch
                    and out at the back there is a small grass kitchen.

                    Here we have the privacy which we prize so highly as we are screened on one
                    side by a Forest Department plantation and on the other three sides there is nothing but
                    the rolling countryside cropped bare by the far too large herds of cattle and goats of the
                    Wambulu. I have a lovely lazy time. I still have Kesho-Kutwa and the cook we brought
                    with us from the farm. They are both faithful and willing souls though not very good at
                    their respective jobs. As one of these Mbeya boys goes on safari with George whose
                    job takes him from home for three weeks out of four, I have taken on a local boy to cut
                    firewood and heat my bath water and generally make himself useful. His name is Saa,
                    which means ‘Clock’

                    We had an uneventful but very dusty trip from Oldeani. Johnny Jo travelled in his
                    pram in the back of the boxbody and got covered in dust but seems none the worst for
                    it. As the baby now takes up much of my time and Kate was showing signs of
                    boredom, I have engaged a little African girl to come and play with Kate every morning.
                    She is the daughter of the head police Askari and a very attractive and dignified little
                    person she is. Her name is Kajyah. She is scrupulously clean, as all Mohammedan
                    Africans seem to be. Alas, Kajyah, though beautiful, is a bore. She simply does not
                    know how to play, so they just wander around hand in hand.

                    There are only two drawbacks to this little house. Mbulu is a very windy spot so
                    our little reed house is very draughty. I have made a little tent of sheets in one corner of
                    the ‘bedroom’ into which I can retire with Johnny when I wish to bathe or sponge him.
                    The other drawback is that many insects are attracted at night by the lamp and make it
                    almost impossible to read or sew and they have a revolting habit of falling into the soup.
                    There are no dangerous wild animals in this area so I am not at all nervous in this
                    flimsy little house when George is on safari. Most nights hyaenas come around looking
                    for scraps but our dogs, Fanny and Paddy, soon see them off.


                    Mbulu. 25th October 1938

                    Dearest Family,

                    Great news! a vacancy has occurred in the Game Department. George is to
                    transfer to it next month. There will be an increase in salary and a brighter prospect for
                    the future. It will mean a change of scene and I shall be glad of that. We like Mbulu and
                    the people here but the rains have started and our little reed hut is anything but water

                    Before the rain came we had very unpleasant dust storms. I think I told you that
                    this is a treeless area and the grass which normally covers the veldt has been cropped
                    to the roots by the hungry native cattle and goats. When the wind blows the dust
                    collects in tall black columns which sweep across the country in a most spectacular
                    fashion. One such dust devil struck our hut one day whilst we were at lunch. George
                    swept Kate up in a second and held her face against his chest whilst I rushed to Johnny
                    Jo who was asleep in his pram, and stooped over the pram to protect him. The hut
                    groaned and creaked and clouds of dust blew in through the windows and walls covering
                    our persons, food, and belongings in a black pall. The dogs food bowls and an empty
                    petrol tin outside the hut were whirled up and away. It was all over in a moment but you
                    should have seen what a family of sweeps we looked. George looked at our blackened
                    Johnny and mimicked in Sister Marianne’s primmest tones, “I find that this is not to be

                    The first rain storm caught me unprepared when George was away on safari. It
                    was a terrific thunderstorm. The quite violent thunder and lightening were followed by a
                    real tropical downpour. As the hut is on a slight slope, the storm water poured through
                    the hut like a river, covering the entire floor, and the roof leaked like a lawn sprinkler.
                    Johnny Jo was snug enough in the pram with the hood raised, but Kate and I had a
                    damp miserable night. Next morning I had deep drains dug around the hut and when
                    George returned from safari he managed to borrow an enormous tarpaulin which is now
                    lashed down over the roof.

                    It did not rain during the next few days George was home but the very next night
                    we were in trouble again. I was awakened by screams from Kate and hurriedly turned up
                    the lamp to see that we were in the midst of an invasion of siafu ants. Kate’s bed was
                    covered in them. Others appeared to be raining down from the thatch. I quickly stripped
                    Kate and carried her across to my bed, whilst I rushed to the pram to see whether
                    Johnny Jo was all right. He was fast asleep, bless him, and slept on through all the
                    commotion, whilst I struggled to pick all the ants out of Kate’s hair, stopping now and
                    again to attend to my own discomfort. These ants have a painful bite and seem to
                    choose all the most tender spots. Kate fell asleep eventually but I sat up for the rest of
                    the night to make sure that the siafu kept clear of the children. Next morning the servants
                    dispersed them by laying hot ash.

                    In spite of the dampness of the hut both children are blooming. Kate has rosy
                    cheeks and Johnny Jo now has a fuzz of fair hair and has lost his ‘old man’ look. He
                    reminds me of Ann at his age.


                    Iringa. 30th November 1938

                    Dearest Family,

                    Here we are back in the Southern Highlands and installed on the second floor of
                    another German Fort. This one has been modernised however and though not so
                    romantic as the Mbulu Fort from the outside, it is much more comfortable.We are all well
                    and I am really proud of our two safari babies who stood up splendidly to a most trying
                    journey North from Mbulu to Arusha and then South down the Great North Road to
                    Iringa where we expect to stay for a month.

                    At Arusha George reported to the headquarters of the Game Department and
                    was instructed to come on down here on Rinderpest Control. There is a great flap on in
                    case the rinderpest spread to Northern Rhodesia and possibly onwards to Southern
                    Rhodesia and South Africa. Extra veterinary officers have been sent to this area to
                    inoculate all the cattle against the disease whilst George and his African game Scouts will
                    comb the bush looking for and destroying diseased game. If the rinderpest spreads,
                    George says it may be necessary to shoot out all the game in a wide belt along the
                    border between the Southern Highlands of Tanganyika and Northern Rhodesia, to
                    prevent the disease spreading South. The very idea of all this destruction sickens us

                    George left on a foot safari the day after our arrival and I expect I shall be lucky if I
                    see him occasionally at weekends until this job is over. When rinderpest is under control
                    George is to be stationed at a place called Nzassa in the Eastern Province about 18
                    miles from Dar es Salaam. George’s orderly, who is a tall, cheerful Game Scout called
                    Juma, tells me that he has been stationed at Nzassa and it is a frightful place! However I
                    refuse to be depressed. I now have the cheering prospect of leave to England in thirty
                    months time when we will be able to fetch Ann and George and be a proper family
                    again. Both Ann and George look happy in the snapshots which mother-in-law sends
                    frequently. Ann is doing very well at school and loves it.

                    To get back to our journey from Mbulu. It really was quite an experience. It
                    poured with rain most of the way and the road was very slippery and treacherous the
                    120 miles between Mbulu and Arusha. This is a little used earth road and the drains are
                    so blocked with silt as to be practically non existent. As usual we started our move with
                    the V8 loaded to capacity. I held Johnny on my knee and Kate squeezed in between
                    George and me. All our goods and chattels were in wooden boxes stowed in the back
                    and the two houseboys and the two dogs had to adjust themselves to the space that
                    remained. We soon ran into trouble and it took us all day to travel 47 miles. We stuck
                    several times in deep mud and had some most nasty skids. I simply clutched Kate in
                    one hand and Johnny Jo in the other and put my trust in George who never, under any
                    circumstances, loses his head. Poor Johnny only got his meals when circumstances
                    permitted. Unfortunately I had put him on a bottle only a few days before we left Mbulu
                    and, as I was unable to buy either a primus stove or Thermos flask there we had to
                    make a fire and boil water for each meal. Twice George sat out in the drizzle with a rain
                    coat rapped over his head to protect a miserable little fire of wet sticks drenched with
                    paraffin. Whilst we waited for the water to boil I pacified John by letting him suck a cube
                    of Tate and Lyles sugar held between my rather grubby fingers. Not at all according to
                    the book.

                    That night George, the children and I slept in the car having dumped our boxes
                    and the two servants in a deserted native hut. The rain poured down relentlessly all night
                    and by morning the road was more of a morass than ever. We swerved and skidded
                    alarmingly till eventually one of the wheel chains broke and had to be tied together with
                    string which constantly needed replacing. George was so patient though he was wet
                    and muddy and tired and both children were very good. Shortly before reaching the Great North Road we came upon Jack Gowan, the Stock Inspector from Mbulu. His car
                    was bogged down to its axles in black mud. He refused George’s offer of help saying
                    that he had sent his messenger to a nearby village for help.

                    I hoped that conditions would be better on the Great North Road but how over
                    optimistic I was. For miles the road runs through a belt of ‘black cotton soil’. which was
                    churned up into the consistency of chocolate blancmange by the heavy lorry traffic which
                    runs between Dodoma and Arusha. Soon the car was skidding more fantastically than
                    ever. Once it skidded around in a complete semi circle so George decided that it would
                    be safer for us all to walk whilst he negotiated the very bad patches. You should have
                    seen me plodding along in the mud and drizzle with the baby in one arm and Kate
                    clinging to the other. I was terrified of slipping with Johnny. Each time George reached
                    firm ground he would return on foot to carry Kate and in this way we covered many bad
                    patches.We were more fortunate than many other travellers. We passed several lorries
                    ditched on the side of the road and one car load of German men, all elegantly dressed in
                    lounge suits. One was busy with his camera so will have a record of their plight to laugh
                    over in the years to come. We spent another night camping on the road and next day
                    set out on the last lap of the journey. That also was tiresome but much better than the
                    previous day and we made the haven of the Arusha Hotel before dark. What a picture
                    we made as we walked through the hall in our mud splattered clothes! Even Johnny was
                    well splashed with mud but no harm was done and both he and Kate are blooming.
                    We rested for two days at Arusha and then came South to Iringa. Luckily the sun
                    came out and though for the first day the road was muddy it was no longer so slippery
                    and the second day found us driving through parched country and along badly
                    corrugated roads. The further South we came, the warmer the sun which at times blazed
                    through the windscreen and made us all uncomfortably hot. I have described the country
                    between Arusha and Dodoma before so I shan’t do it again. We reached Iringa without
                    mishap and after a good nights rest all felt full of beans.


                    Mchewe Estate, Mbeya. 7th January 1939.

                    Dearest Family,

                    You will be surprised to note that we are back on the farm! At least the children
                    and I are here. George is away near the Rhodesian border somewhere, still on
                    Rinderpest control.

                    I had a pleasant time at Iringa, lots of invitations to morning tea and Kate had a
                    wonderful time enjoying the novelty of playing with children of her own age. She is not
                    shy but nevertheless likes me to be within call if not within sight. It was all very suburban
                    but pleasant enough. A few days before Christmas George turned up at Iringa and
                    suggested that, as he would be working in the Mbeya area, it might be a good idea for
                    the children and me to move to the farm. I agreed enthusiastically, completely forgetting
                    that after my previous trouble with the leopard I had vowed to myself that I would never
                    again live alone on the farm.

                    Alas no sooner had we arrived when Thomas, our farm headman, brought the
                    news that there were now two leopards terrorising the neighbourhood, and taking dogs,
                    goats and sheep and chickens. Traps and poisoned bait had been tried in vain and he
                    was sure that the female was the same leopard which had besieged our home before.
                    Other leopards said Thomas, came by stealth but this one advertised her whereabouts
                    in the most brazen manner.

                    George stayed with us on the farm over Christmas and all was quiet at night so I
                    cheered up and took the children for walks along the overgrown farm paths. However on
                    New Years Eve that darned leopard advertised her presence again with the most blood
                    chilling grunts and snarls. Horrible! Fanny and Paddy barked and growled and woke up
                    both children. Kate wept and kept saying, “Send it away mummy. I don’t like it.” Johnny
                    Jo howled in sympathy. What a picnic. So now the whole performance of bodyguards
                    has started again and ‘till George returns we confine our exercise to the garden.
                    Our little house is still cosy and sweet but the coffee plantation looks very
                    neglected. I wish to goodness we could sell it.


                    Nzassa 14th February 1939.

                    Dearest Family,

                    After three months of moving around with two small children it is heavenly to be
                    settled in our own home, even though Nzassa is an isolated spot and has the reputation
                    of being unhealthy.

                    We travelled by car from Mbeya to Dodoma by now a very familiar stretch of
                    country, but from Dodoma to Dar es Salaam by train which made a nice change. We
                    spent two nights and a day in the Splendid Hotel in Dar es Salaam, George had some
                    official visits to make and I did some shopping and we took the children to the beach.
                    The bay is so sheltered that the sea is as calm as a pond and the water warm. It is
                    wonderful to see the sea once more and to hear tugs hooting and to watch the Arab
                    dhows putting out to sea with their oddly shaped sails billowing. I do love the bush, but
                    I love the sea best of all, as you know.

                    We made an early start for Nzassa on the 3rd. For about four miles we bowled
                    along a good road. This brought us to a place called Temeke where George called on
                    the District Officer. His house appears to be the only European type house there. The
                    road between Temeke and the turn off to Nzassa is quite good, but the six mile stretch
                    from the turn off to Nzassa is a very neglected bush road. There is nothing to be seen
                    but the impenetrable bush on both sides with here and there a patch of swampy
                    ground where rice is planted in the wet season.

                    After about six miles of bumpy road we reached Nzassa which is nothing more
                    than a sandy clearing in the bush. Our house however is a fine one. It was originally built
                    for the District Officer and there is a small court house which is now George’s office. The
                    District Officer died of blackwater fever so Nzassa was abandoned as an administrative
                    station being considered too unhealthy for Administrative Officers but suitable as
                    Headquarters for a Game Ranger. Later a bachelor Game Ranger was stationed here
                    but his health also broke down and he has been invalided to England. So now the
                    healthy Rushbys are here and we don’t mean to let the place get us down. So don’t

                    The house consists of three very large and airy rooms with their doors opening
                    on to a wide front verandah which we shall use as a living room. There is also a wide
                    back verandah with a store room at one end and a bathroom at the other. Both
                    verandahs and the end windows of the house are screened my mosquito gauze wire
                    and further protected by a trellis work of heavy expanded metal. Hasmani, the Game
                    Scout, who has been acting as caretaker, tells me that the expanded metal is very
                    necessary because lions often come out of the bush at night and roam around the
                    house. Such a comforting thought!

                    On our very first evening we discovered how necessary the mosquito gauze is.
                    After sunset the air outside is thick with mosquitos from the swamps. About an acre of
                    land has been cleared around the house. This is a sandy waste because there is no
                    water laid on here and absolutely nothing grows here except a rather revolting milky
                    desert bush called ‘Manyara’, and a few acacia trees. A little way from the house there is
                    a patch of citrus trees, grape fruit, I think, but whether they ever bear fruit I don’t know.
                    The clearing is bordered on three sides by dense dusty thorn bush which is
                    ‘lousy with buffalo’ according to George. The open side is the road which leads down to
                    George’s office and the huts for the Game Scouts. Only Hasmani and George’s orderly
                    Juma and their wives and families live there, and the other huts provide shelter for the
                    Game Scouts from the bush who come to Nzassa to collect their pay and for a short
                    rest. I can see that my daily walk will always be the same, down the road to the huts and
                    back! However I don’t mind because it is far too hot to take much exercise.

                    The climate here is really tropical and worse than on the coast because the thick
                    bush cuts us off from any sea breeze. George says it will be cooler when the rains start
                    but just now we literally drip all day. Kate wears nothing but a cotton sun suit, and Johnny
                    a napkin only, but still their little bodies are always moist. I have shorn off all Kate’s lovely
                    shoulder length curls and got George to cut my hair very short too.

                    We simply must buy a refrigerator. The butter, and even the cheese we bought
                    in Dar. simply melted into pools of oil overnight, and all our meat went bad, so we are
                    living out of tins. However once we get organised I shall be quite happy here. I like this
                    spacious house and I have good servants. The cook, Hamisi Issa, is a Swahili from Lindi
                    whom we engaged in Dar es Salaam. He is a very dignified person, and like most
                    devout Mohammedan Cooks, keeps both his person and the kitchen spotless. I
                    engaged the house boy here. He is rather a timid little body but is very willing and quite
                    capable. He has an excessively plain but cheerful wife whom I have taken on as ayah. I
                    do not really need help with the children but feel I must have a woman around just in
                    case I go down with malaria when George is away on safari.


                    Nzassa 28th February 1939.

                    Dearest Family,

                    George’s birthday and we had a special tea party this afternoon which the
                    children much enjoyed. We have our frig now so I am able to make jellies and provide
                    them with really cool drinks.

                    Our very first visitor left this morning after spending only one night here. He is Mr
                    Ionides, the Game Ranger from the Southern Province. He acted as stand in here for a
                    short while after George’s predecessor left for England on sick leave, and where he has
                    since died. Mr Ionides returned here to hand over the range and office formally to
                    George. He seems a strange man and is from all accounts a bit of a hermit. He was at
                    one time an Officer in the Regular Army but does not look like a soldier, he wears the
                    most extraordinary clothes but nevertheless contrives to look top-drawer. He was
                    educated at Rugby and Sandhurst and is, I should say, well read. Ionides told us that he
                    hated Nzassa, particularly the house which he thinks sinister and says he always slept
                    down in the office.

                    The house, or at least one bedroom, seems to have the same effect on Kate.
                    She has been very nervous at night ever since we arrived. At first the children occupied
                    the bedroom which is now George’s. One night, soon after our arrival, Kate woke up
                    screaming to say that ‘something’ had looked at her through the mosquito net. She was
                    in such a hysterical state that inspite of the heat and discomfort I was obliged to crawl into
                    her little bed with her and remained there for the rest of the night.

                    Next night I left a night lamp burning but even so I had to sit by her bed until she
                    dropped off to sleep. Again I was awakened by ear-splitting screams and this time
                    found Kate standing rigid on her bed. I lifted her out and carried her to a chair meaning to
                    comfort her but she screeched louder than ever, “Look Mummy it’s under the bed. It’s
                    looking at us.” In vain I pointed out that there was nothing at all there. By this time
                    George had joined us and he carried Kate off to his bed in the other room whilst I got into
                    Kate’s bed thinking she might have been frightened by a rat which might also disturb

                    Next morning our houseboy remarked that he had heard Kate screaming in the
                    night from his room behind the kitchen. I explained what had happened and he must
                    have told the old Scout Hasmani who waylaid me that afternoon and informed me quite
                    seriously that that particular room was haunted by a ‘sheitani’ (devil) who hates children.
                    He told me that whilst he was acting as caretaker before our arrival he one night had his
                    wife and small daughter in the room to keep him company. He said that his small
                    daughter woke up and screamed exactly as Kate had done! Silly coincidence I
                    suppose, but such strange things happen in Africa that I decided to move the children
                    into our room and George sleeps in solitary state in the haunted room! Kate now sleeps
                    peacefully once she goes to sleep but I have to stay with her until she does.

                    I like this house and it does not seem at all sinister to me. As I mentioned before,
                    the rooms are high ceilinged and airy, and have cool cement floors. We have made one
                    end of the enclosed verandah into the living room and the other end is the playroom for
                    the children. The space in between is a sort of no-mans land taken over by the dogs as
                    their special territory.


                    Nzassa 25th March 1939.

                    Dearest Family,

                    George is on safari down in the Rufigi River area. He is away for about three
                    weeks in the month on this job. I do hate to see him go and just manage to tick over until
                    he comes back. But what fun and excitement when he does come home.
                    Usually he returns after dark by which time the children are in bed and I have
                    settled down on the verandah with a book. The first warning is usually given by the
                    dogs, Fanny and her son Paddy. They stir, sit up, look at each other and then go and sit
                    side by side by the door with their noses practically pressed to the mosquito gauze and
                    ears pricked. Soon I can hear the hum of the car, and so can Hasmani, the old Game
                    Scout who sleeps on the back verandah with rifle and ammunition by his side when
                    George is away. When he hears the car he turns up his lamp and hurries out to rouse
                    Juma, the houseboy. Juma pokes up the fire and prepares tea which George always
                    drinks whist a hot meal is being prepared. In the meantime I hurriedly comb my hair and
                    powder my nose so that when the car stops I am ready to rush out and welcome
                    George home. The boy and Hasmani and the garden boy appear to help with the
                    luggage and to greet George and the cook, who always accompanies George on
                    Safari. The home coming is always a lively time with much shouting of greetings.
                    ‘Jambo’, and ‘Habari ya safari’, whilst the dogs, beside themselves with excitement,
                    rush around like lunatics.

                    As though his return were not happiness enough, George usually collects the
                    mail on his way home so there is news of Ann and young George and letters from you
                    and bundles of newspapers and magazines. On the day following his return home,
                    George has to deal with official mail in the office but if the following day is a weekday we
                    all, the house servants as well as ourselves, pile into the boxbody and go to Dar es
                    Salaam. To us this means a mornings shopping followed by an afternoon on the beach.
                    It is a bit cooler now that the rains are on but still very humid. Kate keeps chubby
                    and rosy in spite of the climate but Johnny is too pale though sturdy enough. He is such
                    a good baby which is just as well because Kate is a very demanding little girl though
                    sunny tempered and sweet. I appreciate her company very much when George is
                    away because we are so far off the beaten track that no one ever calls.


                    Nzassa 28th April 1939.

                    Dearest Family,

                    You all seem to wonder how I can stand the loneliness and monotony of living at
                    Nzassa when George is on safari, but really and truly I do not mind. Hamisi the cook
                    always goes on safari with George and then the houseboy Juma takes over the cooking
                    and I do the lighter housework. the children are great company during the day, and when
                    they are settled for the night I sit on the verandah and read or write letters or I just dream.
                    The verandah is entirely enclosed with both wire mosquito gauze and a trellis
                    work of heavy expanded metal, so I am safe from all intruders be they human, animal, or
                    insect. Outside the air is alive with mosquitos and the cicadas keep up their monotonous
                    singing all night long. My only companions on the verandah are the pale ghecco lizards
                    on the wall and the two dogs. Fanny the white bull terrier, lies always near my feet
                    dozing happily, but her son Paddy, who is half Airedale has a less phlegmatic
                    disposition. He sits alert and on guard by the metal trellis work door. Often a lion grunts
                    from the surrounding bush and then his hackles rise and he stands up stiffly with his nose
                    pressed to the door. Old Hasmani from his bedroll on the back verandah, gives a little
                    cough just to show he is awake. Sometimes the lions are very close and then I hear the
                    click of a rifle bolt as Hasmani loads his rifle – but this is usually much later at night when
                    the lights are out. One morning I saw large pug marks between the wall of my bedroom
                    and the garage but I do not fear lions like I did that beastly leopard on the farm.
                    A great deal of witchcraft is still practiced in the bush villages in the
                    neighbourhood. I must tell you about old Hasmani’s baby in connection with this. Last
                    week Hasmani came to me in great distress to say that his baby was ‘Ngongwa sana ‘
                    (very ill) and he thought it would die. I hurried down to the Game Scouts quarters to see
                    whether I could do anything for the child and found the mother squatting in the sun
                    outside her hut with the baby on her lap. The mother was a young woman but not an
                    attractive one. She appeared sullen and indifferent compared with old Hasmani who
                    was very distressed. The child was very feverish and breathing with difficulty and
                    seemed to me to be suffering from bronchitis if not pneumonia. I rubbed his back and
                    chest with camphorated oil and dosed him with aspirin and liquid quinine. I repeated the
                    treatment every four hours, but next day there was no apparent improvement.
                    In the afternoon Hasmani begged me to give him that night off duty and asked for
                    a loan of ten shillings. He explained to me that it seemed to him that the white man’s
                    medicine had failed to cure his child and now he wished to take the child to the local witch
                    doctor. “For ten shillings” said Hasmani, “the Maganga will drive the devil out of my
                    child.” “How?” asked I. “With drums”, said Hasmani confidently. I did not know what to
                    do. I thought the child was too ill to be exposed to the night air, yet I knew that if I
                    refused his request and the child were to die, Hasmani and all the other locals would hold
                    me responsible. I very reluctantly granted his request. I was so troubled by the matter
                    that I sent for George’s office clerk. Daniel, and asked him to accompany Hasmani to the
                    ceremony and to report to me the next morning. It started to rain after dark and all night
                    long I lay awake in bed listening to the drums and the light rain. Next morning when I
                    went out to the kitchen to order breakfast I found a beaming Hasmani awaiting me.
                    “Memsahib”, he said. “My child is well, the fever is now quite gone, the Maganga drove
                    out the devil just as I told you.” Believe it or not, when I hurried to his quarters after
                    breakfast I found the mother suckling a perfectly healthy child! It may be my imagination
                    but I thought the mother looked pretty smug.The clerk Daniel told me that after Hasmani
                    had presented gifts of money and food to the ‘Maganga’, the naked baby was placed
                    on a goat skin near the drums. Most of the time he just lay there but sometimes the witch
                    doctor picked him up and danced with the child in his arms. Daniel seemed reluctant to
                    talk about it. Whatever mumbo jumbo was used all this happened a week ago and the
                    baby has never looked back.


                    Nzassa 3rd July 1939.

                    Dearest Family,

                    Did I tell you that one of George’s Game Scouts was murdered last month in the
                    Maneromango area towards the Rufigi border. He was on routine patrol, with a porter
                    carrying his bedding and food, when they suddenly came across a group of African
                    hunters who were busy cutting up a giraffe which they had just killed. These hunters were
                    all armed with muzzle loaders, spears and pangas, but as it is illegal to kill giraffe without
                    a permit, the Scout went up to the group to take their names. Some argument ensued
                    and the Scout was stabbed.

                    The District Officer went to the area to investigate and decided to call in the Police
                    from Dar es Salaam. A party of police went out to search for the murderers but after
                    some days returned without making any arrests. George was on an elephant control
                    safari in the Bagamoyo District and on his return through Dar es Salaam he heard of the
                    murder. George was furious and distressed to hear the news and called in here for an
                    hour on his way to Maneromango to search for the murderers himself.

                    After a great deal of strenuous investigation he arrested three poachers, put them
                    in jail for the night at Maneromango and then brought them to Dar es Salaam where they
                    are all now behind bars. George will now have to prosecute in the Magistrate’s Court
                    and try and ‘make a case’ so that the prisoners may be committed to the High Court to
                    be tried for murder. George is convinced of their guilt and justifiably proud to have
                    succeeded where the police failed.

                    George had to borrow handcuffs for the prisoners from the Chief at
                    Maneromango and these he brought back to Nzassa after delivering the prisoners to
                    Dar es Salaam so that he may return them to the Chief when he revisits the area next

                    I had not seen handcuffs before and picked up a pair to examine them. I said to
                    George, engrossed in ‘The Times’, “I bet if you were arrested they’d never get
                    handcuffs on your wrist. Not these anyway, they look too small.” “Standard pattern,”
                    said George still concentrating on the newspaper, but extending an enormous relaxed
                    left wrist. So, my dears, I put a bracelet round his wrist and as there was a wide gap I
                    gave a hard squeeze with both hands. There was a sharp click as the handcuff engaged
                    in the first notch. George dropped the paper and said, “Now you’ve done it, my love,
                    one set of keys are in the Dar es Salaam Police Station, and the others with the Chief at
                    Maneromango.” You can imagine how utterly silly I felt but George was an angel about it
                    and said as he would have to go to Dar es Salaam we might as well all go.

                    So we all piled into the car, George, the children and I in the front, and the cook
                    and houseboy, immaculate in snowy khanzus and embroidered white caps, a Game
                    Scout and the ayah in the back. George never once complain of the discomfort of the
                    handcuff but I was uncomfortably aware that it was much too tight because his arm
                    above the cuff looked red and swollen and the hand unnaturally pale. As the road is so
                    bad George had to use both hands on the wheel and all the time the dangling handcuff
                    clanked against the dashboard in an accusing way.

                    We drove straight to the Police Station and I could hear the roars of laughter as
                    George explained his predicament. Later I had to put up with a good deal of chaffing
                    and congratulations upon putting the handcuffs on George.


                    Nzassa 5th August 1939

                    Dearest Family,

                    George made a point of being here for Kate’s fourth birthday last week. Just
                    because our children have no playmates George and I always do all we can to make
                    birthdays very special occasions. We went to Dar es Salaam the day before the
                    birthday and bought Kate a very sturdy tricycle with which she is absolutely delighted.
                    You will be glad to know that your parcels arrived just in time and Kate loved all your
                    gifts especially the little shop from Dad with all the miniature tins and packets of
                    groceries. The tea set was also a great success and is much in use.

                    We had a lively party which ended with George and me singing ‘Happy
                    Birthday to you’, and ended with a wild game with balloons. Kate wore her frilly white net
                    party frock and looked so pretty that it seemed a shame that there was no one but us to
                    see her. Anyway it was a good party. I wish so much that you could see the children.
                    Kate keeps rosy and has not yet had malaria. Johnny Jo is sturdy but pale. He
                    runs a temperature now and again but I am not sure whether this is due to teething or
                    malaria. Both children of course take quinine every day as George and I do. George
                    quite frequently has malaria in spite of prophylactic quinine but this is not surprising as he
                    got the germ thoroughly established in his system in his early elephant hunting days. I
                    get it too occasionally but have not been really ill since that first time a month after my
                    arrival in the country.

                    Johnny is such a good baby. His chief claim to beauty is his head of soft golden
                    curls but these are due to come off on his first birthday as George considers them too
                    girlish. George left on safari the day after the party and the very next morning our wood
                    boy had a most unfortunate accident. He was chopping a rather tough log when a chip
                    flew up and split his upper lip clean through from mouth to nostril exposing teeth and
                    gums. A truly horrible sight and very bloody. I cleaned up the wound as best I could
                    and sent him off to the hospital at Dar es Salaam on the office bicycle. He wobbled
                    away wretchedly down the road with a white cloth tied over his mouth to keep off the
                    dust. He returned next day with his lip stitched and very swollen and bearing a
                    resemblance to my lip that time I used the hair remover.


                    Splendid Hotel. Dar es Salaam 7th September 1939

                    Dearest Family,

                    So now another war has started and it has disrupted even our lives. We have left
                    Nzassa for good. George is now a Lieutenant in the King’s African Rifles and the children
                    and I are to go to a place called Morogoro to await further developments.
                    I was glad to read in today’s paper that South Africa has declared war on
                    Germany. I would have felt pretty small otherwise in this hotel which is crammed full of
                    men who have been called up for service in the Army. George seems exhilarated by
                    the prospect of active service. He is bursting out of his uniform ( at the shoulders only!)
                    and all too ready for the fray.

                    The war came as a complete surprise to me stuck out in the bush as I was without
                    wireless or mail. George had been away for a fortnight so you can imagine how
                    surprised I was when a messenger arrived on a bicycle with a note from George. The
                    note informed me that war had been declared and that George, as a Reserve Officer in
                    the KAR had been called up. I was to start packing immediately and be ready by noon
                    next day when George would arrive with a lorry for our goods and chattels. I started to
                    pack immediately with the help of the houseboy and by the time George arrived with
                    the lorry only the frig remained to be packed and this was soon done.

                    Throughout the morning Game Scouts had been arriving from outlying parts of
                    the District. I don’t think they had the least idea where they were supposed to go or
                    whom they were to fight but were ready to fight anybody, anywhere, with George.
                    They all looked very smart in well pressed uniforms hung about with water bottles and
                    ammunition pouches. The large buffalo badge on their round pill box hats absolutely
                    glittered with polish. All of course carried rifles and when George arrived they all lined up
                    and they looked most impressive. I took some snaps but unfortunately it was drizzling
                    and they may not come out well.

                    We left Nzassa without a backward glance. We were pretty fed up with it by
                    then. The children and I are spending a few days here with George but our luggage, the
                    dogs, and the houseboys have already left by train for Morogoro where a small house
                    has been found for the children and me.

                    George tells me that all the German males in this Territory were interned without a
                    hitch. The whole affair must have been very well organised. In every town and
                    settlement special constables were sworn in to do the job. It must have been a rather
                    unpleasant one but seems to have gone without incident. There is a big transit camp
                    here at Dar for the German men. Later they are to be sent out of the country, possibly to

                    The Indian tailors in the town are all terribly busy making Army uniforms, shorts
                    and tunics in khaki drill. George swears that they have muddled their orders and he has
                    been given the wrong things. Certainly the tunic is far too tight. His hat, a khaki slouch hat
                    like you saw the Australians wearing in the last war, is also too small though it is the
                    largest they have in stock. We had a laugh over his other equipment which includes a
                    small canvas haversack and a whistle on a black cord. George says he feels like he is
                    back in his Boy Scouting boyhood.

                    George has just come in to say the we will be leaving for Morogoro tomorrow


                    Morogoro 14th September 1939

                    Dearest Family,

                    Morogoro is a complete change from Nzassa. This is a large and sprawling
                    township. The native town and all the shops are down on the flat land by the railway but
                    all the European houses are away up the slope of the high Uluguru Mountains.
                    Morogoro was a flourishing town in the German days and all the streets are lined with
                    trees for coolness as is the case in other German towns. These trees are the flamboyant
                    acacia which has an umbrella top and throws a wide but light shade.

                    Most of the houses have large gardens so they cover a considerable area and it
                    is quite a safari for me to visit friends on foot as our house is on the edge of this area and
                    the furthest away from the town. Here ones house is in accordance with ones seniority in
                    Government service. Ours is a simple affair, just three lofty square rooms opening on to
                    a wide enclosed verandah. Mosquitoes are bad here so all doors and windows are
                    screened and we will have to carry on with our daily doses of quinine.

                    George came up to Morogoro with us on the train. This was fortunate because I
                    went down with a sharp attack of malaria at the hotel on the afternoon of our departure
                    from Dar es Salaam. George’s drastic cure of vast doses of quinine, a pillow over my
                    head, and the bed heaped with blankets soon brought down the temperature so I was
                    fit enough to board the train but felt pretty poorly on the trip. However next day I felt
                    much better which was a good thing as George had to return to Dar es Salaam after two
                    days. His train left late at night so I did not see him off but said good-bye at home
                    feeling dreadful but trying to keep the traditional stiff upper lip of the wife seeing her
                    husband off to the wars. He hopes to go off to Abyssinia but wrote from Dar es Salaam
                    to say that he is being sent down to Rhodesia by road via Mbeya to escort the first
                    detachment of Rhodesian white troops.

                    First he will have to select suitable camping sites for night stops and arrange for
                    supplies of food. I am very pleased as it means he will be safe for a while anyway. We
                    are both worried about Ann and George in England and wonder if it would be safer to
                    have them sent out.


                    Morogoro 4th November 1939

                    Dearest Family,

                    My big news is that George has been released from the Army. He is very
                    indignant and disappointed because he hoped to go to Abyssinia but I am terribly,
                    terribly glad. The Chief Secretary wrote a very nice letter to George pointing out that he
                    would be doing a greater service to his country by his work of elephant control, giving
                    crop protection during the war years when foodstuffs are such a vital necessity, than by
                    doing a soldiers job. The Government plan to start a huge rice scheme in the Rufiji area,
                    and want George to control the elephant and hippo there. First of all though. he must go
                    to the Southern Highlands Province where there is another outbreak of Rinderpest, to
                    shoot out diseased game especially buffalo, which might spread the disease.

                    So off we go again on our travels but this time we are leaving the two dogs
                    behind in the care of Daniel, the Game Clerk. Fanny is very pregnant and I hate leaving
                    her behind but the clerk has promised to look after her well. We are taking Hamisi, our
                    dignified Swahili cook and the houseboy Juma and his wife whom we brought with us
                    from Nzassa. The boy is not very good but his wife makes a cheerful and placid ayah
                    and adores Johnny.


                    Iringa 8th December 1939

                    Dearest Family,

                    The children and I are staying in a small German house leased from the
                    Custodian of Enemy Property. I can’t help feeling sorry for the owners who must be in
                    concentration camps somewhere.George is away in the bush dealing with the
                    Rinderpest emergency and the cook has gone with him. Now I have sent the houseboy
                    and the ayah away too. Two days ago my houseboy came and told me that he felt
                    very ill and asked me to write a ‘chit’ to the Indian Doctor. In the note I asked the Doctor
                    to let me know the nature of his complaint and to my horror I got a note from him to say
                    that the houseboy had a bad case of Venereal Disease. Was I horrified! I took it for
                    granted that his wife must be infected too and told them both that they would have to
                    return to their home in Nzassa. The boy shouted and the ayah wept but I paid them in
                    lieu of notice and gave them money for the journey home. So there I was left servant
                    less with firewood to chop, a smokey wood burning stove to control, and of course, the
                    two children.

                    To add to my troubles Johnny had a temperature so I sent for the European
                    Doctor. He diagnosed malaria and was astonished at the size of Johnny’s spleen. He
                    said that he must have had suppressed malaria over a long period and the poor child
                    must now be fed maximum doses of quinine for a long time. The Doctor is a fatherly
                    soul, he has been recalled from retirement to do this job as so many of the young
                    doctors have been called up for service with the army.

                    I told him about my houseboy’s complaint and the way I had sent him off
                    immediately, and he was very amused at my haste, saying that it is most unlikely that
                    they would have passed the disease onto their employers. Anyway I hated the idea. I
                    mean to engage a houseboy locally, but will do without an ayah until we return to
                    Morogoro in February.

                    Something happened today to cheer me up. A telegram came from Daniel which
                    read, “FLANNEL HAS FIVE CUBS.”


                    Morogoro 10th March 1940

                    Dearest Family,

                    We are having very heavy rain and the countryside is a most beautiful green. In
                    spite of the weather George is away on safari though it must be very wet and
                    unpleasant. He does work so hard at his elephant hunting job and has got very thin. I
                    suppose this is partly due to those stomach pains he gets and the doctors don’t seem
                    to diagnose the trouble.

                    Living in Morogoro is much like living in a country town in South Africa, particularly
                    as there are several South African women here. I go out quite often to morning teas. We
                    all take our war effort knitting, and natter, and are completely suburban.
                    I sometimes go and see an elderly couple who have been interred here. They
                    are cold shouldered by almost everyone else but I cannot help feeling sorry for them.
                    Usually I go by invitation because I know Mrs Ruppel prefers to be prepared and
                    always has sandwiches and cake. They both speak English but not fluently and
                    conversation is confined to talking about my children and theirs. Their two sons were
                    students in Germany when war broke out but are now of course in the German Army.
                    Such nice looking chaps from their photographs but I suppose thorough Nazis. As our
                    conversation is limited I usually ask to hear a gramophone record or two. They have a
                    large collection.

                    Janet, the ayah whom I engaged at Mbeya, is proving a great treasure. She is a
                    trained hospital ayah and is most dependable and capable. She is, perhaps, a little strict
                    but the great thing is that I can trust her with the children out of my sight.
                    Last week I went out at night for the first time without George. The occasion was
                    a farewell sundowner given by the Commissioner of Prisoners and his wife. I was driven
                    home by the District Officer and he stopped his car by the back door in a large puddle.
                    Ayah came to the back door, storm lamp in hand, to greet me. My escort prepared to
                    drive off but the car stuck. I thought a push from me might help, so without informing the
                    driver, I pushed as hard as I could on the back of the car. Unfortunately the driver
                    decided on other tactics. He put the engine in reverse and I was knocked flat on my back
                    in the puddle. The car drove forward and away without the driver having the least idea of
                    what happened. The ayah was in quite a state, lifting me up and scolding me for my
                    stupidity as though I were Kate. I was a bit shaken but non the worse and will know
                    better next time.


                    Morogoro 14th July 1940

                    Dearest Family,

                    How good it was of Dad to send that cable to Mother offering to have Ann and
                    George to live with you if they are accepted for inclusion in the list of children to be
                    evacuated to South Africa. It would be wonderful to know that they are safely out of the
                    war zone and so much nearer to us but I do dread the thought of the long sea voyage
                    particularly since we heard the news of the sinking of that liner carrying child evacuees to
                    Canada. I worry about them so much particularly as George is so often away on safari.
                    He is so comforting and calm and I feel brave and confident when he is home.
                    We have had no news from England for five weeks but, when she last wrote,
                    mother said the children were very well and that she was sure they would be safe in the
                    country with her.

                    Kate and John are growing fast. Kate is such a pretty little girl, rosy in spite of the
                    rather trying climate. I have allowed her hair to grow again and it hangs on her shoulders
                    in shiny waves. John is a more slightly built little boy than young George was, and quite
                    different in looks. He has Dad’s high forehead and cleft chin, widely spaced brown eyes
                    that are not so dark as mine and hair that is still fair and curly though ayah likes to smooth it
                    down with water every time she dresses him. He is a shy child, and although he plays
                    happily with Kate, he does not care to play with other children who go in the late
                    afternoons to a lawn by the old German ‘boma’.

                    Kate has playmates of her own age but still rather clings to me. Whilst she loves
                    to have friends here to play with her, she will not go to play at their houses unless I go
                    too and stay. She always insists on accompanying me when I go out to morning tea
                    and always calls JanetJohn’s ayah”. One morning I went to a knitting session at a
                    neighbours house. We are all knitting madly for the troops. As there were several other
                    women in the lounge and no other children, I installed Kate in the dining room with a
                    colouring book and crayons. My hostess’ black dog was chained to the dining room
                    table leg, but as he and Kate are on friendly terms I was not bothered by this.
                    Some time afterwards, during a lull in conversation, I heard a strange drumming
                    noise coming from the dining room. I went quickly to investigate and, to my horror, found
                    Kate lying on her back with the dog chain looped around her neck. The frightened dog
                    was straining away from her as far as he could get and the chain was pulled so tightly
                    around her throat that she could not scream. The drumming noise came from her heels
                    kicking in a panic on the carpet.

                    Even now I do not know how Kate got herself into this predicament. Luckily no
                    great harm was done but I think I shall do my knitting at home in future.


                    Morogoro 16th November 1940

                    Dearest Family,

                    I much prefer our little house on the hillside to the larger one we had down below.
                    The only disadvantage is that the garden is on three levels and both children have had
                    some tumbles down the steps on the tricycle. John is an extremely stoical child. He
                    never cries when he hurts himself.

                    I think I have mentioned ‘Morningside’ before. It is a kind of Resthouse high up in
                    the Uluguru Mountains above Morogoro. Jess Howe-Browne, who runs the large
                    house as a Guest House, is a wonderful woman. Besides running the boarding house
                    she also grows vegetables, flowers and fruit for sale in Morogoro and Dar es Salaam.
                    Her guests are usually women and children from Dar es Salaam who come in the hot
                    season to escape the humidity on the coast. Often the mothers leave their children for
                    long periods in Jess Howe-Browne’s care. There is a road of sorts up the mountain side
                    to Morningside, but this is so bad that cars do not attempt it and guests are carried up
                    the mountain in wicker chairs lashed to poles. Four men carry an adult, and two a child,
                    and there are of course always spare bearers and they work in shifts.

                    Last week the children and I went to Morningside for the day as guests. John
                    rode on my lap in one chair and Kate in a small chair on her own. This did not please
                    Kate at all. The poles are carried on the bearers shoulders and one is perched quite high.
                    The motion is a peculiar rocking one. The bearers chant as they go and do not seem
                    worried by shortness of breath! They are all hillmen of course and are, I suppose, used
                    to trotting up and down to the town.

                    Morningside is well worth visiting and we spent a delightful day there. The fresh
                    cool air is a great change from the heavy air of the valley. A river rushes down the
                    mountain in a series of cascades, and the gardens are shady and beautiful. Behind the
                    property is a thick indigenous forest which stretches from Morningside to the top of the
                    mountain. The house is an old German one, rather in need of repair, but Jess has made
                    it comfortable and attractive, with some of her old family treasures including a fine old
                    Grandfather clock. We had a wonderful lunch which included large fresh strawberries and
                    cream. We made the return journey again in the basket chairs and got home before dark.
                    George returned home at the weekend with a baby elephant whom we have
                    called Winnie. She was rescued from a mud hole by some African villagers and, as her
                    mother had abandoned her, they took her home and George was informed. He went in
                    the truck to fetch her having first made arrangements to have her housed in a shed on the
                    Agriculture Department Experimental Farm here. He has written to the Game Dept
                    Headquarters to inform the Game Warden and I do not know what her future will be, but
                    in the meantime she is our pet. George is afraid she will not survive because she has
                    had a very trying time. She stands about waist high and is a delightful creature and quite
                    docile. Asian and African children as well as Europeans gather to watch her and George
                    encourages them to bring fruit for her – especially pawpaws which she loves.
                    Whilst we were there yesterday one of the local ladies came, very smartly
                    dressed in a linen frock, silk stockings, and high heeled shoes. She watched fascinated
                    whilst Winnie neatly split a pawpaw and removed the seeds with her trunk, before
                    scooping out the pulp and putting it in her mouth. It was a particularly nice ripe pawpaw
                    and Winnie enjoyed it so much that she stretched out her trunk for more. The lady took
                    fright and started to run with Winnie after her, sticky trunk outstretched. Quite an
                    entertaining sight. George managed to stop Winnie but not before she had left a gooey
                    smear down the back of the immaculate frock.




                    Nora woke to the sun streaming  in the little dormer window in the attic bedroom. She stretched under the feather quilt and her feet encountered the cool air, an intoxicating contrast to the snug warmth of the bed. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d slept so well and was reluctant to awaken fully and confront the day. She felt peaceful and rested, and oddly, at home.

                    Unfortunately that thought roused her to sit and frown, and look around the room.  The dust was dancing in the sunbeams and rivulets of condensation trickled down the window panes.   A small statue of an owl was silhouetted on the sill, and a pitcher of dried herbs or flowers, strands of spider webs sparkled like silver thread between the desiccated buds.

                    An old whicker chair in the corner was piled with folded blankets and bed linens, and the bookshelf behind it  ~ Nora threw back the covers and padded over to the books. Why were they all facing the wall?   The spines were at the back, with just the pages showing. Intrigued, Nora extracted a book to see what it was, just as a gentle knock sounded on the door.

                    Yes? she said, turning, placing the book on top of the pile of bedclothes on the chair, her thoughts now on the events of the previous night.

                    “I expect you’re ready for some coffee!” Will called brightly. Nora opened the door, smiling. What a nice man he was, making her so welcome, and such a pleasant evening they’d spent, drinking sweet home made wine and sharing stories.  It had been late, very late, when he’d shown her to her room.  Nora has been tempted to invite him in with her (very tempted if the truth be known) and wasn’t quite sure why she hadn’t.

                    “I slept so well!” she said, thanking him as he handed her the mug.  “It looks like a lovely day today,” she added brightly, and then frowned a little. She didn’t really want to leave.  She was supposed to continue her journey, of course she knew that.  But she really wanted to stay a little bit longer.

                    “I’ve got a surprise planned for lunch,” he said, “and something I’d like to show you this morning.  No rush!”  he added with a twinkly smile.

                    Nora beamed at him and promptly ditched any thoughts of continuing her trip today.

                    “No rush” she repeated softly.


                    In reply to: Tart Wreck Repackage

                    “Shut up, Tara!” hissed Star, “And keep him singing while I think. This is a monumental clue!”

                    “But I can’t stand bloody opera singing,” Tara whispered back, “It’ll drive me mad.  When they said he had a melodious voice I was expecting something more modern than this ancient caterwauling.”

                    “Do you want to solve this case or not?”

                    “Oh alright then,” Tara said grudgingly. “But your thinking better be good!”  She clapped loudly and whistled. “More! More!” she shouted, stamping her feet. The assorted middle aged ladies joined in the applause.

                    Star leaned over and whispered in Tara’s ear, “Do you remember that client I had at Madame Limonella’s, that nice old man with a penchant for seeing me dressed up as a 13th century Italian peasant?”

                    “Yeah, you had to listen to opera with him, poor thing, but he did tip well.”

                    “Well, he told me a lot about opera. I thought it was a waste of time knowing all that useless old stuff, but listen: this song what he’s singing now, he’s singing this on purpose. It’s a clue, you see, to Uncle Basil and why Vince wants to find him.”

                    “Go on,” whispered Tara.

                    “There’s a lot of money involved, and a will that needs to be changed. If Uncle Basil dies while he’s still in the clutches of that cult, then Vince will lose his chance of inheriting Basil’s money.”

                    “Wasn’t that obvious from the start?”

                    “Well yes, but we got very cleverly sidetracked with all these middle aged ladies and that wardrobe!  This is where the mule comes in.”

                    “What mule?”

                    “Shh! Keep your voice down! It’s not the same kind of mule as in the opera, these middle aged ladies are trafficking mules!”

                    “Oh well that would make sense, they’d be perfect. Nobody suspects middle aged ladies.  But what are they trafficking, and why are they all here?”

                    “They’re here to keep us from finding out the truth with all these silly sidetracks and distractions.  And we’ve stupidly let ourselves be led astray from the real case.”

                    “What’s the real case, then?”

                    “We need to find Uncle Basil so that Vince can change his will. It wasn’t Vince that was in a coma, as that hatchet faced old butler told us. It was Basil.”

                    “How do you know that for sure?” asked Tara.

                    “I don’t know for sure, but this is the theory. Once we have a theory, we can prove it.  Now, about that wardrobe. We mustn’t let them take it away. No matter what story they come up with, that wardrobe stays where it is, in our office.”

                    “But why? It’s taking up space and it doesn’t go with the clean modern style.  And people keep getting locked inside it, it’s a death trap.”

                    “That’s what they want you to think! That it’s just another ghastly old wardrobe!  But it’s how they smuggle the stuff!”

                    “What stuff are they smuggling? Drugs?  That doesn’t explain what it’s doing in our office, though.”

                    “Well, I had an interesting intuition about that. You know that modified carrot story they tried to palm us off with? Well I reckon it’s vaccines.  They had to come up with a way to vaccinate the anti vaxxers, so they made this batch of vaccines hidden in hallucinogenic carrots.  They’re touting the carrots as a new age spiritual vibration enhancing wake up drug, and the anti vaxxers will flock to it in droves.”

                    “Surely if they’re so worried about the ingredients in vaccines, they won’t just take any old illegal drug off the street?”

                    Star laughed loudly, quickly putting her hand over her mouth to silence the guffaw.  Thankfully Vince had reached a powerful crescendo and nobody heard her.

                    Tara smiled ruefully. “Yeah, I guess that was a silly thing to say.  But now I’m confused.  Whose side are we on? Surely the carrot vaccine is a good idea?  Are we trying to stop them or what?  And what is Vince up to? Falsifying a will?” Tara frowned, puzzled. “Whose side are we on?” she repeated.

                    “We’re on the side of the client who pays us, Tara,” Star reminded her.

                    “But what if the client is morally bankrupt? What if it goes against our guidelines?”

                    “Guidelines don’t come into it when you’re financially bankrupt!” Star snapped.  “Hey, where has everyone gone?”

                    “They said they had to pick up a wardrobe,” said the waitress. “Shall I bring you the bill?  They all left without paying, they said you were treating them.”

                    “Pay the bill, Tara!” screamed Star, knocking over her chair as she flew out of the door. “And then make haste to the office and help me stop them!”


                    “Wot you ‘oping for then, Sha?” whispered Mavis. “I mean, wot you bloody ‘oping for from the Doc?”

                    “Wot’s that, Mavis? Can’t bloody ‘ear you if you don’t speak up a bit,” said Sha.

                    “Keep your bloody voice down, Sha!” said Gloria.

                    “I said, wot you ‘oping for? Out of this beauty treatment?” repeated Mavis in a loud hiss.

                    “Oh, that’s a bloody good question, Mavis. You always were a thinker. I’m not thinking to look twenty again, or anythink like that. It’d be nice but I’m realistic, me. I dunno really … Thirty maybe? Wot you ‘oping for Gloria?”

                    “I’m thinking we should ‘ave bloody thought this through before! And now, ‘ere we are, sat ‘ere in his bloody waiting room. It’s too bloody late to wonder wot we’re doing ‘ere now! If we go back, that bloody Nurse Trassie will skin us for garters!”

                    “Blimey, Glor, wot’s got you in a ‘uff?”

                    “I’m sorry, Luv. I didn’t mean to ‘ave a go. I’m scared is wot it is. I read summink in the fine print just now, about the Doc, wot’s worried me,” said Glor.

                    “Oh, bloody ‘ell! I didn’t bother to look at them bleedin papers they gave us to sign. Couldn’t even read it, the writing was that bloody small. Wot’d it say then, Glor?” said Mavis.

                    Before Gloria could answer, Barbara walked briskly into the waiting room.


                      Finnley disappeared.”

                      Liz couldn’t believe her ears; at first she’d ignored the harbingers, the unattended dust trails, and of course, all the crumbs on the table piling up day after day.

                      Godfrey repeated “I’m telling you, Finnley took off and disappeared.”

                      He paused to leave room for Liz’ to answer, not that she ever needed any to start with. But she was profoundly shocked at the betrayal.

                      “I don’t believe you gave her paid leaves, have you; one of your silly ideas?”

                      Godfrey thought for a moment, “Now you mention it, I don’t believe she had any, even after all this time, had she?”

                      “Don’t be daft, Godfrey, she wouldn’t want any; of course, there’s a reason I chose her over the other very qualified staff lining up to work here.”

                      “Not even a trace, her personal belonging are gone; not even a message left behind. A mystery fit for one of your novels, eh.”

                      “I guess there’s nothing in the fridge either.” Liz said listlessly. “Guess you’ll have to order from the Pakistani restaurant tonight. Roberto, cute as he is, can’t cook for his life.”


                      The path ahead was blocked. Repeatedly.

                      Some filter was preventing him to access the path, and move forward.

                      He wished he had an oiliphant, or something equally powerful that could blast through. But more subtle measures were required. The evil that blocked his path was a different kind of monster, something built on inaction, and slow decay. One would exhaust oneself to argue with it, and moving it with force would only ensure its full and entirely focused resistance.
                      Patience and proper action, in a flow like water. It was more than a magical mantra, it should be a way of life.

                      Rukshan had looked at his options, and the map he found only confirmed what he had surmised so far. There were three barmkins, old defensive enclosures that hindered his way out of the Zaunoff Camp Fort, the Southern outpost leading to the safety of the Forest’s outer groves.

                      Tackling the first wall would test his resolve, but he was ready. He removed his cloak, stretched his back and cracked his knuckles.

                      Move like water

                      The creeping ivy and catsfoot flowers started to react and whisper in the wind.

                      A hole? There was a hole in the old wall, and with some chance, the plants would lead him through.


                      Rukshan had stayed awake for the most part of the night, slowly and repeatedly counting the seconds between the blazing strokes of lightning and the growling bouts of thunder.
                      It is slowly moving away.

                      The howling winds had stopped first, leaving the showers of rain fall in continuous streams against the dripping roof and wet walls.

                      An hour later maybe, his ear had turned to the sound of the newly arrived at the cottage, thinking it would be maybe the dwarf and Eleri coming back, but it was a different voice, very quiet, somehow familiar… the potion-maker?

                      He had warned Margoritt that a lady clad in head-to-toe shawls would likely come to them. Margoritt had understood that some magical weaving was at play. The old lady didn’t have siddhis or yogic powers, but she had a raw potential, very soundly rooted in her long practice of weaving, and learning the trades and tales of the weaving nomad folks. She had understood. Better, she’d known — from the moment I saw you and that little guy, she’d said, pointing at Tak curled under the bed.
                      “He’s amazing,” she’d said “wise beyond his age. But his mental state is not very strong.”

                      There was more than met the eye about Tak, Rukshan started to realize.
                      For now, the cottage had fell quiet. Dawn was near, and there was a brimming sense of peace and new beginning that came with the short silence before the birds started again their joyous chatter.

                      It must have been then that he collapsed on the table of exhaustion and started to dream.

                      It was long before.

                      The dragon is large and its presence awe-inspiring. They have just shared the shards, each has taken one of the seven. Even the girl, although she still hates to be among us.
                      The stench of the ring of fire is still in their nostrils. The Gods have deserted, and left as soon as the Portal closed itself. It is a mess.

                      “Good riddance.”

                      He raises his head, looking at the dragon above him. She is quite splendid, her scales a shining pearl blue on slate black, reflecting the moonshine in eerie patterns, and her plastron quietly shiny, almost softly fiery. His newly imbued power let him know intimately many things, at once. It is dizzying.

                      “You talk of the Gods, don’t you?” he says, already knowing the answer.
                      “Of course, I am. Good riddance. They had failed us so many times, forgot their duties, driven me and my kind to slavery. Now I am free. Free of guilt, and free of sorrow. Free to be myself, as I was meant to be.”
                      “It is a bit more complex th…”
                      “No it isn’t. It couldn’t be more simple. If you had the strength to see it, you would understand.”
                      “I know what you mean, but I am not sure I understand.”

                      The dragon smiles enigmatically. She turns to the lonely weeping girl, who is there with the old woman. Except her grand-mother is no longer an old crone, she has changed her shape to that of a younger person. She is showing potentials to the girl, almost drunk on the power, but it doesn’t alleviate her pain.

                      “What are you going to do about them?”

                      The Dragon seems above the concerns for herself. In a sense, she is right. It was all his instigation. He bears responsibility.

                      “I don’t know…” It is a strange thing to say, when you can know anything. He knows there are no good outcomes of this situation. Not with the power she now possesses.

                      “You better find out quick…” and wake up,

                      wake up, WAKE UP !


                        The sack got heavier with each step, as the old abandoned characters grew in anticipation, sending long tendrils through the loose weave of the hessian. The extra weight didn’t slow Roberto down, in fact he felt invigorated and inspired with something more interesting to do than pander to the others in that madhouse of Elizabeth.

                        One particularly persistent shoot near the top of the sack kept winding itself around Roberto’s neck, and when he unwound it repeatedly, it would jiggle as he walked and poke him in the eye, before curling itself back around his neck.

                        I wonder which character you will turn out to be when we get you planted, he admonished the tendril goodnaturedly, for it was a gentle twining around his neck, and playful.

                        As the gardener walked, appreciating the puffy white clouds scudding across the baby blue sky and the bird twittering and swooping, he felt a sense of purpose and depth that had been missing from his life in recent years. It had been entertaining at the madhouse, but only superficially. He had felt destined for more than raking leaves and pruning roses. Now he had a mission, and felt lighter at the same time as feeling very much more substantial.

                        The twining tendril round his neck suddenly thrust our several more pale green leaves, obscuring Roberto’s vision entirely. He was chuckling affectionately as he fell into the sink hole, and as he fell, the sack burst open, scattering the characters willy nilly into the vast underground cavern that he found himself in.

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