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  • #4040

      The phone rang, putting paid to Hilda’s intention of going back to sleep. There was evidence that the random face puncher had lashed out again, this time in Boston. Boston! Hilda quickly packed a flight bag, vaguely wondering why she didn’t have suitcase packing staff on hand. There was no time to watch a “how to pack a suitcase” video, either. The verdigris statue lay tits up on the smashed concrete sidewalk, indicating that the face puncher packed quite a punch. Hilda grinned at the thought of the danger bonus payment for this assignment, and then scowled at the thought of US customs crotch gropers. She toyed with the idea of wearing a codpiece stuffed with dried chamomile, just for a laugh, but thought better of it.


      Yannosh had finished packing the suitcase. The Indian butler loathed more and more being in the employment of the evil and mad Mr Asparagus. He had no choice, the Asparagus cousins, Mr Quentin Sir, and Ms Tina M’am, were part of his undercover mission.

      This time, he had taken extra pleasure in efficiently and neatly packing a month worth of Mr Quentin clothes in a bundle, all of them in the tinsiest suitcase he could find.
      It would be a hell to unbundle, and a much bigger mess to repack properly. He hoped he would curse him as much as he did him.

      He smiled thinking about the gouda incident. It had only missed the target by a few seconds, he would do better the next time.


      “You’re lucky it wasn’t your hands,” said Tina. She had visited Quentin after Connie had left. Strange reporter that one. Kind of short sized with big eyes that never blinked. Tina snorted and dismissed the memory with a roll of her eyes, then looked at Quentin straight in the eyes, awaiting for his answer.

      “What do you mean ?” asked Quentin. Tina didn’t expected the answer to be a question. She rolled her eyes as if Quentin had missed the obvious.

      “The giant gouda ball, you’re lucky it didn’t roll on your hands.”

      Quentin looked at Tina with a bit of concern in his eyes. She had been acting weird lately and making odd random connections between events and comments. He looked at his friend more closely. She had a bird nest on her head. With two eggs. It was a fake nest. He certainly hoped the eggs were too. He had no idea

      “Anyway,” Tina said, “I won a trip to some island of the hidden people from the website. Wanna come with me, Quentin?”
      He thought of his options. The most obvious response would be that he had no idea what a hidden people could be. If it was hidden it could very well be that it was hiddeous and needed to be hidden. On the other hand… Quentin looked at his other hand. It was empty.

      “They say it’s on the rim of the realm,” added Tina as if she had read Quentin’s thought and need for a motive.
      Now, he thought, the rim of the realm, that sounded quite an interesting unexplored territory to discover.
      “When do we leave ? I need to ask Yannosh to pack my suitcase.”


        The following is an e-mail from the past, composed on July 01, 2010. It is being delivered from the past through

        Dear FutureMe,
        The Absinthe Cafe
        Dawn and Mark had a bottle of Absinthe (the proper stuff with the WORMwood in
        it, which is illegal in France) but forgot to bring it. Wandering around at
        some point, we chanced upon a cafe called Absinthe. Sitting on the terrace, the
        waitress came up and looked right at me and said “Oh you are booked to come here
        tomorrow night!” and then said “Forget I said that”. Naturally that got our
        attention. After we left Dawn spotted a kid with 2016 on the back of his T
        shirt. We asked Arkandin about it and we have a concurrent group focus that does
        meet in that cafe in 2016, including Britta. Dawn’s name is Isabelle Spencer,
        Jib’s is Jennifer….
        The Worm & The Suitcase
        I borrowed Rachel’s big red suitcase for the trip and stuck a Time Bridgers
        sticker on it, and joked before I left about the case disappearing to 2163. I
        had an impulse to take a fig tree sapling for Eric and Jib, which did survive
        the trip although it looked a little shocked at first. As Eric was repotting
        it, we noticed a worm in the soil, and I said, Well, if the fig tree dies at
        least you have the worm.
        At Balzacs house on a bench in the garden there was a magazine lying there open
        to an ad for Spain, which said “If you lose your suitcase it would be the best
        thing because you would have to stay”.
        Later we asked Arkandin and he said that there was something from the future
        inserted into my suitcase. I went all through it wondering what it could be,
        and then a couple of days ago Eric said that it was the WORM! because of the
        WORMwood absinthe syncs, and worm hole etc. I just had a chat with Franci who
        had a big worm sync a couple of days ago, she particularly noticed a very big
        worm outside the second hand shop, and noted that she hadn’t seen a worm in ages
        ~ which is also a sync, because there was a big second hand clothes shop next to
        Dawn and Mark’s hotel that I went into looking for a bowler hat.
        Arkandin said, by the way, that Jane did forget to mention the bowler hats in
        OS7, those two guys on the balcony were indeed wearing bowler hats, and that
        they were the same guys that were in my bedroom in the dream I had prior to
        finding the Seth stuff ~ Elias and Patel.
        Eric replied:

        And another Time Bridger thing; a while ago, Jib and I had fun planting some TB stickers at random places in Paris (and some on a wooden gate at Jib’s hometown).
        Those in Paris I remember were one at the waiting room of a big tech department store, and another on the huge “Bateaux Mouches” sign on the Pont de l’Alma (bridge, the one of Lady D. where there is a gilded replica of Lady Liberty’s flame).
        I think there are pics of that on Jib’s or my flickr account somewhere.
        When we were walking past this spot, Jib suddenly remembered the TB sticker — meanwhile, the sign which was quite clean before had been written all over, and had other stickers everywhere. We wondered whether it was still here, and there it was! It’s been something like 2 years… Kind of amazing to think it’s still there, and imagine all the people that may have seen it since!

        The Flights

        I wasn’t all that keen on flying and procrastinated for ages about the trip. I
        flew with EASYjet, so it was nice to see the word EASY everywhere. I got on the
        plane to find that they don’t allocate seats, and chose a seat right at the
        front on the left. The head flight attendant was extremely playful for the
        whole flight, constantly cracking up laughing and teasing the other flight
        attendants, who would poke him and make him laugh during announcements so that
        he kept having to put the phone down while he laughed. I spent the whole flight
        laughing and catching his mischeivously twinking eye.
        I asked Arkandin about him and he said his energy was superimposed. I got on
        the flight to come home and was met on the plane by the same guy! I said
        HELLO! It’s YOU again! Can I sit in the same seat and are you going to make me
        laugh again” and he actually moved the person that was in my seat and said I
        could sit there. Then he asked me about my book (about magic and Napolean). He
        also said that all his flights all week had been delayed except the two that I
        was on. He wanted to give me a card for frequent flyers but I told him I
        usually flew without planes ~ that cracked him up ;))

        The Dream Bean

        Eric cracked open a special big African bean that is supposed to enhance
        dreams/lucidity so we all had a bit of it. The second night I remembered a
        dream and it was a wonderful one.
        (Coincidentally, on the flight home I read a few pages of my book and it just
        happened to be about the council of five dragons and misuse of magical beans)
        In the dream I had a companion with magical powers, who I presumed was Jib but
        it was myself actually. It was a long adventure dream of being chased and
        various adventures across the countryside, but there was no stress, it was all
        great fun. Everytime things got a bit too close in the dream, I’d hold onto my
        friend with magical powers, and we would elevate above the “adventure” and drop
        down in another location out of immediate danger ~ although we were never
        outside of the adventure, so to speak. At one point I wondered why my magical
        freind didn’t just elevate us right up high and out of it completely, and
        realized that we were in the adventure game on purpose for the fun of it, so why
        would we remove ourselves completely from the adventure game.
        In the dream I remember we were heading for Holland at one point, and then the
        last part we were safely heading for Turkey…..
        The other dream snapshot was “we are all working together on roof tiles” and
        Arkandin had some interesting stuff to say about that one.

        There were alot of vampire imagery incidents starting with me asking Eric if he
        slept in his garden tool box at night, and then the guy who shot out of a door
        right next to Jib and Eric’s, in a bright orange T shirt, carrying a cardboard
        coffin. He stopped for me to take a photo (and Arkandin said it was a Patel pop
        in); then while walking through the outdoor food market someone was chopping a
        crate up and a perfect wooden stake flew across the floor and landed at my feet.
        The next vampire sync was a shop opposite Dawn and Mark’s hotel with 3 coffins
        in the window (I went back to take a pic of the cello actually, didn’t even
        notice the coffins). Inside the shop was an EAU DE NIL MOTOR SCOOTER Share, can
        you beleive it, and a mummy, a stuffed raven, and a row of (Tardis) Red phone
        I had a nightmare last night that I couldn’t find any of my (nine) dogs; the
        only ones I could find were the dead ones.

        Balzac’s House

        The trip to Balzac’s house was interesting, although in somewhat unexpected
        ways. (Arkandin was Balzac and I was the cook/housekeeper) The house didn’t
        seem “right” somehow to Mark and I and we decided that was probably because
        other than the desk there was no furniture in it. Mark saw a black cat that
        nobody else saw that was an Arkandin pop in (panther essence animal), and Dawn
        felt that he was sitting on a chair, and Mark sat on him. (Arkandin said yes he
        did sit on him ;) The kitchen was being used as an office. Jib felt the house
        was too small, and picked up on a focus of his that rented the other part of the
        house. (The house was one storey high on the side we entered, and two storeys
        high from the road below). There were two pop ins there apparently, one with
        long hair which is a connection to my friend Joy who was part of that group
        focus, and I can’t recall anything about the other one. Dawn was picking up
        that Balzac wasn’t too happy, and I was remembering the part in Cousin Bette
        that infuriated me when I read it, where he goes on and on about how disgusting
        it is for servants to expect their wages when their “betters” are in dire
        straits. Arkandin confirmed that I didn’t get my wages.
        The garden was enchanting and had a couple of sphinx statues and a dead pigeon ~
        as well as the magazine with the suitcase and Spain imagery. Mark signed the
        guest book “brought the cook back” and I replied “no cooking smells this time”.


          “You can’t leave without a permit, you know,” Prune said, startling Quentin who was sneaking out of his room.

          “I’m just going for a walk,” he replied, irritated. “And what are you doing skulking around at this hour, anyway? Shouldn’t you be in bed?”

          “What are you doing with an orange suitcase in the corridor at three o’clock in the morning?” the young brat retorted. “Where are you going?”

          “Owl watching, that’s what I’m doing. And I don’t have a picnic basket, so I’m taking my suitcase.” Quentin had an idea. “Would you like to come?” The girls local knowledge might come in handy, up to a point, and then he could dispose of her somehow, and continue on his way.

          Prune narrowed her eyes with suspicion. She didn’t believe the owl story, but curiosity compelled her to accept the invitation. She couldn’t sleep anyway, not with all the yowling mating cats on the roof. Aunt Idle had forbidden her to leave the premises on her own after dark, but she wasn’t on her own if she was with a story refugee, was she?


            Aunt Idle:

            Those maps got me remembering all kinds of things, not that I was fretting about the note because I wasn’t, but once I’d quit flapping about the note, all kinds of things started popping into my mind.

            Odd little cameo memories, more often than not a mundane scene that somehow stuck in my head. Like that cafe with the mad hatter mural, mediocre little place, and I cant even remember where it was, but that number on the mural was just wrong, somehow. It’s as clear as a bell in my memory now, but not a thing before or after it, or when it was, other than somewhere in New Zealand.

            I kept getting a whistling in my left ear as I was recalling things, like when I remembered that beach on the Costa del Sol, with a timebridgers sticker in the beach bar. I can still see that Italian man walking out of the sea with an octopus.

            I can still see the breeze flapping the pages of a magazine lying on a bench in Balzac’s garden in Paris, something about a red suitcase, but I can’t recall what exactly.

            A motel in a truckstop village in California…the sherry was making me drowsy. I almost felt like I was there again for a moment.

            Conjure up a bowler hat, he said, while you’re out today. I forgot all about it (how often I thank my lucky stars for having a bad memory, I much prefer a surprise) and saw a delightful hurdy gurdy man wearing a bowler hat (In June! I do recall it was June). My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean, he was playing. I’m sure to have forgotten that, but I made a video recording.

            All these locations were holes in the maps, those ripped up maps the girls brought home from the Brundy place, just after I got that note. I was beginning to see a pattern to the connecting links between the letters ripped out of the map locations, and the wording in the note (which was made of ripped out letters from place names on a map, and glued onto the paper, as anyone who is reading this will no doubt recall). The pattern in the discovery of connecting links was that the pattern is constantly changing, rendering moot the need to decipher a plot in advance of the actual discovery of spontaneous development of the shifting patterns of discovery, and deliverance of the decipherable delegation of the delighted, promptly at noon.


              “Looks like Ed Steams’ own impetus was his downfall Janet said solemnly after she covered the mustacheless body with a white bedsheet.
              “Damn right you are, Janet.” Riff Raff nodded. “I wouldn’t have recognized him without his mustache though…”
              “I think it’s safe to say that Pearl and Mari Fe’s plan was nearly a fiasco, but in the end, he took the surge full blast. Not quite the end we had in mind for him, but what’s done is done.”

              The zombies hadn’t been difficult to subjugate however, and although Riff Raff nearly had his brain eaten out, there had been no spread or civilian loss to deplore. That much was good, Janet didn’t like the whole body moving business one bit. The Moreguest Facility was such a drab place, at least she could go straight back to her post in beautiful sunny West Coast.

              On the table, an egg-shaped translucent gem was beaming bright green. Janet took it thoughtfully, carefully placing it in the diplomatic case. “Strange that Ed died from the surge while the others recovered once the zombie energy had been sealed into the rote.”
              Riff Raff was more pragmatic. Or maybe eager to get back home too. “He was a man consumed by his quest for artifacts, let’s not dwell on things past.”

              Using the portal from the bathroom once she decontaminated and recalibrated it, she’d sent everyone, their clothes doused in moonshine to some dark alleys in Granada, where they would probably be picked by local officers alerted by the usual racket made by the transspace portal, with no memory at all and alcohol breath. At least the nosy auditor would be in for a trip.

              “Hey Riff, give my regards to Midgenta” Janet bear-hugged her friend, throwing the diplomatic suitcase with the pocket-sized forklift into the glove box of the red car, and disappearing in a trail of fine caliche billowing behind the vehicle wheels.


                Dru Hammond’s flight was being delayed at Charles de Gaulle airport.
                Not the most brilliant idea to fly with Air Frange for this mission, he thought…
                He held from well informed source that airports days were counted, and that airports would soon become deserted museums – in truth, teleportation tech was being developed and soon would be mainstreamed by Ganga, the mammoth merger of Amazoom and Koogle companies.
                That was why he tried to enjoy this vintage means of transportation as much as he could now, and collected plane tickets from all possible flight companies from around the world.
                Dru was an auditor from Passadena, working for the Team, or actually for Ed Steam, the boss himself. His mission was usually to discretely assess the Team’s strengths and shortcomings. However, in this case, he was sent to Malaga for the Three Kings’ Parade, and there was a catch to his assignment. But he wasn’t at liberty to think too much about it. Ed had means to read minds, and thinking too much wouldn’t do him any good. So instead he tried to focus on something innocuous, like fluffy white rabbits dancing in a snow field.
                The security check was taking forever. After an unending stream of Italian tourists, there was a Frenchman stuck into the security gate with a folded drying rack that he was trying to bargain his right to carry it into the plane with lots of ample movements, while the gatekeeper was stubbornly nodding his head.
                Dru after some initial irritation started to find the whole barter amusing. His flight wasn’t boarding before four more hours, so he had time.
                He suddenly wasn’t as much amused when, after relenting and letting the security guy take the rack back to be sent in the cargo hold, the French guy accidentally let his suitcase drop and burst open, revealing a clunky mess of things among which: a heavy black hammer, a humongous book as large as the suitcase itself, crockery, tin canned foods and lots of multicoloured clothes pegs.
                All his auditor’s instincts were crying at him right now that without the shadow of a doubt this man was a dangerous terrorist, hiding under an innocent awkward guise. Sighing of relief when he overheard he was going to Shanghai instead of his European destination, he wondered what terrorists would do in a world of easy free teleportation…


                  Pearl wrapped the jars of apple pie moonshine carefully inside a beach towel, and placed them in the middle of her suitcase. Her flight was at midnight, and eveything was ready for her trip to Andalucia to assist the surge team on the night of the three kings parade. But there was a problem: the snow had all but submerged her house, her car was nowhere to be seen beneath the white drifts, and the roads were silent and impassable. Pearl called Skye in London, and asked her to send a red car.


                  In reply to: Strings of Nines


                    Sanso had been hanging around for far too long, trying to make sense of all the funny ideas that people have, and trying to get to grips with all their adventures and escapades, their convoluted ponderings, and all the friends and associates that were continually weaving themselves through the many threads. He’d all but forgotten that he was a wanderer by nature, used to travelling alone. Somehow he’d become stuck in their ways, despite not ever really fitting in completely, and he wasn’t entirely sure how it had happened. Perhaps it had been the broccoli. With a defiant devil may care spirit, he’d eaten the broccoli
                    from the jar marked “You Fool”, when all the others had chosen the broccoli in the jar labeled “Thank You”. Well, he’d chosen it, there was no blaming anyone else for it, after all. But the effects had all but worn off, and he was starting to get the old familiar itch to travel again, to explore.

                    “You can go in any direction you want” he heard himself say as he mentally transported himself back to a scene in his Story. “You’ll always be at the centre of everything.”

                    How very strange that he’d forgotten that. That brocolli was powerful stuff.

                    “You interpret the signs however you want to…” the voice of Sanso In Another Scene continued, “and then you act on it. And I’ll tell you this as well, it’s about time you stopped rehashing Old Scenes and started exploring some new ones. Just go, go now! Put one foot in front of the other, and just go ~ go back into the cave.”

                    Sanso was on the verge of protesting that he didn’t have a plan, and then remembered how much he liked surprises.

                    For the briefest moment, Sanso wondered if he should leave a note for anyone, or get the laundry in before he set off, or pack a suitcase or something, but decided to start off as he meant to carry on ~ alone, impulsive and free to wander the world of his own making.


                    There was a large black cow blocking the entrance to the cave. The cow was dead and bloated, although it hadn’t started to smell yet. Sanso wondered whether it was a sign, and decided that it was. It would be rather pointless to create a large dead cow blocking the cave entrance if it had no significance to the story, he deduced, although he hadn’t yet worked out an appropriate meaning for the sign.

                    Weighing up his options, Sanso realized there were several choices he could make. He could delete the previous paragraph, and simply walk into the cave. He could wait until the cow decomposed, and then simply climb over the bones. He could wander around until he found another cave entrance, or simply teleport himself into the cave behind the cow.

                    However, the only option that he could think of that would include the Meaning of the Dead Cow Blocking The Cave Entrance would be to stay with the cow until the meaning had been found. If he ignored the cow, he might be Missing An Important Meaning. Notwithstanding, the meaning may turn up later, whether he forgot about it or not.

                    Sanso decided to sit and meditate on the Meaning of the Cow before proceeding. He could change his mind at any moment if he got bored.


                    In reply to: Strings of Nines

                    When she opened her plastic bag with the pink fish pattern on it to count how much money she had left to pay for that trip to the Cayman Islands, Jane could have sworn that there was anything else altogether than the last time she’d checked.

                    Was her amnesia playing tricks on her? There was now a credit card instead of the wet stack of dollar bills, and a paper with a few numbers jotted down on it in place of the previous account number —maybe a PIN number?…

                    Puzzled for a moment, she wondered if that was a sign. After all that thinking she’d had the past night, about what to do, and how she didn’t feel like moving already, there was a new set of possibilities opening for her.
                    She was almost done distractedly packing the few personal belongings she had gathered during her weeks of convalescence when somebody knocked lightly on the door.
                    Even if she’d not already recognized the footsteps, she knew who it was and blushed spotting in the wall mirror a few wild hair in her otherwise perfect blond hairdo.
                    Mark Devoiteur was the man who had found her stranded on the beach, and had taken her to the hospital. He’d been checking on her every day since, and was visibly attracted by her.

                    She folded the plastic bag in her handbag and closed the little suitcase. She was ready to go.


                    In reply to: Strings of Nines


                      Back in January, her friend Ronda had asked her if she wanted to come with her to a seminar in Madrid, one of these loonatics seminar. She wasn’t interested herself in that kind of gathering of freaky people and she wouldn’t have accepted if Ronda hadn’t offered to pay for her expenses.

                      That was the perfect occasion and the perfect time, with the crisis her little enterprise was sinking rapidly and money had never been so scarce. Those would be the perfect holidays, even if she would have to spend some time among some loonatics.

                      So in March here they went in Madrid. The hotel was simply gorgeous and as they told the biggest in Europe.

                      It was perfect again.

                      Not that the rooms were big, though they were quite expensive, but there were so many sculptures and paintings, so many trinkets :raw-crystal: :crystal-skull: in the lobby and in the lounge… and there was a pool!!! She could see herself flirting :face-kiss: with one of those rich loonatics, always ready to spend money on glass pyramids that had properly been tachyonised :yahoo_hypnotized:

                      That’s where her life changed and that she realized she needed STRUCTURE in her life.

                      It happened during one of these meditations by a certain T’Eggy, a still active porn star, the favorite of Marvin Scrozzezi… and she was also doing seminars!!!
                      When she saw her, Patricia thought her face was familiar, and that’s when she saw the groupies in the first row, all of them wearing the leopard superstrings that had been made mass spread by her performance in the latest Marvin Scrozzezi. Patricia had one of them, but the superstring hadn’t resist her generous forms or she would have bring it to the party… well that’s another story.

                      T’Eggy was stressing the need of structure that they all needed in their lives and she made her points listened and watched with a few scenes of her recent and not so recent movies. Everybody was charmed and she made them laugh with her story about when she played the millionaire waiting for Bill the milkman…

                      Ronda was not really interested by T’Eggy and a bit shameful of her adoration of T’Eggy, Patricia had to sneak out during the break and she bought a few books, amidst which “The Pelvic Respiration” or “Release your Stress in a Gang Bang”. She also bought a few vials of the special Dr. B. Cream which said “Rejuvenate your Vagina”… apparently made with some blue spiders silk and venom. She went quickly in her room and hid her purchases in her suitcase before returning for the Channeled Music of the Chinese Swamps Monastery and the Channeling of the Big ErectoMagnetic Stick called Fryzon.

                      Patricia didn’t listen to all of that, she was already imagining all the ways she could structure her new life with the pelvic meditation.


                      Aspidistra was packing her suitcase. Shopping for parasites wasn’t as straightforward as she had imagined it would be. The particular parasites that she required were anti nut phobia parasites, and could only be found in the eighth world. The third world had eventually succumbed to nut phobia, swiftly followed by several more worlds. Aspidistra had to hurry to the eighth world, as news had just filtered through the networks of a new case of nutterophobia in Shift Creek, in the seventh world.


                      — “Dory?”
                      — “What, hon’?” a distracted Dory answered to young Becky
                      — “You’d better remove the magnets from the iron, or you’ll ruin another one…”
                      — “What are you talking about?!” Dory was perplexed, trying to find her way through the airport to Gate 57-¾, but only to find nothing but benches in between Gate 57 and 58.
                      — “Oh, never mind… It’s only a dream and you probably won’t remember it anyway.”

                      “There!” the suspicious bag lady of the Heathrow terminal had reappeared briefly just for Dory to spot her entering the restrooms.
                      Becky was already rolling the heavy bumper-stickers patched suitcase to follow her without question.

                      — “But why are you taking the suitcase to go to the bathroom, Beck’?”
                      — “What are you talking about Dory!” Becky was sometimes losing patience. “Can’t you see it’s the entrance for Gate 57-¾?!”
                      — “Uh?” A moment of clueless mystery on Dory’s face. “Oh…” Another mini-black hole on her face.

                      “Oh. Okay then. Let’s go…”

                      If there was something that her exotic life had taught Dory, it was to never question the moment. If the circumstances are here, if the impulse is there, then go for it. Explanations will follow. And in case they don’t, make them up as you roll and rock!

                      Becky meanwhile was rather surprised at how people, even her own step-mother, as tuned in ghostly stuff as she was, most of the time failed to see the things for what they really are. And if these big painted letters on the door “GATE 57 ¾” weren’t obvious enough, and people preferred to interpret them as restrooms, then… what else could be done? She sighed.
                      Later on, she would learn that it was a common, well documented trait in human consciousness; that people were sometimes psychologically (but not physically) blind to stuff outside of their current focus of attention, or simply blind to things too far off their beliefs; in other terms, it was a matter of energy reconfiguration. As long as it worked…

                      “Oh look at that… Yukailli Airlines counter is here! What bloody stupid idea to put a closet door at the entrance…”

                      After having made the departure arrangements at the counter, Dory came back to Becky who was looking outside at the planes.

                      — “Ain’t them beautiful?”
                      — “Yeah, and I suppose you’re seeing planes, aren’t you?”
                      — “Err, yes of course, what else, silly… Though now you ask me, they seem a bit weird… foggy or something”.

                      In fact, what Becky was seeing wasn’t conventional planes. It was more like “fly-boats”. Some sorts of hybrid ships made to fly with huge wings transparent and shiny like those of flies.

                      — “I hope they have crunchy coleslaw for meal, I’m starving” a contented and tired Dory said, when she collapsed into the comfortable seats.


                        Becky pulled a loose cotton dress out of the suitcase, and scowled at her bikinis. I’ll go for a long hike, she muttered to herself, slipping a pair of strappy mule sandals on her feet. At least my legs aren’t fat! she said, admiring her slim ankles…

                        She stopped for a while wondering why this scene seemed so familiar. She had lived that day already… Was she going crazy?
                        What would you expect with time-traveling affairs? the voice of one of her babies smirked at her…


                          Becky pulled a loose cotton dress out of the suitcase, and scowled at her bikinis. I’ll go for a long hike, she muttered to herself, slipping a pair of strappy mule sandals on her feet. At least my legs aren’t fat! she said, admiring her slim ankles.

                          Slamming the door of the hotel bedroom behind her, Becky trotted down the stairs, hesitating momentarily at the dining room, she decided against breakfast, and strode out of the door into the morning sunshine.

                          Squinting in the glare of the bright tropical sun, Becky swore under her breath. Forgot my fucking sunglasses, damn! Not wanting to return to the bedroom and see Sean again, Becky strode on.

                          She walked and walked, hardly noticing a thing as she grumbled and fretted to herself. She reached the edge of the town and carried on walking; not paying attention to where she was going, she made randon turns to left and right, and eventually the paved roads petered out into dirt paths, and still Becky strode on in her flimsy sandals, squinting with the sun and the sweat that was dripping into her eyes.

                          By the middle of the afternoon, Becky was hopelessly lost and close to swooning with hunger and the overpowering heat, but she stumbled on. A sudden sharp pain almost doubled her over, and she stood clutching her stomach. Shit, I should have had breakfast, she swore under her breath, mistaking the pain for a hunger pang.

                          Perhaps a trifle unwisely, Becky decided to run, in an attempt to find the nearest house or village in which she could find a morsel to eat. Before long the inevitable happened, and she twisted her ankle on a stone and fell heavily, banging her head and knocking herself blissfully unconscious.


                          Oh for foocks sake, Finnley grumbled, does that woman never go home?

                          Elizabeth Tattler was passed out on the desk, two empty wine boottles on the floor beside her chair.

                          Foock you too! Foock you too! Screeched Robert X

                          She grinned, she quite enjoyed Robert X, or MrX as she liked to call him.

                          So what’s our Elizabeth been up to eh Mr X? Finnley picked up the messy pile of papers on the desk and carefully put them in order. They looked sort of interesting. Maybe it was time for a rest break. She pulled out her vegemoot sandwooches on chunks of rye bread, and, carefully dusting it first, she sat down on a big armchair in the corner of the office to read.

                          Twenty minoots later she threw the pages on the floor in disgust, but then, disturbed by the mess it made, picked them up again.

                          The character Veranassessee left her particularly disturbed. What a name! And what a Wishy Wooshy Noomby Poomby. Whats all this YES YES YES businoos! That Agent Gabriele was a selfish and dictatorial bastood as far as she could tell.

                          She would see about that! She was no writer but she was sure she could do better than this load of old mongoat droppings.

                          Well she would if she could find a pen on Ms Tattler’s shamboolic desk anyway.


                          Veranassessee (V) drew back from his sloppy kisses. Wait! Have you got protection? she asked, imperatively and sensibly.

                          Protection? … my gun is under the pillow … oh right I see what you mean, stuttered Agent Gabriele apologetically, reluctantly pulling himself from making suction noises on her breast to rummage for a condom in his suitcase.

                          Great, now say that stuff again. You know all that crap about how beautiful I am. I sort of liked it.

                          Agent Gabriele willingly obliged. Of course V recognised it for the lustful rubbish it was … still might as well have a bit of fun. He was damn good looking.

                          Perfect, she said. Now, what position do you prefer?

                          He was momentarily speechless, stunned, and even more aroused, if that was indeed possible, by her forthrightness.

                          She rolled her eyes. Yes, you know POSITION … on top … underneath ..front … back… through a hole in a blanket …? myself I like to keep things simple, don’t want to make too much mess around the place.

                          Anything you want Darling Agent V.

                          A little bit later he sighed contentedly. You are by far the best lover I have ever had.

                          Thanks, everyone says that. Hey! Put out that cigarette, there’s no smoking inside you know. She looked critically around the room. You know this room could do with a damn good clean, I could see dust on the headboard, you know, while we were doing it.

                          I’ll make sure I clean it next time, he murmered huskily, kissing her, and saying that stuff again, about how perfect she was.


                          Finnley giggled to herself. Much better! Well who’d have thought she would have a bit of a gift for writing. Carefully she replaced the pages under the telepooh and made her exit. With a bit of luck Ms Tattler would never notice.


                            Becky waited anxiously for a reply from Luce and was quite weak with relief when a response came within the hour. It was short and sweet and simply said: Of course you can come and stay! What fun! Luce and Leah XX

                            Her cold forgotten, Becky booked a flight to Marseille for the early hours of the following morning, and sent Luce an email with the flight details. Next, she trotted into the bedroom and pulled a suitcase out from under the bed and hurriedly packed, wrapping the YouDo doll up in a sarong.

                            Now was the hard part, writing a note for Sean.

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