Solara Ortega

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Type: person

Solara Ortega – 42 years old

One of the key members of Base Klyutch, part of the scientific team and part of the council. She’s working on environmental sustainability and survival-focused research.

She’s one of the few that can stand her ground against Koval without fear of him pushing back.

A woman of lean strength, with the tan of someone spending long hours outside. Her sharp amber eyes carry the weight of someone who had survived too much but refused to be hardened by it.

She’s the mother of Riven Holt, and Orrin Holt’s former wife.

In 2030 she had just graduated and doing some fieldwork in preparation of her postgrad while Riven was staying at her parents’. The collapse cut off her return, leaving her stranded in a foreign land with no option other than put into practice what she had learned about environmental science, sustainable systems, agriculture, or anthropology into real survival conditions immediately.

Categories: Helix 25