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  • #2200

    “Hey, Asp” Phildendron was still chuckling at her sister Aspidistra’s reaction to the piglet news “Why don’t you make a deal with Lavender, tell her you’ll only accept the piglet if it comes with a years supply of that DMT stuff.”

    “So I can share it will you, Phil?” Asp raised an eyebrow. “I don’t like haggling though, you know what I’m like. Looking a gift horse in the mouth and all that, no accidents and all the rest of it. I mean, I must be creating this piglet gift myself, and acceptance is key, is it not?”

    “Acceptance doesn’t mean literally accepting gifts of piglets, silly!”

    “Well what DOES it mean then?”

    “It means accepting that everything is fine, whatever you choose ~ whether you say yes to the pig, or no to the pig, you’re supposed to accept that it’s the perfect choice.”

    “Well how the devil is a person to know which is the right choice then?”

    “Well that’s just it, it doesn’t matter which choice you make. Not only that, it’s not a case of just one choice, either.”

    “So what you’re trying to tell me, which sounds like absolute nonsense, is that if I choose to accept the pig gift now, I would have to choose tomorrow that I accepted the pig gift today, otherwise I would be choosing…..” Asp’s voice trailed off as she lost her thread.

    “Yes! And not just once tomorrow, but in every moment you would have to choose that you chose the pig gift ~ otherwise you’d be choosing that you didn’t accept the pig ~ and that would be a choice too.”

    “Oh don’t be silly, Phil, with so many choices to make in each moment you wouldn’t ever be finished choosing before it was the next moment, then you’d have to start choosing again ~ You’d never get anything done!”


      The transitory times were hectic, to say the least, though it did not always appear as such for everyone involved.

      For focuses, still living at the helm of the Shipft, riding the turbulent waves of change, it was a very delicate period.
      The last wave had propelled them very far in a short time, and they had rejoiced that their promised new land was in sight. Finally.

      But little did they know that the land in question was only still a reflection of the old. They had created it to let themselves rest, and spew out their stress, their anger and frustration, while behind the curtains the activity was intense with the careful and barely noticed moving of props.

      Sometimes, the riders of wave had glimpses of that movement. But it still felt as if they were left on their own. Most of the activity seemed to have shifted to other grounds, and that was a ground they didn’t realize they had access to already.

      Like the rainbow Bifröst leading to Asgard, all these bridges between the realms would soon start to crumble. It wouldn’t be possible to have one foot here and another there, not any longer.
      Choices will be made.
      They are being made.

      And then, the Circle of power, the one Ring will be melt into a burning core of ‘lova’, and the Shite will be healed and shifted. (well, tentatively heehee)


        Q: Okay. What happens to things we create, like with
        characters? Are they merely thought-forms, being extensions of
        ourselves? Or do they … CAN they move on and become more?

        ELIAS: This is dependent upon your choices and how you are
        manipulating energy.

        Now; in this, let us view what you in physical focus term to be
        artistic expressions, in the area of musical composition and of
        painting expressions. These are two obvious examples within your
        physical creations that you may view certain qualities of the

        Now; in this, some expressions, within either musical compositions
        or expressions of illustrations or paintings, may appear to be
        merely an expression of the individual and hold the energy signature
        of that individual, but they appear or seem to not extend any
        farther, so to speak; this is figuratively speaking.

        In other terms, you may encounter other types of musical
        compositions or illustrated or painted compositions, and they appear
        quite differently. They appear not merely to hold the energy
        signature of the individual that has created them, but they also
        seem to hold an energy of their own, as if they have been created
        into an entity of their own.

        Now; the reason that you connect with this recognition of these
        types of expressions is that the composition does hold the energy
        signature of the individual that has created it, but what it also
        may hold is an aspect of that individual focus which has been
        allowed to be projected outwardly and has been allowed to continue
        independently of the focus.

        This is a similar action to fragmentation, but in very physical,
        figurative terms, a much, much smaller scale.

        This would be likened to any individual, any focus, any essence
        projecting an aspect of itself into any other element within its
        physical creation – a creature, a plant, a rock. It matters not. You
        hold the ability within essence to be projecting an aspect of
        essence or of a particular focus into any of these elements to be
        experiencing the creations of that element of your reality, such as
        a creature or any vegetation, an ocean, a mountain, a rock. It
        matters not.

        In similar manner, you may project an aspect of yourself into one of
        your creations or all of your creations or several of your
        creations, and in this, not merely you shall recognize that this
        creation appears to take on, so to speak, a life of its own, in your
        terms, but other individuals shall recognize this quality also, for
        you have allowed yourself to project an aspect of yourself into your
        physical creation, therefore breathing into it its own
        manifestation, allowing it to be continuing within its own element,
        so to speak, within its own right, in a manner of speaking. Are you

        Therefore, this be your choice of how you shall be creating
        within your creativity and what you shall project within it. Appear
        it not strange to you that certain individuals may be deemed as
        great masters and they shall be revered for their creations and
        their creations shall be enduring throughout your linear physical
        time, and other individuals may be creating and their expressions of
        creativity do not hold this quality? This is the reason…”


          New Venice, March 2034

          After so many “haven’t been on my honeymoon yet!” ( ¹² ) , Becky was relieved to see that she had fast-forwarded time so nicely that, finally, in a few hours of time now, they would depart for Sri Lanka.

          Of course, the last events with her wavering in different probabilities, and manifesting more of what she had tried —almost by reflex— to avoid were still on her mind. She had felt a bit sorry for Sean, but she knew all along that the choices were hers, and worrying unduly about others, even if that was about her dear spouse, wouldn’t be efficient at all, needless to say not even slightly helpful.
          She had to concentrate more on the way she wanted to express herself. That way, she knew she would draw to her the perfectly appropriate situations —while the less than appealing stuff would recede in the background under a good dose of acceptance fairy dust.

          Though still a bit weary of her unexpected pregnancy from a future traveler who hadn’t even had the tact to propose her to elope with him, her minds were fresh and excited as ever at the thought of hopping like a daft goat on the Lion’s Rock in Sigiriya. And her good mood seemed to have an infectious effect on Sean who hadn’t even inquired of what local liquor there would be on the island. Perhaps the aura of the spiritual region had already blessed Sean with some renewed optimism.

          As she was fondly stuffing her skimpy honeymoon outfit in the already ready to burst piece of luggage, she smiled blissfully, remembering all of a sudden how she had forgotten to be gentle with herself these past few days, and how nice it was to treat herself with shiny and twinkling shards of spicy new adventures.
          She could indeed feel the excitement of doing some psychic archeology (as her step-mother used to call that) on these spots full of collective energies that she hadn’t had the taste of in many months.


          Al had just inadvertently telepathically overheard Becky’s long monologue, and was rather amused at the situation that he decided to stay quiet and refrain from intervening.
          It was a sort of interesting experience, to see how it would develop…

          A voice was starting to make itself heard through Becky’s neuronal pathways though… A feminine voice first… Then a male…
          He could even sense a third presence too…

          Al was surprised, as he apparently didn’t really care about what kind of probability would express itself. It seemed it was all valid, and yet, there was something that wanted to make itself heard.

          Becky was quiet now. She seemed to have finally seen that nothing would happen as intensely and quickly as in her swift imagination.

          But Al was intrigued… Who were those presence, they felt lively, very humorous too. But they were concerned about Becky’s changes of mood. They were considering probabilities too, as though Becky’s choices were important to them.

          We are the first-borns of Becky answered the feminine voice who had keep still.
          Potential first sniggered the male voice.
          Oh, shut up, Oliver the third one said you know well enough we are creating our realities, so better give her some time… No need to freak her out… After all, it’s like for Dory’s nine dogs, they only came gradually, and she just accepted them…

          Dory? Al was wondering… He had heard that name recently… At the wedding party perhaps?

          Dory’s a past overlapping focus of Becky and her step-mother too… answered Léan, the quiet one.

          Al was befuddled. He had first thought these voices were only Becky’s playing games with herself.

          Oh sure it was, answered Oliver, we’ve just be using that wave of thoughts to bring us through. It’s very multi-layered.
          See, take the dogs which Illana talked about right now. You know some of these dogs Dory had (or has, or will have), they have “flecks” of people close to Dory, other essences’ energies. Some are very clearly noticeable, other are more mingled. These voices are multiplexes of voices, more or less subtle energies being expressed. Some are very deep. We were riding the surface of them.

          So, Illana, Lean and Oliver? That’s it?… Nice to meet you… Al was still thinking aloud (like in big characters printed on a silent kaleidoscopic screen)
          And that will be your focus names? Oh, yes… probable ones.
          It’s funny you know, it’s like you are becoming more real now. I can feel some associations coming that help bring you into form. Like Oliver, I associate him with a black dog of Dory. A little grumpy one with funny black eyes.

          The two female laughters mingled into one delightful chorus. Ahaha, we will give you a point for accurate connection!

          “And Léan,” Al continued, “you feel like a young blond woman, friend of Dory ready to get married… Yet, I can see you have a black complexion in this probable focus, unlike your siblings… Sounds a bit confusing…”

          Ahaha, another point!

          “Let me see, Illana now… I got you connected with another friend of Dory… An paleontologist or geologist, living in the US, blond lively woman with painted nails, and… the image is just gone now…”

          — Hehehe, that’s close enough, said Illana’s voice. I can see we’ll meet soon Al

          And the moment after, the wisps of light were gone.


          Fine weather in Hawaii , he thought after the plane had landed at the Honolulu International Airport. He’d been offered an Orchid lei but didn’t really pay attention to it, almost discard it. Who had given it to him. He had no idea. Though the flowers were real now, and the smell was quite pleasant.

          A man was waiting for him outside of the airport. Japanese breed.

          Mr Langlade? My name is Isashi Mamoru. Aunt Alana was expecting you this morning.

          Robert Langlade wasn’t here to apologize. She was the reason of his presence here, well what she possessed actually. The sooner he would meet her, the sooner he could continue his quest.

          He got in the red car, and waited for the man to close the door.


          Harry was looking at his daughter walking on the beach with her new friend. She’d lived with her mother in Arizona since she was born and she was only visiting him on holidays… when she had time. She had a western style and he wouldn’t have changed her, it was her choice. He’d wanted to change his own when he was her age, more trouble than he had expected. But it was another life, it was another Harry. He was not from Hawaii himself though he was born here. His family was originating from Korea. His path had moved him away from them for many years. He eventually came back, but he was different now.

          This evening he was feeling melancholy. 58 years old. What was the purpose of his choices?
          His daughter that he called Makana, seemed happy with her friend. She’d told him she’d met him at a conference in Boston last December. But he was not very present to his perception. Though he respected her choices again.

          Alana had told him about an old friend of his. She’d warned him. He was there to take something sacred. She had fear in her eyes.


          Narsila was swimming swiftly, following the direction of the calling. She knew others of her kind had heard the signal and were heading toward its origin. It was one of these emerging rocks where the humans had chosen to live.

          The call was not directly connected with them though. It had been activated from another dream.


          He was lying on a raft, floating on an even ocean.
          No wind.
          A dim light. There was no cloud. There was no sun. Just a dim light. No particular color or shade, the only difference was between this light and the ocean.
          No wave…
          So still was the water.
          The raft was floating for days… The only choices seemed to stay on the raft forever or to dive into the stillness of the ocean.

          The raft was comfortable because he knew it so well. So many years floating.

          Now he was pondering about this other choice.

          Diving into the ocean.

          Would he float on the surface?
          Would he sink?

          Would he be able to breathe?

          No rush though… it was just the beginning of his wonderment.
          He was so well lying on the raft. No sensation from the contact of his body to the raft. He couldn’t remember the last time he changed his position.
          Did he move? It was so still.
          Was he even breathing…


          Oörlaith was picking star-thistles buds that were growing on the ruins in the Marshes. She had always felt attracted by the putrid Marshes, for many reasons.
          There was something in her own demeanour that made creatures and people comfortable around her, and she had always felt in herself that natural balancing and accepting qualities that makes a good Healer.
          But it was a complex matter, and her choices of explorations had always stirred much incomprehension in the various people she had met over her life. And she had met lots.

          Of course, the first ones where her own parents. They were opulent burgomasters of one of the major towns of Cromash Tur, and from the date of her birth, Oörlaith was destined to marry one of the Warlords of these regions. Something that was sound and portent of good fortune, as her parents kept saying. Warlords were always in need of fundings for their expeditions, and in exchange would be providing a modicum of security for the commerce and other activities. It was thus all good for everybody. Good exchange of practices.

          But very early in life she had known her path was not that one.
          Nothing as plain and simple… and boring! one must admit. Her parents would have not, though.

          As far as she remembered, she first had a living proof of her potentials when she healed a small bird back to life. A miracle, for the poor thing had been maimed by an rabid chipmog pillaging birds nests for eggs, and throwing the little hatched bird off the branches. Chipmogs were no more evil than the bird she knew that, and their show-offy nature was even a blessing in disguise, as she had been quickly alerted of the incident.
          She was four year-old.

          Only later did she became aware of how she could best learn to develop her magical potentials. Her parents wouldn’t have let her know about such things as how to become a Grand Sorceress, for they did not really know much about it, and also for it was considered unfitting to her rank. “Simpletons”, she couldn’t help but think.
          But the day she became aware of the legendary Island of Mörk, she instantly set her goal to be counted among the best of their Learned Ones, whatever the price for her.

          And notwithstanding her relatively young age, she got by her own to the Island, and was trained there too… But then again, it was not as easy, as she rebelled against some of the Laws of Magic passed down by the Teachers, Laws that were thick and dry as a century old grimorium full of abstruse formulæ.
          Hopefully, she ended up with misfits as much she was, her dear sisters Roselÿn and Malvina.

          When it was time for them to part on their own adventures, she again surprised many (but not her dear sisters) by stating that she would settle near the Marshes. The legends surrounding this place, as well as the huge potential for practicing healing in one of the most difficult environments were immense incentives for her.
          The Teachers had warned her of the immense energy that filtered in these lands, as it was a coordinate point where things had already gone awry in the past. She had almost laughed at them. Of course she was aware, that was all about that. Definitely not for the faint of hearts.

          Her companion Andarión, who was in his/her preferred shape a majestic water dragon, as wise as it was a crackpot at times, had been aware of her intentions as soon as they had first met. They had chosen each other quite purposefully, though she was not entirely aware of her role in these discoveries. But undoubtedly he was an asset.

          And as she was picking her mauve star-thistles, humming like a raving madwoman, her sharp eye was on the look for the legendary golden one which would mean the dawn of a new Era…


          ……In case you feel like talking, don’t hesitate any moment, I’ll be here. Anytime.



          PS, Becky added as an afterthought in her letter to dear old Wrick, Al’s so looking forward to meeting you in the ‘Amusement Park’ in Central Park, I hope you will disillusion him gently as to the nature of projecting and out-of body excursions……I will leave it to you, Wrick old boy, to decide how best to handle it. Ah, you wise old buffoon, I can hear you saying it now: Al’s choices are perfect, as are yours. Becky smiled fondly and added to the postscript: Wrick, you’re a brick, old stick.


          Lots of things were moving around, Quintin felt. It was nothing he could have explained in words of the physical world, but he was aware of some deep movement, something like a new beginning.

          Lots of others had been moving too, in their own ways, sometimes not quite comfortably, but it was calmer now, like after a tempest, clear limpid sky, and splinters of wooden ships floating gently on the oily surface of the sea.

          Dory had been very sick in Madagascar she’d told him, perhaps after having eaten some food, she could not have told why. But now was better… It had seemed a good night of sleep was good enough a medicine for her.

          He had dreamed of Fiona too, some shared past lives in the 1860s in a small town in the US, it had been very vivid, and he had felt a great lovingness between them… Somehow they could find each other again, anytime, he knew that.

          As for Yann, after that week-end they had spent together, all was clear too between them, they could create the fun they wanted without needing to make it difficult for them, it was only a matter of being accepting of their own choices and impulses, which was at times easier said than done.

          It had been an interesting exchange between them all, and it was still continuing. Perhaps it was a gift from Malika, her gentle presence, which was very much like Malvina’s in her cave…

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