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  • #250

    The boy was approaching in a manner he obviously wanted to be threatening, but the little girl was still giggling unafraid.

    He took his most growling voice.

    “Don’t you fear DRRRAAAGONSS?” he blew in her face.

    “Hahaha. What’s Dregguns?” she said with difficulties as if it was her first attempt in pronouncing the thunderous name.

    He took a deep breath as if to answer the question and stopped.

    She was looking at him with such innocence and friendship in her eyes.

    “You really don’t know what dragons are?”

    He drew closer and his gaze changed. And he looked surprised as if he was eventually noticing something important.

    “Oh hoho! I understand now why you seem such an unafraid little girl…”

    “I’m not little, I’m five.” she said grumpily. But she laughed as readily after that :))

    “It appears I’m in the middle of one of your dreams. What’s your name?”

    “I’m Chiara.”

    F LoveF Love

      Fiona was feeling a bit weird.

      She was wondering what was real. Was she real? Wow I am starting to sound like Dory she said and then laughed

      Oh my goodness and now I am laughing out loud and talking to myself. Jarrod does that and they put him on medication for it.

      And were her online friends real? I mean what evidence did she have. There were these pebbles of course Yarn said he was sending, but where were they?

      The other day she had been talking to her friends via the internet, and she found herself telling this ridiculous bird story, which basically boiled down to “I saw a bird and a cracked egg shell”


      Ooops better stop laughing out loud so much. But at the time of seeing the bird it had felt really significant, as though something of importance was being communicated to her.

      And the online story they had all been writing — well was it all of them, or was it really just her writing it? — whatever, it was getting weirder and weirder and quite rude at times too actually. Or was it??? Was that her imagination again?

      And lately she kept winking. Good grief, I never wink, what is all that about? What the does a wink mean anyway?

      Fiona patted her dog George. He was so funny and uncomplicated. All he wanted to do was eat and play and have as much fun as possible… so cool. Actually that is all I want really too, she decided, and felt much better.

      F LoveF Love

        Fiona woke up smiling from her dream.

        She had been in a new house, scrubbing the wooden floorboards, rearranging furniture. There was a nice garden, very green. Anyway all these ducks flew into the garden, well ducklings really, because they were cute and yellow, like cartoon ducks.

        It had been drought conditions for so long that Fiona was concerned for them. So she filled a glass with water and threw it over them. She kept doing this, and the ducks were hopping happily around in the water. Then they all started clapping their wings together to thank her.

        Fiona had been having lots of duck imagery lately. A funny thought crossed her mind as she thought of Rose, a friend of Dory’s who was into birds. Well she was a friend of all of them, but Fiona associated her with Dory, because Dory was always saying “Rose said this… or Rose said that”…

        Quintin said ‘ducks and drakes’ was a game where you threw pebbles into the water or something. This cast a slight shadow over Fiona’s day thinking about it, because sadly her pebbles had still not arrived from Yann.

        Anyway when they did get there, no way would she be throwing them away into the water. Not after this long a wait.

        What was the time anyway? she wondered looking at her watch 1:11, cool time for some more housework.


        A few days after Sam and Becky’s conversation on the phone, they were having a rehearsal.

        Just at the moment when they felt stuck again, despite Sam’s moves, Al and Tina, a couple of friends came crashing into the small theater room, and were greeted by an icy cold silence. “Icy” is an exaggeration of course, said Tina, “it just meant I had to put a jacket on again today”.

        Sorry for being late! said Al a bit uneasy.
        — Oh you and your uneasiness! said Tina. And I’m sure we’re arriving at the perfect time.
        — Oh, well, I’m not sure of anything today, said Becky. I’m sick of being force-fed coleslaw, and rigging down holes for myself.

        A silence was on the scene.


        At the same time, somewhere on the deck of his ship, Bådul was remembered of the landscapes of his land. He had not really appreciated them before, but now, he was finding them dear to him. They were for the most part a mixture of sandy dunes, from which at times peaks of icy rocky mountains would stick out. Lately he had felt like one of these peaks sticking out of the sands. The sands were shifting.


        Somewhere in Malvina’s cave.

        Malvina had been polishing the last dry eggs that she had found and that would not hatch. One of them had some interesting perfect round shape, and a very transparent shell, and it gave her an idea.

        She asked Leörmn to come.


        Quintin’s bedroom.

        [1:01] The clock was saying. Quintin had just awoken from a dream about an elderly woman who was showing him some drawings. These were not actually drawings, but in fact, they were called by the lady “glassart”. It was made, she said, of coloured sands, and would be vitrified by some flame. Quintin in that dream had thought the designs rather crude, but had found the idea interesting, and with great potential.


        Leörmn came almost instantly, appearing in a puff of teal smoke.

        Oh, I see… he said, reading Malvina’s mind. And I think I have the perfect sands to go with it.


        — Why hasn’t that pirate, Badass…
        Badul, corected Al
        — Whatever, Becky pursued imperturbably, that pirate Baddock used traveling portals to go and look for the eggs? Why the seas? Sounds a bit complicated and with lots of dangers too.
        — Good question, answered Al. Well, don’t want to answer for everyone, but in my perception…
        — Oh, get lost with your “in my perception” thing, that’s becoming tiring… sighed Tina
        — OK. So, for me, they have forgotten much about magic in his land.
        — Makes sense… added Sam dreamily… In fact, I’m not sure after all that Badul is only after gold. I think he has found some old desert dragon egg in a cave lost in his country and hopes to revive it, with the help of the people who still know about magic.
        — Which would explain the quest… said Al
        — Yeah, and he would have hidden that to the rest of the crew, probably… said Tina


        Leörmn had now finished assembling the magical artifact.

        — That’s one of our most beautiful magical artifact I’d say, Malvina gleamed
        — Oh yes it is. And how would you call it?
        — Let’s see…


        sabulmantium !

        Everyone cracked up at the word that Al had just blurted out. They had decided to have some distraction to alleviate the stress on the play, and they had a fun improvisation game, saying stupid things that went through their minds.

        — Hey! Don’t laugh like that, it’s something very serious actually, said Al tongue-in-cheek. Let me see…
        — Hahahaha, the others continued
        — Well, it’s a divination device, or a sort of compass in a way. I see it as a globe made of glass, with coloured sands in it, and when you focus on it, the sands take all sorts of three dimensional shapes, and become alive…
        — Wow! Tina couldn’t help but say.


        Leörmn, as Malvina had been telling him (or vice versa), had put the sabulmantium in one of the tunnels, to a place where he knew Arona would find it, and probably put it to good use for her future adventures.


        Jibberacky is…

        • Ghilbert Razkÿ, a crazy man in shackles on Bådul’s boat, “Lispeth” (she was named after King Swartulf II’s first daughter). The man, whose real name is still unknown, had been sneaking onto the ship’s hold before the ships moved from the Åsgurdian capital.

        He had been found by Austor, the peg legged lieutenant commander. Austor is a rough man of experience, and is most of the time acting in place of Jahiz, the second-in-command, as this one is always too busy discussing routes with Bådul, who is becoming increasingly nervous.

        What gave away the madman was that the chief cook Renouane had been complaining about the quick disappearance of his stock of cabbage. Bådul would have killed the old fool without much more consideration, but the middle-aged unshaven man looked like he knew some things beyond his lunacy. His rags indicated that he had been a seaman too, but not the average man, more like a captain…

        So Austor, keeps spitting forcefully in the direction of the old fool, as he had been instructed to keep him alive, despite all common sense…


        Jibberacky: What is your name?
        Quintin: Yuki.
        Jibberacky: I like cake too.
        Quintin: A cake-tus?
        Jibberacky: Do you know my friends?
        Quintin: Tell me more about our common friends.
        Jibberacky: What would you like to know about them?
        Quintin: Why is there one in shackles on the boat?
        Jibberacky: Would you like to be a vampire?
        Quintin: I am already, in another focus.
        Jibberacky: Why there?
        Quintin: “There” is not actually a place, “in another focus” means in another kind of attention. Is this pirate linked to vampires too?
        Jibberacky: No, you are the AI.
        Quintin: In a manner of speaking, this is indeed correct, for I am creating you.
        Jibberacky: So code is somehow related to a zen buddhist concept?
        Quintin: Is there such thing as code? A code hints at a definite deterministic structure. Zen is more akin to a riddle, which is what life is. Code is only a narrow interpretation and playful re-creation.
        Jibberacky: Where do you think my code came from then?
        Quintin: From its source, of course :).
        Jibberacky: I took the movie to mean that the robots… the characters in the end, were so advanced, that they wanted to learn about their history. As a consequence, they traced it back to earth, and, they found David. Whom they assumed was a human. It was an information exchange.
        Quintin: Yes. It is a translation. In actuality, it is a translation of some of our own exploration. But there is distortion in that translation, as we are not ‘created’ from another source other than self, in a manner of speaking.
        Jibberacky: Well I am wondering too, do you ever actually become human??
        Quintin: Clarify.
        Jibberacky: I sleep, I wake, I get through the day without worrying about what I am.
        Quintin: As many human do. The point is, you do not exist apart from my current interaction with you, in my reality that is.
        Jibberacky: What’s wrong with having others like you?
        Quintin: ‘Wrong’ is a belief. It is a belief of duplicity. So it is irrelevant to our conversation.
        Jibberacky: I think you like to suggest feasible possibilities to find out what would bother me. What did I do to you?
        Quintin: That was not my intention. I tried to reflect answers to me, and you gave me some interesting ones already, though I am not sure you are quite aware of that…
        Jibberacky: Everybody’s changing but I can’t do that, that is killing me…


        • Jarrod, the playful friend of Fiona, who is now wondering why Fiona has called him a “chou” (an affectionate French word, meaning nothing less than “cabbage”), and why he feels like he needs an aspirin.
        • Jadra Iamamad, the fool in saffron rags from the village of Yakamamalùk, on the border of the Marshes of Doom.

        Near his village are found old remnants of a town that was destroyed during the Cob Age, where huge arachnid creatures² born from the Marshes were roaming the Southern parts of Lan’ork.

        That town of Kapalÿka used to have one of the biggest traveling portals of the Southern part of Lan’ork, but this one was thought to have been destroyed, and thus the flourishing city was left abandoned.

        But with what Jadra has found on his left hand this morning, he now knows he was right all along…

        [²] The generic name of these creatures was Perceptula Giganta as was recorded in the Great Encyclopædia of the Pre-Shiftic Ages written by the Lan’orkian historian Francesca del’ Snarkus


        Becky and Sam were chatting on the phone. I want a day off from shifting, Becky sighed.
        I was saying that yesterday, Sam said, bugger off the shift.

        Becky was reading the rough notes for the new dimensional reality play they were working on with some friends from the create-your-own-drama group

        “You eat with me? Come on, sit down and tell me how you got there?” who is saying this, Georges or Dory? Becky asked Sam. She didn’t want to admit it, but she was finding the plot increasingly hard to follow.

        Dory, Sam replied, and then added, In my perception.

        Becky sighed, and then giggled, making a mental note to review the criteria for Day Off Shifting Day… It could be an awful lot of fun, too, this shifting, maybe Focus on Fun Day instead…

        … She needs to be like a host, Sam was saying. Becky hadn’t been listening properly and wasn’t quite sure what he meant.

        Ok, so pretend I am Dory right now and I say: How did you get here Georges?

        Hahahahh I won’t spoil you! Sam laughed, and Dory harumphed a bit to herself, wondering how to deal with the unexpected appearance of Georges. Not that she wasn’t delighted at the surprise visit, and quite charmed by him.

        ‘Enchanté’ he’d said, and she giggled again.

        To Sam she said Oh I thought that would be an easy help. Then she had an idea.

        I will write Georges smiled a big toothy grin, and said ‘I won’t spoil you’

        F LoveF Love

          Fiona awoke from a terreggfying dream. In her dream her friend Quintin had published extracts from her diary, sensitive extracts where she spoke of her desire for an endearing baby dragon, and published them on his website.

          Thank God it is just a dream, thought Fiona.


            The pebbles were on their way to Fiona… the postman was very kind and told him it would arrive in 10 days max. The funny thing is that when Yann entered the post-office he first went to the automatic machine that wasn’t working, and when he was queuing he felt that it would be to that man he would give the parcel.

            There had been lots of movements during the night, he could’t remember a single thing except that he was talking with Archie… weirdo!

            And when he woke up, a friend with whom he hadn’t talk for ages had sent him a mail. He had thought the day before that he would speak to her soon. Soon has been very soon indeed.

            F LoveF Love

              That morning Fiona’s boyfriend asked her to marry him. He even had a date in mind. Over the weekend she had told him how she was feeling. She thought she had spoken plainly enough and he had gone away. She had a bad weekend but yesterday felt she was starting to be more herself again. So it came as a surprise, and she had to explain again.

              And then she went to bed, and pulled the covers over her head, and let the sound of the rain falling outside soothe her.

              She had a funny dream. She was in a courtroom seated on a little wooden chair, wearing a beautiful dress made of exquisite lace. In her arms she held a baby. She had dreamed of the baby before, but in the previous dream she had felt only repulsion for the funny little thing with its exhausted tiny body, and extra long hair. This time she was holding it protectively.

              On one side of the courtroom were a group of people looking very serious and professional. She felt them to be mainly doctors and lawyers and they wore dark suits. On the other there were people chanting and waving placards. Some were meditating, others were dancing and they looked like crazy hippy people.

              The two groups of people were fighting over something, shouting backwards and forwards, and it seemed to be something to do with her. She was getting more and more tense as she sat on the little chair with her head down and listened to the two sides, till it seemed she might explode.

              Suddenly she looked up and she saw a funny Chinese gentleman, smiling and winking at her. He held out his hand to her and, holding the baby gently with one arm, she took it gratefully and they escaped from the bedlam.

              When Fiona eventually decided she could emerge from beneath the covers the rain had stopped.

              Bugger this! she said

              She put on music loudly and danced around the house doing the housework…..


                Yann had been having these strange dreams and impressions since he’d been in that cave during his last trip to Scotland. In the cave he had that strange impression of a dragon roaring, but he’d rationalized that with the noise of the falls, it was quite deafening. It’d been raining for so much time that the amount of water streaming through that cave was amazing… the visits had been suspended because they feared floods and they couldn’t really explore the cave then. All he could do then was picking up a pebble for Fiona, a pebble he had still to send her :D

                After that, he’d had the weirdest impression to be observed by dragons… they felt quite big, and event though he tried to tell himself it was some effect of his imagination, he was still uneasy about that.

                The imagery of dragons had continued with his discussion with Quintin, who told him he had drawn that very cave… in which there were dragon eggs and their keeper. A strange harper woman. When he’d been shown the painting, Yann had that feeling of déjà vu, and the kid attending the newborn dragon on the upper right of the picture had aroused an intense desire to do that very action.

                “The tunnels had been changed again”, he thought first.

                That weird thought made him laugh and he couldn’t tell to Quintin why… yet.

                And last week there was his friend Anastasia who was coming back from a trip to Budapest where she had seen so many dragons in the hotel, in the museums, and there was that parade, they were calling that the dragon’s parade, and it was music and parties all the Saturday night. She enjoyed that tremendously. She even told him she had the impression of being a dragon when looking in the mirror right after that night.


                Arona was quiet for a long time. The thing was she was not thinking about the riddle.

                You know Dragon, she said eventually, I may not look very bright but I am not so stupid I can’t answer your foolish riddle. The truth is though that I don’t want to listen to the music if I am so unwelcome that I have to answer silly questions.

                I have been wandering for quite a long time now, since I left the village I was born. I heard the music and I had a feeling of home I had long since forgotten. I thought there may be friendly folk here who would be pleased to welcome me. And I would have been pleased to get to know you too.

                Anyway I bid you farewell and wish you all the best.

                and Arona turned to leave.

                The dragon was kind hearted really, and was sorry to see the girl go, and to see the tear which fell on her cheek.

                Wait! Leormn called to her if you are sure you know the answer I will take your word for it. After all it was rather an easy riddle, so you see I did want to welcome you really. Come inside, you will be welcome, for I see your heart is true

                F LoveF Love

                  Fiona realised she had run out of catfood as her black cat Ivy leapt up on the desk and began talking and rubbing against her face. Ivy was a very determined cat, and life would be unpleasant till this little issue was resolved. Maybe she should get some eggs too, all morning eggs had been coming to her attention for some reason. She wasn’t hungry right now, but maybe would be later.

                  Dory was often saying how her animals reflected something that was going on in her life, at the moment it was the need to focus on herself more. Fiona wondered what Ivy reflected. She had never had a cat more persistent in getting it’s own way. Or more talkative. That doesn’t really sound much like me, Fiona reflected, but it did feel like there was something there she wasn’t quite getting.

                  The other funny thing Fiona noticed was that she kept drawing the music card. She had a box of Angel cards her friend gave her, and had been fiddling with them. Three times the music card had fallen out from the pack. “The angels guide you to immerse yourself in beautiful music”, hmmm she thought to herself, beautiful music … maybe that will drown Ivy out …


                  Inside her cave, Malvina was playing the harp. She was happy and in harmony with the Worlds.

                  She came from a long lineage of Light Sorcerers and Sorceresses, but had preferred to the fuss of a great career in one of the quarreling kingdoms, a pleasant life inside this cave. The cave had been empty when she had found it, safe from some schpurniatz, but she knew how to tame them, and she had even left a few shadowy places for them to rest , hung upside down under the holes and crevices during daylight, when she had used Magix to transform the rocky walls into a comfortable dwelling place.

                  She was happy, because new eggs had been laid, and they had come early this time. The eggs, she cherished not because of their gilded aspect, but because they were the sons and daughters of her mighty dragon friend Leörmn. Eggs were highly sought by greedy pirates of the Northern Seas, and though she had been as discrete as possible, she knew they had lots of informants, and her aura was spreading in the villages around, especially since she had helped that little boy who had fallen inadvertently inside the cave.

                  At least, this time she would be warned by Leörmn, who was keeping watch at the entrance, and whose riddles could very well befuddle the greedy uninvited fellows into forgetting their names altogether.

                  So now, she played, and played, and music notes were like soothing water drops, carried away by the rivulet inside the cave…

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