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  • #1621

    In reply to: Synchronicity


      While doing this hug Jib, you were also writing the 888 th comment in the system (CommentID=888), which, by another funny coincidence appears to be into the 8 th discussion thread (DiscussionID=8), and obviously it was posted January, 8 th 2008 …


      When Felicity had taken the job, she had thought at first that it was all a big interstellar joke…
      Come on… Dead people speaking though living?
      But a few recent experiences made her feel there was kind of warmth surrounding her when she started the radiophonic sessions, and that she was feeling… inspired, for lack of a better word.
      Words indeed were coming and flowing, and even though she was rarely speechless, the words did have some different quality.
      And people enjoyed the show greatly, and mails kept coming to the radio thanking DDT for all of the marvelous advices…

      Till then, as she was conscious of the process, she had refrained issuing some definite statements on future events, as the inspiration was pressing her to do at times. As subtle as all of this was, she was feeling it was not really the same energy as the warm one; it was like incursions of a quicker and less stable bouncy energy.
      It was pushing her to make cocky statements, on mass events about to come… Oh, not again self-fulfilling prophecies, please! she couldn’t help but think…

      At times, Felicity was even wondering whether she was really going completely crazy.
      Oh, it was so much simpler to be a genuine fraud…


      — Arky, come here at once!
      — But, I’ve done nothing…
      — Stop being such a jackanapes, will you… You know very well there is no secret…
      — Yes…

      Despite his being immaterial, it was obvious that the One referred to as Arky was being scolded.

      — And you know perfectly well there is nothing to gain in pushing things…
      — But I intended well…
      — I know that. As generations of focuses of leaders and presidents have been doing. One would have assumed you’d knew better by now… I can see you’re enjoying being with me on the soapbox, but either you find your own, or you better stay clear next time we get a communication.
      — Understood.
      — Fine, class dismissed.


      Home, at last… Bernie Eleonara Mynd, Viscountess of Shropshire sighed, dropping her hairy salmon coloured hermine fur coat to the butler.
      Now, leave me alone Vigor, I don’t want to be disturbed.
      Madam, Vigor bowed deferentially

      A smoking teapot of fine herb tea was prepared on the glass coffee table just near a black silk pouch. With a greedy look on her face, she untied voraciously the pouch to reveal the crystal skull she had just acquired.
      After a few seconds of beholding the priceless possession, she lifted the teapot lid with a stiff face which eventually smiled blissfully at the smell of the fine Earl Fuchsia crop which was infusing.

      Good Lord, that trip was exhausting!… she growled in a very deep voiced that suddenly sounded more male than before.
      Didn’t know I had to go as far as Spain to get that darn skull!

      Bernie suddenly ripped her fine chignon from her head, revealing a bald head with a few short black hair on the top. She spitted her false teeth, peeled off some wrinkled patches of latex skin, smeared the mascara around her globular eyes and scratched her crotch…

      A ruffled sound and a “mmm mmm” suddenly caught her attention off the itchy body parts.

      She went to the cupboard, drew a key dangling from a necklace deeply buried inside her ample bosom, then stopped for a moment, and muttered a “bugger” before unbuttoning her tight blouse and removing the corset that was constraining her breath.
      Smiling wickedly, she proceeded to open the cupboard, but recoiled at a pale tied and muzzled figure who looked much similar to whoever she was impersonating.

      Oh, Lordy, what a stench! There’s no point in making such a fuss Viscountess, this will soon be over… I just needed a few things, and will soon be off, tonight to be precise…

      The pale figure whined with pleading eyes.

      Oh, just don’t make these eyes at me…

      Bugger! I can’t bother with her now, she said to herself, closing the cupboard’s door oblivious to the plaintiff whines. Now, got to move on real quick, before they realize something was wrong with the transaction.


      Juan had insisted that they all spent Christmas together before Paqui and Joselito went for their trip. He felt that there was more to this trip that he could grasp, and wanted to share these precious moments now, not wanting to live on regrets.
      Now, the new year was here, and he was alone. At least, he’d been more than glad to see Claudio move out. It had all been a lot easier than he’d thought at first. Obviously, when Paquita had said to that maggot that she was going to accompany Joselito to his trip on the whachaname-Kikkoo Island, Claudio had been outraged, probably thinking a good playing victim act would soon make things right for him.
      But he’d been wrong altogether. It was not about love for him or the other. It was all about freedom and being what she wanted. And emotional blackmail very quickly proved besides the point.
      His father had been proud at Paquita. Her decision obviously was made, and it had been the first time he had seen the frail girl unwavering at the arguments.

      The situation had soon proved unbearable for Claudio, who had no longer any reason for hanging around Juan and Paqui’s house, and one day he’d moved out, rather discreetly, not to be heard again. Somehow, Juan was aware of the town’s gossips, that he had acquired some unexpected sum of money, not sure if all very legally, but the thing was that he had decided to take his chances by going some said to Nicaragua, others to Brazil or even to the US…
      But who really cared?


      On his plane for Valparaiso, Claudio was looking at the letter he’d found in the family trunk. It was a brief correspondence between his grand-father and a certain Cillian Mc Gaughran, and it was linked to the skull he had sold such a handsome price. Perhaps he could get more information about them, if the recluse old man was still alive, that is…

      F LoveF Love

        Felicity, or the “Bridal Goddess” as she called herself, was most encouraging when Becky said she was after something “a bit different” for her wedding day. Weddings had been having a resurgence of popularity in the last few years, obviously it was not the solid institution it was decades ago, but many people still liked to exchange intentions for their relationship. Most regarded marriage fondly as a rather quaint institution from the past.

        I will help you create your dream wedding! Felicity gushed enthusiastically. Most important is that you wear something you absolutely adore and that looks simply stunning on you for your special day. What sort of look did you have in mind?

        oh, um tribal actually, said Becky, vaguely, suddenly remembering she hadn’t mentioned her plans to Sean. He could be a tad on the conservative side at times . In fact, come to think of it, had she even mentioned to him that they were getting married?

        Fantastic! Demure tribal? Revealing tribal? I do all sorts of tribals, whatever you want!

        Hmmm said Becky reflectively, well probably not demure.

        No agreed Tina, not demure.


        A few hours later Becky and Tina were recovering from the ordeal, as Tina called it dramatically, over a cup of organic trim alpaca’s milk expresso Lucciato

        Hey what’s this about a soup party? asked Tina. I couldn’t get much sense out of Sam, but he says you are helping with it.

        Yeah it’s going to be great!

        Well, just so long as you aren’t doing the catering, it should be great, thought Tina, shuddering at the memory of stuffed Nasturtium Blossoms and Locust Bisque Becky had served at their last get-together. Not forgetting the garlic icecream for dessert.

        I heard that! It was healthy Tina! retorted Becky defensively.

        Bugger telepathy sighed Tina


        In reply to: Scrying the Word Cloud

        F LoveF Love

          Pain interesting …. :help: dark quickly, game change, lost obviously, bring bandages,

          weird weather. :weather-few-clouds:

          Whatever …

          Franiel wondering … yellow color …. raft named random truth? Try move nothing. Perhaps heart speak sometimes quiet. Thinking energy….remember herself moments, process inside light, past help outside …. wait, familiar wall happening … floating mind sea movement.

          Yurick noticed …. told mummy story, attention Bronkelhampton. :mummy: Joe tell sheriff spiders answer, bugger party!
          Cold worry gone …. laughing. Dear bright cave, already connected.



            Georges and Salome’s journal

            From Salome’s account of their first journey to the Alienor star system

            The Jorid has spotted what will be the destination for our first joined adventure.
            It’s a dimension which seems unexplored yet, and rather fascinating. Georges, as he is, would already have jumped right in, but I preferred to get a little more background information before moving into it. It’s still a little awkward to move into these realms where the laws of physics as we’ve known them are different, sometimes dramatically so. These would not be too much of a difficulty as the adaptation of the physical body usually goes quite fast, as Georges has shown me when we trained in more familiar dimensions, but the most delicate part is when we barely know the relationships at play.
            Georges will laugh because he’s more confident that everything is perfect, but somehow, I tend to believe that things can be a little more perfect when we know how to avoid making faux-pas.
            So we’ve spent a few days gathering some basic informations on this dimension we call Alienor. The most part of the activity seems to revolve around a cluster of planetoids. At this moment, it’s forming a system of three planets revolving on the same orbit around their sun. We call them Duane, Murtuane, and Phrëal.
            They seem to form a complex web of relationships, and cover such a wide range of aspects that we have decided on a mutual agreement to split our exploration to cover more ground for a beginning.
            Georges is exploring the Duane, and I took the Murtuane, both planetoids seeming to come from the same core of matter, in a manner of speaking. The feeling around the Phrëal is more ambivalent, as though it is undergoing some deep change, not unlike to the Shift that will be (or has been) occurring on our Earth. So, we’ve decided not to interfere with it right now. It may take a dozen of years (as we understand them) for them to undergo that process, but it’s not like we care of time issues in any case.

            Here are my first observations concerning the Murtuane. Obviously, it ties into the Duane, but I am not completely aware of all of these ties yet.
            The first connection I had to the Murtuane was with some ancient beings living here. I saw myself riding one of these sentient beings, gliding through the sky in a mountainous land. The colours are vivid, even if the atmosphere seems very light, and filtering the sun’s ray in a spectrum slightly more indigo than our sky on Earth. These beings, whose name I can’t yet translate accurately (it’s something close to Nirgual) are powerful winged focuses of essence, though I suspect this to be a mere convenient form that they use. They somewhat remind me of the Rokhs (or Rocs) that the sultan’s wifes were telling us about in their legends. Apparently, they are respected, perhaps feared by the people inhabiting the lands, though I can feel they are for the most part benevolent.
            These people, those that I could spot, seem to have a slightly green skin, but overall humanoid form (within my translation of them).

            I will probably have more to connections once we gather our impressions with Georges.


            The meowing of the angora Zhulie had woken up Yurick.
            The past few nights, he had not heard her at all, but tonight, she seemed to request specifically his presence.
            Last evening during the dinner, it had cracked him up because the cat was acting funny when it had smelled the cooked bamboo shoots of the sautéed vegetables he had for dinner. Perhaps a recognition of the Pekingese that he had once seen her to be, in shared focus in Imperial China.

            Well, obviously Zhulie was no ordinary feline. Her character reminded Yurick of a blend of himself, Yann, Finn and his own mother. So that each time he was playing with her, he instantly had them in mind, in various orders of appearance, or strengths.

            In any case, when he came back to his bed, Yurick was annoyed at first, to have been drawn out of his comfortable dreams, but he managed somewhat to get back to a state of relaxation, in between dreams and reality —which was obviously a mere way of saying things, as dreams are reality.

            Speaking of dreams, his mind was wandering around the news that his mother had told him, about a distant cousin having published a book revolving around dreams and fantasies.

            And then, within the dream, in the dream, in the dream,… an idea formed into his mind with the clarity of an evidence.
            He could see it happening… Not only one book, but… oh, he couldn’t wait to tell his friends!


              Obviously, nobody sees this as tenuous! AHAH! :yahoo_thinking:


                Let’s just be absolutely Sumafexact about this Franci, I changed it BEFORE I posted it, and you obviously didn’t read it properly! :yahoo_smug:


                  “Of course, as soon as they had stepped into the powerful magnetic field generated inside the T.R.A.P., the reality around them was transphormed as if they all had been into a huge deFørmiñG mirror, that they could shape with their strangest thoughts.

                  Obviously, they had all started to hallucinate some funny stuff…

                  It was happening so quick, Sam noticed.”

                  Hahahah! Becky actually laughed out loud. Sleepily, she hoped she’d remember to make a connection between the sheriffs frog accident and the T.R.A.P. trip when she was feeling more alert.


                    Well, to me, it was rather obvious it was a bleedthrough from one dimension to another… sighed Al, who had now half-long teal-coloured hair in perfect shape, as he was filing and shaping his nails turned back to a reasonable size.

                    Oh, that FLOYD treatment did well on you marveled Saint Tina.

                    FLOYD what?? looked back Becky, who was still fumbling into Sam’s hair, at the sound of the strange word that might have been a clue.

                    FLOYD: Focus Lots On Yourself, Dimwit that’s the name of the treatment… It’s made of extracts of Fuckus Rapidus, a new plant that has been blooping in Russian taiga recently. It had covered a whole region in a fortnight. People wondered what they could do about them, but apparently, some old crone found an interesting use for them… But we’re getting side-tracked, aren’t we?

                    Oh, this is fascinating Becky said, wondering if she would look better now with a mane of luscious raven hair on her beautiful dark-skinned head… What’s the name already? BOYF?

                    No! BOYF is the exact opposite, it’s Blame On Your Friend it’ll have all your hair and nails fall in a few days, even your pubic hair I fear… I still don’t know what’s the use of that though there might be some customers for it… :-? Al was puzzled.


                      Sam chuckled when Becky and Saint Tina asked him about the bandages :yahoo_heehee:

                      — Well, it’s the :mummy: . It’s obvious she exploded in the center of a Constipation Point, and Ogrean was just in the center of the Excitement Point of the Constipation Prout. :yahoo_rofl:

                      Becky looked even more puzzled, and Tina began to laugh widely with Sam.

                      — I just needed to let the anger burst out… it seemed a harmless way of getting rid of that fracking mummy and having fun in the process.


                      :multimedia: Marvin Scrozzezi was considering a script that had been sent to him by his friend.
                      Betty, his assistant, had insisted that he reads it…

                      Seeing his current movie, it couldn’t be any worse in any case.
                      The title of the script cracked him up.

                      Ogregan, the Origeans

                      Marvin giggled, almost spluttering his smoking chai on the script.

                      He started to read the first paragraphs.

                      FADE IN:
                      EXT. WOODS
                      A big humphing man plunges into the woods. Twigs slap at him,
                      but the sound of gunfires keeps him going. Sheriff Marshall is
                      taking the lead, but an auburn haired man plunges into the woods
                      before him, followed by one dark-haired one. They are obviously
                      brothers. The older one is ELVIN STREWN, he is following his
                      younger brother with the lopsided hair, JAY STREWN.
                      JAY is shooting at the fugitive, ALDO MC GALLIGAN, a local
                      mobster known as the OGREGAN.
                      Gunfire explodes in trees near the STREWN brothers, shot at them
                      by MC GALLIGAN, and they dive and roll into hiding under a

                      Interesting stuff, wonders Marvin… That mobster looks like a fascinating character…

                      Flipping though the script he found page 57 another catching bit of reading…

                       DISSOLVE TO:
                      EXT. PROSPERITY BANK ; SHOT of a Texan bank on a quiet street.
                      INT. PROSPERITY BANK
                      There are three customers, male. Enters a MOTHER and her SON.
                      TELLER#1: What can I do for you Mrs MC GALLIGAN?
                      MRS GALLIGAN to her SON who is drawing on her dress: ALDO, will
                      you keep still for a moment, good for nothing!

                      Pfff, Marvin sighed, feeling bored.
                      Not long after, he was sound asleep, snoring loudly on the comfortable chair.


                      Ted was quite fond of Ogrean.
                      Twilight was a bit sorry for the sheriff, for she had thought him a good guy at first,… whatever that means… but obviously he was a bit blinded by the slickness of the slimy condescending Pompousaur.

                      But something interesting had happened this day, and she wondered how it would change things again.
                      Apparently, from what she had caught from the scene, Ted had left the saloon in a cold rage, and it was quite obvious that the Pudgeon was a bit distraught… What could have moved the jovial sheriff like that?

                      When she and Anna were changing clothes behind the scene after the representation, Anna started to talk quite freely and unexpectedly about the accident.

                      — That Marshall guy is not as silly as he seems…

                      As she was more talking to herself, Twilight didn’t answer.

                      — What d’ya reckon? Anna asked more directly
                      — Oh me? I don’t really know what happened…
                      — Don’t play dumb with me, girl. You’re smarter than you wanna show.

                      Twilight took some time to ponder…
                      — I don’t think that Ogrean tried to bribe the sheriff, not as obviously…
                      — Yeah…
                      — Apparently, he started to explain the sheriff who he was supposed to arrest, and that didn’t please him the least.
                      — More likely, yes. Definitely sounds like him…
                      — Yes?

                      Twilight almost wanted to tell her how she did understand Anna and how it must have been difficult for her with that child from Mc Gaughran, but she couldn’t express all of that.

                      Terry is sweet.
                      — Yes he is, he’s a lovely boy. I love him so much despite…
                      — I know.

                      When she came back to their ranch, Twilight felt relieved somewhat about what had occurred. Perhaps that this era of heavy cloaked ruthless order incarnated by Ogrean was coming to an end.
                      She was a hopeless dreamer.


                      Hank, the saloon pianist, was hopelessly in love with Anna.

                      But she had so many wooers, I hadn’t dared say how much he loved the blond dancer. For fear of public ridicule mostly, as he didn’t think he was very good-looking, with his horse-face… Not that she really cared with all these men having gone into her bed. But he couldn’t take the risk. Better a life in her shadow than taking a chance and spoil everything.

                      He had always been here to care for her.
                      When that young one had came to dance too, he’d been the one to make it easy for them. Or he thought he did…
                      What was annoying Anna the most was that the newcomer would be using a blond wig and that might eclipse her. Of course, that wasn’t what Anna had said, but Hank knew her well enough to understand.
                      He was the one coming up with that idea of Twilight as a stage name for the other one, keeping the shining Dawn for Anna. Like sisters, yet worlds apart. Apparently they both had found the idea great, and even if for Hank, Dawn and Twilight were different movements of the same seesaw, for Anna, it was pretty obvious that Dawn came before Twilight.

                      When Anna had been fat with her blue-eyed baby boy, he had been providing her some shelter for some time. It was so obvious for everybody that nothing could happen between them… Anna was oblivious, trying to get herself a proper husband. She had almost convinced that Jo that he was the father. Hopefully Hank had thwarted the attempt. He had his own idea of who was the father, and that wasn’t something to be proud of.
                      And Hank had better keep his mouth shut, as the guy in question wasn’t one to allow being tickled on such sensitive subjects.
                      In the end, Anna got fed up with all his attentions, called him a sticky leech. How ungrateful…

                      Now she was with that old bloke… A fat half-bald guy with long unkempt greyish greasy hair who had lost his wife, eloped with their former neighbour. The story had provided a good laugh to everyone who was well aware of it. But somehow Anna took compassion for that Manuel — who was nicknamed the Bar Rook due to his pressing penchant for alcoholic beverages.

                      Hank was finding Twilight more interesting… Free of romantic bonds and dazzlingly beautiful as she was growing.
                      Once in the beginning of her representation he had found her crying behind the bar, after having been hauled around by Anna once again.

                      She had told him an interesting story about her wig. It was a gift from her mother’s foster sister. The two women had suckled the same Ol’ Granny Lucy and had kept very close over the years. But her mother’s foster sister had a tough life, and she made a business of selling her golden hair to make wigs. Twilight’s was one of those. A gift from this aunt, which was all the more dear and precious to her. She had said to Twilight that it would draw to her good fortune, and fame too…
                      It was easy for Hank to imagine that to become true.


                      Aldous Mc Gaughran (nicknamed Ogrean by his employees), was taking deep puffs on his voluminous cigar.
                      A bit podgy in his white tight suit, the face dripping in sweat, he was eying with barely dissimulated lust the young dancer on the scene of the saloon while sipping his cognac and playing poker with his oily fingers.

                      The blond bewitching dancer was drawing attention from miles around, and was known by her stage name: Twilight. :yahoo_billy:
                      She wasn’t really a blonde, but she had been convinced by her two brothers :yahoo_hiro: :yahoo_april: to use a wig not so much to make her more desirable as she was already, but more to be able to keep a certain amount of anonymity.
                      Seeing Ogrean’s glances, she was more than glad to have listened to her brothers.

                      :yahoo_flag: Ogrean was calling the shots here in that small town, and somehow it would be difficult to refuse anything he would ask… He was supervising, as far as she knew, many traffics. Officially, he was a cattle breeder, but there was obviously more.
                      On his last business trip on the coast of British Honduras, officially for dealings of mahogany imports, he’d come back with a self-satisfied look that meant that he had got more than a pile of precious wood… :yahoo_skull:

                      The saloon door opened in a creaking sound. A tall lean figure came barging in. :yahoo_star:
                      Answering the barmaid’s question, he got himself a glass of the local alcohol. A bitter cactus beer that no one living here would have thought of ordering. Obviously a wandering stranger.
                      His scrawny horse seemed to have run tiring long miles.


                      All that farting had been quite exhausting, but the mummy felt that she was reincorporating vigor more quickly now, as the old fartesque energy was giving way.
                      This was a quicker process than birthing, but also more disturbing.

                      She slowly started to unwrap her bandages.
                      She smiled as she saw her peach smooth skin on her hands.


                      Malvina had clapped her hands and made the food and drinks and decorations disappear in the reception hall of the cave, feeling the time was not to big parties right now. The guest had moved again, and she had not been in the mood for party either.
                      She had not yet managed to reestablish contact with her sisters and that was a more pressing matter.

                      Leörmn had been retreating into his seasonal slumber, and would not be of great help at the moment, so she knew it was also time for her to get back to simple things and not worry about what was not yet here. Probabilities had simply moved, they would come back.

                      The silgreen tree had bloomed, and she wanted to brew some potions with its flowers. She would then go with Irtak to the village sell some vials of potion, and perhaps they would take the opportunity to see Huÿgens too, as he sometimes needed such potions for his langoats.


                      For Illi the cat, that cave filled with slimey scaly beasts was now out of her way.
                      Good riddance.

                      This dead Illi experience had been so intense she had almost believed there indeed was a pink indigo dragon right were she was at the entrance of the cave. But the impression had vanished all of a sudden, and she had found herself with her mind again her own only, without the echoing thoughts of that deranged other.
                      She had found a tree nearby, and comfortably seated on some high branches had been mediating with the help of trance inducing betel catkins that she carried with her as she traveled.

                      She had seen some weird stuff, like farting bandage wrapped people putting cobblestones to make a way to the sky, but that was enjoyable. As nothing really could make sense that night, she decided to go to sleep on her tree.

                      In the morning, a snorting sound made her raise her pointy ears. Just below her tree, a man was eating and singing, looking at some map, obviously planning some interesting adventure…


                      In the cave, where Vincentius was left with the Ugling boy and Mandrake, the latter finally decided to break the ice.

                      — How pitiful we left that sabulmantium to the snorting man… Mandrake said, we could have had a peek into Arona’s adventure… Not that I am concerned, she is so brave, but you know, she’ll always be my little… What am I saying? mumbled Mandrake temporarily confused.
                      — Oh, you mean, Arona had a sabulmantium?
                      — Mmm, well, of course… We projected hairy cows and stuff… (I’m really saying the stupidest things today, might be that herbal tea, shivered Mandrake, licking his paw and combing with it the unkempt hair on his head)
                      — Interesting… But you know if you want to have a look, we can do otherwise. Let me see…
                      — (trying to make yourself important, huh) thought Mandrake

                      Vincentius took a little blue bag tied to his belt, and threw a pinch of a smelly mossy powder on the smoldering embers.
                      A thick greenish smoke started to rise making Mandrake retreat carefully (or tactfully he would say) in his favourite place behind the pile of logs to look at the discomfiture of poor Vincentius without having to overwhelm him too much with his own superior sharp intuitive senses.
                      But to Mandrake’s surprise, the smoke steadied like a moving wall, and images started to foarm.

                      — Hey, this is my little girl, Arona! Mandrake couldn’t help but say.
                      A-lo-na, the slow voice of Yikes/Zacquer said.


                      Inspired by the courageous example of Finn, Quintin was thinking of changing his name too.

                      There were too many Quintins out there, and he needed to find something more suitable. Michaela had mistaken him again for another Quintin, and of course, Quintin had heard Elias laugh in the background.
                      Yann’s battery of his new phone was charged at 33%, so that was probably a confirmation too.

                      Why not something like Yurick
                      Looking for a confirmation, Quintin found this.

                      YORICK: Altered form of JORCK. This name was used by Shakespeare for a court jester in his play ‘Hamlet’. :yahoo_skull:
                      JORCK: Danish form of GEORGE

                      So that was it… Having recently read some poems from George Gordon Byron, Quintin thought that it was in perfect sync.
                      Yurick was henceforth adopted.

                      Interestingly, Yurick noticed that it was the 303 rd comment posted. So it was obviously another confirmation. Perhaps that with his new name, now Yurick wouldn’t need 3 confirmations in a row…


                        — Peeeeerrrry! Peerrrry!

                        Yann was recalling Quintin’s mother… she was calling the cat playing in the garden, obviously more fascinated with the mice he was chasing than with the non-living food Scooter had just put on his plate…

                        Scooter… he smiled at the affectionnate nickname he had given her. She was always going somewhere, doing something, never staying calm and quiet.

                        The phone rang…


                          Of course, as soon as they had stepped into the powerful magnetic field generated inside the T.R.A.P., the reality around them was transphormed as if they all had been into a huge deFørmiñG mirror, that they could shape with their strangest thoughts.

                          Obviously, they had all started to hallucinate some funny stuff…

                          It was happening so quick, Sam noticed. Sean’s breath was smelling of whiskey, and Sam felt Sean had forgotten something on his way to New York. He felt compelled to ask him if there was something on his mind…
                          — Peregrine!
                          — Who’s that?
                          — Oh, he will be so disappointed… Sean started to sob. I’m such a bad father!

                          Sean couldn’t find a composure. Hopefully, Becky wrapped her sensual arm around his shoulders, and hugged him tenderly.

                          — Hey, look, she said, the children are more adept at these games than we are,… if we want, we can have him project here from his bedroom and share the fun with us. What do you reckon?

                          And she started to yell:

                          — Peeeeerrrry ! Peerrrry !

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