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  • #1773

    In reply to: Synchronicity

    F LoveF Love

      hmmm was adding that last comment up and thought that’s not right! … apparently as well as all their fees they also charge an additional .50 per transaction. :yahoo_rolling_eyes: Well there is the “5” again … reminding me to have fun. oh and this is comment 255

      Ella Bella got her rats – two of them, and one of them has been called Lusy. :mouse: and Katie says they are lovely and look you right in the eye when you talk to them :face-glasses:

      Table 12 again at a cafe i went today.



      In reply to: Synchronicity

      F LoveF Love

        This afternoon we stopped at a little winery which is only open a few months of the year. I was staring at the red tops of the wine bottles to the point even of reaching out and touching one of them and saying “that’s nice” :yahoo_rolling_eyes: which made people look at me in wonder. When I got home I saw Tracy’s remote view object, so well .. my point is really … do you think I won?


        In reply to: Synchronicity

        F LoveF Love

          previous comment

          catching up…

          After we introduced the Italian Arch-Agent Gabriel to the story, there was a story in our local paper on crime writers with two authors featured.

          One of these was Quintin Jardine. The section started with the words:

          “If there are such things as angels” the big detective whispered “that’s what they look like.”

          The detective who spoke them was an Italian.

          The other author featured, was French crime writer Fred Vargas, (who is a woman, also a renowned archeologist). I really enjoyed reading what she had to say in the article regarding her philosophy on life and writing.

          The articles were edited by Finlay McDonald.


          With some physical health problems which have reared their head the last little while I have also been aware of the number of “angels” in my life, in fact have sort of had a game where I call them angels to myself … the massage angel i met, the cafe angel etc etc etc. Mr X gave me the name of some people who do gardening, as the property was getting out of hand. They went well out of the way, and I was thinking how they were my gardening angels …. later they gave me their business card. Their business name is “Gardening Angels”


          The book I picked randomly on my trip to Auckland is The Traveller I had not heard of it before but apparently it is a best seller and part one of a trilogy :yahoo_rolling_eyes:

          There are aspects of it which sort of remind me of our story, travelers who travel between dimensions etc

          John Twelve Hawks is the author, I think he is a recluse or something, nobody seems to know much about him.



          I love T’s eggs falling from the sky synch .. it felt like abundance and magic :creating_magic:


            What are you talking about Becky?! Al sighed at another deranged vision of Becky having bowel troubles, pushing and rolling big poops in front of her like a sacred Egyptian scarab, and leaving for Elvira some funny thread to follow in the Park…


            When Leonora finished writing her blog posts and reading the latest Yurara Fameliki story updates, she strolled out onto the patio. Bea was talking in her sleep again, sprawled out on the sunbed.

            One hundred and eighty years hence,
            They sat and conversed on the fence.
            “We searched far and wide
            For what was inside.
            I am forced to admit we are dense.”

            Blimey, she’s connecting to that laughing monk again, Leonora noted, rolling her eyes. She sat down in an old wicker chair, and sipped her Rioja wine.


            In reply to: Synchronicity


              Not sure if this link will work to Oba’s song lyrics, but the bones of the sync are this:

              “We’re goin’ out tonight bejeweled and adorned
              A Horus Line’s performing at the Gates Of Horn
              Mummies get boners and their wrappings unfurl
              At the sight of my Memphis girl

              She is so extraordinary
              Strolling through the mortuary
              The Necropolis aint half that scary
              OOOOH! Memphis girl…”


              F LoveF Love

                I take it from that you don’t know where the wedding dress is currently. Well if you do come across it would you mind letting Felicity know. said Tina haughtily, switching the phone off abruptly.

                Al’s words running through her head she started walking quickly nowhere in particular.

                Tina, what’s the point of these experiments we have been doing with Becky and Sam if you are going to keep relying on the phone all the time? And why are you trying to sort out the dress for Felicity, it isn’t your problem.

                It wasn’t the so much the words which had stung, after all he was right, it was the annoyance she thought she had heard in his voice.

                She felt him making contact, quickly blocked, feeling too hurt to be open.

                She knew he was tired, god knows he had put so much into the wedding preparations, as he did with all his projects. He was fast building a reputation for his ground breaking experiments with body processes. Tina loved Al whatever he looked like, which was just as well really considering some of the rather bizarre effects he managed to produce.

                Becky had been a bit irritated with her as well, Tina you are so last decade, nay century even! she would say, rolling her large eyes dramatically. Becky too was racing confidently and exuberantly ahead. Her intriguing contributions to the reality play never failed to amaze Tina. Her own contributions felt stolid, words trapped in a big gluggy ball of last century energy, she had to work hard to extricate each one.

                It was nearly dark, raining harder now, wind-driven rain. Tina liked it, the rain complemented her mood and disguised the self-pitying tears streaming down her face. There were very few people in the street. Just the long line of shop windows, glass faces warmly lit, overhangs offering some shelter from the rain, though it wasn’t shelter Tina was looking for.

                Her long hair whipped around her face, wet blue satin clung to her slim frame.

                Sam had taken off unexpectedly and suddenly to Australia. He had been gone only a few days and she missed him. Dear Sam, his wicked and irrepressible sense of humour could make her laugh even in the blackest of moods. He too was playing with new potentials, forging new and exciting paths.

                The others are probably all communicating with their advanced telepathic skills right now, laughing at dumb old last century Tina, she thought morosely. In fact even last century I would have been so last century, judging by my spectacular lack of success at anything I have undertaken recently. A vision of her recent humiliation in the ballet dancing class sprang to mind. She winced and quickly blocked the distressing image of the dance teacher drawing her aside after class and gently suggesting she might try the Ancient Kuzhebar Motional Practices beginner’s class, to get some basic rhythm, before attempting the ballet. ….

                An elderly woman who had disembarked at the nearby gondola stop splashed by her, and, illuminated momentarily by the street lamp, Tina felt a flash of recognition. The woman turned suddenly towards her, smiled, gesticulated with her free hand, the other was clutching a large bag, towards some distant bushes. She mouthed some words at Tina, but these were lost in the wind. Tina waved and managed a reciprocal smile.

                She noticed a Positivity Robot parked in front of Samantha Lingerie, and found herself drawn towards it, 3D images of models wearing the latest in underwear fashions rotated in the shop’s window, their faces beaming irritatingly at her. These Positivity Robots had been all the rage in the early 2020’s, you did not see as many of them now. On impulse she stood in front of the robot, touched the screen, allowing it to read her energy. “negative 21” its glass face discreetly informed her. The words “I AM PERFECT flashed up on the screen as a suggested thought pattern to implement. Tina grimaced. I wonder how low I can make this damn thing go. The idea made her giggle and to her alarm shot the meter up to a positive 12. Bugger, a bad start!

                What am I going to do with myself, Mr PR, if you are so positively smart?

                I AM PERFECT…. I AM PERFECT …. I AM PERFECT ….

                perfectly grumpy, perfectly insecure, perfectly last decade, perfectly soaked to the skin, Tina watched as the meter climbed all the way up to 55.

                She glanced at the shop window, just as a smiling model wearing a minuscule open net dress and nun’s habit rotated by. She felt an inexplicable burst of amusement as the meter climbed to 57.


                Dory was bored. She didn’t really know whether to be Dory, or Becky, or even Illi today. Maybe I will be someone new, she thought. Hmmm……

                Elvira, how about that. Well, Elvira was just as bored as Elvira as she would have been as Dory, Becky or anyone else for that matter. What happens when the inspiration goes? Where does it go? One minute the world is full of interesting things, and then Poof! nothing is very interesting at all……

                Elvira had lots of interesting things to do, she had many books, and various artistic projects half started or not even started, just thought about on and off for ages, and she had puppies to play with, and a big drawer full of pens and things to draw with. She had a camera that took little videos that was often a lot of fun…but nothing seemed worth the trouble today, nothing at all…..not even that silly wacom thing, and after all that fuss to buy it, too…it was more fun talking about buying it then the darn thing ever was afterwards…..

                The Internet, how could anyone be bored with an internet! There must be something seriously wrong with her to be bored when she had Internet! But she halfheartedly googled this, googled that…ho hum, tedium, nothing very interesting there….

                Well, what about your imagination then! Elvira sat up a bit straighter, challenging herself. You can surely do something interesting in your imagination, can’t you?

                She slumped back down again, and sighed. Like what? Well, imagine you are out in the sun, going for a walk…..

                Well ok, then, I am on the beach. At first I feel the sun on the top of my head and I squint at the bright sparkles on the sea. Then, my ears are ringing with cold, it’s a windy cold day after all and not much fun on the beach at all. Oh pull yourself together, woman! Pull your scarf round your ears! It’s a great day for driftwood, just look at those waves rolling in.

                I am trudging along, and the sand is hard to walk on and makes my legs ache. My God, I am out of shape! There are soggy oranges and piles of bamboo sticks, and plastic bottles all washed up in curving heaps. A soggy Marlboro carton; my, are they still smuggling fags from Gibraltar, I am so out of the smuggling loop these days….

                Well, was that it? Elvira chastised herself. Not much of a flight of imagination there, was it? Maybe a walk along the river instead…..

                Oh alright, if I have to…..actually I can’t be bothered to do this imaginary walk either, it’s no use….nothing is really very interesting today. I would like someone to amuse me, charmingly, pointlessly, something funny and light, and delightfully meaningless and simple…..

                And god forbid, nothing to do with beliefs, please! Or any of that weird stuff, like other lives and other dimensions, and talking to aliens and all that weirdo stuff….weirdo, weirdo, stuff! UGGHHH Elvira shuddered.

                Well, one thing I am pleased about, she mused almost happily, I can smoke again now my lungs are behaving. I thought I would be gloriously happy forever if I could only breathe without fear, and already I am Ho Hum about breathing….thought for sure I’d remember to focus on every brilliantly wonderful NOW moment, I did, after that fright with the lungs, but no….back to normal, well, worse than normal really, because now I am not even interested in anything……

                I wonder if I should start drinking again…..Oh don’t be silly, Elvira told herself rather sharply. Well, drugs then, maybe that would buck me up. It’d buck you up alright, but for how long? Well when they wore off, I could take some more.

                Yeah, right…..

                Elvira sighed again. Even Bertie Wooster hadn’t even managed to raise a smile this time, and he always used to make her smile. Reading Wodehouse now made her frown, wondering what ever she had used to find so amusing……

                The birds are making a racket out there, she noticed. Whatever do they find to sing about all day? Chirp chirp…jeeze….. maybe I should take up golf, she wondered. Dan seems to always have an interest, something passionately all-consuming……he never has enough hours in the day for all HIS interesting things….

                Where have all my interesting things GONE?


                  I had a whole scenario in my head last night and just couldn’t put a sentence together, I tried and tried, and deleted the whole thing. Mars, or Constable Marhsall, was surreptitiously meeting the robber lad in a brothel, waiting to meet the madame, the leader of the robber gang. darnit, I just couldn’t articulate it at all. Just thought I’d mention it ;) :yahoo_rolling_eyes:


                  In reply to: Synchronicity


                    Blog friend Jib :yahoo_rolling_eyes:


                    In reply to: Synchronicity


                      And another movie sync! :yahoo_loser: Watched a cartoon last night on TV called Madagascar .

                      “Exploring their surroundings, the four friends soon meet the Malagasy locals (a type of lemur given to having loud “rave-like” dance parties :yahoo_oh_go_on: ) and their carnivorous enemies, the fousas (a type of mongoose). As the two sides try to use these four new, strange (and large) friends to their benefit, our heroes are also confronted with the reality of their predestined roles in nature.”

                      If the King of The Lemurs wasn’t Patel I’ll eat my hat. Hilarious! Unfortunately, despite thoroughly enjoying it, I suddenly fell asleep and missed half of it. :yahoo_rolling_eyes:


                      Ooops… All that farting was as exhausting as being in labour, thought the mummy.

                      (What!? no farting mummy icon :yahoo_rolling_eyes: )


                        she’s rolling on the floor following the floor.. err the flow :))


                          hahaah!!!!!! Caught rolling on the floor laughing, was I :yahoo_tongue:
                          WHAT utmost event?? Aren’t they ALL? :yahoo_idk:


                            arf :yahoo_feeling_beat_up: still this new pathway stuff again, need some refreshment :yahoo_rolling_eyes: and a warm sun also :weather-clear:


                            The City, year 2257

                            Janice had just awoken from a strange dream, where she was watching big round cabbages being harvested in what looked like Quintin’s father garden. They were all firmly rooted on a black irrigation pole across the garden, and people were using strange devices to turn them all delicately and pick them afterwards. In the dream, there were black puppies too, sleeping in the straw of a kind of hut nearby. And she had seen another creature, and had been surprised first because it was unlike anything she had ever met, even in dreams. It was hairless and brown as soft mud, and was hiding in the neighbour’s garden. Then it had crossed and came to play with her…

                            Janice was lost in her thoughts strolling on the way to the common dome, when she met Rodney, her father’s friend.
                            They had been recently trying with her father Jacob, and also Qixi to connect with their shifting focuses of the Ancients, two centuries and half before their time.
                            Some of them, they had found, had been playing a sort of game of story-telling and clue-sowing… (Janice was laughing as her father’s friend, the scientist Arkandin, always insisted on seesawing instead)

                            Perhaps her dream was telling her that the crop was ripe, and it was time to harvest some from it. She told her dream to Rodney. All at once, he was quite excited and they started to feel they wanted to chat more freely. So they went into one of the Medraw Caps that was available and soon imagined a comfortable environment for themselves to explore more.

                            Janice could hear Al or Quintin complain about how things were getting confusing.
                            She tried to convey to both of them that they could be excited about it, as it was expanding their understanding, but they weren’t very receptive.


                            Somewhere Al was saying to Becky
                            — The more you try to fix it, the more confused I am
                            — Hahahahah yes! Becky was answering, I guess so! Ahahahah! Al, what a fabulous dance of confusion we do… The Confundo Tango
                            — Ahahah, yes!

                            Al started again to moan:
                            — So who’s dead, who’s the shapeshifter? Who’s the human, who’s the cat? :-??

                            (Rodney was laughing, as for him, he could accept the confusion as much easier, letting him free to wander around!)

                            Illi was a woman, a shapeshifter who shape-shifted into a cat, then, she died. Becky was saying (Rodney added mentally “Now, she is disengaged” as he knew that “death” was a confusing word.) She was an archaeologist
                            — Okay, that’s cool, that’s what I thought, Al acquiesced. Then thought back of what was said of her and wondered… Anyway, it will probably find a perfect answer …
                            Becky nodded
                            — I got lost myself when two Illis appeared, and a grip-thing as well
                            — Because I didn’t want the grip-thing to be dead! Al couldn’t help but laugh. That would have been too easy, like wiggling out. Not using your imagination within the context of objective imagery to sort out “things”…


                            While Rodney and Janice were seeing that their other focuses were kind of stuck in their explanation, they had time freeze and both decided to come back to their “now” to start from their understanding.
                            A funny thought had come to Janice, that she shared with Rodney.
                            — Oh, the funny thing you know, about Becky having written to Sean
                            Rodney nodded. Janice continued:
                            — It just appeared in my mind just moments ago, at the same time you (well, Rafaela) inserted into the story of Malvina. That Becky would have been asking Sean something, and that perhaps it would have helped him talk to his father in the future.

                            — Well, that Sean is SUCH AN ENIGMA! bumped Rodney a bit excited by the implications.
                            — What do you mean? asked Janice, who just remembered that Sean Doran has a cousin named Dorean.
                            — Who is he? Where is he? was asking Rodney now.
                            Rodney was having a hard time remembering what had been inserted yet in the story about him.

                            So Janice manifested the Wrick family tree in front of them, so that he could see better. She started by manifesting an acorn, then threw in on the grass, and it sprung forth in a little sapling with signs hanging from its branches.

                            — Well, it’s all in the script, answered Janice, he’s Lord Wrick’s son.
                            — Oh boy, I am in trouble again for not keeping up with the facts! Rodney sighed, and laughed…
                            Janice laughed “So that you can surprise yourself again!”

                            Rodney felt thankful for the sumafiness of Janice who was always prompt to display helpful hallucinations and reminders.

                            Janice stopped the growth of the family tree for a moment and started to comment it.
                            — See, in Becky’s time of the reality play, Sean is Lord’s Wrick son, and has just lost his wife Margaret, and got his two young children around their 10s.
                            — When is Becky’s time then? Rodney wondered, I hadn’t though of that…
                            Becky’s time for the reality play is around 2033…
                            Then Janice had the tree grow again, and sprout more branches from Sean’s children:
                            — …Now, Sean is the grand-father of the twins, except than the twin’s time is around 2057 if it had not changed yet. It’s so carefully woven, but it’s fun how it effortlessly came to fit in.
                            TRUST AND ALLOWING AND GOING WITH THE FLOW cried Rodney and Janice in unison, in the realisation of how well all this was.

                            Rodney was beginning to remember it all.
                            — I just remember the part about Sean, so he is still a bit of a mystery
                            — Yes, absolutely
                            — We don’t really know do we why Hilarion didn’t mention him
                            — Oh, there’s also the Margaret newspaper thing… Janice fumbled in her memory to find the proper link that would display the image of the newspaper cut just at the right of the family tree. Adding with a wink “with more dates to get bearings”
                            — Ahahah, I’d love to have pocketfuls of ball bearings said Rodney who manifested a pocketful to distract him from the load of information. OH YES! he cried, I had forgetten about this! What an incredibly HUGE story this is…

                            Rodney was squinting his dream eyes
                            — So, Sean was into humanitarian effort after 2001…
                            — His father actually I think, said Janice. He was a bit too young.
                            — Oh OK, I misread, that’s hard to read!

                            Then, all of a second, Rodney erupted in an uproarious laugh
                            AHAHAHA, I had just forgotten to de-hallucinate these pince-nez spectacles! Now, it is much easier to read!
                            Janice was laughing so hard, she thought she would shatter the hallucination with the wobbles of the soundless sounds.
                            Then she added:

                            Sean is born around 2000, a bit before.
                            — OK, maybe he went to help the Tuaregs, Rodney was accessing some information now. Maybe he was the one who put the mummy in the locked room that India found.
                            — You know I had something funny in store for the mummy mystery, Janice couldn’t help but laugh again. I imagined we could have inserted Old Manon, coming down to secretly drink from her old malt whiskey’s flask, and finding them messing up with her old dear stuffed cat…
                            — Maybe the mummy was the same one that Dory saw in the oblong hole in the ground outside the cave, Rodney was still accessing flickering images swirling around his head. And Sean was there helping the Tuaregs and moved it to safety.
                            Of course, years previously, Illi Fergusson, the archeologist had buried the mummy there too for safe keeping.

                            Now, Janice was hooked:
                            — Was it where Illi learned about shapeshifting tricks from the old tribe?
                            Rodney noticed Janice’s funny remark and laughed before continuing:
                            — The Tuaregs were conducting secret coleslaw experiments in the desert. In combination with sound and irrigation techniques, they were going to run the entire Sahara into a broccoli field.

                            Janice was amazed at the cabbage “coincidence” and irrigation stuff with her dream of that morning. Of course she knew there where probably mis-interpretation of the imagery coming from Rodney’s visions, but something made sense.
                            — Around which year? she asked
                            — Arrggh I don’t know!… Then, taking a breath of dream air, Rodney said “1923”. When Illi learned shape-shifting trick, 1923.
                            — It makes sense, said Janice who was now thinking of other dispersed informations about Illi Fergusson.
                            — Yes, she learned from Dashine Ashara… Although who that is, I don’t yet know.
                            — Wow, said Janice. She had felt a connection with the “da’sheen” sound. She continued: somewhere, Illi Fergusson has said: “my parents were aristocrats”
                            — Yes, answered Rodney who was accessing again, they were, and they knew the Wildes .
                            — And it was said too: “[…] a nurturing presence that reminded Illi of the maid she and her parents had in their cottage in South Africa”… like her parents were traveling a lot.
                            — Ah, South Africa! Illi’s parents emigrated to South Africa with Sir Abingdon Portfellow, an elderly scholar on ancient artifacts and embalming.
                            — Seems she knew John Lubbock too, said Janice again, reviving old data banks of information. Dates seem okay, so if she was around 30 in the Tuareg adventure, she could have met him.
                            — Wow, said Rodney, this is even more interesting…

                            “But we may sit at home and yet be in all quarters of the earth.” Janice had just summoned the voice of the naturalist and archaeologist. Rodney applauded “Lubbock said that? cool quote!”.
                            — Yes, like Illi’s quote, which was from him “What we see depends mainly on what we look for”. I wonder if that’s one of your (Illi’s) overlapping focuses, said Janice

                            — Well, Illi didnt stay long in South Africa with boring old whatever his name was, Rodney pursued
                            — Yes, she was young with her parents. They were traveling…

                            They were both amazed at the magical cooperation they were doing at that moment. Janice would have loved to share all of that with Qixi and Jacob, but probably their energies were present at the moment too, though not focused here.

                            She then remembered something else:
                            — Oh, and there is something else! Quintin’s dream of the woman detective. Let me fetch it she said, summoning now Quintin’s memory to talk to them.
                            … by night, near a museum in London, in the 1920s. She was investigating a case of a strange disappearance near a small replicate of an Egyptian pyramid that had been put here for display. There had been an exposition of ancient artifacts in the museum, which had been recently unearthed by a team of archaeologists and graciously lent by Egypt’s officials. Strangely enough, the woman detective feels linked to the story, and is probably Dory
                            Date fits again, she said in awe.
                            — Perfect! said Rodney. She was of course Dory too, but in that focus she was Illi Fergusson… he slowed down, then said No! wait! The detective was another one of my focuses. The archeologist who stole the mummy for safekeeping was Illi.
                            — Hmmm
                            — Hmmm
                            — So you are both the thief and the detective, the one who creates mystery for yourself, how interesting, giggled Janice.
                            — Yes, and not only that Janice! Rodney was taking a mysterious air… I am the mummy too!

                            Janice bust out laughing imagining Rodney in bandages. Yes, of course!
                            Then, she had a name come with that: Apsh’un Shet she said, very self-absorbed.
                            Now, that was Rodney’s turn to burst out laughing.
                            — “I am not sure about that!”
                            — Doubting my insights… mmm, how rude… Janice frowned then laughed again.
                            — If you call me that, I may have to make you out to have a speech impediment
                            — Sounds a good Egyptian name for me though, seems it means “Light of the Dawn
                            — Does it? Oh that sounds nice…
                            — Well, in some Egyptian dialect, yes. She was a Princess…
                            — Hahaha! Reminds me of Aspen Shit. Rodney doubted Janice could be serious about that name, but Janice was now the one to be accessing some information.
                            — Bit bossy Princess
                            — Which dynasty?
                            III rd, answered Janice, who fumbled in links of consciousness to find some timeline to project for them.
                            — What year?
                            Janice projected the timeline below then said
                            — I’d say around 2657 B.C., in Ancients way of telling time.

                            They both marveled at the splendid team work they had been doing, and hoped that the other focuses involved would be able to get some parts of their insights too.

                            Rodney was seeing something else
                            — There is also, a very fascinating link between Tassili in the Sahara and Egypt which is a mystery AND there is a connection with Egypt and Scotland too…
                            Illi the gripshawk comes from the mysterious land of the Sands, south of the map fragment
                            — We may unravel more than we think… Illi is an other dimensional focus of the Illi essence…
                            — Yes she is. She is a connection too, being “lost” in the land of dragons after hopping through traveling portals…
                            — Exactly
                            — And they communicated because they are helping each other
                            — Which is why she doesn’t always ‘fit’ into this reality’s energy configuration
                            — And they have some difficulties at times with translations of other dimensional stuff
                            — Yes! resulting in confusion!

                            And they both laughed again, looking at the great tapestry of clues that was woven before their dream eyes.

                            F LoveF Love

                              bit rude, T, making invisible comments. Couldn’t you just talk in code? :yahoo_rolling_eyes:


                              Sanso didn’t notice that the creature called Madrake was rolling his eyes. While he explained to the rather odd but delightfully enchanting Arona the finer points of sabulmantium technology, he was thinking about what Arona had just said about her mission. Her overall mission, she’d said, was to learn all about magic.

                              Sanso wondered what his own mission was and didn’t think he had one. Unless his mission was a glorious infinite wandering, threading multicoloured silken skeins of clues and riddles, people and places, weaving them in and out of time and to each other….the never ending tapestry, ever changing and splendid in it’s magnificence…..

                              Arona was looking up at Sanso with barely hidden astonishment, and he blushed ever so slightly when he realized he’d been speaking out loud. Shouting actually, his deep voice booming out with joy and passion, his wild gesticulations causing Arona to flinch and take an involuntary step backwards.

                              Suddenly both Arona and Sanso saw the funny side, giggles erupting into gales of laughter until tears rolled down their cheeks and they collapsed on the floor whooping and snorting and wiping their eyes, not really knowing, in the end, what they were laughing at…..


                              Captain Bone was packing his trunk. The boat was leaving at noon from the quayside of the fishing village, and the captain was nearly ready to say goodbye to the Sharples family. He’s been happy staying with the Sharples and their unruly brood, but he was a man of the sea, and the salty breezes and rollings waves and promise of new adventures was beckoning.

                              The sea mist rolled over the cluster of cottages as it often did in the early mornings, mingling with the aroma of coffee and freshly toasted crumpets. Captain Bone remembered other morning mists from other shores, warm ones laced with cinnamon and cloves, and chilly ones pungent with fishy smells and squalking gulls…… bright sunny mornings with long golden shadows and the endless half light of arctic northern ones.

                              The captain closed his trunk without checking to see if he’d remembered everything. Whatever he needed on his journey, he knew he would find. Whatever he left behind, he knew the Sharples would keep safe until his return.


                              Manolo the vet helped the captain onto the boat.

                              ¡Hasta la vista, hombre! ¡Buen viaje! Long Tom Bone winked and smiled. As soon as he’d set foot on the boat, he sighed a huge sigh of relief, and all the aches and worries of living on dry land drifted away.

                              The Sharples family passed the tissues round. It was going to seem strange for awhile without the captain.


                                Dory suddenly saw the funny side, and started to laugh. She sank down onto the curb and laughed until tears rolled down her cheeks. As she fished in her tool kit for a tissue, she noticed her flying sandals and collapsed into another fit of laughter.

                                Lalalalalala she said and hooted again.

                                Blowing her nose and still chuckling, Dory stood up and got into the van. Hehehehehehe she sputtered, how easy was that, ahahahaha….

                                She sank back into the long comfortably cushioned seat, and relaxed.

                                She closed her eyes and the van set off, the rolling and rocking over the bumpy roads soothing her and sending her into a deep and restful sleep.

                              Viewing 20 results - 141 through 160 (of 162 total)