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  • #1223

    Becky sipped her coffee nervously, chain-smoking as she waited for Al and Sam to return from the crystal shopping excursion. She wasn’t sure if Al would approve of yet more characters in the Reality Play with so many loose threads already, all getting tangled up and dusty like so many balls of wool under the bed. Like dust bunnies, Becky thought with a chuckle. It was funny how the play had so many different moods, almost as if it had a life of its own. Well, I suppose the play itself is a sort of focus of attention in its own right, a conglomeration of the energies of a variety of essences, creating its own reality from its own perspective. But wait a minute, thought Becky, lighting up another cigarette, how is that different from me, for that matter? I am a conglomeration of the energies of fragmented essences creating my own reality from my own perspective too. Does that make me nothing more than a Reality Play —or, does that make the play a Focus of Essences?

    The line of thought was giving Becky a bit of a headache so she flicked through Al’s latest entries. Clever old Al had been tapping into his Spreal focus when he came up with those silly names, funny how it often worked out like that. A nonsense word here, a bit of gibberish there, none of it meaningless, and none of it meaning anything absolute, either. The secret of life, Becky decided, was in Not being Afraid Of Nonsense. People were so afraid of Nonsense, as if to be caught speaking Nonsense was a heinous crime, or at best a severe handicap, possibly resulting in some form of custody or social alienation. All you had to do was find other people who resonated with your own version of Nonsense, which happened automatically anyway vibrationally. There are thousands variations of Nonsense, and none of them make any more sense than any other, thanks to the Equality In Nonsense underground movement a few decades ago. Equality In Nonsense was started by a group of online friends a few years after the Ministry Of Common Sense had disbanded through lack of interest. It caught on quickly, making a mockery of common sense, which went underground, a few die-hards hanging on with grim faced tedium to the old tenets. Over the years, as the Acceptance Of Nonsense Rights was established, the Equality In Nonsense brigade disbanded to get down to the business of creating new variations of Nonsense, just for fun —which was of course, The Point. Nevertheless, or should I say, notwithstanding, Becky smiled, there still remained a degree of common sense in the general populace, which possibly wasn’t altogether a bad thing.

    It all got a in a bit of a muddle for awhile, until some enterprising folks published the handy guide books ‘Cooperation Within Nonsense ~ How To Communicate In Your Chosen Nonsense’, and ‘Accepting Total Nonsense ~ How To Deal With The Nonsense Of Others’.


    “Roots” exclaimed Elizabeth “I forgot the theme word!”
    “No doubt you’ll come up with an ingenioos way to slide it in, Liz” replied Godfrey with a smirk. “Pass the poonuts.”

    A disgruntled Elizabeth rewrote:

    “Rats!” I forgot the theme word!”

    Unfortunately, Pig Littleton insisted on using the OOh dimension vernacular, and Elizabeth tutted and hit send.


      “Jeeze, I can’t help to be continuously amazed by BeckyAl said more to himself than to Tina who was reading silently in the room next to his.
      “She struggles so hard at times, when all she needs is a little attention…” he continued in his breath.

      “What are you moaning about again?” Tina said, who unlike Becky was paying much attention even when she didn’t look like it.
      “Moonbeams! Did you see that last entry? There was as close as moon and beams as you could get in the previous entries in the Reality Play… I really wonder why we make things so hard for ourselves at times…”

      — Well, because it’s fun, I suppose she’ll tell you… Come on, you know how she is, you don’t need to play your sumafreak labouring it to the bitter end…
      — I suspect you’re right… And who cares about randomness anyway; it doesn’t look much fun these past few days, does it?
      — Sure…
      — Like I say. Look, you don’t even barely write yourself; if I didn’t know you’re here, I would probably do with the Play like the tomatoes plant; uproot it and cut it in pieces in a plastic bag for recycling.
      — Oh, but you have to admit the bedroom looks so much better without all these creepers around the place… All for what, twenty one tiniest tomatoes?
      — Plus the last two still ripening on the cupboard, Al retorted in a sullen manner.

      After a moment of silence, Tina laid her book down, and came closer
      — Yeah, you’re right, I don’t find it very funny for the moment, especially with that shift of vowellness in the Ooh dimension,…
      — Hehe, you mean, that nasty habit of telling ‘peanut’ instead of ‘poonut’?
      — Oh yes, but not only that,… Well, it looks like all my characters are eluding me, becoming alien… if you see what I mean… :yahoo_alien:
      — Yes, I see; and I must say you’re doing great with that; Becky would faint at the mere mention of something becoming alien, Al couldn’t help but laugh. :yahoo_oh_go_on:
      — No, but seriously…
      — I know. I think what we need is some more of your inimitable talent at creating syncs. You’ve always been the connector my dear with those “magifestations” of yours.

      She smiled. :yahoo_happy:

      — Now, speaking of random syncs, what have you got to say about that; we could create a music band :bounce: :yahoo_whistling:
      — What?
      — Hang on, here’s the band’s name: 57th Ward of New Orleans and we could call our first album… Mmm… That’s it: The Cup To Overflowing … What do you think? :agreed:

      Mmmm… that may sound weirdo, but it seems very feisty all of a sudden ! :yahoo_clown: :buffoon: :yahoo_party:


      Having left her body, she realized that this incursion in her old dimension had exposed her body to a lot of strain. It was easier for her now that her attention wasn’t so clinched to the physical reality, it was more fluid and more comfortable. She was in a hurry, but she had to made some arrangements before or her beautiful physical expression would deteriorate too quickly. Looking at it from her current point of view, she felt compassion and sadness. Her face was so pale and covered in sweat, her hair so dishevelled. She gathered some long forgotten aspects which would knew how to take care of that situation. She had some big challenge ahead and it was important that when she came back her body would be readily available.

      As for now, first of all she had to find that cube. It could help her localized the artifact she needed in her fight for the skulls. She vaguely remembered it was in a room to which there was an entry somewhere on this planet that she had left just before her departure to the Duane… so many years ago in her focus, and a bit mixed up with the non-linear time of that other dimension… well, she let her intuition guide her as it was the only way to find it; she felt that something in the energy outside was facilitating also, she could feel the ripples but… she had no time to find out what it could be. She already had lost so much time taking care of her body.

      After what seemed to be eons, she eventually found the door well hidden in a cave in Venezuela. The condition of the place surprised her, the cave was quite humid and muddy, the door wood was almost completely rotten, not mentioning the frame of eroded stones. She couldn’t remember why she chose these elements when she created this entry on earth, but apparently she didn’t put enough energy in it and her attention had been away for so long that it was crumbling apart. She didn’t have time for recrimination at the moment so she moved through the door and her presence lightened up the inner room.

      It was a place in between dimensions, an inner study from where she could gather and connect her discoveries in the different places she had visited; a good place to plan her next moves. The room was well equiped to find missing objects too. All she had to do was find that missing cube…

      It had to be close to the center, in a manner of speaking at equal distance from the different dimensions that were connected to it. She had to be careful in the process as some parts of the study were close enough of other dimensions that she would forget all about what she was looking for. There was a potentiality for disengagement here and that wouldn’t help her at all.


        After that strange dream, Yann had completely forgotten about the city and the puzzle reality game and the park. He’d caught a cold and a disturbing hiccup that made his thoughts hard to follow. He’d been wanting to do so many things during that week end, and it was all running away from him.

        Yurick was preparing him some medicine made from essence drops and jasmine tea, and Yann particularly enjoyed how his friend was taking care of him… he was feeling like a child of about 8. Though he was grumpy and mumbling a lot, he was pleased that they shared this occasion to talk about everything and nothing in particular. When Yurick told him about a lightus flower and a spam about a puzzle, Yann remembered his dream and what he saw there. He was telling his friend about the different patterns he saw in that park and that’s when emerged the idea of a book.

        The 2 friends were quite excited about the idea of a hidden city, yet to unfold. This book would be one step toward its manifestation.

        Yann, who was quite readily passionate about weird things was already imagining walking the ground of the park and hearing the sound of the water condensing from no cloud and falling in the even pong.

        “And you know what? That teacher you were listening to in my dream, something in his way of speaking reminds me of Aleksane…”

        “I have the impression of a hearty laugh, an eye and a thrilling atmosphere”, said Yurick.


        In reply to: The Story So Far


          Tikfijikoo Island (continued)

          (see this comment for previous part)

          Mahiliki comes crashing down the island (with the pilot) having Veranassessee dumbfounded and speechless.

          Rafaela leads Paquita and Jose through their dreams into acceptance of their facial conditions, and out of the island’s experiments through a secret passageway underground.
          As well, Anita leads her parents away from the island, through a tunnel, thanks to the intervention of her favourite team of “invisible” essence friends. She bids Akita goodbye as he’s drawn to the impromptu fiesta by Mavis and tells him he shall see his spirit dog again.

          Meanwhile, Sha and Glo discover some strange hairiness side-effects to their absorption of honeycomb.

          [Fast forward a few weeks later.]

          Apparently Dory and young Becky who were going to Tikfijikoo discover the island is placed under quarantine.
          All clues indicate the vortex activities, cyclones, and mad spider experiments have put the international security at risk.

          Veranassessee is reporting the situation at the local headquarters of the Confregation (likely to be fired), while Mahiliki and the pilot are under scrutiny to check their stories…

          We find the three divas, Sharon, Gloria and Mavis with a little more hair, but not less slickness, in a military hospital on nearby Antarctica. Akita was brought there too, in solitary confinement because he pretends to be a WWII soldier and to be guided by a speaking dog (which is all real of course, but you never know). They soon plan to escape.

          Madame Chesterhope, who was unwillingly rescued on the submarine of captain Pavel is placed in some sort of detention.
          Meanwhile, Claude has visibly gotten back to Jarvis who had managed to get the crystal skull amidst the island’s confusion. They now both are on the submarine, toasting on the success of the operation of crystal skull’s retrieval.

          Balbina, an old lady living in the future timeline in Venezuela (same timeline as Anita and her parents) is moved to her son’s home, nearby old caves were she expects Anita and her parents may soon resurface.


          “I told you, you shouldn’t have told them”
          “Shut up! You’re not even real, none of this is real…”
          “Well, I don’t know for you, but I feel real enough to be able to annoy you”

          Akita wasn’t sure if those hallucinations were due to the shock of the freezing temperatures of the Antarctica base, or to the medications they’d given them since the military troops had landed on the shores of that island to place it under strict quarantine. All of that was a bit fuzzy afterwards.

          He barely remembered how he’d been brought here. Someone had probably noticed the high energy vortexes occurring on the island, or perhaps someone in high places had been tipped about all the weird stuff that had occurred there. He couldn’t tell for sure.
          However, something strange had occurred. He had started to be able to see Kay, his spirit dog, reappear soon after.
          And that’s when everything started to go in a hellish downward spiral.
          Perhaps he shouldn’t have tried to convince the medics in the first place. Now he wasn’t so sure the dog wasn’t all but a figment of his imagination, which was all fine for him, but he had to know.

          “Has this… err… dog that you see speaking to you, has it ever told you anything you couldn’t have known yourself?” the medic had been asking him.
          That’s what had the doubts start to creep. Perhaps he was just another traumatized war veteran, like a few others, creating funny speaking critters in his mind to cope with the amount of trauma he went through. That would be quite possible.

          “Oh, come on Akita, you know I’m real, and everything we’ve gone through was real. Those friggin’ drugs they’ve given to you ain’t helpin’ you know”.

          Kay was right about that. He was slurring his words, and could barely stand on his own. They had to escape from here; real, unreal, it didn’t really matter; but he was sure of one thing; it wasn’t feeling good. Not feeling good in the least.

          “I suppose you got a plan, you sly dog?”


          Balbina had had a quite difficult week. Feeling cold, having trouble to find sleep, not even speaking of being unable to do the kind of out-of-body travel she had managed to do last time.
          She was almost starting to doubt she could redo it again.

          Of course, the relocation at her son’s cottage was a source of much change in her habits, and although he wasn’t at home most of time, she wasn’t really feeling like she was ‘at home’. Strangest thing really, as for the time she was at the hospice she wasn’t feeling as much an alien as in this cottage. At least, at the hospice, she was in a sort of neutral environment, some place where she wasn’t undesirable (would it be asking for too much to actually be desirable at her age?). Here, the environment wasn’t neutral at all; everywhere everything reminded her of her son: his books, the posters, even the dust on the coffee table was almost looking as though it was his own.

          So she had to adjust. Contort her energy to fit —to crumple herself!— into this place, as it would be likely she would spend quite some time here. She wasn’t asking for much really, as she wasn’t able to move from the bed he’d had installed in the spare room. Ghastly room, with a creepy wallpaper from a has-been era of the past days, year 2000 or close she’d guess, gaudy as it was… oriented to the south, with hardly bearable heat during the day. She would have loved to see the coast on the north, but instead, the only window was showing her the shade of the trees, and that ominous alligator-green mountain just behind.

          If she couldn’t project in her dreams as she managed to do before, she would soon either die of boredom or of heat. She wasn’t too sure which one would be the most painless and efficient.

          She pushed the button to have her bed roll a little closer to the window; once straightened up a bit, she was able to see the passageway to the mountain. She couldn’t explain why she didn’t like this mountain; it was quite beautiful; perhaps she feared to be lost and abandoned. All the more since she could feel so much presence in this environment. Unseen presence, and trickster ones too.

          She was tired, and yawned so much her tense jaw’s muscles ached.

          On the emerald path to the forest, a moving teal wisp of light caught her attention. Funny plays of light at this hour of the day. But the wisp was persistent, and it started to move towards her.

          “Good day Balbina!”

          The crazy rabbit was back again. And… she was sleeping? In or out?

          “In or out, smell my foot, it’s your choice, and matters not
          but be quick, and come forth, for Anita and her folks this wicked way come!”

          “The tune is set, the tunnel is close
          Of playfulness you’ll need a hefty dose”


          on a Yukailli Airlines Flyboat, Cruise#557
          Long Pong vicinity, International Waters, October 2008

          “Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We are sorry to tell you that for unexpected reason, the flight has been rerouted to Auckland, New Zealand. Our final destination, Tikfijikoo Island is under strict quarantine for an unknown…

          — “WHAT?!” Dory was drawn out of her clouds contemplation by the voice of Ignoratio Elenchi
          — “Shhht!” Becky commanded her a bit rudely.

          Then, after the voice of the captain faded out in an incomprehensible muddle, “Oh, great! Now, we didn’t get what’s happening…”
          “Oh, as if we care for the reasons…” Dory said pragmatically. “Such a strange creating we did this time. I was so expecting to get to this island, and now it’s closed to tourists?”
          “Don’t worry, we may get there later… At least, this time we got to board on this strange airline, even if just for a round trip.”
          “Good point, Beck’!”

          Then, as if a sudden idea had just stuck her she added with a gleam in her eyes “Hey, that’s a really nice creating actually; we may be back home just in time for Day of the Dead celebrations…”

          Sometimes things seemed to work in cycles and round trips she thought to herself…


            Rneyl ba na Bpgbore zbeavat. Gurer vf gur cebzvfr bs urng va gur fxl ohg sbe abj rirelguvat vf pbby naq fgvyy. Fur bcraf gur onpx qbbe bs gur pbggntr naq naq fvgf qbja pnershyyl ba gur jbbqra fgrc. Ure obql uhegf sebz gur avtug.

            V xvyy guvatf, fur guvaxf, fheirlvat gur qel oebja cynagf va gur fznyy tneqra fur unq gevrq gb perngr.

            Fur jbaqref vs gurer vf fbzrguvat gung jnagf gb pbzr gb yvsr vafvqr bs ure, gura uvqrf sebz gur gubhtug. Abg orpnhfr fur qbrf abg jnag vg, ohg orpnhfr fur vf nsenvq. Fur qbrf abg xabj ubj gb oevat guvf guvat gb yvsr. Gur fueviryyrq cynagf orne funec grfgvzbal gb ure snvyher…

            [ encoded in ROT13 ]

            “What is that?” she asks. “It doesn’t come from The Book, does it?”
            “Well, our best team of psychic archaeologists just got it retrieved from purported old discarded bits in the Crypt.”
            “of…? You mean… apocryphal part of The Book? Are you serious?”
            “Quite possible, you see. Do you know what’s the ancient meaning behind that word ‘apocryphal’?”
            “You tell me.”
            ‘those having been hidden away’… But the intricacy of this reality makes it possible for us, in the future of The Book, to re-insert it directly into the past.”
            “So they’re no longer ‘apocryphal’…”
            “You could look them up actually, and perhaps you’ll find even the part where they’re speaking about us finding it even…”


            — Aaaaalbert! You’re not ferreting again in my old discarded files, are you?
            — Err… No, of course not Tina.

            Al quickly changed the view on the cyputer and added with a hint of malice in his voice “You don’t have anything to hide from me anyway, isn’t it?”
            “Don’t be silly Al, and you’d better prepare yourself. We’ll be late for the big Hallowe’en party at the Father Chase Memorial Garden. Becky’s supposed to make an apparition at the party, remember.”
            Becky? You mean… The Becky?”
            “Yeah… You’re so absent-minded sometimes sweetie, good thing you got me, Sumafi as you are. Yes, that old twaddle-speaking silly exotic Becky, the one and unique!”


              “Companions, we should start an aaadventure!” Angela the White Goose stammered to her friends.

              Freaky the Ferret couldn’t help but notice the stammering which heard like a typing typo. “Speaking of which, it’s been weeks we haven’t got any news from Arky the Aardvark, have we?”

              “Go figure,… my bets are on an aliens’ abduction” said Weirdy the Weasel rather gloomily.

              “Don’t tell that!” Angela’s look of horror on her face was leaving her paler than the white of her pristine white feather —if that would have been possible, of course.

              “You know the aliens… Zey’ve started to move a few days ago… I heard the zoo-keeper tell about it” added Jobby the baby pygmy hippo with his most funny conspiratorial look.

              “And they brought in a big lady anaconda, it came yesterday from nowhere!” Angela chimed in.

              “Perhaps she knows something…”


                The interior of the Fly-boat was a bit like a Tardis, in that it was very much bigger on the inside than it appeared from the outside, and quite a different shape, too. While the exterior of the fly-boat resembled a cross between a duck and a bee, the interior was circular. There was a high point in the centre of the ceiling, and richly embroidered tapestries draping down to the floor in sumptuous folds, looking for all the world like a yurt.

                Yukailli Airlines has a decidedly exotic and oriental air, Dory thought as she perused the in flight magazine, which was written in a charming but indecipherable script resembling the Voynich Papers.

                “This is your captain speaking” a disembodied voice boomed. “Welcome aboard! My name is Ignoratio Elenchi, and I trust that you will have a most enjoyable flight with Yukailli AirBoats. There will be no obligation to fasten your seatbelts and you may smoke all through the flight. Our cabin crew will be preparing Vedic Stew over an open fire in the central area of the craft at 11:11. For your in-flight entertainment, up on the open air flight deck there will be a continuous light show by Aurora Borealis. If you want us to stop the flyboat at any point to take snapshots” continued Ignoratio, “Please don’t hesitate to ask.”


                  Q: Okay. What happens to things we create, like with
                  characters? Are they merely thought-forms, being extensions of
                  ourselves? Or do they … CAN they move on and become more?

                  ELIAS: This is dependent upon your choices and how you are
                  manipulating energy.

                  Now; in this, let us view what you in physical focus term to be
                  artistic expressions, in the area of musical composition and of
                  painting expressions. These are two obvious examples within your
                  physical creations that you may view certain qualities of the

                  Now; in this, some expressions, within either musical compositions
                  or expressions of illustrations or paintings, may appear to be
                  merely an expression of the individual and hold the energy signature
                  of that individual, but they appear or seem to not extend any
                  farther, so to speak; this is figuratively speaking.

                  In other terms, you may encounter other types of musical
                  compositions or illustrated or painted compositions, and they appear
                  quite differently. They appear not merely to hold the energy
                  signature of the individual that has created them, but they also
                  seem to hold an energy of their own, as if they have been created
                  into an entity of their own.

                  Now; the reason that you connect with this recognition of these
                  types of expressions is that the composition does hold the energy
                  signature of the individual that has created it, but what it also
                  may hold is an aspect of that individual focus which has been
                  allowed to be projected outwardly and has been allowed to continue
                  independently of the focus.

                  This is a similar action to fragmentation, but in very physical,
                  figurative terms, a much, much smaller scale.

                  This would be likened to any individual, any focus, any essence
                  projecting an aspect of itself into any other element within its
                  physical creation – a creature, a plant, a rock. It matters not. You
                  hold the ability within essence to be projecting an aspect of
                  essence or of a particular focus into any of these elements to be
                  experiencing the creations of that element of your reality, such as
                  a creature or any vegetation, an ocean, a mountain, a rock. It
                  matters not.

                  In similar manner, you may project an aspect of yourself into one of
                  your creations or all of your creations or several of your
                  creations, and in this, not merely you shall recognize that this
                  creation appears to take on, so to speak, a life of its own, in your
                  terms, but other individuals shall recognize this quality also, for
                  you have allowed yourself to project an aspect of yourself into your
                  physical creation, therefore breathing into it its own
                  manifestation, allowing it to be continuing within its own element,
                  so to speak, within its own right, in a manner of speaking. Are you

                  Therefore, this be your choice of how you shall be creating
                  within your creativity and what you shall project within it. Appear
                  it not strange to you that certain individuals may be deemed as
                  great masters and they shall be revered for their creations and
                  their creations shall be enduring throughout your linear physical
                  time, and other individuals may be creating and their expressions of
                  creativity do not hold this quality? This is the reason…”


                  Were are we Anu? , the mother asked her young daughter trotting in front of her. My, it’s awfully dark in there… Are you sure we’ll find the others here?
                  — Yes Mum. Anu answered in a soft voice.
                  — Don’t be so anxious, Lily dear; trust our little girl; after all, she did so bravely well on her own after that plane crash.
                  — You’re right Aaron, but this place is so… I don’t know, it gives me the creeps. It’s like… I couldn’t tell why, but it’s like we’re not remotely close to the Miami… or even the Sarcastic Sea where we’re supposed to be stranded…
                  — It’s because we’re not, muttered Anita, more to herself than to her mother. But we’ll be soon enough, she added.
                  — Sometimes I wonder how can Anu know so well were we are when we’re so lost, her mother mumbled…

                  Balbina was following the little group as it was heading to the cave where one of the portal’s entrances was located. She could see the entrance clearly, glowing and sending ripples of energy coils, but that was only because she was travelling in her dream-body. While Anita, who was quite tuned into those things, wasn’t appearing to be lost, the parents seemed more than a little in the dark, and not only figuratively speaking…

                  Balbina turned to the rabbit who was keeping her company.
                  — And do you know were they’re going to?
                  And do you like the things that life is showing you? giggled Yuki. Well, more seriously, it depends on what they’re choosing. And it could lead them to a place much more different than the one they expect to go to.

                  A funny idea crossed the mind of Balbina, so much so that the elderly lady, who was looking rather youngish in her dreamlike appearance couldn’t help but express it.

                  — Could they come to my place? They seem so charming people, and they seem to come from the same time as I do…
                  — I thought you would never ask, Yuki smiled at her mischievously.
                  — Oh, why?
                  — Don’t you think it’s a funny coincidence that you are to meet them here and now?
                  — Well… It’s just a dream, isn’t it?
                  — And what if you could make that dream reality? Prove to yourself that it’s as real as anything else…
                  — That sounds exciting indeed.

                  “Here!” Anita was pointing a strange shaped bush of brambles.

                  Rafaela was standing next to the bushes with Armelle on a tree nearby. “I’ve thought it would be more practical for them than the rock pool”
                  “Good thinking dear” Yuki answered the goat.

                  — And now? Balbina asked
                  — I think it’s up to you and Anita, said Yuki.

                  “And where are we going from there?” asked Lily to her daughter.
                  “Not far from here, to a friend’s home, in Venezuela .” answered Anita with a wink which seemed lost to her parents, but not to the beaming Balbina.


                    Sam wanted to see by himself. He had suddenly remembered what Becky had told them once about a pet shop with a nine-tailed glowing fox. He hadn’t paid attention at the moment, but this was somewhat reappearing in his dreams lately. One of his focuses was the link, and he was seeing his face more and more looking directly at him.
                    He usually wasn’t speaking with his other selves, he was rather directly exchanging energy with them. At first it had been a bit awkward, practicing with telepathy and conversing with his friends was his main focus of interest. But once he was aware of how he could do that more easily and more efficiently, his attention wandered to other means of communication.
                    Eschraiel was currently nudging him, and his animal form was quite intriguing. Especially since there were those kind of animals living now!
                    He had arrived at the shop without really paying attention. He was following his guts to lead him exactly where he wanted.
                    Being soft, in the kind of mode of processing he was in currently, the people around were like objects around merged with his environment, nothing standing out. Except maybe that woman in front of the big parrot cage… no, not the woman but the color of her gown, a deep indigo, vibrant and shiny. She turned her smiling face in his direction, but it was like Eschraiel’s energy superimposed on hers. He smiled back at her and continued to the rear of the shop.

                    The creatures were in a dark room, their fur glowing with rusty and fiery shades. Apparently very engrossed in chasing each others tails… they had quite a lot to keep them busy. The little ones especially were jumping heartily on the older ones. Challenging them to retaliate… but getting apparently no response from them except a few grunts.


                    No particular feeling at first.


                    One of the little ones, maybe…


                    This one. One of the older ones. A male. He was looking at him now, as aware of Sam’s energy as Sam was aware of his.
                    He yelped a few times, standing like an Egyptian Sphinx.


                    In no time, Sam was out with his nine-tailed glowing fox
                    He’s so still, thought Sam.
                    How would I name you? he thought, directing the energy to the creature.

                    He opened his mouth and let his tongue out in such a way, it was like he was grinning and challenging him. Sam laughed and thought to the fox : So I have to play the impression game with you then.
                    Maybe… I can call you Sam actually :))
                    One bark was enough of an answer.
                    So Sam it is!
                    Another bark.
                    I have to introduce you to my friends now… I don’t know why, but I have the feeling Al will love you


                    As she was sinking to the bottom of the raging sea, Madame Chesterhope first felt like a boiling rage inside her, at all the thwarted attempts, all the unfulfilled promises.
                    Not a solid thing on which to carve a few runes or symbols to get herself out, not a single living being to use at her profit, she was alone, at the mercy of gravity.
                    Not unexpectedly, flashes of her life, of her many lives, flickered like incoherent pieces of an unfinished mosaic in her mind.

                    When did it went wrong? she thought… When did she lose touch with her magic.
                    Not the mundane magic, not the one she used for these parlor tricks devoid of meaning, like that beautiful flying motorbike which was drowning even faster than her… She was speaking of her inner magic, her sense of connection with the elements, with herself, Phoebe.

                    What had become of the frail grey-haired lady the apparency of whom she was so fond of taking years ago?
                    She was tempted to blame many things; the twenty-first century of her own dimension, for one, which had made her rough and tough, out of need perhaps, and perhaps a bit out of laziness. It was out of tiredness mostly, tiredness to have to constantly justify her appearance to others, that she had chosen a more convenient one; that of the crone with more rotund forms, of whom one would only expect austerity and strength.
                    You can see where it had led you. she was thinking.

                    A few more miles further down, and perhaps she would meet the mermaids, like the guy said in that Big Blue motion picture
                    Maybe there was some purity left in her heart, that would make the inhabitants of the depths greet her wretched soul. Or perhaps they all died before her, from the pollution of this strange world mutating in pangs and spasms of a painful childbirth.

                    And what would you do now, if you have the choice? that sweet voice, like that of a thin grey-haired mermaid, was it her own, testing herself?
                    The quest for magical artifacts seemed so far away at this moment. It had begun a long time ago, led her to discover new other-dimensional places… new tricks, all of them for what? To gain control over the elements, the others, everything that could threaten her, force her to change. How ironic. That the fear of change made her change so drastically.
                    She wanted to make peace with all of that. The mermaids weren’t coming, but her own voice was still there for her. Perhaps she could muster the strength. To continue…

                    Mustering all her force, she forcibly expressed the most propelling “prout” she’d ever made. Of course, she’d been learning a few tricks from the legendary Fartiste back in her youth when she went to Paris to perform at the Moulin Rouge… Sweetest time of her life, she had to admit…


                    On the surface of the waters, bubbles started to form.


                    Well, now you mention it, sweetie, it’s quite funny because I was about to tell you the exact same comment… That may be a hint that at least our telempathic skills are slightly better when they are shifted, Leormn said with a draggle (that’s a dragon giggle)

                    Arona could feel a warm blanket of his energy trying to reach her between her toes, but she felt so very ticklish, that she resisted a bit.

                    Just keep it still, you snuggly dragon she managed to say between short laughs

                    You’ll find your friends back, you know; that’s just that you now need to beat your drums for a while,… just as Malvina needed to. I meant to tell you, she can get pretty hot-tempered, and usually it’s not a pretty sight, so she prefers to put everyone out of the way; and frankly, even for me it can be hard to reach her through all these dark clouds grumbling in her head.

                    I thought the others were in that darn cave too? said Arona in disbelief (for she knew dragon’s talks weren’t really to be trusted)

                    Well, can’t you tell for yourself? You’re more than capable to tune your vibration to your friends if you want to. You are as far from your friends physically as you are from them in your vibrational offering to the Universe

                    You look different dragon, looks like you’re not speaking like the Leormn I knew Arona shook her head to try to see between the mist of teal-smoke enveloping and twirling around her.

                    All things change Arona, and you know that better than anyone. Simply trust your feelings, and reach for the new version of those things you thought lost. They may appear different, but you’ll know without a doubt that you’re where you want to, when your anguish has left place to that warm feeling of being in the place you want that you long for.


                    Orgetak was fond of taking a crocodile as an animal essence.
                    He was coming from a fragmentation of some big names of Essence Land, and he shared many connections with lots of other “essences siblings”. In that moment, he was having fun observing Rafaela… though he was having a weird sense of wanting to merge more thoroughly with her… perhaps that crocodile disguise was cloaking his judgment… He wasn’t too sure.

                    He had focused recently, to catch up with one of Rafaela’s own focuses, a rather famous one, whose genetic pool was a magical blend which would be spread in many new enticing physical probabilities. In a haste, despite of no time by which to measure it, he had created himself a past of an Sri Lankan geneticist named Dr. Gayesh Sitharaya, whose interest (or intent) dwelt in exploring the multiplicity of one individual’s aspects…


                    What’s the catch then?
                    What do you mean Al?
                    Oh, come on Tinipooh, you know there’s always a catch… Surely Becky mentioned that on the phone…
                    Ahaha, are we speaking of the same Becky? :yahoo_rolling_eyes:
                    Well, why would that guy help her anyway. And I’m not really sure having another her on the loose is of any help for that matter :yahoo_hypnotized: Sounds more like a world domination plan to me… :yahoo_dontwannasee:
                    Well, you know Becky, always blissfully jumping in the stream, even if it’s full of piranhas. It’s good she even thought of giving us a call…
                    Yeah, too bad our thought reading techniques seem to get less and less reliable these days…


                    When Phurt awoke, it was all dark and the soil was sodden and drenched and she was all wet to the tips of her fine black and white hair. Her pairs of eyes blinked as a bright lightening illuminated the whole place.
                    It looked like a forest, and though everything was silent now safe the sound of the cyclone, she could tell there was water not very far, and that place had all aspects of a body of land surrounded by waters.
                    Jumping on her fine legs, she took a look around, looking for any clue… where she could start to build her new nest. The little ones would be soon requiring her attention, and she would have to secure a perimeter for them and herself. Who knew what unknown danger was looming in this unknown place?
                    As if answering her silent question, a thunder rolled into the sky opening it in two in a flash of a thunderbolt, revealing somewhere in the less dense parts of the forest, a protruding tip of what seemed a huge white dome-like structure.
                    That would be perfect indeed…

                    Coming from it, a shriek suddenly filled her ears, parts of which where so clearly in the ultrasounds part of the spectrum that she could hear it perfectly…


                    Glo was beaming.
                    Aye, I think we got them all the nasty buggers!
                    Good riddance! Good thing we took off our clothes, with all that nasty pomegranate juice everywhere
                    Odd that those magpies gushed all bloody purple blood everywhere
                    Odd indeed, now ye mention it, Sha
                    What’s that “indeed” business all about now? Speaking like a bloddy ascended being are ye? Sharon said while readjusting her bra.
                    Ascended beings my tits, never ‘ere when ye need them… Now, look at all this purple juice stains now, ruined all our beauty treatments…
                    So what we gonna do of this UV lamp now? Sharon asked
                    Odd lamp… Looks more a skull than a lamp to me, Sha
                    Yeah, they got bizarrest tastes ‘ere, with that clever doctor…
                    Sure, that one obviously doesn’t know how to put lipstick properly, now you say it…
                    UV skull-shaped lamps now… Next thing we know, we got magpies’ Bloody Margies
                    Bloody Margies! Ya’re so smart Sha, ahahaha!
                    I reckon we better keep it safe… Poor Vessie seems to have much on her plate with that sexy Italian… don’t want to make another bloddy blunder
                    Ya’re the brain, I reckon Sha. Let’s find Mavis and have some snacks… That honeystuff in the fridge was sooo addictive


                    In reply to: Synchronicity


                      Some interesting syncs:

                      Discussing the comment on Franiel and Vincentius with Francie, some things of interest:

                      F: hahaha i laughed at the egg bit :egg_wink:
                      E: bit silly I reckon :)) but somehow it synch’ed with two movies we’ve been watching yesterday
                      F: yes, good to have a bit of silly in our otherwise serious story :|
                      E: In one, there is that :ghost: ghost girl who stalks her husband new love affair, and ends up speaking through a parrot
                      And the other, there is this shaman old woman who remote-views her people went on a quest, and ends up dying in stead of a girl, so that the young one lives…

                      F: oh that is like your plants in the courtyard dream too —just had a recollection of you saying one gave up its pot for the other one
                      E: Oh yes, true… Perhaps it’s just like a layering, like you do for strawberries, you use parts of the roots to do new plants…
                      “Layering is more complicated than taking cuttings, but has the advantage that the propagated portion can continue to receive water and nutrients from the parent plant while it is forming roots.”

                      E: “In air layering (or marcotting), the target region is wounded and then surrounded in a moisture-retaining wrapper such as sphagnum moss ;))

                      Peat moss is also a critical element for growing mushrooms” that’ll make Tracy happy :))
                      In New Zealand, care is taken during the harvesting of sphagnum moss=))

                      F: “it can also be used as a substrate for tarantulas as it is easy to burrow into:spider:

                      E: “Such Sphagnum bogs can also preserve human hair and clothing, one of the most noteworthy examples being Egtved Girl , Denmark”. Egg and B.C. sync :))

                      F: cool name, Egtved. Oh thats interesting about the Egtved girl: due to be public this month
                      E: oh, well spotted!
                      F: shall we all pop over and check it out
                      E: Ahahaha sure :world:


                      Anita was playing with her new friend.
                      The Snoot, it had told her was its name. The Snoot was very ancient, very curious tooo.
                      The Snoot was asking loads of question, though they weren’t formulated with words, because the Snoot wasn’t speaking. It was too slow for the Snoot.

                      Nonetheless she was giggling, distracted from the preoccupations of Akita and the others.

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