August Finest

  • Known Affiliation: Aunties au Pair
  • Dimension of origin: Earth, USA, Beige House
  • First seen in comment #5370 (from Story: Two Aunties au Pair and Their Pert Carouses)
  • Timeframe: 2020
  • Essence(s): Araili
  • Essence Families: Tumoldishlda
  • Totem animal(s): Bear

See all references to “August Finest”

Type: person

August Finest was born in Timboocto, California in 1975. He’s a Black veteran, well-spoken, and comes from a wealthy family from Philadelphia.

Before he became chief of staff for the Beige House, he shunned a promising lawyer and political career which his family wanted for him, and enlisted in 2001. He served multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, and got decorated for bravery. However, this life is now behind him, and he prefers to focus on his duties as chief of staff.

His deep respect for chain of command prevents him from commenting on his likes or dislikes of the current President, which makes him see the good in unlikely situations.

In his free time, he collects golf balls and pewter memorabilia from the Civil War.

Categories: Aunties au Pair

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