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  • #1128

    When Balbina woke up from that which had been her longest and strangest projection out of her body ever, all the memories of this fantastic adventure were oddly still fresh and crystal clear in her mind.

    She doubted that it may have been as real as she has perceived it to be; but the funny rabbit, before they all entered the long dark tunnel, had winked at her and told her there would be signs for her.

    Outside the window, the sunlight was starting to show on the Cordillera de la Costa, the nearby mountains.
    She was feeling strangely rejuvenated by this unexpected night spent in far-away travels, and it was almost as if her whole body was feeling better than it ever was.
    But of course, it was more of the same. Fabella, the nurse would soon enter and great her with a…

    “Did Madam sleep well?”
    “Quite, yes”… Her voice was quivering. Hardly the youthful voice she had during her projections out of the body.

    So, there she was again, in that old people house, and no way out of this mis…

    “What?!” she made the nurse busy cleaning her instruments repeat —to which she was far too pleased to comply.
    “Yes, Madam, your son phoned this morning and told he would come for you…”

    Her son? That was most unexpected.

    What did the rabbit said already? Help would come from the most unexpected corners… Well, she had almost forgotten that this corner still existed!

    “Did he say something else?”
    “Oh, I’m not really allowed to tell, M’am…”
    “But of course, you can’t really resist (little goose)” simpered the old wincing lady in a whisper to herself.
    Fabella was indeed continuing, unstoppable “… but he seems to consider it’s too expensive to have you here, and would love to have you home with him”

    Well, of course, you can’t really expect him to be so generous for no reason Balbina was thinking… But anything would probably be better than this old fools’ home. Even her son’s home.

    Besides, it was located outside Caracas, near the mountains… And if the funny rabbit’s directions were correct, it was very, very close from where her hosts (provided they existed of course) were to re-emerge.

    She’d never imagined that falling into the abyss of sweet madness would be so exciting.


      Q: Okay. What happens to things we create, like with
      characters? Are they merely thought-forms, being extensions of
      ourselves? Or do they … CAN they move on and become more?

      ELIAS: This is dependent upon your choices and how you are
      manipulating energy.

      Now; in this, let us view what you in physical focus term to be
      artistic expressions, in the area of musical composition and of
      painting expressions. These are two obvious examples within your
      physical creations that you may view certain qualities of the

      Now; in this, some expressions, within either musical compositions
      or expressions of illustrations or paintings, may appear to be
      merely an expression of the individual and hold the energy signature
      of that individual, but they appear or seem to not extend any
      farther, so to speak; this is figuratively speaking.

      In other terms, you may encounter other types of musical
      compositions or illustrated or painted compositions, and they appear
      quite differently. They appear not merely to hold the energy
      signature of the individual that has created them, but they also
      seem to hold an energy of their own, as if they have been created
      into an entity of their own.

      Now; the reason that you connect with this recognition of these
      types of expressions is that the composition does hold the energy
      signature of the individual that has created it, but what it also
      may hold is an aspect of that individual focus which has been
      allowed to be projected outwardly and has been allowed to continue
      independently of the focus.

      This is a similar action to fragmentation, but in very physical,
      figurative terms, a much, much smaller scale.

      This would be likened to any individual, any focus, any essence
      projecting an aspect of itself into any other element within its
      physical creation – a creature, a plant, a rock. It matters not. You
      hold the ability within essence to be projecting an aspect of
      essence or of a particular focus into any of these elements to be
      experiencing the creations of that element of your reality, such as
      a creature or any vegetation, an ocean, a mountain, a rock. It
      matters not.

      In similar manner, you may project an aspect of yourself into one of
      your creations or all of your creations or several of your
      creations, and in this, not merely you shall recognize that this
      creation appears to take on, so to speak, a life of its own, in your
      terms, but other individuals shall recognize this quality also, for
      you have allowed yourself to project an aspect of yourself into your
      physical creation, therefore breathing into it its own
      manifestation, allowing it to be continuing within its own element,
      so to speak, within its own right, in a manner of speaking. Are you

      Therefore, this be your choice of how you shall be creating
      within your creativity and what you shall project within it. Appear
      it not strange to you that certain individuals may be deemed as
      great masters and they shall be revered for their creations and
      their creations shall be enduring throughout your linear physical
      time, and other individuals may be creating and their expressions of
      creativity do not hold this quality? This is the reason…”


        The creaking sound of the door reminded her of a young lampürnok during the mating season on the Duane. Loads of lamprunki (plural for lampürnok) near Mount Elok’ram in her little village.

        The pock-marked face of Pavel appeared at the door.

        — Pheeeebe! I am sooo glaad we meet again.

        He entered and sat on what was supposed to be a bed.

        — I can’t say I’m glad, Pavel.

        She snorted.

        — Last time I saw you, you were running away with one of my possessions. And by the Elder gods! Couldn’t you do something about your monstrous face with all that I taught you? Well, Georges was always better than you could be… I wonder where he is currently…

        She had said that more to herself than to get any answer from him. He didn’t depart from his smile and his apparently joyous mood.

        — Well, at least I saved you from a cerrrrtain death. And I know how grateful you arrre inside yourrrrself.

        That horrid accent of his. It had always made her shudder. But she had to cope with it… for now. She needed to know where she was and why he seemed so sure he would find her there at that very moment. What was he looking for, and how was the Baron involved in all this.

        — You know that I never liked small-talk. Why don’t you tell me what you want and stop pretending to be what you can’t be? All you can do is work for someone else. You’re too stupid and too coward to take any initiative. You’re too numb to use your imagination…

        She didn’t like the quavering quality of her voice. She had to be dead tired that she was loosing her temper like that.
        She cowered back in her chair as he started to move closer, his face suddenly twisted in anger. It was obvious he wouldn’t touch her, he still feared her, she could see it in his eyes… but he also knew that she was quite powerless at the moment. She’d almost drowned in that mass of water, it had changed her in a way she couldn’t fathom yet, and she could feel a small ball of anguish deep inside. She thought for a moment he would beat her. Though he managed to compose his fake joyful expression again.

        — Listen Pheeeebee, I’m not the impulsive lad you knew. And though I’m not as good as the Dandy I can still impress you, I’m sure of it. But we’re not here to speak about parlor tricks or measure our prowess.

        She couldn’t help but notice that he had lost his accent.

        — The Baron… yes I work for him now… another old friend of yours… I wonder how old you are

        As she was frowning he continued.

        — Nonetheless, he needs your help in Hawaii.

        A dim light in her mind. So he was after the skulls too. She had to be more cautious about what she could blurt out, especially in her condition.


        She had to hold her breath a few seconds more…
        Very few seconds…
        Another one… Oh by the Elder gods! what was this all about the time was stretching like an old rubber bag and she was about to burst out… sshitty lack of air!

        Calm down Phoebe. You can do it… WHERE IS THE SURFACE!?

        All of a sudden she realized she had lost her beautiful motorbike for good — one that took her years to find, and a few more years to insufflate its little particularities.

        Oh! MERDE!

        Another memory of her time at the Moulin Rouge…

        I lost the wand again…

        But that wand was a bit more special than her motorbike. Soaked with ancient magic from another dimension… A bit like that ring in that dimension… She shivered… her small intrusion in that one sufficed to disgust her… That giant spider… what was her name again? Well the name won’t help her surface and breathe… She remembered… she had stolen an egg from that spider… she had to get rid of it very soon afterward in a garbage dimension, but…

        What is this light… and where is the direction of the surface… it was like she was floating in no space, no gravity…
        That’s not gooood…
        I’m loosing…





        A big flushing sound and she could breathe again… it was painful as the water in her lungs was looking for a way out.
        Coughing and aching… She had no idea of the boundaries of her bodies as she was as wet as the ocean…
        But her friend of old times had saved her! She never regretted to help her in her youth, during a trip to Scotland…
        The contact of the… cold skin?
        It was a bit too cold to be her friend… and it sounded quite metallic.

        — Oye! Therrre you arrrre!

        What was that again!? A submarine? A Russian accent?
        She couldn’t accommodate her vision, she was still too busy to breathe loudly.

        — Deaaarrrr Pheobe! The Barrrron told me you’d be therrrre.

        Pavel Orgeanov!!! Oh not him now! He was the last one she expected to meet.


          Serendib Facility, Sri Lanka ~ (2035)

          Becky had forgotten all about her new babies now that she had the handsome and charming Gayesh in her sights. During the hot lazy days at the facility while Gayesh was working, she passed her time idly, swimming in the pool, dozing on the terrace, or randomly roaming around the Internet. Sometimes she checked Secondary Clone Becky’s blog all about bringing up triplets and coping with difficult husbands but soon got bored with such mundane affairs. Occasionally she worked on the Reality Play, and often sent reminders to Tina about the Facility , hoping that she would decide to join her.

          Perhaps I could entice her over here with the promise of a menage à trois with the delectable Gayesh, Becky mused, rather wickedly. I’m not sure I want to write about that in the Reality Play though, she thought, perhaps I could add it to my old journals, and then send Tina a link.


          In reply to: The Story So Far


            The Far-West saga

            In 1850s, in a probable reality of South America, we get acquainted with Twilight (Twi) and her brothers Jo and Elroy.
            They have a precious blue bull in their possession, coveted by Ogrean, the kingpin of the town. Hopefully for them, Ogrean is arrested (temporarily) by Ted Marshall, the sheriff for his possible trafficking.
            Notably, Ogrean is possibly involved in some of the crystal skulls discoveries, during his travel to New Honduras.

            Twi who was dancing in the saloon of Madame Butterbutt, the town’s hallucinogenic toads-to-lick dispenser (insert some other romantic subplots involving the other dancer etc.) decides to go traveling in a freakus (freak show/circus).
            She is now close to the West Coast, where she hopes to succeed in her writing and other artistic skills.


            In reply to: The Story So Far


              The Wrick Saga

              We become involved in the Wrick saga with the great-grand children of Lord (Hilarion) Wrick, living currently in Orkney Islands in 2057: India Louise and Cuthbert.
              The family has a long intricate story, but roughly we know:

              • Margaret, first wife of Sean Wrick (unique son of Lord Wrick) died in a tragic accident somewhere in the past, and now Sean can talk to her most of the times.
              • Sean has a penchant for strong spirits, but in an interesting twist of fate happens to meet and fall madly in love with older Becky (Vane), step-daughter of Dory, during the inauguration of the T.R.A.P. (transfocal reality attraction parc or something) in flooded New York (New Venice). They wed in a hurry (insert connection to Russia and old friends in the business of frozen reindeer meat) and plan a trip to Sri Lanka. Becky who has become pregnant from a “time-traveler” (Chris Robin) gives birth to her three first children, and seems to get cloned in a secret facility to pursue more noble ideals.
              • Lord Wrick dies after getting reconciliated with his son Sean. His fortune is inherited by Cuthbert who seems reluctant to bear the charge. His sister India Louise is pregnant with a son from the traveling painter Bill Jobsworth who was painting the family portraits and was involved in some unusual experiences during his stay at the castle (mummies and stone heads)
              • Later in the Wrick Saga, is born Midora, who gets the books from Cuthbert and India Louise and investigates them.

              The books are thought to be energy deposits of this story, initially started in our timeline by Dory, Finn, Yann and Yurick. The story then was rediscovered by Becky, who initiated a Reality Play with her friends Tina, Sam and Al.


              In reply to: The Story So Far


                The Alienor Dimension, Georges and Salome

                Dory (in our current timeline/space reality) meets Georges in a cave in Madagascar during her trip.
                Georges doesn’t explain much, but we get the feeling that, though human, he’s a Traveler, crossing bridges through dimensional veils.
                Sanso, who we happen to meet at times, is supposedly another type of Traveler too, but apparently happier to cross earth-bound space veils rather than time or other-dimensional ones.

                Georges is closely linked to Salome. They are involved in the Alienor Dimension, another parallel universe, which was initially used as the set of the first story bits and in which they are involved at some historical points of importance.

                The Alienor dimension is composed (as we know now) of a central sun named Alienor, and a few planets.

                One of these planets is the Duane, which is a planet similar to Earth, except having easier access to magic, and having dragons, where the characters of Malvina, Arona, Leörmn, Irtak, Badul, Tomkin etc. are supposedly living. A map of parts of that planet was drawn somewhere in the archives.

                There are two major historical plots occurring; one in a time parallel to our own, with Malvina, Arona, Badul’s explorations etc. And another, occurring what we would call centuries earlier, with Lola and her dragon, and the Yellow Princess Atiara story-arc (see Araili’s notes).
                Somewhere in between, many years before Arona’s timeline, there is a subplot with Franiel, the monastery succession, the chalice and other magical artifacts. As far as we know, it ties to the other epochs thanks to Madame Chesterhope and Vincentius’ story.
                Madame Chesterhope is, we found out, known to Georges in his youth, when he first met Salome. Madame Chesterhope is originally from our dimension (Earth, around 1800s something?) but has learned how to travel and is thus able to move through dimensions, and has a few special powers, presumably thanks to artifacts she gathered along her trips.

                Another twin planet is the Murtuane, where there are giant eagles (counterparts of dragons), “mermaids”, zentauras (zebra-centaurs), green-skinned people, and purple beaches. This planet remains to be explored more in depth.

                The third planet, the Phreal, is rarely spoken of, as its vibration was changed before even the first epoch, and is no longer ‘seen’. Guardians, a special race of this Alienor Dimension with great mastery of the energy manipulation powers are involved within most of the historical changes, and in this one in particular.

                Malvina’s explorations are linked to those of her two “sisters”, each paired with a dragon. Initially she’s a healer, but recent developments have made her change locations a few times in space/time, and those alterations have inserted probabilities in the “past”. She has known Leonard, who is also a Traveler and who is linked to Franiel’s subplot.


                In reply to: The Story So Far


                  Tikfijikoo Island (continued)


                  It starts with the Dr doing some evil tests on that remote island; he’s with the nurse Bellamy, whose forte is coconut tree frog-leaping, and Veranessesseesessesses with her impossible name (V’ass)
                  We then learn the Dr is mad, and his researches are financed by an occult organization, who V’ass is working for, to check on their assets; he’s mad but brilliant.

                  He’s a bit of a transvestite too (fullname Chris Bronklehampton)
                  The organization has given him a machine in which there is a crystal skull, unknown to him. This crystal skull seems linked to spiders somehow and his researches on spiders genome (blue bonnet), but we only know it’s coveted by many people. It’s all happening in our dimension, roughly at our time.

                  (Where Leo and Bea are renting Jose’s house and they are Dory’s and Dan timeframe ie: now)

                  The first experiences give dreadful results; there is Sasha (mummified by the doctor) who’s dead, and now speaks with the Dr; and there is Claude, who gained super strength and madness, and escaped the island facility.
                  Claude is one of those working with the Mad Baron ; he’s on a undercover mission to get the skull
                  (The false Viscountess —lady in salmon— at the auction was also working for the baron)

                  So Claude escapes but there is another mysterious person looking for the skull; it’s Madame Chesterhope, and she’s sent the magpies to steal it. The magpies are from another dimension, they are famous stealers.
                  Claude encounters the magpies on their mission. He’s captured in an energy labyrinth they have set on the island temporarily, to cover their tracks.

                  Meanwhile, Sha and Glo have arrived. Dory wanted to go but she couldn’t find the airline (bag lady)…
                  And Mavis later explains in a comment (555) how they all got involved in that adventure. She takes some time to convince her husband, and get to go to Tikfijikoo too. During the flight correspondence, she gets to know Paquita and Joselito.

                  On the island, the Dr is losing it seriously. He talks to the dead mummy, and had blond wig and stuff.
                  V’ass is reacquainting herself with the Italian of her secret organization, to report on the Dr. (insert steamy sex scene :)) ) )

                  Dory is back at Gib, with Dan and young Becky and later, her friends Yurick and Yann came to visit; go see Salitre :)
                  She has knowledge of Leo and Bea (Fletcher) – at whose place there are skulls too.

                  On the island, everything starts to get crazy; since Sha and Glo arrived
                  The magpies are ready to strike as a cyclone is coming.
                  Claude has recovered his memory and is no longer mad; but he’s still trapped and tries to find an escape in a strange tree. He goes into another dimension, the giant spiders’ one.
                  In this dimension there are a few human survivors. There is young Anita, and her mummified parents, but still alive from a plane crash; and a stranded soldier from WWII, named “Akita”, who’s got a spirit dog with him he’d found on the spider island.
                  They somehow managed to survive in the giant spider’s jungle (the island is on top of a sort of Bermuda triangle).

                  Anita is in communication with our four essences, who can manifest easily in this spider dimension and our essences are aware of an dimensional gate opening (the cyclone).
                  All this people get together and succeed in escaping through the wortex.

                  So now, that explains the people around the campfire on Tikfijikoo. It was all relatively brief, during the storm, where the others were sheltered on the facility (thanks to V’ass who cared for the careless Sha and Glo)

                  Sha and Glo find out the magpies trying to pry the computer open where the skull is hidden; they crush the magpies with coconuts bra slings (exit the magpies in purple blood ;)) )
                  They find the strange crystal skull they mistakenly think is some apparatus like an UV lamp. They take it to the UV room and plug it; it starts to project all sorts of lights
                  They want to dance, because it’s like a disco.

                  Meanwhile, one giant spider has managed to sneak through the portal, and goes close to them, but she gets sidetracked by the lightened skull and gets shrunk to a small size… and gets crushed by Sha and Glo (they’re the heroines of the day, but they don’t know squat ;)) )

                  There is also a honeycomb subplot with a man named Jarvis on the island, with beehives.

                  Now: Sha and Glo are dancing, Mavis is going out attracted by the campfire, finding out the survivors (The campfire was there because it’s night, and Claude is wary of the island’s owners, because he was abducted and mummified). The Dr is mad as ever.
                  The skull is in the UV room, but they don’t know what it is — only Madame Chesterhope and Claude are knowing (possibly Jarvis and V’ass); but Mme Chesterhope is flung into the ocean crashing into Mahiliki’s plane recently :))


                    An accidental connection between Ancient Siberia, and India(Sri lanka/Vedic etc)

                    “Somaras is said to cause hallucinations and therefore the consumption of soma was permitted only during sacrifices. Somaras gave a sense of growing to gigantic size and possessing superhuman strength or experiencing visions of the gods coming down to join the worshippers on the sacrificial site. Even today a few brahmanic families who try to keep up the very ancient Vedic rituals make a rather bitter drink from a kind of wild rhubarb which they call soma The modern Somaras is not injurious, because the powerful hallucinogenic property of the original soma plant, was replaced by the ineffectual substitute that is used today. It is said that Somaras is similar to the agarics mushroom widespread in central Asia and the Himalayan forests.” jayaraman


                    California, 1849

                    Almost five months… Five whole months they’d been traveling all around the place at a very slow pace.
                    Twilight was enjoying every instant of being in the middle of that strange moving cohort.

                    She had been inspired to write daily. Not much at the beginning, but it was all “in the dedication and intent that marvel would shine through”, as Felix, the Otter man had been saying to her.

                    In truth, she wasn’t really expecting marvels, but marvels had come to her more than once.
                    At times, she even felt compelled to write about it to Jo and Elroy, her dear brothers. Of course, she’d been writing with a clockwork regularity, posting sometimes more than a few letters at each of their settling near a new town, all the way from Texas, to Colorado, Utah, Nevada and finally California. She wasn’t even sure the actual letters were reaching them, but she more than once felt like her thoughts had reached them throughout the distance, and her dreams would confirm her into these intuitions.
                    That trip was hard, harder than she would have guessed, with all the heat, dust and chaotic dirt trails, but the company and fellowship was always uplifting, and a joy of each instant.
                    Even the war between America and Mexico that made travel even more perilous was over after two years, and things all around seemed to settle down more peacefully as if to reflect that truce.

                    And now, looking at all of what she had gathered, she was amazed at these marvels she had collected, those nuggets of their lives, each moment seemingly so fleeting and trite, and yet, as they were put together, all marvelously interwoven.
                    Though she mostly loved passionate real-life stories, she had to admit she had a soft spot (or let it be said, an un-common spot) for one of her most delirious story.
                    She had been inspired to write something about giant ants after she’d been amazed at seeing huge ant hills during their trip in the deserts. There was this mad quack who was trying to extract some sort of honey from giant ants to make a powerful drug, and and she had added lots of her friends from the show inside this story. Herself was a delightful jet-black haired beauty with an impossible name and diverse and frustrated love interests, spying on the mad quack… She even started to dream about that story at times…

                    She loved that gentle slipping into abundant nutness…

                    Now that they were arrived in San Francisco, she was considering settling there for a while, sharing her time between writing and dancing. Time would tell.


                    Mr Arak had just got another complaint.
                    Someone was again stealing people’s soondwiches during the morning break. Except that this time, the perpetratoor had placed some poost-it saying “Thanks for the snoock! Floove, Finnley
                    How cheeky! he thought, smiling to himself… As funny as he thought it was, especially when the teafed one was that annoying woonabe-star of Elizabeth, he might have to take appropriate measures. Especially when the teafed one was that Elizabeth T.

                    Now, tell me, Yurick asked Finn anxiously (while she apparently only got the breathing icons :yahoo_sigh: and no longer the messages accompanying it), “any idea what’s the message in that bizarre dream?”


                    It had been a week now. Georges had fully taken his role as Shu-Lom, the eleventh Gate in the Council of the Guardians. His mergence with the actual focus of Blöhmul was fading out ; the transition had been smooth, unnoticed by most of the Guardians, even his closest friends. Georges was careful not to display any unusual change in Shu-Lom’s attitude, though some of them were showing signs of suspicion, especially… his own focus, Sinadron who was the most susceptible to be aware of the difference. Georges had been avoiding him since his arrival, but he would eventually have to face him for one of the rituals soon to begin.
                    Of the eleventh other Guardians, only 2 were considering him as a friend, Doh’Maar and Vogel. Most of the others were ignoring him during the sessions and Sinadron were despising him. Well, technically he was despising Shu-Lom and the change would not make things go easier between the 2 of them as the energy of their 2 focuses were sort of repulsing each other.
                    Following Shu-Lom’s habits, he was heading to the public baths, but contrary to him, he was going during daylight. He needed some answers. He had been feeling strong tensions between the Gates, and there were also underlying feeling of discontentment and anger among the other Guardians. For the first time in their history, unknown groups of their kind were attacking the other races and provoking them and generating feelings of fear, even amongst the Guardians.
                    The man he was following would give him some of the answers. He would have to befriend him first though. Noraam had a smooth energy, and he would be easy to approach, especially in the dampness of the baths.

                    Noraam was wearing an grey cape, attached on his shoulders with carved fibulae. His robe was short, above his knees, and rather dark. He was quite young by the standards of the Guardians and still fiery. Shu-Lom was young too, about the same age as Noraam, but he was quite pessimistic and self-effacing, and especially he wanted to leave, that he did, and Georges took his place.
                    Georges suddenly felt a familiar energy, one that he would recognize anywhere, anytime. Salome… rather another focus of her essence. Hahaha, that was a surprise, and he almost lost track of what he was doing. Noraam was already taking the stairs up to the baths. Something about the energy of that focus was attractive, he still didn’t know who it was or what he/she(?) was doing here. Maybe just a projection. He didn’t have time to investigate. Heading to the stairs where Noraam was already being dematerialized and rematerialized to the first level, he heard a child’s voice.

                    Can you help me?.. I know you can.

                    What again, another distraction… he would be late to the baths and maybe loose the occasion to speak with the other Gate.

                    Looking down at the origin of the voice, he was surprised to see a little girl, red hair and amber eyes. As he could see, she was blind, but as he could feel, she was quite capable of seeing things.

                    Do I know you, little one? He had not been aware of this child in Shu-Lom’s memories, and he was wondering if he had missed something during his encounters with the original.

                    You dreamt of me the other night, but you weren’t here yet.

                    Her last words triggered a memory, of him carrying a naked little girl in his arms, protecting her in a way, and he was following a man in his dream, trying to keep track… in his dream, he was rushing and almost lost the child, following also Salome who had already taken the stairs… yes he was here in his dreams, the place and the stairs were the same… as was the child.

                    What is your name little one? In my dream you were followed by an owl
                    You can call me Ar’Meel.


                    Sam thought he could write it somewhat differently. With his understanding of Georges’ abilities, he could well have split in two and followed Salome and stayed with the girl simultaneously and maybe even Noraam.
                    A smile.
                    He was feeling wobbly and wavy. A ripple effect?
                    It seemed that there had been a strange recognition between his character and himself. It was like Georges was aware of Sam wanting to change what had happened… or was it a suggestion of Georges?


                    The confusion that Claude had made on the spiders ranks had been all that Phurt had waited for.
                    In her agitation she hadn’t felt the signals that the Mother had been hurt during the fight.

                    The only thing that obsessed Phurt now was that a way was now clear for the giant spider to go nearer the “wortex”. She could feel it, it was coming from the elder tree, the roots of which went spreading miles and miles away.
                    Perhaps she could subjugate that raw power, consume it wholly and become one with it.

                    But, as she went closer and closer, she started to feel as if she wasn’t the one eating or absorbing it, but the reverse was true. She started to struggle as she felt sucked into the wortex, crying as she felt doomed to oblivion, as old Narani had been telling them. How stupid had she been, she should have heard her. And as the Mother was now dying instead of becoming the new Mother, she was now about to die with her.
                    But now was too late for laments. She had to embrace her destiny, and if it meant to die, she would, with pride.


                    They all had felt it simultaneously. Armelle and the Snoot on the borgulm tree, Yuki and Rafaela, waiting with Anita near the perimeter made by the spiders, and Akayli the werelynx, carrying the mummified parents.

                    What’s happening Claude asked to the owl

                    One of the giant spiders went through the hole, and we’ll have to follow her said Yuki to Anita.

                    The good thing is that the turmoil will keep the wortex opened a little longer Akayli thought to himselves.

                    Armelle, go open the way now the Snoot whispered to the owl, then poofed away in a gurgling liquid sound.


                    In reply to: Synchronicity


                      Yesterday sync: while watching a series, something popped in in relation to the crystal skulls.

                      The thing is, Roslin, the woman character on the screenshot, is a president dying from a cancer, and is wearing a black wig. We had been discussing black wig with Finn previously.

                      Later that night, Tracy shared about an experience that she and her friends just had during the afternoon, which was interpreted by Arkandin as a bleedthrough from a dying focus of her friend’s husband. He said that this focus would be in Chile.
                      Tracy inquired if there was a Chile thread already in the story, to which I told her there was

                      And I was quite impressed to see there was a connection not only to crystal skulls and Chile, but also with dying person, and wig…



                        Chris Robin’s brief sojourn in the past had been an interesting one. He’d only spent a couple of hours in the year 2034 and had unfortunately arrived during a rainstorm. He arrived back in the year 2163 soaked to his skin, but grinning like a Cheshire cat. Armed only with the time travellers password, ‘Tarty Nun’, Chris had expected to spend alot more time trying to making contact with a TF, or ‘timetravellers friend’ than he did; he was astonished to see a tarty nun almost immediately upon arrival.

                        The girl was giggling to herself, and reciting limericks as she wandered aimlessly through the bushes, looking really quite fetching in an interesting little garment. As she brushed past him, seemingly oblivious to his presence, he heard her whisper the password. “… coming… in … tarty nun…..”


                          Sam was having a weird dream in which he was having a romantic relationship with Becky after having influenced Sean in a slippery sleepy slope.
                          As the vision was developing itself, it appeared that they obviously had loads of children, like 7
                          Some of them were energies he was already familiar with, some he had glimpsed during Becky’s broadcast the other day.
                          Some others were newly added to this dimension and Becky and him were gladly offering them an entry point, so to speak… and there was the potential for a few more.
                          Sam smiled, because in wanting so bad not having these children, Becky were adding more fuel to this probability :) no matter who the father was. She may have been struggling with it, but it was one of the main point of her focus.


                          In reply to: Synchronicity


                            Some interesting syncs:

                            Discussing the comment on Franiel and Vincentius with Francie, some things of interest:

                            F: hahaha i laughed at the egg bit :egg_wink:
                            E: bit silly I reckon :)) but somehow it synch’ed with two movies we’ve been watching yesterday
                            F: yes, good to have a bit of silly in our otherwise serious story :|
                            E: In one, there is that :ghost: ghost girl who stalks her husband new love affair, and ends up speaking through a parrot
                            And the other, there is this shaman old woman who remote-views her people went on a quest, and ends up dying in stead of a girl, so that the young one lives…

                            F: oh that is like your plants in the courtyard dream too —just had a recollection of you saying one gave up its pot for the other one
                            E: Oh yes, true… Perhaps it’s just like a layering, like you do for strawberries, you use parts of the roots to do new plants…
                            “Layering is more complicated than taking cuttings, but has the advantage that the propagated portion can continue to receive water and nutrients from the parent plant while it is forming roots.”

                            E: “In air layering (or marcotting), the target region is wounded and then surrounded in a moisture-retaining wrapper such as sphagnum moss ;))

                            Peat moss is also a critical element for growing mushrooms” that’ll make Tracy happy :))
                            In New Zealand, care is taken during the harvesting of sphagnum moss=))

                            F: “it can also be used as a substrate for tarantulas as it is easy to burrow into:spider:

                            E: “Such Sphagnum bogs can also preserve human hair and clothing, one of the most noteworthy examples being Egtved Girl , Denmark”. Egg and B.C. sync :))

                            F: cool name, Egtved. Oh thats interesting about the Egtved girl: due to be public this month
                            E: oh, well spotted!
                            F: shall we all pop over and check it out
                            E: Ahahaha sure :world:


                              The low vibration of his didjeridoo was filling up the room. His apartment in NYC was wide open, and a fresh breeze was caressing his naked arms. Sam had learn how to circular breathe in order to play the didjeridoo while he was in Australia. He loved the sound of it, the vibration passing from the hollow trunk through his arms, his mouth, his whole body.
                              His didjeridoo was undecorated as he was more interested by the sound than by its appearance. A clear E flat.

                              Sam was playing around with the sounds he could do with this instrument, a blending of harmonics and of seeming animal cries. He was also introducing sounds that he connected to various friends of his. His open windows had let some bees in the apartment. The rhythm of his music and the rhythm of the fly of the insects were creating a kind of pattern that was hypnotic, and he soon felt his body expand as he was keeping on playing and breathing.

                              He was letting more of his awareness of other energies and he could see that among his friends were various people from the aboriginal tribes he had met during his trip, and also the Nanaconda.


                                Ella Marie put the encounter to the back of her mind, and whistled loudy and kept her eyes averted when dusting the mummy case during the following months. It wasn’t until the floods of the following spring that she heard Elioctyl’s voice again, urging her to take action, that now was the perfect opportunity.

                                Pssst! Ella! Do it now, NOW!

                                NO! shouted Ella Marie.

                                Suit yourself, Honey, replied her husband Arthur, pouring himself a cup of coffee from a thermos and screwing the lid back on.

                                Ella Marie spun round, saying HUH? Yes, I mean yes, please.

                                Arthur raised an eyebrow and tutted. You said No, Ella, who was you talking to anyway?

                                Oh Lordy, Art, I was just saying NO to all the flooding, NO more rain, and all….Ella Marie replied, but her mind was racing.

                                Art Honey, why don’t you wade round to your mothers and see if she’s ok, why dontcha, and I’ll start moving stuff up into the attic. River’s gonna burst its banks tonight, I reckon, we oughta do what we can now.

                                Don’t get lifting nothing too heavy, ya hear? Leave anything you can’t manage for me, I’ll do it when I get back, Arthur replied.

                                As soon as Art was out of the door and down the porch steps, Ella Marie raced out the back door and into the garage. The adrenaline was pumping through her veins, and she felt light as air, and fit as a twenty year old. Her flashlight beam swept the garage…she didn’t know what, precisely, she was looking for, but she knew she’d find it.

                                Aha! Ella Marie spotted a coil of washing line rope, and a tarpaulin. Stuffing the flashlight into her pocket, she grabbed the surfboard off the hooks on the wall and dragged it outside, the rope and tarpaulin under her arm. Quickly she tied the tarpaulin to the surfboard, tethering it to the garage door handle while she went back inside for the oars out of the uninflated dinghy. The flood water was past her ankles now, inching towards her knees, as she set off for the museum, pulling the surfboard behind her, thankful for the power blackout and the dark streets.

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