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  • #2149

    In reply to: The Story So Far


      Tikfijikoo Island (continued)


      It starts with the Dr doing some evil tests on that remote island; he’s with the nurse Bellamy, whose forte is coconut tree frog-leaping, and Veranessesseesessesses with her impossible name (V’ass)
      We then learn the Dr is mad, and his researches are financed by an occult organization, who V’ass is working for, to check on their assets; he’s mad but brilliant.

      He’s a bit of a transvestite too (fullname Chris Bronklehampton)
      The organization has given him a machine in which there is a crystal skull, unknown to him. This crystal skull seems linked to spiders somehow and his researches on spiders genome (blue bonnet), but we only know it’s coveted by many people. It’s all happening in our dimension, roughly at our time.

      (Where Leo and Bea are renting Jose’s house and they are Dory’s and Dan timeframe ie: now)

      The first experiences give dreadful results; there is Sasha (mummified by the doctor) who’s dead, and now speaks with the Dr; and there is Claude, who gained super strength and madness, and escaped the island facility.
      Claude is one of those working with the Mad Baron ; he’s on a undercover mission to get the skull
      (The false Viscountess —lady in salmon— at the auction was also working for the baron)

      So Claude escapes but there is another mysterious person looking for the skull; it’s Madame Chesterhope, and she’s sent the magpies to steal it. The magpies are from another dimension, they are famous stealers.
      Claude encounters the magpies on their mission. He’s captured in an energy labyrinth they have set on the island temporarily, to cover their tracks.

      Meanwhile, Sha and Glo have arrived. Dory wanted to go but she couldn’t find the airline (bag lady)…
      And Mavis later explains in a comment (555) how they all got involved in that adventure. She takes some time to convince her husband, and get to go to Tikfijikoo too. During the flight correspondence, she gets to know Paquita and Joselito.

      On the island, the Dr is losing it seriously. He talks to the dead mummy, and had blond wig and stuff.
      V’ass is reacquainting herself with the Italian of her secret organization, to report on the Dr. (insert steamy sex scene :)) ) )

      Dory is back at Gib, with Dan and young Becky and later, her friends Yurick and Yann came to visit; go see Salitre :)
      She has knowledge of Leo and Bea (Fletcher) – at whose place there are skulls too.

      On the island, everything starts to get crazy; since Sha and Glo arrived
      The magpies are ready to strike as a cyclone is coming.
      Claude has recovered his memory and is no longer mad; but he’s still trapped and tries to find an escape in a strange tree. He goes into another dimension, the giant spiders’ one.
      In this dimension there are a few human survivors. There is young Anita, and her mummified parents, but still alive from a plane crash; and a stranded soldier from WWII, named “Akita”, who’s got a spirit dog with him he’d found on the spider island.
      They somehow managed to survive in the giant spider’s jungle (the island is on top of a sort of Bermuda triangle).

      Anita is in communication with our four essences, who can manifest easily in this spider dimension and our essences are aware of an dimensional gate opening (the cyclone).
      All this people get together and succeed in escaping through the wortex.

      So now, that explains the people around the campfire on Tikfijikoo. It was all relatively brief, during the storm, where the others were sheltered on the facility (thanks to V’ass who cared for the careless Sha and Glo)

      Sha and Glo find out the magpies trying to pry the computer open where the skull is hidden; they crush the magpies with coconuts bra slings (exit the magpies in purple blood ;)) )
      They find the strange crystal skull they mistakenly think is some apparatus like an UV lamp. They take it to the UV room and plug it; it starts to project all sorts of lights
      They want to dance, because it’s like a disco.

      Meanwhile, one giant spider has managed to sneak through the portal, and goes close to them, but she gets sidetracked by the lightened skull and gets shrunk to a small size… and gets crushed by Sha and Glo (they’re the heroines of the day, but they don’t know squat ;)) )

      There is also a honeycomb subplot with a man named Jarvis on the island, with beehives.

      Now: Sha and Glo are dancing, Mavis is going out attracted by the campfire, finding out the survivors (The campfire was there because it’s night, and Claude is wary of the island’s owners, because he was abducted and mummified). The Dr is mad as ever.
      The skull is in the UV room, but they don’t know what it is — only Madame Chesterhope and Claude are knowing (possibly Jarvis and V’ass); but Mme Chesterhope is flung into the ocean crashing into Mahiliki’s plane recently :))


        Images floated across the dark screen of Elizabeth’s closed eyes as she lay on the bed. She was aware of the trees rustling in the breeze outside her window, and the soft breathing of the miniature giraffes curled up by her feet. The afternoon heat was intense, heavy and soporific.

        An island, strewn with debris; fallen trees and unidentifiable mangled wreckage of a stainless steel tubuler kind; splotches of blue everywhere dried and cracked into oddly shaped human-like-alien forms, and the telltale battered paint can with the word Azure showing, unscathed.

        Darkness, damp smells, grey stones and spiders webs, slippery underfoot, bone coldness, and then a glimpse of lime green maidenhair ferns, a shaft of light and the sound of gurgling water….

        Water sounds becoming surging tides, roaring pushing sucking head spinning weighty and then silence and the tinkling of windchimes….

        A dog barks in the distance, waking the miniature giraffes. Big brown eyes atop slender necks gaze at Elizabeth as her eyes flutter open and then close again.

        Last orders gentlemen PLEASE! and a jostle of bodies in the smoke and laughter and babble of voices. A crush of humans across a long wooden barrier for large glass vessels full of foam topped amber liquids. A hush. Silence falls as a glass box perched high in a corner begins to speak. Elizabeth can see the head and shoulders and the serious face, she can see the lips moving, but the silence is total and she can’t hear the words being spoken. The Big Hush, she heard herself think.

        Hurdy Gurdy music and a merry go round…..grinning white horses up and down and round and round …..

        Elizabeth drifted off to sleep.


          12:54:07 AM 8-10-08 1da Geolocation Time.

          wait. an entire day disappears. no matter the stars and crickets go on just the same. no waiting. on this journey there are places, wind and the night. stepping through the darkness I move slowly into the moonless night.

          the driftwood shelter far away. thirst becoming noticeable. the clear water is enough for now.

          rain begins to slash down. large drops that soak to the skin in a few moments. a hard driving rain at the front of the storm. leaves thrash about as if to escape from the earth bound trees.

          Stumbling into the brush, i press close to the trunk of a tall redwood and sink down. the dust of the day remains here. even the crickets seek shelter. The shivering slows. i begin to relax, slipping into a dream.

          an island. far away. the last moments of sun warm on my skin. a rabbit the shade of pink clouds against the fading light. the cave far away from my dream as i drift deeper into sleep.


            Dory was digging in her garden. Today was hot and sunny, but she was an archeologist, she could handle it!
            She had a dream last night about a little bird talking to her and telling her there was something precious buried in her garden… well it was something like that, she couldn’t really remember… maybe it was in another dream… did she watch a series last night? The boys were still sleeping soundly, so she’d ask later maybe.

            The ground of the garden was tough! no wonder she never dug it before, or even did any gardening.
            Crap! She was wondering where the treasure could be, her garden was big, and she had begun under a tree, but maybe it wasn’t there… it seemed to her the perfect location though… it was like an X showing the place. It had always seemed a bit crooked to her anyway. She could get rid of it shortly with a truck… She’ll ask the boys later for that… maybe near the portal stones?
            She left here digging under the crooked tree and started removing the stones of what she used to call the portal.


              4:21:44 PM 8-8-08 1da Geolocation Time.

              sometimes the flow climbs a mountain.

              pause. step. quick step. pause again. step. upstream another step. the stones solid, smooth, settled beneath my feet with the timeless passing of water. the path of gravity. the rising of a mountain. a rapid, considered, going on pace. sand between the stones. the moments of time. light on the rippling waters flickering. the air transparent, timeless, crisp, cool.

              knowing i’ve passed this way before, i pass again for the first time.

              it’s good to be back. returning. beginning.

              knowing my destination. the cave far above beneath the ancient pine. the boulder near the rough and gnarled trunk, slick and smooth. so hard the sense is of softness gliding with my fingers over the iridescent surface. soft to sit upon, to watch the valley far below extending forever into the distance. soft to recline upon, arcing my back. the warmth of the day in the stone, lingering far into the night to heat my bones. …knowing my destination, i take the next step into all that is new.

              sitting near the water. deep transparent pools of green/blue. the setting red sun. a shelter beneath driftwood high on the bank. a myrtle tree draping a blanket of scent over me, opening my soul. with each breath. i watch the light fading into the words echoing through my skull… life is hard… the song…

              Life is hard
              Anyway you cut it
              Life is sweet,
              Like a berry from a tree
              Life is temptation, baby,
              Every single day
              Life is hard

              Life is funny,
              I dont mean ha-ha
              It‘s not always sunny,
              When it needs to be
              Life is frightening,
              Nothing lasts forever
              Life is hard

              My time
              Is next to nothing
              My time
              Falls on you, yeah
              Is in motion
              Life is hard

              Life is precious,
              No matter how you see it
              Life is crazy,
              Like yellow fishes in the street
              Life is lonely
              When you‘re not with me
              Life is hard

              Is that you story?
              Hanging religion
              From a tree, yeah
              My time
              Is next to nothing
              Life is hard

              My time
              Is next to nothing
              My time
              Falls on you, yeah
              Is in motion
              Life is hard

              My time
              Falls on you, yeah
              Life is hard
              Life is hard

              – J. Mellencamp – while on the planet earth.

              ok. life is also beautiful. – 1da

              it’s a cruel crazy beautiful world – J. Clegg – also while on the planet earth.

              stars flickering in the fading twilight. the silence of a light breeze as pine boughs begin to whisper. the ache of tall trees swaying in the night with a moan like countless masts on the tall ships of a planet. blink. and i sleep.


                “Oh just leave the reader to do the proof reading, Yurick! If ‘there are no accidents’ then a few misspellings or a bit of mangled grammar might contain a clue for someone somewhere, somewhen….
                it might be best to leave them in. You never know, you know… and anyway, I have this funny feeling that the pages aren’t quite as officially fixed as we might be inclined to think. Not quite cast in stone, as it were….Don’t ask me what I mean, Yurick,” Dory said with a laugh, “Because I can’t explain it.”

                Yurick knew better than to ask Dory to explain anything, and remained silent, with one eyebrow raised quizzically as Dory rambled on.

                “It’s like the branches of a tree,” Dory continued, with a faraway look in her eyes. “The branches on a tree look like such a tangle, but they are all connected to the trunk ~ the roots might look like a hopeless tangle too, if we could see them, but they do know what they’re doing ~ feeding the trunk or the core which sprouts out all over the place. There’s a bird in the tree, hopping from branch to branch. Does he care if he hops from one branch to another? No! Imagine if the bird was so rigid that he had to hop all along one branch from start to finish before changing to another branch.”

                “Hahahah,” Yurick laughed, “A Sumafi bird?”

                “You might say the little bird is the present moment, free to hop onto any branch at any time, or even fly to another tree…” continued Dory, who hadn’t heard Yurick.

                “Another tree?” asked Yurick with a mock pained expression. “I have enough trees on my plate already.”

                “And the thing is with trees, there isn’t really a place to start hopping or a place to stop hopping, from the birds perspective.”

                Dory turned to Yurick with a grin. “It’s a book that you can read from any starting point. No beginning, and no end… maybe we can have all the pages loose with no numbers on, sort of a do-it-yourself assembly…”

                Yurick laughed, a trifle nervously, and asked Dory if she would like a cup a coffee.


                She was squatting on the sand beach, near the now calm ocean. The light was so dim that she barely could see the devastation, shards of coconut and palm trees spread on the shore, but the sound of the ocean was soothing.

                Aaah she had hold that pee for too long.

                “MAaaAVIS!” That suave authoritative voice must have been Sha’s.
                “COooOMING!” Tsk. One can’t have a pee alone…

                While she was readjusting her two pieces bath suit, ready to come back to the improvised discotheque, her attention was caught by something on the beach. A fire?
                She squinted her little beady eyes to discard any of the hallucinatory visions that sometimes she had.

                BLODDY COMIN’!” a hint of exasperation. “Mrs Sharon Stone, you ain’t the queen here” she thought. “I can go look for adventure meself, if I want to”.
                Besides, the fire didn’t seem to be too far away.


                With the darkness that made very difficult their progress, Akita had made them stop near the shore, where they would see any trouble coming and had ordered the small troop to collect twigs and bits of wood to light a fire.
                The parents were still in a bit of a shock, and were staying with a blank gaze, looking with an air of wildness at the soothing sound of the waves. Anita was playing nearby, drawing things in the sand, muttering words to herself.
                That was a good thing that Claude was there. Unlike the others, he seemed quite strong, and the adventure didn’t seem to have left him short of resources.
                He had been on the island before, and had said they had to avoid the constructions, which were all owned by the same people.
                For all that mattered, Akita wanted to get to the authorities as soon as possible, but he had to compromise: they would settle close enough to have a check around and see if it would be safe to go there.

                In a minute, Claude had been roaming through the woods and had gathered a pile of wood. That guy was pretty amazing, Akita was thinking. Odd that he had retained his supernatural strength… At least, Akita had imagined that the guy’s strength was the result of the spider exposure, but now he started to doubt it. He had been sketchy to say the least around the circumstances of his presence.
                As far as he himself was concerned, Akita wished he had retained somewhere his connection to Kay, wherever his spirit dog was. What the creature had said? That veils were thicker, but not impermeable… Or something around that.

                I think they’re still hanging around

                What? What did you say? But Anita didn’t answer. Perhaps his tired mind was imagining things.

                With all that rain soaked wood, it would be difficult to get anything but smoke.

                I’ve got a lighter Claude handed him an expensive ziraf that flashed moon reflection in his eyes.

                Let’s get started then.


                What now?

                A roaring sound of a flying thing startled Mavis, passing over her head.

                Mmm… this island’s getting too crowded, me think. Must be another of Vessie’s guests… That gal sure’s got how to use her sex-apple.”


                  Primary Becky woke up as the sun was sinking behind the coconut trees. The grounds of the Serendib Facility were striped with the long golden shadows of evening as Becky sat up in the wicker steamer chair, rubbing her eyes and mumbling the last few remembered words of a dream….. Luce is calling…which she promptly forgot.

                  Never one to keep a good thing to herself, Becky had a sudden impulse to call Tina in New Venice and tell her about Serendib. She loved the name Serendib: ‘serendipity.’ Becky had fallen in love with the magical island, and wanted to share it.

                  She had a feeling that Tina would like it here.


                    Phurt had been prowling in the woods for some time, but the illuminated structure at the center of the island was more appealing than the damp trees and mud holes to build her nest.
                    And it was also like a sort of huge container of fat and tender food she could tell.
                    She had spotted three delicious looking entrées: sorts of human cross between :yahoo_chicken: and :yahoo_cow:

                    She jumped on the top of the part of the building were the three giggling entrées were heading towards. There was a window on the top of the dome which was easily opened. She wouldn’t attract attention now the rain had ceased, and that way she would be smelling the delicious suntan-cream sauce and pheromone fumet. She started to drool but before she noticed, a large gooey blue snotty pool had landed on the floor just in front of one of the meals.

                    Good thing the ensuing confusion left her location still concealed, she thought…
                    She had trouble discerning them as anything else than a big juicy appetizing blob of energy, but Phurt could tell they would come back; apparently, the light was enticing them.

                    She would wait till they come back…
                    And build her nest in this warm place full of light…


                    Phurt started to glide herself through the roof window into the room. She hadn’t noticed how the blinking lights were making her dizzy. It was coming from that strange ball of light…
                    She started to gaze into it, mesmerized by what she could see…
                    But somehow, it felt like her energy was becoming more compact…
                    What was happening?
                    It was all so fascinating…
                    Was she shrinking? She loved that feeling, like she was becoming more concentrated, a compact ball of sheer power!
                    She was hungry for more! She would devore this world!



                    What was that Glo?!
                    A bloddy spider ‘ere! And now it’s all stuck under my foot like bloddy sticky Toilet Paper!
                    Oh come on, now we can dance!


                    Passing through the security cordon of the giant spiders had been relatively easy, thanks to the indications telepathically passed down to them by the Snoot .
                    With Anita on her back, Yurmaela the gruffoon had come back to the borgulm tree where Claude had been left to watch. After a moment of surprise at the unexpected apparition, he didn’t take long to decide whether he wanted to stay or not and had jumped on the broad back with the little smiling girl who was grabbing on the coarse hair of the beast.

                    Keep you energies and your attention close to us, said Yurmaela Just like Akayli is doing with your parents, Anu. Though they have plenty of eyes, the giant spiders mostly rely on their energy perception, and they won’t see you if you stay within our energy field.

                    A few minutes later, they were all standing in front of the growirling wortex, partially masked by the bark of the huge babul tree, which was standing out with its massive appearance. Flames of what seemed to be dark floating matter were pulsating very slowly, enhancing the thumping sound of their hearts.

                    Ready to come back home sweet Anu? Akayli said fondly to the little girl?
                    Yes, it was so much fun you all came to play with me… I’d want you to stay with me.
                    What do you say? asked Claude They ain’t coming?
                    This reality had a special design which allowed us to project very easily here said Yurmaela very softly in that reality of you, and Anita and Akita; as for now, the barrier in that reality is thicker than it is here.
                    But we are always present around Anu, you know that said Akayli kneeling down to wrap his spotted furry arms around the little girl
                    Yes I know she was smiling And I miss my parents too
                    So let’s go, the wortex will close any moment now


                    Funny, thought Yurick.
                    A little bit earlier he had been distracted out of a sentence by an eerie outline of New Zealand islands on the front of a shop in a nearby street, which had reminded him of their friend Finn.

                    But now his attention was unexpectedly caught as he was passing by the bank’s corporate logo in the other side of the street.
                    That creature looks oddly familiar


                      “My yellow is fine and dandy”
                      Said green hued sickly Mandy
                      “You’re mad to suggest
                      A yellow sick fest”
                      Said sickly green hued Mandy.


                      That wasn’t one of your finest, dear, said Tina disparagingly.
                      Becky sighed. I need to find a Limerick support group.

                      Mandy felt better at once
                      “I feel better than I have in months.
                      You may be mad,
                      And that is sad!
                      But now I fancy some lunch.”


                      These are special Kuzhebarian Healing Limericks you know, Becky said a trifle huffily. Nobody appreciates my limericks.

                      Mr X is making some rice.
                      It’ll be ready in just a trice;
                      All soupy and wet,
                      She’ll feel better I bet
                      In a trice, at a modest price.


                      “You tried”, she said with a smirk
                      “But I doubt if it will work”

                      Tina interrupted: “You tried she said with a sigh”

                      Becky sighed. I was hoping you’d smirk dear, she said to Tina. The word smirk is on my ’100 things challenge’ list.
                      Tina rolled her eyes and Becky continued:

                      “But the poppy is making me high!
                      So thanks for that!
                      I’ll eat my hat.”
                      She said, “Now I’m starting to fly!”


                      Mandy flies off down the street,
                      Smiling gaily at all she meets
                      “I’m high, I can fly!”
                      She said with a sigh
                      Of joyous delight. How sweet!


                      Mongloose had a moment of doubt
                      “I fear she is still in a prout.
                      But one never does know
                      How these healing rhymes flow
                      Before long she’ll be up and about.”

                      :yahoo_idk: :heart:


                      The confusion that Claude had made on the spiders ranks had been all that Phurt had waited for.
                      In her agitation she hadn’t felt the signals that the Mother had been hurt during the fight.

                      The only thing that obsessed Phurt now was that a way was now clear for the giant spider to go nearer the “wortex”. She could feel it, it was coming from the elder tree, the roots of which went spreading miles and miles away.
                      Perhaps she could subjugate that raw power, consume it wholly and become one with it.

                      But, as she went closer and closer, she started to feel as if she wasn’t the one eating or absorbing it, but the reverse was true. She started to struggle as she felt sucked into the wortex, crying as she felt doomed to oblivion, as old Narani had been telling them. How stupid had she been, she should have heard her. And as the Mother was now dying instead of becoming the new Mother, she was now about to die with her.
                      But now was too late for laments. She had to embrace her destiny, and if it meant to die, she would, with pride.


                      They all had felt it simultaneously. Armelle and the Snoot on the borgulm tree, Yuki and Rafaela, waiting with Anita near the perimeter made by the spiders, and Akayli the werelynx, carrying the mummified parents.

                      What’s happening Claude asked to the owl

                      One of the giant spiders went through the hole, and we’ll have to follow her said Yuki to Anita.

                      The good thing is that the turmoil will keep the wortex opened a little longer Akayli thought to himselves.

                      Armelle, go open the way now the Snoot whispered to the owl, then poofed away in a gurgling liquid sound.


                      Will you stop the jig now! You want to make us both end up in a tree or what? an exasperated Armelle snapped at her uncooperative passenger who stopped as soon as the clear voice of the owl had been heard.
                      A talking owl now? Is that a bad spoof of Jurassic Park?
                      Oh stop the sarcasm Armelle said, rolling her eyes almost by reflex at the remark, and quickly coming back to her sense after she started to lose direction in an unexpected loop stunting, scratching her wings in low branches and ending on all fours on top of a big borgulm tree .

                      Greetings little poohs, the grinning Snoot, all liquid fur red with the juice of the fruits greeted them. The Snoot has been expecting you and you


                      The portal has opened, we must hurry said Araili

                      Araili had felt something more, that he didn’t want to share yet with Akita and his spirit dog Kay. He had felt that something, or someone was trying to make its way from the wortex. However, the whole area was tightly held in a sort of quarantine by the giant spiders. Their genetic ancestral memory was aware of previous huge bleedthroughs like this one, and they had what humans would call “prophecies” amongst their kin, of such occurrences being heralds of tremendous upheavals.
                      Araili, who was extending far beyond this guise of a lynx that he had taken now, smiled when he thought of how some of his earthly medieval focuses would have been similarly frightened by natural events like eclipses.

                      It did not take long to them to find Anita’s parents. They were right at the spot that the big arachnid had just left, wrapped in silky spider bandages with little skin left to breathe.

                      They seem alive. checked Akita. Heavily sedated, but alive… Now, we’ll have to get them out of here quick.
                      I think I have an idea smiled Araili.


                      Claude had finally came out of what he thought was just a strange tree, but then, his preternatural senses where telling him something was wrong. This place looked different. No, this place felt different.
                      And smelt different too.

                      There were soft sounds, crawlings he could hear, very near his place. They were coming from him, but he would fight.
                      He jumped on a tree, and in a few vigorous movements, was perched on top of it.
                      He almost gapped when he saw the black circle of huge spiderly creatures around his tree.

                      They were staying at a distance from the wortex. But for how long… He couldn’t wait for his death.

                      From the top of the tree, Claude jumped unscathed. Taking a look around, he found exactly what he needed.
                      Breaking a few sharp bamboos poles, he started his move to the black circle in a prodigious and accelerated run.


                      From atop a nearby tree, Armelle was considering the whole scene. The wortex would probably last a few hours, perhaps a bit more. Anita, Rafaela and Yuki were about to be here soon, she had warned them of the spider circle, so that they would hide until she has found them a way to get through.

                      She had not expected someone to come out of it. That may be her way…


                      Phurt was coming closer and closer now. She could feel the surge of power, and the trepidation raising all the hair on her legs. She couldn’t possibly confront all of the sisters. Not yet.
                      She had to find a way to get past.

                      As if Arachneiax, Goddess of her kind had heard and answered her plea, a dying cry, confusion, and call for help came to her senses from a border of their circle. A perfect diversion…


                      Aum Geog spent a long time seating motionless before the piece of parchment which had just been delivered by a specially trained fincheon.
                      Fincheons were not particularly elegant, (not to say downright ugly) one had to admit, but they were very convenient, once you noticed that their feathers were a special shining tint of grey which almost made them invisible. They always knew how to fly back, and this one had made no exception.
                      But it was a bearer of annoying news for the newly appointed Elder of the Monastery who was trying to curb his irateness by staying still.

                      This… he was at a loss for words. Breathe, breathe he exhorted himself.

                      A few months ago, when he was appointed Elder, his patient work of diligence seemed to have just paid off. He had thought he would be given the keys, and more importantly, the chalice.
                      But that sly dog of Hrih had decided otherwise. He had transmitted the chalice to that irresponsible and naïve novice Franiel, while giving him a bunch of rusted keys he didn’t give two poohs about.
                      Of course, it was only a matter of time before he could get it back, all he had to do was to make Franiel uncomfortable enough that he willingly relinquish the ownership to someone… someone like himself of course!
                      The annoying thing about this damn chalice you see, is that it won’t properly function with anyone else than the rightful owner (except for small uninteresting tricks). Obviously, Hrih didn’t want him to have access to its powers, but that old monkey was now gone, and there wasn’t much he could do about what was going on.

                      In fact, the plan was nearly perfect. Two birds, one stone. Bring Franiel to have some appropriate spell modifications carved onto that chalice, and have him give it back to the Elder, Aum Geog himself.
                      Obviously, he couldn’t just let go such a precious artifact in the nature without appropriate stealthy surveillance. Thanks to one of his faithful servants, Brother Derwish, he was kept informed of the progresses. A former master of disguises that a other-Worldly experience had him join the orders, Brother Derwish was no short of brains nor tricks in his bag, and that parchment was another proof of it.
                      If he had renounced to contact Elder Aum Geog directly through the glowing balls, and take the risks of unexpected delays, it was because they were most probably watched and their communication monitored.

                      So here went the news:


                      Brother Derwish imaginative poetry could mean but one thing. Or two perhaps.

                      The little twit had been watched by someone else who had showed him some of the powers of the egg… err, the chalice. It would have partly activated the chalice, and make it disappear unless its owner needs it enough to have it appear again. Obviously, without chalice, or thinking it was lost, he had changed his course to another place.
                      Hopefully, Brother Derwish was following his trail closely.

                      If more disastrous news had to come, Elder Aum Geog would have to summon his char of marmoths (big toothed hibernating woolliphants) and go there by himself.


                      Leonard was content. It had not happened exactly as he had thought, but as he had explained to Malvina, the only wise thing to do was to teach the boy about the powers of the chalice. That would active its self-protective cloaking power, and have the boy temporarily relieved of this burden.
                      For if he had been entrusted the chalice by the old Abbot, that was surely for a good reason.

                      As Franiel had been moving, Leonard had had Moufle watch over him. Apparently, Leonard and his dog weren’t the only ones on his trail… The wiry gangly tonsured guy clothed in a potatoes sack didn’t seem to be here by chance either…


                      Finally catching up with the fluid communication of the Snoot, Yuki realized that they had to move swiftly.

                      — I think it’s our chance to move to another place. Well, of course we can do it already Rafaela, please don’t interrupt. I mean, Anu, you have a chance to leave this place and get back to your dimension…
                      — And what about my parents, Anu asked preoccupied.
                      — Mmm, that’s another thing I had not yet thought about…

                      There, Akita interrupted.

                      — I know where those beasts gather, me and Kay could do a raid to their place, we can have a chance to free your parents when the spiders go for hunting.
                      — I could help too, Araili said menacingly, baring its sharp teeth.

                      — Oh fine then, Yuki said… A rabbit won’t probably be of much use to you then…
                      — And of course, you have forgotten how to shapeshift, almost said Armelle, but she only rolled her eyes twice while bitting her beck. (quite a feat to witness, the narrator thinks)
                      — I’ll follow the Snoot’s indication and lead the way to the pinhole, Yuki continued. Rafaela will come with us, to take Anu on her back, so that she doesn’t get hurt in the rocky cliffs.
                      — Beh, said Rafaela, with a wisp of fresh herb tinted drool on her chin
                      — No “but”, please. Armelle, I count on you to show our rescue team where the pinhole is located. No we have to move quickly. The pinhole is getting bigger by now, and though time lasts usually longer here than in Anu’s dimension, there are fluctuations we can’t forecast.

                      And the two groups parted.


                      Meanwhile, Claude was finding his progress inside the tree (but was it really a tree?) more and more difficult, as though the conduit was getting smaller and smaller. He paused for a moment.
                      A deep cracking sound seemed to be heard in the distance. He had to continue…


                      As Claude was entering deeper into the giant babul tree, the obscurity was resounding with joyful peals of laughters and whispered words that seemed to mossify into his mind, like they weren’t really words, but bubbles pops and boobles.

                      He was resolute to find out whatever was going on in this place…


                      What really was Salitre’s mound? For most people around this valley, who had forgotten about the old times, it was nothing more than a rocky and steep piece of earth, barely good enough for Barbary sheep and piglets.
                      In fact, when you were coming from the new macadamized roads encircling the mountains, it could almost slip unnoticed. But when, like Granny Mosca, you knew the paths for having worn countless shoes walking on them, you could no longer ignore the towering presence of this place.
                      For her, it was a magical realm, a doorstep truly.

                      Granny Mosca was the official owner of this place, though she preferred to think of it as being the gatekeeper.
                      She kept a few animals up there, and went everyday here to feed them, pacing up and down the treacherous paths despite her old age.

                      Something you couldn’t really realize until you first reached the top of the mound was that the mound was at the center of the valley, giving an impressive view miles and miles around. In that land of mountains, it could be just another peak among others, but when you were here, you knew it wasn’t.
                      Granny Mosca had felt it many times, this surge of energy, almost as if there were streams flowing down the surrounding slopes, up to the top of Salitre’s mound. At special times of the year, it was like you could feel the dwellers of the past moving around… At this very spot were almond trees were now growing.

                      Those tourists who came a few days ago where funny. Especially the blond woman, with the high-pitched laugh who had come a few times here already.
                      For sure Granny Mosca didn’t fear that they discover anything, as the place had knew how to shroud itself without her for ages, even before she was born. In fact, it was the contrary. She was willing to share some of the secrets to people daring enough and open-minded enough to crack some of these nuts of wisdom.
                      The land would tell them…

                      That is… unless they left the bag of almonds to the dogs…


                      In reply to: Synchronicity

                      F LoveF Love

                        Synching with T’s post about Rosie, my massage angel (well her name is Sarah really) started telling me about her puppy called Rosie yesterday, (11th April) Just noticed this was comment 257.
                        :yahoo_rose: :yahoo_big_hug:

                        Cafe with friends a short while ago – was given table number 12 again!


                        dreamt about a sort of portal thing last night – i would say it was a muddled mixture of a church and a cave and even a tree, it was hard to know what it was, but the person I was with was dressed in church robes, and we went up high into it till we nearly got to the top. This sort of syncs a bit with Eric’s comment I thought.

                        55 – guests invoice 255, and their black porsche convertible :yahoo_rolling_eyes: number plate 355.

                        only yellow synch i can think of, as I was walking across the park with my friends, the baby started pointing and making noises at a bright yellow plastic bag lying in the grass … apparently (and here I am going off what her mother said as I have no idea) she wanted us to pick it up and put it in the bin. ahahahahahha yeah bugger the freakin yellow !

                        The other day i spent some time googling for a particular model of coffee maker (which appears to be out of stock) … some guests had broken it and wanted to replace it. It was Breville ECM2. Then the next day as I was randomly reading things I linked onto an EFT site. It was talking about Energy and mass (and stuff) and Einstein and E=MC2 (don’t know how to do a little 2). Later I mentioned it to Eric and he found an Einstein synch. Just now I went over to a news site to look for a goat story for T, and the first thing on the page was an advertsing banner for Mariah Carey’s new album, E=MC² . Absolutely no idea of any significance to this synch however it felt sort of illuminated so I am sharing it. Now I will go and look for the goat story again.

                        Goat Story on the news last night

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