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  • #2713

    In reply to: Strings of Nines

    F LoveF Love

      Arona gazed fondly at her bottle of Nhum before putting it carefully back in her bag. You couldn’t be too careful with bottles of Nhum. They weren’t easy to come by after all.

      “What on earth is that? asked Mandrake.

      “That, my dear Mandrake,” replied Arona smugly, “Is my bottle of Nhum.” She smiled enigmatically.


      In reply to: Strings of Nines


        “Of course I’m a real green fairy” replied the green fairy with a scowl. “And if you’re not Alfred Jarry I’ll eat my bowler hat”


        In reply to: Scrying the Word Cloud


          perhaps age under dream
          yeast speak waiting hot
          replied himself dear head
          chance heard spiders stoll quote years
          writer already headless


          In reply to: Strings of Nines

          Evangeline Spiggot sat outside the DDT bosses office, nervously twiddling her pony tail. She had no idea why she’d been summoned, but the tone of the memo was ominous. Eventually her boss, The Right Honourable B. F. Deale, was ready to see her.

          “What ho!” said Evangeline, in an effort to sound breezy and efficient.

          B.F. Deale glared. “Can you explain yourself?” he asked grimly.

          “Why, yes, sir! Sumari belonging, Ilda aligned, politic….”

          “I’m talking about DDT!” he shouted. “You’ve been diverting all our disaster damage calls to that ridiculous channeling show!”

          “Ah” she replied, “Yes, well, it seemed much more fun.”

          “Ah” replied B.F. Deale, momentarily non plussed. When he’d finsished unnecesarily shuffling some papers around on his desk, he continued. “Well, what about the disaster damage team? Hhhm? How are they supposed to, er, deal with disasters if they don’t even know about them?”

          Evangeline paused, giving the impression that she was deep in thought. In actual fact, she was deep in no thought, due to the influence of the Dead Dick Tracy channeled messages.

          “Well, sir, perhaps this indicates a changing trend towards having more fun and less disasters? Perhaps we could diversify, start our own Fun Department?”

          “By George, I think you’re on to something, Spiggot! I will hire someone to investigate this trend.”

          “Might I suggest Blithe Gambol, P.I.? Very hightly recommended, so I hear.”


            “Really, Godfrey, do you think it’s wise to let the children play tea parties down there? Every time I take a peek, it looks like they’re making a hell of a mess,” asked Elizabeth with a worried frown. “Just look at the mess they’re making with that cake. I dread to think what will happen when they ice it.”

            “I think part of the problem” Godfrey replied wryly “Is that they iced it before it had finished rising.”


            “Hot cakes!” Nasty shouted. “HOT CAKES!”

            Lilac rolled her eyes. I don’t think I can take much more of this nonsense, she thought.

            Nasturtium knew what Lilac was thinking and added “Hot cakes is the clue, Lilac! YEAST!”


            “Yes, yeast! There was too much yeast in the furcano mixture. Too much yeast and what happens? It rises too much! We must find a way to neutralize the yeast!”

            “Well I think I can help you there” replied Lilac helpfully. “I’ll give old Dophilus a ring. Never been a saucerer better at sorting out yeast problems. You know Horace Dophilus!” she added, seeing Nasty’s blank look. “He was a guest speaker at the Worserversity once, remember? In some circles he’s known as the Biotic Man.”

            “Oh, HIM! Go on then, give him a ring.”


            In reply to: Strings of Nines

            :yahoo_whistling: :yahoo_whistling: :yahoo_whistling: :yahoo_whistling: :yahoo_whistling: :yahoo_whistling: :yahoo_whistling: :yahoo_whistling: :yahoo_whistling:

            “What on earth are you doing?” asked Lilac.

            “Whistling for aurora’s, silly” replied Nasturtium, commonly known as Nasty. “We did an energy pooling for auroras to come further south the other day, and I just heard from Petunia that they’ll come if we whistle. So I’m whistling!”

            Lilac rolled her eyes and wandered off into the kitchen to put the kettle on. Nasturtium grinned when she heard Lilac whistling. Or was it the kettle?

            “You know that bright aurora green?” Nasturtium said as Lilac returned with two steaming mugs of tea. “Well, my TV went that colour yesterday, green all over it was, bright green, just like the green of aurora’s.”

            “I suppose you’ll be saying it was a personal visit from the aurora people” replied Lilac with a snort.


            In reply to: Strings of Nines


              “Fish” said Raxie when asked what she would like for her Fragmentation Day lunch. Fish synchronicities had been sprouting up all over the plaice, sturgeoning you might say, if you were wanting to include the word burgeoning, burgeoning like the gnarly old grape vines waking up and unleashing green on the chalky hills.

              “The synchronicities and connections were like individual blades of grass turning into a meadow, singing and sighing as one in the breezes,” Elizabeth replied.

              “Well this is my own personal meadow” Raxie pointed out “These are all mine”.


              “Who said that?”

              “Was it that guy over there in the bowler hat and checkered past?”

              “Don’t mention checkered pasts!” Elizabeth exclaimed, “Or the Ooh Dimension! You’ll open the sluice gates….”


              “Who said that?” Elizabeth and Raxie exclaimed together.

              “I don’t know, but that guy in the bowler hat’s disappeared, and can you see that fellow starting to appear over there? Must be a multidimensional Port Hole or something…”

              “Well, we know what a Froopish and fabulously magical place this is, so it stands to reason…”

              “Reason?” Raxie and Elizabeth were reduced to giggles at the very idea of reason having any standing.

              “A portal to the Froop dimension, here? Wow! Can I see?”

              “You’ll have to wear these goggles. And it will require some stamina, are you sure?”

              “Of course I’m bloody sure” replied Elizabeth tartly. And then she began to intuit something.

              “I don’t need googles*, silly!” she laughed. “I already AM multidimensional, I don’t need anyone elses googles. But it’s ok if you want to wear the googles” she added, not wishing to sound judgemental.

              “Actually, I like this amethyst crystal myself, I like the frequency. I have dreams of amethyst sometimes, they are a delight.”

              “Come and look at this sunset if you want to see a delight,” said Raxie, who was still a bit miffed about the goggles. “Who needs another dimension when we’ve got this one?”

              Elizabeth sighed with speechless awe at the spectacular sunset, a reflection of all her colours, and all her dear ones colours, all blended together with magic aqua and sparks of blue and tones of orange blossom.


              In reply to: Strings of Nines


                Arona, it hasn’t made any sense for ages.” replied Yikesy sagely. “If you ask me, it’s time to start a new thread.”


                “These old ezines and blogs are fascinating” remarked Periwinkle, passing the one she had just been reading to Daffodil. “Thank goodness some folks had the foresight to print some of them!” :news:

                “I know, imagine if they hadn’t. We’d have no artefacts for the collection. Well, we have all those flat discs, but no way to decipher them. Oh, did I tell you? Bignonia found something even older than the discs!” :search:

                “NO!” exclaimed Periwinkle “Do tell!” :yahoo_surprise:

                “Yes, even older! Funny looking contraption, with two reels and a ribbon. An information storage device, so they say, although they haven’t discovered how to decipher it.” :yahoo_nerd:

                “I wonder why we’re still not simply accessing that information without, well, without messing around with the physical contraption, you know?” :yahoo_idk:

                “Wouldn’t be any point in being here in the first place, if we weren’t going to mess around with physical things, silly” replied Daffodil. :yahoo_doh:

                There was no answer to that, so Periwikle didn’t answer. She continued to thumb through the printed pages. :news:

                Periwinkle and Daffodil sat together on the patio in the warm spring sunshine, sipping lemonade :fruit_lemon:
                and leafing through the papers. Bright white clouds in cartoon shapes romped across the blue sky, :weather-few-clouds:
                and the birds chattered in the trees, :magpie: :magpie:
                occasionally landing on the printed pages and cocking their heads sideways to read for a moment, before flying off to tell their friends, which was usually followed by a raucous group cackling. :yahoo_heehee: :yahoo_heehee: :yahoo_heehee:

                “Dear Goofenoff” read Daffodil, “This one looks interesting Peri, someone here is asking for advice on a problem.” :help:

                “What’s a “problem”, Daffy?” asked Periwinkle. “For that matter, what does the word “advice” mean? Oh, never mind” she said as she noticed Daffodil rolling her eyes, “I’ll look it up in my pre shift dictionary of defunct words.” :notepad:

                “She’s asking the Snoot too, about the same problem. Oh, I think I’ve heard of them! It’s coming back to me, the old Snoot’n‘Goof team, they were quite famous in the beginning of the century, I remember hearing about them before in a Shift History discussion.” :cluebox:

                “Well, I can’t say I’ve ever heard of them, but then, I’ve never been into history like you, dear. So what is this “problem” all about, then?” :yahoo_daydreaming:

                “I’ll read it out to you, it’s way too convoluted to put in a nutshell. Lordy, they sure did complicate matters back then, it’s almost unbeleivable, really, but anyway, here goes:

                Dear Goofenoff,

                I don’t know what to do! I am confused about which probable version of a blog freind, let’s call him MrZ, I have chosen to align with. The first probable version was ok, nothing to worry about, and then I drew into my awareness the probable versions of MrZ that some of my freinds had chosen to align with….”

                “Blimey”, interrupted Periwinkle, who was starting to fidget. “Is it much longer?” :yahoo_not_listening:

                “It’s alot longer, so be patient. Where was I? Oh yes: :yahoo_nerd:

                “….and while that was very interesting indeed, and led to lots of usefully emotionally heated discussions, I started to align with their probable version, at times, although not consistently, which led to some confusion. So then I had a chat with someone who was more in alignment with my original probable version, although there were aspects of that probable version that were a little in alignment with the other folks probable version, notwithstanding. I suppose I was still in alignment with the other folks probable version when it came to my attention that there was another individual that might be aligning with a probable version, and my question is, in a nutshell, is it any of my business which probable version the new individual on the scene is aligning with?” :yahoo_thinking:

                “Well, I can tell you the answer to that!” exclaimed Periwinkle. :yahoo_smug:

                Daffodil rolled her eyes. “Yes, dear, WE know the answer, but the point is, SHE didn’t know the answer at the time, which is why she asked Goofenoff.” :yahoo_straight_face:

                “If you ask me, she knew the answer all along” Periwinkle intuited. “What did Goofenoff say anyway?” :yahoo_eyelashes:

                “He said:

                Are you requiring a short or a long answer?” :yahoo_raised_eyebrow:

                Daffodil turned the page to continue reading. She frowned, and flicked through a few pages.

                “What a shame, some of these pages appear to be missing! Now we’ll never know what Goofenoff said.” :yahoo_skull:

                Periwinkle laughed. “Well, never mind that anyway, have you seen the random story quote today? Rather synchronistic I’d say, listen to this bit: :paperclip:

                Illi felt much better, and was sitting at the breakfast table, basking in the warm shafts of sunlight filtering in through the window, and listening to the birds singing in the lemon tree outside.”
                :weather-clear: :magpie: :fruit_lemon: :weather-few-clouds:


                Did you notice that, Pee? THE CODE HAS BEEN TAMPERED WITH AGAIN!

                Isn’t it back to how it was in the first place, Doily? Pee scatched his, er, shoulders. (he couldn’t remember if he had his head with him or not)

                NO! It bloody well isn’t, it’s a good jib I’m here with you, you’d have been hoodwinked just like the others. It’s MEANT to look like it’s as it was, but it isn’t, Doily said grimly.

                What was it in the first place, then? asked Pee.

                Buggered if I know, replied Doily, scratching her elbow.


                In reply to: Scrying the Word Cloud


                  fun summer somewhat hand free random wish heard whispered seen yurick alone life hear suppose raucous


                  “surprise others!”


                  “cave heads suddenly body!”


                  “sudden self popped!”“ come words, following wondered told often; replied:

                  :yahoo_chatterbox: :yahoo_waiting: :yahoo_ttth: :yahoo_not_listening: :yahoo_big_hug: :yahoo_dontwannasee:

                  ~ “thinking thank fingers!” ~

                  certainly thread moment, perhaps lovely away…..


                  “Oooh, poetry! I likes poetry and all, our Sha” replied Mavis. “There once was a grumpy old cat…”

                  Sharon groaned.


                  “Now you’ve gorn and done it! They’ll all know that Shar is really one of ‘them that shan’t be joked about’!” exclaimed Mavis.

                  “What the fuck are you on about, our Mavis?” asked Gloria. “You mean the Shards what started off as Windows? Is our Sha one of them Shards then, what’s doing them chemtrails?”

                  Mavis gasped in horror. “You mustn’t talk about the Shards like that” she whispered, looking nervously behind her.

                  “I happen to know that this is the Lupin Express” replied Gloria, who was transitioning strongly.


                  In reply to: Scrying the Word Cloud


                    Although done,
                    Stranger, mother, everyone, creature
                    looks attention:
                    Girl, perfect black.
                    Ask, perhaps himself free?
                    Smile rude.
                    Notice Leormn Fellowship Idea,
                    “Eye write”
                    Box teleport.
                    Heard wonder, let Sharon replied.
                    Random asked matter:
                    Strange sudden (usually inside) particular finally… surely feeling sound, following home… clear…

                    Realized, somewhat
                    Hear happy laugh
                    Mention hot ones
                    Magic voice


                    In reply to: Scrying the Word Cloud


                      wonder free dancing

                      *note: toot certain, usually quickly.

                      Hot gift heads deep,
                      Lady professor;
                      Clue stranger,
                      Next portal
                      voice taken
                      replied threads.

                      Thank Sanso :yahoo_whew:


                      In reply to: Strings of Nines

                      “The dream of caves in which I wander comes nightly now. Minkah has never appeared again.”

                      “He never did, did he?” interuppted Godfrey. “Minky I mean.”

                      “Oh yes he did!” replied Elizabeth, and continued to read the email from Hypatia. “ But each night I find myself lost there and each night I search for a child. So odd, so odd, as I know I will never give life to another.”

                      “Where is Yikesy, anyway?” asked Godfrey.

                      “With Minky, of course!”


                      “These tapas are lovely, eh, Leo, what are they?” asked Bea.

                      “Arana Rebozada, whatever that is, some kind of squid I suppose, nice and crunchy anyway, whatever it is” replied Leo, who couldn’t remember the names of any of the characters in the new thread either.

                      Fishing into the depths of her capacious handbag, Bea pulled out a battered Spanish dictionary. “Oh here we are” she said, as she swallowed the last tasty morsel. “Breaded spiders.”



                      “Now, steady on, folks! There’s no need to be rushing headlong into this, I think a little tete a tete is in order here before we all lose our heads completely.” Aunt Dolores de la Cabeza had arrived unexpectedly, and not a moment too soon. “Possibly a tad too late” she muttered, glancing around at the headless New Peaslanders and Saucerers. “This is a fine pickle, I must say.”

                      Pickel beamed at his aunt. “Oh, I don’t mean you, you silly boy!” Dolores chucked him under the chin affectionately, except that he had no chin. “You’re a chinless wonder, m’lad”

                      “I’m a girl, not a boy, Aunt Dolores” piped up Sis Lilly.

                      “is that a fact, young lady? And since when do girls have blubbits in their knickers, hmmm?” replied Dolores tartly.

                      Lilly started to cry. Well, Dolores assumed she was crying, although she wasn’t quite sure how she knew that. “A fine pickle indeed” she repeated, frowning.

                      Pickel flushed with pride.



                      Ann realized she was late for her Flimsy Unravelled Continuity Knowledge class. A couple of months late, in point of fact, as Worserversity classes had resumed two months previously.

                      “Where have you BEEN?” Lavender whispered as Ann slid as inconspicuously as possible into the seat beside her, while the professor at the front of the class was facing the blueboard.

                      “Do I know you?” asked Ann, with a puzzled expression. The girl beside her did look vaguely familiar.

                      “Oh how rude you are, Ann. Are you trying to be funny?”

                      “Oh no, not at all!” Ann’s eyes filled with tears.

                      Lavender frowned. It wasn’t like Ann to start blarting and blubbering in public. “What’s the matter?” she asked kindly.

                      “I’ve lost my memory!” exclaimed Ann. “I can’t remember a thing!”

                      “Oh, is that all,” replied Lavender dismissively. “I’d have thought you’d be used to that by now.”

                      “No, no, you don’t understand! I can’t remember anything at all now, it’s all gone, poof! Gone!” Ann wept and started to wring her hands.

                      “Well the first thing you need to do is stop that bloody snivelling and wipe your nose. Here” she said, handing Ann a tissue. “And the next thing you need to do is stop worrying about it, and just fake it until you get your memory back. Worrying about it won’t help, you must focus on the things you do remember.”

                      “But it’s all jumbled up and muddled in my head, I remember bits, you know? But I can’t fit them all together. I CAN’T FIT THEM ALL TOGETHER!”

                      SHHH!” snapped Lavender. “Try not to draw any attention to yourself! I’ll help you, don’t worry.”

                      “You’re so kind” Ann smiled weakly. “What did you say your name was?”

                      “Lavender. My name is Lavender, and I’m going to help you remember. Just remember this, for now: what you can’t remember, don’t worry about, the important thing is to carry on. Just CARRY ON REGARDLESS, ok?”

                      “OK.” Ann sighed with releif. “What’s the Professor going on about?”

                      “The next assignment. We’re to read that cryptic old classic book Circle of Eights and try to decipher it.”

                      “Good greif! Nobody has ever managed to decipher that book!”

                      “You see?” said Lavender. “You can remember that! Well done, girl!”

                    Viewing 20 results - 321 through 340 (of 447 total)